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Greater Mandalayæ Top SightsûüDrinkingGold Pounders'<strong>11</strong> JJ Cafe 2..................................................C6Workshop ............................................ C6 12 Super One...............................................C6Mahamuni Paya..................................... B7 13 Uncle Chan's.......................................... D6Shwe In Bin Kyaung............................... A6 14 Unison Teahouse ...................................A615 View Point ...............................................A4æ Sights View Point ......................................(see 15)Aurora.............................................(see 17)1 Chanthaya Paya..................................... A5 ý Entertainment2 Jade Market ........................................... B6 16 Moustache Brothers..............................C6King Galon..................................... (see 18)3 Ma Soe Yein Nu Kyaung........................ A6 þ Shopping4 Stone Carvers' Golden Rose .................................. (see 17)Workshops .......................................... B7 17 Golden Rose ...........................................C65 Tingaza Kyaung ..................................... A5 Jade Market.................................... (see 2)18 Shwe Pathein..........................................C6ÿ Sleeping Soe Moe .........................................(see 18)6 Ayarwaddy River ViewHotel .................................................... A4 ï Transport7 Great Wall Hotel..................................... C7 19 IWT (Bagan slow boat, ticket8 Hotel Mandalay...................................... C6 office) ...................................................A620 Mayan Chan Jetty ..................................A4ú Eating21 Thiri Mandala Bus Station (for9 Shwe War Thar ...................................... B6 Monywa, Shwebo) ..............................B410 Sin Yin Chun........................................... C6 Tourist Boat Association............. (see 20)203MANDALAY SIGHTS& AROUND SIGHTSbecomes ever more dense. This means it’sall too easy to miss the small penultimatestupa, in front of which a contemporarystatue depicts ogress San Dha Mukhi offeringforth her severed breasts. That’s thesort of display that might have alarmed amore squeamish man, but according to legend,her bizarre feat of self-mutilation impressedBuddha so much that he ensuredher reincarnation 2400 years later as KingMindon.If you aren’t up to the 45-minute eachwaywalk, it’s possible to take a taxi (blue/normal taxi K8000/10,000) using a longswitchback road (allegedly built with forcedlabour) that brings you within an escalatorride of the summit. Along the same routethere are also very occasional shared pickupshuttles charging a hefty K1000 per person.They leave from near the giant chintheentrance. These shuttles have usually ceasedbefore sunset. Beware that police don’t likeletting motorbikes up Mandalay Hill. Somemotorcycle-taxi drivers even claim to havelost their bikes for giving it a go while afew foreigners have received fines for ridingtheir rental bikes up.Shwenandaw Kyaung BUDDHIST MONASTERYeránn'"et;'ekY;='"(Golden Palace Monastery; Map p 204 ; admission $10combo ticket) Lavished in carved panels thisfine teak monastery-temple was originallybuilt as the royal apartment of King Mindon,who died inside it in 1878. Reputedly unableto cope with Mindon’s ghost, his successor,King Thibaw, had the building dismantled,carted out of the palace complex and reassembledoutside the walls, where it was convertedinto a monastery (1880). It’s a goodthing he did, as all the other palace’s royalbuildings were later lost to WWII bombs.At one time the building was gilded anddecorated with glass mosaics. These havelong gone and some exterior panels haveweathered badly or been removed or replaced,but those inside are still in excellentcondition, particularly the 10 Jataka (pastlifestories of the Buddha).Atumashi Kyaungdawgyi BUDDHIST TEMPLEatumrHiekY;='"(Atula; Map p 204 ; admission $10 combo ticket;h9am-5pm) This unusually shaped temple isa series of diminishing stupa-dotted terracesover an arched base decorated with peacock

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