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382TRANSPORT GETTING AROUNDwindows as the locals. Paymentis usually required inUS dollars or FECs. Smallerstations sometimes requiresome perseverance to get aticket, as agents aren’t usedto foreigners climbing on.MTT is supposed to setaside seats for foreigners,which can mean they willhave seats when the bookingoffice or station windowsays that the train is full. Aday or two’s notice is usuallyenough to book a seat.If you want to try yourluck at getting a covetedsleeper, you’ll need at leasta couple of days’ notice –longer during the high season(November to March),when berths are sometimesbooked weeks in advance.If you hold a seat on a trainpulling a sleeper car, youcan try to upgrade to a berthafter you board by paying theadditional fare directly to theconductor.If you’re having troublebuying a ticket or makingyourself understood at atrain station, try seeking outthe stationmaster (yonepainin Burmese) – the personat the station who is mostlikely to speak English andmost inclined to help you geta seat.

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