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TOFU & HOT SPRINGSLocated on the northwestern shore of the lake, 5 miles from Nyaungshwe, Kaung Daing(ex:='tui=') is a quiet Intha village. It’s known for its tofu, prepared using split yellowpeas instead of soybeans, and its hot springs (Map p 185 ; swimming pool K3000, privatebathhouse K5000, mixed hot pool K5000; h6am-6pm), where hot water from the naturalsprings has been channelled into a swimming pool and a series of private bathhouses formen and women. The springs are also the start or end point of several trekking routesbetween Kalaw and Inle Lake – see p 172 for details.The attractions are admittedly low-key, and the real reason to come here is the bikeride through some beautiful Myanmar countryside. After renting a bicycle in Nyaungshwe,cross the bridge over the channel leading to the lake and follow the bone-shakingdirt track through the marshes until you reach the sealed road, then turn left. The trip tothe springs will take around 40 minutes.If you’d rather not expend so much energy, boat operators charge K3000 each wayfor the 30-minute trip across the lake, and motorcycle taxis at Mingala Market will ferryyou to the springs and back for K5000, including a couple of hours waiting time whileyou bathe.get place with a variety of room types. It’sworth considering the larger, more expensiverooms, which have cleverly been fittedout with bamboo.Gypsy Inn GUESTHOUSE $(Map p 178 ; %209 084; 82 Kann Nar Rd; s/d $12/15,without bathroom $5/10) Handy for accessingthe canal leading to the lake, this place hasan old block containing budget rooms withshared bathrooms. There’s also a much moreappealing new block of rooms with privatebaths.Joy Hotel HOTEL $(Map p 178 ; %209 083; Jetty Rd; s/d $7/14, withoutbathroom $5/10) Set on the canal used bymarket traders delivering goods to MingalaMarket, Joy has more of a local feel thanthe other budget guesthouses. The cheaperrooms with shared bathrooms are small andboxy but there are better rooms with privatebathrooms and hot showers.Four Sisters Inn GUESTHOUSE $(Map p 178 ; %209 190; s/d $7/12) Away from theother guesthouses on the way to Yan AungNan Aung Hsu Taung Pyi Pagoda, this brightblue compound consists of small roomsaround an old village house with a cosy restaurant.Communicating in English can beproblematic.Bright Hotel HOTEL $(Map p 178 ; %209 137; 53 Phaung Daw Seiq Rd; r$7-25) The price is the drawcard rather thanthe atmosphere at this big white place nearthe boat jetty. The standard rooms are fairlytypical for this kind of hotel but the moreinviting superior rooms have a tub, a TV anda minibar.The following places straddle budget andmidrange and take the very Nyaungshweform of a main hotel structure and surroundingduplex bungalow-like buildings:Nandawunn Hotel HOTEL $$(Map p 178 ; %209 2<strong>11</strong>; nandawunn@gmail.com; 80Yone Gyi Rd; r $15-25; ai) In a residential partof town, east of the market, this tidy compoundis probably the best of the lot for thisstyle of hotel in Nyaungshwe.Paradise Hotel & Restaurant HOTEL $$(Map p 178 ; %209 321; www.inleparadise.com; 40Museum Rd (Haw St); r $30-36, ste $65; ai)Paradise is probably overstating it, but thislarge chalet-style hotel near the museumis still a good choice. All rooms have a hotshower, a fridge, a TV and air-con.Remember Inn Hotel HOTEL $(Map p 178 ; %209 257; www.rememberinn.jimdo.com; Museum Rd (Haw St); r $8-15; a) Acrossfrom museum in a quiet and leafy part oftown, the interior design won’t draw youhere, but the clean rooms, friendly serviceand cheap prices will.Gold Star Hotel HOTEL $(Map p 178 ; %209 200; goldstarhtl@mandalay.net.mm; cnr Kyauktein Rd & Phaung Daw Pyan Rd; r$8-25; a) A mish-mash of divergent rooms –some tiny and with a fan, some huge andwith air-con – in different buildings, so lookat a few.181INLE EASTERN LAKE MYANMAR SLEEPING SLEEPINGNYAUNGSHWE

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