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MainRd178EASTERN MYANMAR INLE LAKEpagoda are ferried around the lake in a gildedbarge shaped like a hintha (the golden swanof Burmese legend) visiting all the pagodasin the area. The festival lasts for 18 days andlocals carry out energetic leg-rowing races onthe channels between the villages.The pagoda festival is closely followed byThadingyut, which marks the end of Waso(Buddhist Lent).8 InformationThere is a compulsory $5 government fee toenter the Inle Lake area, which you must pay onarrival at the permit booth (Map p 178 ; h6am-9pm) by the bridge at the entrance to Nyaungshwe.We cruised into town on an extremelypacked bus from Taunggyi and circumventedpaying the fee, and we were never asked to showproof of payment later, suggesting the authoritiesmay not take it very seriously. Best to be onthe safe side, though.Nyaungshwee–;='erá%081 / POP C10,000The main traveller centre for the Inle Lakearea, Nyaungshwe is a neat grid of streetsnext to the main canal, also known as NanChaung, leading down to the north end ofthe lake. Originally known by the Shan nameYaunghwe, the town was renamed Nyaungshwe(Golden Banyan) by the Bamar-dominatedauthorities after independence in 1948.1Sights & ActivitiesYadana Man Aung Paya BUDDHIST TEMPLE(Map p 178 ; Phaung Daw Seiq Rd; h6am-10pm) Theoldest and most important Buddhist shrinein Nyaungshwe, this handsome gilded stupais hidden away inside a square compoundsouth of the Mingala Market. The steppedstupa is unique in Myanmar, and the surroundingpavilion contains a museum oftreasures amassed by the monks over thecenturies, including carvings, lacquerwareand dance costumes.Buddha MuseumMUSEUM(Map p 178 ; Museum Rd (Haw St); admission $2;h9.30am-4pm Tue-Sun) Formerly the Museumof Shan Chiefs, this sprawling governmentrunmuseum has fallen victim to the governmentcrackdown on symbols of Shan ethnicidentity. Today the museum displays antiquebuddha images rather than any objects thatmight suggest a distinct Shan history andculture. It’s worth coming here to see thestately brick-and-teak haw (palace) of the33rd and last Shan sao pha (sky lord), SaoShwe Thaike, who briefly served as the firstpresident of Independent Burma, before thejunta seized control.‚To Shwe YaunghweKyaung (1.5mi)# ï PermitBooth16#Motorcycle22 3<strong>11</strong>Taxi Stand ˜# ÿú## âTeik Nan# ÿú#281536 ú## ÿ24Bridge 1738û## Ø8To KaungPick-up# ÿ Stand# Ø6Daingý#40ú##› û#39 # Ø ú#30(5mi)7ú#14#ÿ ú#26 # ðú#Yone Gyi Rd34 # ÿ37 f#ð#331635ú#2# ÿ20Golden 29# ÚIsland ú### ÿ # ÿÿ2Cottages25f## ú#School4#Ú 181032ð#Sports# Ú 5Field # á IndependenceMonumentMiddle23 # ÿ1319School# ÿ21#ÿ# ÿ3f## Ú12#ÿ9# ÿMiddleSchool3Nan Chaung(Main Canal)Kann Nar Rd(Strand Rd)AJetty RdTo Inle # ÿ <strong>11</strong>Lake (3.5mi) Yan Aung Nan AungHsu Taung Pyi‚Pagoda (150m)APhaungDawSeiqRdKyauktein RdKyaung Taw Anouk RdB27 ú#Hospitalî#B#e 0 0.25 milesCDNyaungshwe0 500 m‚‚‚‚Mong Li CanalMuseum Rd(Haw St)Myawady RdPhaung Daw Pyan RdMingala RdTo PrincessGarden Hotel To Maing(150m) Thauk (6mi)C‚Ahletaung Kyaung RdHighSchool66D123

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