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jailed NLD leader was briefly glimpsed at the gate of hercompound, tears in her eyes, silently accepting the blessingof the monks.A couple of meetings with a UN envoy, Ibrahim Gambari,and members of the military later that year failedto result in Suu Kyi’s release. Her house arrest was extendeda year in 2008 and then by a further 18 monthsin August 2009 following her encounter with John Yettaw(see box, p 356 ).With the 2010 election in the bag, the regime finallysaw fit to release her, announcing in the New Light ofMyanmar that she had been pardoned for ‘good con-duct’. Suu Kyi mocks the government’s English languagemouthpiece as the ‘The New Blight of Myanmar’,so it’s a fair assumption she didn’t take too seriouslythe same paper’s insistence, a few months later, thatshe and her supporters would come to a ‘tragic end’ fortheir continued calls for sanctions and a ‘second PanglongConference’ to discuss ethnic issues.An Unpredictable FutureEmerging from house arrest in November 2010, SuuKyi addressed a jubilant crowd. ‘I’m going to work fornational reconciliation. That is a very important thing’,she said, adding, ‘There is nobody I cannot talk to. I amprepared to talk with anyone. I have no personal grudgetoward anybody.’Initially, Suu Kyi’s offer fell on deaf ears. However, inAugust 20<strong>11</strong>, the regime began to take a more conciliatoryapproach. At the time of writing there have beentwo rounds of talks between Suu Kyi and a governmentminister in which both sides agreed ‘to cooperate onnational stability and development’. Also, for the firsttime since 2003, the NLD leader has been allowed totravel out of Yangon on political business. On a trip toBago, thousands of well-wishers lined the streets, andin the nearby town of Tha Nat Pin, where she opened alibrary, Suu Kyi told the assembled crowd ‘We can developthis country only when we all work together.’‘It’s still not very clear still what her role is goingto be’, says Thant Myint-U, commenting on the muchmore complex nature of Myanmar politics today versusthe united opposition that existed back in the 1990s.Aung Zaw, editor of the Irrawaddy, sums up the situationwhen he says that Suu Kyi ‘steps into the fray ata time when the NLD requires fresh ideas and strongleadership’. Conscious of this, Suu Kyi has repeatedlyreached out to, and mentioned the work of, youngerNLD and democracy supporters in the many interviewsand speeches she has given since her release.How long will Aung San Suu Kyi remain at large?Nobody knows, least of all Suu Kyi herself. ‘I want to doas much as I can while I’m free’, she said in a January20<strong>11</strong> interview with Time. Over two decades since shemounted that podium at Shwedagon Paya, and despiteeverything she has undergone since, the Lady’s determinationto fight for democracy and freedom for thepeople of Myanmar appears undiminished.2000Begins second period of housearrest in September; a monthlater starts secret talks withthe junta, facilitated by UNspecial envoy Rizali Ismail.2002Released in May; returns tocampaigning around Yangonand in late June makes atriumphant visit to Mandalay,her fi rst trip to Myanmar’ssecond-largest city since 1989.2003In May, while touring northernMyanmar, Suu Kyi and 250NLD members are attackedby a pro-junta mob; at least70 people are killed. Anotherperiod of house arrest follows.2007In September she makes afl eeting appearance, greetingprotesting monks at her gate.In October a meeting withUN envoy Ibrahim Gambari isfollowed by talks with NLD andregime reps.2008Suu Kyi’s detention isextended for another year inMay despite this contraveningMyanmar’s law requiring aperson to be put on trial orreleased within a fi ve-yearperiod.2010Released on 13 November, sixdays after the general election;10 days later, is reunited withson Kim, who brings her apuppy as a present.20<strong>11</strong>Suu Kyi gives the prestigiousReith Lectures on BBCRadio (www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0126d29) andjourneys to Bagan with herson Kim, her fi rst time out ofYangon in eight years.357AUNG SAN SUU KYI

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