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226InwaAFerry toSagaingBAyeryarwady RiverC0 800 m#e 0 0.4 milesDTo AvaBridge (0.6mi)1‚1MANDALAY & AROUND AROUND MANDALAY23# Ú 8InwaA# Ú12# ÚBagayaKyaung# Ú 10æ Top SightsBagaya Kyaung....................................A3æ Sights1 Gaung Say Daga Gate .........................C22 Horse Cart Waiting Area ..................... D13 Htilaingshin Paya................................. C14 Le-htat-gyi Paya ..................................B35 Maha Aungmye Bonzan...................... C16 Monk's Residence ............................... C17 Nanmyin ...............................................C28 Nogatataphu Paya...............................A29 Sandamuni Paya..................................C310 Shwedigon Paya ..................................B2<strong>11</strong> Ticket Booth......................................... C<strong>11</strong>2 Yedanasini Paya ..................................A2ï Transport13 Trishaws to Ava Bridge andAmarapura ........................................ D1was checked only for those entering BagayaKyaung and Maha Aungmye Bonzan. However,if you don’t have the pass, your cartdriveror motorbike-pilot will expect you topay up to avoid getting him into possibletrouble.BManyPagodas4 9# Ú # Ú‚æ#7#ö26æ# æ#<strong>11</strong> æ#æ # # Ú 351 æ#To Inwa South Village (600m);Tada-U and PaleikCThe local Inwa Nat Pwe festival culminateson the full moon of Tabaung (February/March).HistoryIn 1364, Inwa got its first of four turns as Burmesecapital when Sagaing, across the river,fell to the Shan. Inwa’s kings quickly set aboutre-establishing Bamar supremacy, which hadbeen in decline since the fall of Bagan. Inwameans ‘Mouth of the Lake’, but the site hasalso been known less modestly as ‘City ofGems’ (Ratnapura in classical Pali, Tadanabonin Burmese). The Europeans knew the city asAva, and indeed dealt with Burma under themoniker ‘Kingdom of Ava’ even after the royalcourt abandoned Inwa for Amarapura (in1841) and eventually Mandalay.1SightsOnly three main sites are at all touristoriented,though at each of those the drinksvendors and postcard peddlers can be annoyinglyinsistent.oBagaya Kyaung WOODEN MONASTERYb;"kr;ekY;='"By far Inwa’s most memorable individualattraction is this 1834 teak monastery supportedon 267 teak posts, the largest 60ftD13#23

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