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y concepts such as Shan guacamole, the followingplaces, generally open from 9am to9pm, have been around for a while:Unique SuperbFood House INTERNATIONAL, BURMESE $(Map p 178 ; 3 Myawady Rd; mains from K2000) Thissimple restaurant in a village house has amenu that includes just about everything,but the Western-style food here gets goodreports.Smiling MoonRestaurant INTERNATIONAL, BURMESE $(Map p 178 ; Yone Gyi Rd; mains from K1500) A laidbackterrace restaurant serving Inle regionaldishes, hill tribe food and the traveller holytrinity of Chinese, pasta and pancakes.Miss NyaungshweRestaurant INTERNATIONAL, BURMESE $(Map p 178 ; Phaung Daw Seiq Rd; mains fromK2000) Travellers gather at this cute bamboofrontedrestaurant for inexpensive Chineseand Bamar curries, plus pancakes, pastaand bottled beers.6 Drinking & EntertainmentDespite the backpacker vibe, there’s nobar scene in Nyaungshwe. The locals headto beer-based restaurants such as KaungKaung (Map p 178 ; Main Rd; hlunch & dinner),which has Myanmar and ABC beers on tap,while tourists head to Min Min’s (Map p 178 ;Yone Gyi Rd; hall day), where the beer costsmore but where the daring can order a caipirinha,Irish coffee or pina colada.Aung Puppet ShowPUPPET SHOW(Map p 178 ; Ahletaung Kyaung Rd; admission K3000;hshow times 7pm & 8.30pm) Down the roadopposite the Nandawunn Hotel, this placehas two nightly shows of traditional Burmesepuppetry.7 ShoppingOn any trip onto Inle Lake, you will be approachedby dozens of vendors in canoesselling crafts objects and curios, so thereisn’t any great need to buy souvenirs in Nyaungshwe.It is, though, worth going out ofyour way to visit any of one of the five-dayrotating market destinations (see the MarketingStrategy boxed text for details).8InformationAny guesthouse in town can arrange tours, boattrips, fl ights and bus tickets. Some hotels arewilling to change US dollars into kyat for guests;otherwise money can be changed at MingalaMarket.See p 183 for information on the permit fee.Comet Travel & Internet Café (Map p 178 ;%209 126; Yone Gyi Rd; h7am-<strong>11</strong>pm) Booksflights and buses and has a few internetterminals.Golden Island Cottages (Map p 178 ; GIC;%209 551; Phaung Daw Seiq Rd; h8am-6pm)Come here to arrange guides to Kakku andSankar.183INLE EASTERN LAKE MYANMAR DRINKING DRINKING NYAUNGSHWE& ENTERTAINMENT& ENTERTAINMENTMARKETING STRATEGYA rustic market rotates among several cities and towns in the Inle Lake region. The mosttouted of these is the so-called floating market at Ywama, but this has become a victimof its own success, and the land-based options, where tribal people come down from thehills to trade livestock and produce, are much more interesting. The towns below Ywamahost the market once every five days; hotels and guesthouses can advise you where themarket will be heading next. Keep in mind that markets are not held on full moon days.» Heho, Thandaung – Thandaung’s market is small, but well off the beaten track.» Taunggyi, Floating Market (Ywama) – The ‘Floating Market’ at Ywama hasemerged to become the most touristy of the circuit – consider heading elsewhere.» Maing Thauk, Thaung Tho, Kyauk Taung – Maing Thauk is close to Nyaungshweand reachable by land or boat, but the Thaung Tho and Kyauk Taung markets, locatedat the far southern end of Inle Lake, are largely off the tourist circuit.» Shwenyaung, Kaung Daing, Kalaw, Inthein – Inthein, although now fully on thetourist circuit, is still worth a visit for its size and setting. Kalaw’s tidy market spills overto the streets on market day.» Nyaungshwe, Pindaya, Nampan – On market day, Nyaungshwe’s normally sleepymarket swells to several times its normal size. Tiny Pindaya’s central market also attractsvendors and buyers who come down from the surrounding hills.

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