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Win Thu ZarBEER STATION(Mandalay-Lashio Rd; beer K500; h8.30am-9pm)Standard male-dominated beer hall notablepurely because it serves tastily smooth Spirulina‘anti-ageing’ beer on draught (seeboxed text, p 134 ).Golden LionCAFE(Mandalay- Lashio Rd; coffee K200; h8am-4pm)Locally grown coffee is roasted out back andsold by the packet as well as cup-by-cup inthis cheap, if dowdy, government shop-cafe(see p 21 ).7 ShoppingCentral Market(Zeigyo Rd; h7am-5pm) Sample Pyin OoLwin’s famous (if seasonal) strawberries,damsons, plums, passionfruit and otherfruit, fresh, dried or as jams and wine.Liqueur Corner(h7am-8pm) Booze shop stocking somelocal fruit winesPacific World Curio(75 Mandalay-Lashio Rd; h8am-6pm) The bestof several curio shops selling local ‘antiques’and craftsMARKETALCOHOLANTIQUES, CRAFT8InformationPyin Online (www.pyinoolwin.info)Skynet (4th St; internet per hr K500; h9am-10pm) Unusually fast internet…sometimes.TKY Internet (per hr K500; h9am-8pm)Handy for Grace Hotel 1.8Getting There & AwayAirThere’s an airport at Anisakan but no commercialfl ights.Bus, Pick-Up Trucks & Shared TaxiVarious Yangon-bound air-conditioned buses(K<strong>11</strong>,500 to K15,000, 13½ to 16 hours) departbetween 2pm and 5pm from the farcicallyinconvenient main bus station Thiri Mandala(%22633), hidden behind the gigantic PyiChit Pagoda, 2 miles east of the Shan market(K1500 by motorbike taxi). It’s 600yd offthe Lashio highway, on a road that branchessoutheast near the San Pya Restaurant. Besidethat is Shi May clothing shop, which doublesas bus stand for the 7am and 4pm minibusesto Hsipaw (K4000). At around 7.30am sharedtaxis to Hsipaw and Kyaukme (back/front seatK14,000/16,000) also depart from here withpick-up trucks (K5000) starting from acrossthe road (also 7.30am).For Mandalay pick-ups (front/backK3000/2000 for foreigners, K2000/1500locals) depart frequently from Thiri Mandalastarting at 5am and becoming rarer in the laterafternoon. More conveniently central, somepick-ups start from the petrol pump roundaboutand a few start near the train station. At leastthree companies offer shared taxis (back/frontK6000/6500). Win Yadana (%22490) and SoeMoe Aung (%21500) cars start across from 4thSt. Lwin Man (%21709) starts near the CentralMarket. Alternatively, pre-arrange a hotel pickup(K500 extra). They’ll generally drop you atany central Mandalay address for no extra cost.TrainEastbound Departs at 8.50am for Lashio (ordinary/upper$4/8, 10 hours) via the dramaticGokteik Viaduct (two hours; see the boxed text,p 256 ), Kyaukme ($2/4, four hours) and Hsipaw($2/4, six hours).Westbound If it’s on time (rare!) the train to Mandalay($2/3, 3½ hours) sits in Pyin Oo Lwin stationfor 1½ hours before finally leaving at 5.40pm.8Getting Around‘WAGONS’ Pyin Oo Lwin’s signature horsedrawnbuggies are colourfully decorated andhighly photogenic. Reckon around K1500 for ashort trip across town, K12,000 for an all-daytour. Driver Myou Min Thein (%09 204 5461)speaks a little English.THREE-WHEEL PICK-UPS These congregateoutside the market; around K2000 to KandawgyiGardens.MOTORCYCLE TAXIS These are easiest tofi nd beside Bravo Hotel. Also around K2000 toKandawgyi Gardens. For longer hires, considerengaging English-speaking Bahein at GandamarLand Handicrafts (main market stall AA5/6),who acts as guide and motorcycle driver for muchthe same price as you’d pay for any motorcycletaxi, eg K6000 including wait for Anisakan Falls.BICYCLE The unmarked bike shop (Mandalay-Lashio Rd; h7am-6pm) beside Grace II hotel rentsbicycles (K3000 per day, K4000 for 24 hours).Around Pyin Oo LwinTOWARDS MANDALAYAnisakan FallsWATERFALLanI"cxn'"ert®xân'(admission free) About 1.5 miles north of Anisakanvillage, the plateau disappears into animpressively deep wooded amphitheatre, itssides ribboned with several waterfalls. Themost impressive of these is the gorgeousthree-step Dat Taw Gyaik whose last stagethunders into a shady splash pool beside asmall pagoda on the valley floor.255MANDALAY NORTHERN MYANMAR TO LASHIO SHOPPINGAROUND PYIN OO LWIN

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