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About halfway down this block you’ll seethe 6 High Court Building on your right –in name at least, the highest legal authorityin the land. Continuing along this wide andgenerally empty section of Pansodan St.It's hard not to feel minuscule, particularlywhen walking by the huge 7 Inland WaterTransport offices and the even grander8 Myanma Port Authority building. Continuesouth to Strand Rd, the last east-westthoroughfare before the Yangon River.Two blocks to your left is the 9 StrandHotel, whose restored façade evokes anotherera. You may not be able to afford a room, butthe air-conditioned lobby, café and bar makea good rest stop along the way.When you’re ready to brave the heat anduneven sidewalks again, walk west alongStrand Rd for a block past Pansodan St,where you’ll see on your right thea Customs House, built in 1915, and onyour left the b Law Court, an impressivelookingcolonnaded building. Police willprevent you approaching this last building, soturn north, just past the Customs House, andthen left onto boisterous Bank St and up ontoSule Paya Rd, where you can discover howthe remainder of your walking tour will panout by consulting one of the many fortunetellerswho hang out under the trees.Bordering this street is a 55yd obelisk, amonument to the country’s independence,standing in the middle of the heat-stainedc Mahabandoola Garden. A glancethrough the fence is enough to give you anidea of what goes on here – no need to paythe K500 entry fee.This brings you back to the Sule Paya,from where you can continue west downMahabandoola Rd through the chaotic Indianand Chinese quarters of the city. Roughlyspeaking, the Indian quarter extends as farwest as the Shwedagon Pagoda Rd, while theChinese quarter begins at about 21st St andextends several blocks further west. A gooddrink stop and an appropriate taste of Yangon'sLittle India is the open-air lassi stalld Shwe Bali, near the corner of Bo SunPat Rd.Continue west along Mahabandoola beforedetouring south onto 26th St in order to paya visit to e Moseah Yeshua Synagogue.Retrace your steps to Mahabandoola andcarry on westwards a little further until youreach the bursting f Theingyi Zei market.If you arrive early enough (ideally before9am), you can catch the action along theadjacent g open-air market on 26th St.Exit onto Anawrahta Rd and head eastuntil you crash into the h Sri Kali temple.Continue east along Anawrahta St, turningleft down 29th St, where i Danu PhyuDaw Saw Yee Myanma Restaurant, one ofcentral Yangon’s most lauded Burmese restaurants,is your lunch stop.From here it’s only a short hike north tothe sprawling mess of j Bogyoke AungSan Market, where you can begin a new sortof tour, a slightly more difficult one that combineswalking and shopping.55YANGON SLEEPING SLEEPING

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