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PRACTICALITIES» Connect (when it’s working) to the electricity supply(230V, 50Hz AC). Many hotels have generators (somerun at night only). Local power sources in many townsare scheduled for night hours only.» Read the English-language newspaper MyanmarTimes, which offers some useful travel and entertainmentinformation, and the government mouthpieceNew Light of Myanmar.» Bring a short wave radio and listen, like many locals,to BBC and VOA broadcasts.» Watch satellite TV rather than the state controlledbroadcast channels – you’ll often find CNN, BBCWorld and other news and entertainment channels athotels.» Petrol is sold by the gallon; distances are in miles,not kilometres; 1 Burmese viss or 100 tical = 3.5lb; 1gaig = 36in.local counterparts. It may,however, be confusing forsome children seeing younglocals working at restaurantsand teahouses.Practicalities» Due to Myanmar’s overalllow level of public sanitation,parents ought to lay downa few ground rules withregard to maintaining theirchildren’s health – such asregular hand-washing – tohead off potential medicalproblems.» Children should especiallybe warned not to play withanimals they encounter, as aprecaution against rabies.» Nappies (diapers) are hardto come by outside Yangon,and it’s wise to bring all thenappies or formula you’llneed for the trip from home.» Most high-end hotels andrestaurants will have highchairsavailable.» When travelling withchildren, it may be morecomfortable getting about byprivate car (p 378 ).Sights & Activities» Kids often get a thrill fromlittle things such as rides ontrishaws and in horse carts.Inle Lake boasts trips in dugoutcanoes, and the ancientcities outside Mandalay alsooffer fun, brief boat trips.» Big Buddhist sights andancient ruins can make forgood learning experiences,including Yangon’s ShwedagonPaya, the recliningbuddhas in Bago, or the10-storey buddha in Pyay.You can climb into the backof the lacquered buddhaimage at Nan Paya in Salay.ClimateMandalay°C/°F Temp40/10430/8620/6810/500/32JYangon°C/°F Temp40/10430/8620/6810/500/32JFFMMAAMMJJ» Some kids might dig ruinsof old palace walls and moats,which you can see at placeslike Bagan and Mrauk U.» Indulge in some face paintingby trying on thanakha(yellow sandalwood-likepaste), which is sold andapplied from sidewalk standsaround the country.» There are zoos in Yangon,Nay Pyi Taw and Mandalayas well as excellent birdwatchingat the MoeyungyiWetlands near Bago.» Traditional puppet showsare performed in Yangon,Bagan and Mandalay as wellas other places.» The beaches at Ngapali,Chaung Tha and NgweSaung are all sure to bewinners with kids wanting tosplash in the sea and play onthe sand.» Myanmar’s festivals, suchas Thingyan in mid-April withits throwing of water, andTaunggyi’s fire-balloon festivalin October or November,can be a lot of fun.» Consider asking about alocal orphanage – there aremany – so your children canplay with kids their own age.The local kids would love it.JJAASSOORainfall inches/mmNNDD12/3008/2004/1000Rainfall inches/mm12/3008/2004/1000361DIRECTORY A–Z CLIMATE

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