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MANDALAY TRAIN ROUTES223Sample fares (ordinary/upper class/sleeper):DESTINATION PRICE ($) DURATION (HR) DEPARTUREHsipaw 4/7/- 10 4amMonywa 3/-/- 5¼ 6.15amMyitkyina 10/27/3014/31/36Bus & Pick-Up TrucksIf you’re in any kind of hurry, just take a motorbiketaxi. But should you have time to spareand aren’t too worried about not getting quitewhere you wanted to go, Mandalay’s packedfull,antiquated buses and pick-ups can be afun experience. Some, though by no means all,display route numbers, but these are only writtenin local script, the background colour canprove signifi cant and some vehicles don’t followthe route their number implies. Ask, ask, ask… Agood place to try your luck is a jammed junctionjust north of the Zeigyo market (Map p 206 ).Useful routes from near here:» Route 4 Heads along the north moat, gettingclose to the base of Mandalay Hill.» Route 5 (touts may cry ‘Yeyji’ or ‘Yankin Taung’)Along the southern moat, up past Cafe City theneast on 19th St.» Various (touts cry ‘Payagyi’) Heads south toMahamuni Paya.» White 2 on a blue background (cries of‘Mayanja’) Heads west on 26th St to the Mingunferry, sometimes continuing south to GaweinJetty.» Pick-ups to Amarapura, Sagaing and themain bus station Leave when very full from along84th St (Map p 206 ), south of the market.TrishawTraditionally the main form of city transport,trishaws are steadily disappearing from thecity centre, and rumour has it that during 2012they might be phased out altogether. Samplefares:» City centre to Thiri Mandalar bus station, K500» City centre to base of Mandalay Hill, K1500.» All day hire from around K8000.22+16-20noon, 4.15pm4.30amNaba (for Katha)6/13/16<strong>11</strong>¾noon, 4.15pmNyaung U (Bagan)4/10/-89pmYangon15/35/40<strong>11</strong>/30/3315¼169.45pm5am, 5.30am, 6amEnglish-speaking drivers include eloquent Ko Re(koore6070@gmail.com for appointments) andMr ‘Take it Easy’, who waits outside the CentralHotel (27th St, 80/81).AROUND MANDALAYFor many visitors, the historic sites aroundMandalay trump anything in the city itself.Iconic attractions include U Bein’s Bridgein Amarapura, Mingun’s gigantic stupastub, Sagaing’s temple-studded hills andhorse-cart rides to Inwa’s wonderful teakmonastery.To visit Inwa’s main sites and Amarapura’sBagaya Kyaung, you’ll need to show orbuy Mandalay’s ‘Archaeological Zone’ $10combo ticket (see p 208 ). A separate $3ticket for Mingun and Sagaing is patchilyenforced. No one checks for tickets at theother sites.Apart from one hotel in Sagaing, there’sno foreigner-licensed accommodation nearany of the sights around Mandalay. Thereare eateries in Mingun, in Sagaing and ateither end of U Bein’s Bridge.Although there are crushed-full pick-uptrucks from Mandalay to Sagaing and Amarapura,they won’t get you close to the mainsights, and even the most tight-fisted travellerwill be well advised to visit by motorcycle(chauffeured or self-drive), taxi or bicycle (ifyou’re not afraid to sweat). River boat is alsoan option for Mingun, which is rather toofar for a bicycle day trip.A full-day ride by motorcycle/blue taxi(around K12,000/18,000) might include themain highlights of Amarapura and Sagaing,plus waiting time at the ferry dock whileMANDALAY AROUND MANDALAY & AROUND 8 8

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