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erlands embassy in Bangkok(%+66 (0)2 309 5200)New Zealand Affairs handledby UK embassyPakistan (%01-222 881; 4APyay Rd)Philippines (%01-558 149;50 Sayasan St)Singapore (%01-559 001;238 Dhama Zedi Rd)Sri Lanka (%01-222 812; 34Taw Win St)Thailand (%01-226 721; 94Pyay Rd, Dagon)UK (%01-256 438, 01-370 863;fax 01-380 322; 80 Strand Rd)USA (%01-536 509, 01-535756; fax 01-650 306; <strong>11</strong>0University Ave, Kamayut)Vietnam (%01-5<strong>11</strong> 305; 72Than Lwin Rd, Bahan)Gay & LesbianTravellersHomosexuality has anambiguous legal status inMyanmar. Under a section ofthe Penal Code of 1882–88,‘carnal intercourse againstnature’ is punishable withimprisonment of up to 10years. While this law is rarelyenforced, it renders gays andlesbians vulnerable to policeharassment. This said, a localwoman walking with a foreignman will raise more eyebrowsthan two same-sex travellerssharing a room.Gay and transgenderedpeople in Myanmar are rarely‘out’, except for ‘third sex’spirit mediums who channelthe energies of nat spirits(see p 341 ). As elsewhere,it can be seen as a bit of acultural taboo, though mostof Myanmar’s ethnic groupsare known to be tolerant ofhomosexuality, both maleand female. Some Buddhists,however, believethat those who committedsexual misconducts (suchas adultery) in a previous lifebecome gay or lesbian in thisone. Muslim and ChristianMyanmar communities mayobject to homosexualitybut, as they form relativelysmall minorities, they rarelyfoist their perspectives onpeople of other faiths. Publicdisplays of affection, whetherheterosexual or homosexual,are frowned upon.Check Utopia-Asia (www.utopia-asia.com) for someYangon scene reports; italso publishes a gay guideto Southeast Asia, includingMyanmar.A few foreign travel agenciesspecialise in ‘gay tours’ –meaning a standard tour onwhich gay or lesbian travellerscan feel comfortablethey’ll check into gay-friendlyhotels. (Many of the guidesare openly gay, too.) Agencieswith trips to Myanmarinclude Purple Dragon(www.purpledrag.com) andMandalay Travel (www.mandalaytravel.com).InsuranceA travel- insurance policy isa very wise idea, though notall companies cover travelto Myanmar. There is a widevariety of policies and yourtravel agent will haverecommendations.Worldwide travel insuranceis available at www.<strong>lonely</strong><strong>planet</strong>.com/travel_services.You can buy, extend andclaim online anytime – even ifyou’re already on the road.Internet AccessGetting online in Myanmaris possible, especially in thebig cities – look for reviewswith either an i or a W iconfor places with internet-readycomputers or wi-fi accessrespectively. During researchfor this guide, we even foundinternet access in relativelyremote locations such asMrauk U.However, with tightlysqueezed bandwidth,blocked sites and poweroutages it can often be afrustrating and ultimatelyfruitless exercise to sendand receive emails or checkvarious sites. Also, in March20<strong>11</strong>, Skype and other VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol)calls were banned by theauthorities at internet cafes.Ingenious locals havecome up with ways aroundgovernment censorship ofsites: typing https://before asite URL can sometimes giveyou access. However, proceedcautiously as internetshop owners can get into bigtrouble if they’re found to beallowing access to prohibitedsites.There’s no censorship (sofar) of Facebook or gmail, soset up one of these accountsif you want to stay in contactwith the outside world whiletravelling in the country.Legal MattersYou have absolutely no legalrecourse in case of arrest ordetainment by the authorities,regardless of the charge.Foreign visitors engaging inpolitical activism risk deportationor imprisonment. Ifyou are arrested, you wouldmost likely be permitted tocontact your consular agentin Myanmar for possibleassistance.If you purchase gems orjewellery from persons orshops that are not licensedby the government, you runthe risk of having them confiscatedif customs officialsfind them in your baggagewhen you’re exiting thecountry.Journalists often claim adifferent profession in orderto get a visa, and they riskdeportation if authoritiessuspect that they’re researchinga political exposéwhile in the country.Forming public assembliesis illegal. Drug traffickingcrimes are punishable bydeath.Many foreigners (likeJonathan Rambo in a certaineponymous film) foolishlyenter Myanmar illegally fromnorthern Thailand, but not allsucceed in avoiding arrest.363DIRECTORY A–Z GAY & LESBIAN TRAVELLERS

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