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©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltdmoderately alkaline mineral water, found by232 faith-led digging in 1998. The water supposedly‘promotes IQ and ameliorates diabetes,constipation, gout and morning sickness’. Theonly way to try it is to first seek an audiencewith the head monk, Bhaddanta KhaymarSarya, who may deign to give you a bottleof it. Before opening the bottle, try holdingit up to the sunlight and play. If you hit onthe right angle, the light projects an imagereminiscent of the monastery stupa onto theback of the label. ‘Magic’, claim the locals. Orat least good bottle design.8Getting There & AwaySome route 5 Mandalay pick-up trucks come outas far as Yankin. By bicycle it’s a straightforwardif somewhat traffi c-blighted ride, almost deadstraight along 19th St. By car or motorbike youcan drive to the top of the hill by continuingaround and winding up from the south and east.MANDALAY & AROUND AROUND MANDALAY© Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd. To make it easier for you to use,access to this chapter is not digitally restricted. In return, we think it’s fairto ask you to use it for personal, non-commercial purposes only. In otherwords, please don’t upload this chapter to a peer-to-peer site, massemail it to everyone you know, or resell it. See the terms and conditionson our site for a longer way of saying the above - ‘Do the right thing withour content.’

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