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Yangon Street NamesThe English terms ‘street’ and ‘road’ are often used interchangeablyin Yangon for the single Burmese word làn.Hence, some local maps may read Shwegondine Rd, whileothers will say Shwe Gone Daing Rd or Shwe Gone DaingSt; in Burmese, it’s simply Shwe Gone Daing Làn. This chapteruses the most common English version that travellersencounter.And as the previous examples demonstrate, differentmaps may also present the actual names of streets differently;eg Shwegondine Rd is Shwegondaing Rd on some localmaps.DANGERS & ANNOYANCESYangon is an incredibly safe city: you are far less likely tobe robbed here than almost any other big city in SoutheastAsia. Having said that, rich foreigners and badlylit side streets at night don’t mix, and you should showsome caution at such times. A far bigger danger is gettinghit by a belligerent motorist, stumbling on the unevenpaving slabs in central Yangon or even disappearingcompletely into a sewage-filled pot hole. Keep your eyespeeled for such obstacles and carry a torch at night.Worth Noticing in Yangon» Driving me crazy – Yangon is most likely where you’ll firstencounter Myanmar’s unique driving situation: right-handdrivecars being driven on the right side of the road.» Smooching – Myanmar people get somebody’s attentionby making a kissing sound.» No late nights here – just about the entire city closesdown by 9pm.» Motorcycle free – if you believe the rumours, a highrankingmilitary leader’s car was hit by a motorcycle severalyears ago, leading him to issue a total ban on the twowheeledvehicle on the streets of Yangon.» Betelgeuse – red stains and even redder teeth will tip youoff that this is betel nut country.» Weird sex – on the streets of Yangon you’ll see stalls sellingbizarre sexual aids. In addition to flavoured condoms, wesaw dodgy pills, penis enlargers and scary looking rings withhair and beads.» Powerless – the lack of a consistent power source meansnoisy smoke-pumping generators are ubiquitous on thestreets of Yangon.DON’T MISSYangon’s ShwedagonPagoda, arguablythe most famous andimpressive religiousstructure in the entirecountry, is a must-visit.Fast Facts» Population: c4,348,000» Telephone code: 01» Elevation: 46ftPlanning YourTrip» Be sure to arrangeyour Myanmar visa aheadof time – at the time ofresearch, visa on arrivalhad temporarily beensuspended.» Bring cash – ideallyUS$ – and make sure it’s inperfect condition.Resources» The Irrawaddy (www.irrawaddy.org) has puttogether an ‘AlternativeTourist Trail’ of lesserknownhistorical andpolitical sights in Yangon atwww.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=6862.

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