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Mrauk U (Myohaung)æ Top SightsAndaw Paya ............................................B1Bandoola Kyaung .................................. C3Dukkanthein Paya ..................................B1Kothaung Paya ...................................... D2Mahabodhi Shwegu................................C1Shittaung Paya .......................................B<strong>11</strong>5 Mrauk U Princess Hotel.........................A316 Nawarat Hotel ........................................B217 Prince Hotel ............................................D218 Royal City Guest House.........................B319 Shwe Thazin Hotel .................................B220 Vesali Resort Hotel ................................D221 Waddy Htut Guest House......................B2281æ Sightsú Eating1 Haridaung Paya ..................................... B2 22 For You....................................................B22 Laksaykan Gate ..................................... C3 23 Hay Mar...................................................B33 Laungbanpyauk Paya.............................B1 24 Moe Cherry .............................................C24 Laymyetnha Paya...................................B15 Palace Museum ..................................... B2 þ Shopping6 Peisi Daung Paya................................... D2 25 L'amitie Art Gallery ................................ B17 Phraouk Paya......................................... D28 Pitaka Taik...............................................B1 ï Information9 Ratanabon Paya .....................................C1 26 Dr Aye Maung Zan..................................B310 Ratanamanaung .................................... C2<strong>11</strong> Sakyamanaung Paya............................. C2 ï Transport12 Shittaung Pillar .......................................B1 27 Bicycle Rental Shop ...............................B313 Shwetaung Paya.................................... C2 28 Horse Cart Stand ...................................C229 Jeep Stand..............................................B2ÿ Sleeping30 Jetty ........................................................B314 Golden Star Guest House ..................... B2the stamina for exploration, you could takeany path for DIY adventures.NORTH GROUPFor many, this area is the pick of the litterfor Mrauk U, with all sites within walkingdistance. There are a couple of food stallsand a gift shop below Shittaung.Shittaung PayaBUDDHIST TEMPLErHc'eoC='".ur;"The usual starting point is at Mrauk U’smost complex temple, the Shittaung (Sittaungin Burmese); if you’ve not paid it already,the $5 zone fee is collected here (seeboxed text, p 279 ). You’ll also be asked for a‘donation’ of K3000 to cover the interior illuminationof this temple, Andaw Paya andDukkanthein Paya.King Minbin, the most powerful of Rakhaing’skings, built Shittaung in 1535. It’sa frenzy of stupas of various sizes; some 26surround a central stupa. Shittaung means‘Shrine of the 80,000 Images’, a reference tothe number of holy images inside (the actualtally is more like 84,000, though some havesince been stolen). Thick walls, with windowsand nooks, surround the two-tiered structure.Outside the templeBeside the southwest entrance stairway, andinside a locked mint-green building, is themuch-studied Shittaung Pillar, a 10ft sandstoneobelisk brought here from Wethali byKing Minbin. Considered the ‘oldest historybook in Myanmar’ (by the Rakhaing at least),three of the obelisk’s four sides are inscribedin faded Sanskrit. The east-facing side likelydates from the end of the 5th century. Thewestern face displays a list dating from the8th century, outlining Rakhaing kings from638 BC to AD 729 (King Anandacandra).Lying on its back next to the pillar is acracked, 12ft-long sandstone slab featuringan engraved lotus flower (a Buddhist motif)growing from a wavy line of water andtouching an intricately engraved dhammacakka(Pali for ‘Wheel of the Law’).Along the outer walls, several reliefs canbe seen engraved (some are hard to reach); afew on the south side are rather pornographic.Inside the templeInside the temple’s prayer hall you’ll see severaldoors ahead. Two lead to passagewaysthat encircle the main buddha image in thecave hall (which is seen straight ahead).RAKHAING WESTERN MYANMAR STATE SIGHTS SIGHTS MRAUK U (MYOHAUNG)

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