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374TRANSPORT GETTING AROUNDBicycleYou’ll sure see a lot of these:bicycles are clearly thenumber-one means for localsto get around and can easilybe hired around the countryby visitors.Around TownAt popular tourist spots inMandalay, Bagan and InleLake you’ll see ‘bike rental’signs; rates start at K1000per day; top-end hotels andoccasionally more far-flungplaces charge up to K4000.Most guesthouses in suchplaces keep a few bikes onhand; if not, staff can trackone down. Note the conditionof the bike before hiring;check the brakes and pedalsin particular. Many rentalbikes have baskets or bells,but don’t expect a crashhelmet!Sturdier Indian, Chineseor Thai imports are around(from $100) if you’d ratherbuy one. Some tours providebikes, so you may be able torent better quality ones fromagents (eg Exotissimo in NewBagan).Apart from in Yangon andMandalay, vehicular traffic isquite light.Long DistanceA few visitors bring their owntouring bikes into Myanmar.There doesn’t seem to beany problem with customs aslong as you make the properdeclarations upon enteringthe country.Gradients are moderatein most parts of Myanmarthat are open to tourism.Frontier regions, on the otherhand, tend to be mountainous,particularly Shan, Kayin,Kayah and Chin States. You’llfind plenty of opportunityeverywhere for dirt-roadand off-road pedalling. Asturdy mountain bike wouldmake a good alternative to atouring rig, especially in thenorth, where main roads canresemble secondary roadselsewhere.WARNING – THINGS CHANGEThe information in this chapter is particularly vulnerableto change, and this is especially so in Myanmar.In terms of international travel, prices are volatile,routes are introduced and cancelled, schedules change,special deals come and go, and rules and visa requirementsare amended. Always check directly with theairline or a travel agent to make sure you understandhow a fare (and ticket you may buy) works. In addition,the travel industry is highly competitive, and there aremany perks.The upshot of this is that you should get opinions,quotes and advice from as many airlines and travelagents as possible before you part with your hardearnedcash. The details given in this chapter should beregarded as pointers and are not a substitute for yourown careful, up-to-date research.Some of the key routesaround Myanmar:» Thazi to Inle Lake viaKalaw» Pyin Oo Lwin (Maymyo) toLashio via Hsipaw» Mandalay to Bagan viaMyingyan» Mandalay to either Monywa,Pyin Oo Lwin, Sagaing,Inwa (Ava) or AmarapuraNovember to February is thebest time to cycle in terms ofthe weather.If you’re bringing yourbike, bring the spare partsyou need. There are (at least)basic bicycle shops in mosttowns, but they usually haveonly locally or Chinese-madeparts to equip single-speedbikes. You can also buy lowerqualitymotorcycle helmetshere; many are disturbinglyadorned with swastikas – afad, not a political alliance.Bring reflective clothing andplenty of insurance. Don’tride at night.Travellers on a bike mayend up needing to sleep intowns few travellers makeit to, and a lack of licensedaccommodation may be anissue. Technically, you willneed permission from localimmigration to stay at suchplaces. Be patient. Mostcyclists get permission fromlocal authorities to stay onenight, but the paperwork(coming with some frowns)may take an hour or so toarrange.It’s possible to store yourbicycle in the undercarriagestorage on buses, though youmay have to pay a little extra.On smaller buses it’s possibleyou’ll be asked to buy a‘seat’ for your bike.Some bike tours connectthe dots of Myanmar’s greatesthits – going, for example,up the Pyay highway toBagan then Mandalay, andback to Yangon via Meiktilaand Taungoo. It’s more roughgoing, but nicer riding, toreach some mountainousareas, like Inle Lake. Recommendedtours companies:Bike World ExploresMyanmar (%09 513 4190;www.bwemtravel.com)Yangon-based company thatalso sells and rents bikesand can offer touring advice.It has eight itinerariesfrom easy day trips aroundYangon (from $140) to 10-day adventures in Chin State(from $<strong>11</strong>28).Exotissimo (%01-255266; www.exotissimo.com)Bangkok-based firm thathas offices in Myanmar, andruns high-end cycle tourscovering Mandalay to Bagan,the Shan Hills and sights inMon State.

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