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Central Mandalayæ Sights28 Sut Ngai ..................................................B51 Cultural Museum & Library .................. D2 29 Zeigyo......................................................B22 Eindawya Paya....................................... A33 Mini Golden Rock................................... A4 Information4 Setkyathiha Paya................................... A4 30 Acme-Net................................................D25 Shwekyimyint Paya ................................C1 31 Seven Diamond Express........................C2207ÿ SleepingTransport6 AD1 Hotel................................................ A3 32 Aung Yedana (share taxis to7 Classic Hotel ...........................................B1 Taunggyi).............................................C28 ET Hotel...................................................C1 33 Bicycle Rental Shop ...............................C29 Mandalay City Hotel .............................. C3 34 Chandar Aung (locals-only day10 Nylon Hotel ............................................ B2 bus to Taunggyi) ................................. C<strong>11</strong>1 Royal Guest House ................................ C2 35 Daw San San Aye ...................................C212 Sabai Phyu Hotel ................................... C2 36 Duhtawadi...............................................C413 Silver Star Hotel..................................... B3 Mann Shwe Pyi ............................. (see 45)37 Mr Jerry (bike rental).............................B2ú Eating38 Myanma Airways Office.........................C214 Gold Medal ............................................. C4 39 Pick-ups to Amarapura,15 Golden Shan............................................B1 Sagaing and main bus16 Karaweik..................................................B1 station ..................................................B417 Lashio Lay ...............................................B1 40 Pick-ups to Pyin Oo Lwin.......................B318 Mann....................................................... C2 Seven Diamond Express...............(see 31)19 Nay.......................................................... C3 41 Shared Taxi.............................................C320 NVC......................................................... C3 42 Shwe Li Oo share taxis to21 Nylon Ice Cream Bar ............................. B2 Lashio...................................................C522 Produce Market..................................... A2 43 Shwe Li Shan (shared taxi to23 Pyi Taw Win............................................ C2 Lashio) ................................................. B124 SB ........................................................... D4 44 Shwe Mandalar Express ........................C525 Sri Karaweik ............................................C1 45 Shwe Mann Thu......................................C526 V Café/Skybar ....................................... D2 Shwe Taung Yo............................. (see 45)46 Taung Paw Thar .....................................C5þ Shopping47 Yedena ....................................................C527 Night Market .......................................... B3MANDALAY SIGHTS & AROUND SIGHTSCENTRAL MANDALAYThe downtown area is not the city’s mostbeautiful. However, it is easy enough to escapeinto fascinating tree-shaded back alleysfurther west (see Cycling Tour, p 2<strong>11</strong> ).And even amid the smoggy central grid oflacklustre five-storey concrete ordinarinesslurk many pagodas, striking churches andnotable mosques. The colourful, sculpturecrustedgopuram (monumental tower)of Sri Krishna Temple might excite youif you’ve never been to southern India orSingapore.Eindawya PayaBUDDHIST TEMPLE(Map p 206 ; Eindawya St, 88/89; admission free)Built in 1847 by King Pagan Min, Eindawyais ranged around a typical gilded pagoda offa street where shops sell all the gear a monkwould need. Little visited, its importance isas the site of one of Myanmar’s many culturalbattles before independence. In 1919 agroup of Europeans had defied the Buddhistban on shoe-wearing within Eindawya andwere forcibly evicted by outraged monks.For their pains, four monks were convictedby a colonial court, and one, U Kettaya, receiveda life sentence. (So please take yourshoes off!)Setkyathiha PayaBUDDHIST TEMPLE(Map p 206 ; 30th St, 85/86) Hidden behindshopfronts for most part, this large elevatedpagoda complex includes a ‘golden rock’look-alike and a sacred bodhi tree plantedby U Nu, Myanmar’s first post-independenceprime minister. However, it is best knownfor an impressive 17ft-high seated bronzeBuddha, cast in 1823 by King Bagyidaw.

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