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14If YouLike…Buddhas &TemplesMyanmar is one of the mostdevout Buddhist countriesin the world. Yangon’sShwedagon Paya, Mandalay’sMahamuni Paya andBagan’s plain of templesshouldn’t be missed, butthere are also many otherlesser-known Buddhist religioussites that will impressyou with their beauty andspirituality.Pyay (Prome) A 10-storeys tall,seated buddha watches overPyay’s hilltop Shwesandaw Paya,providing sweeping views of thetown (p 143 )Win Sein Taw Ya Gawp at the560ft-long buddha recliningon the lush hillsides of YadanaTaung, accessible from Mawlamyine(p 102 )Mrauk U (Myohaung) Fall underthe spell of the old Rakhaingcapital, dotted with ruined andrestored temples and monasteries(p 279 )Sagaing Leafy paths shade theroutes to 500 hilltop and riversidestupas and a communityof some 6000 monks and nuns(p 228 )Mt Kyaiktiyo (Golden Rock)Join the pilgrims as they fix goldleaf squares on this incrediblebalancing boulder (p 93 )Food & DrinkNot as spicy as other SoutheastAsian food, Myanmar’scuisine reflects its multiculturalmix of people. Withthe offerings ranging fromShan-style rice-noodle curriesand soups to tamarind-flakesweets in Bagan and freshgrilled seafood in RakhaingState, you’re sure to findsomething new and delicious.Street eats There are streetvendors serving great, cheapsnacks and meals everywhere inMyanmar, but the best selectionis in Yangon (p 61 )Tea time Breakfast or anafternoon snack at a Myanmarteahouse is a unique experiencethat provides more than a caffeinatedkick (p 334 )Cooking classes Learn how tocook like a native at classes inBagan (p<strong>11</strong>4 )Alcoholic beverages Raise aglass of toddy (p 333 ) madefrom the sap of the palm, orwine produced from Shan Hillsgrapes (p191 )Superfresh Seafood At NgapaliBeach's restaurants (p 285 ) dineon fish and shellfish caught thesame day in the Bay of BengalEthnic Variations Hunt out JingHpaw Thu (p 237 ) in Myitkyinafor authentic Kachin food, orShan specialties at Shan Restaurant(p 190 ) in TaunggyiHandicrafts &ShoppingGoing on a shopping spreeof Myanmar’s fine range ofhandicrafts is one of the bestways of ensuring your touristdollars benefit the peoplerather than the military. It’salso a wonderful eye-openerto browse one of the manylocal markets selling freshproduce and everyday items,photogenically laid out bystallholders.Markets Drop by Yangon’sBogyoke Aung San Market (p 67 )for handicrafts from around thecountry, and the central marketsin Pyay (p 143 ) or Sittwe (p 275 )for colourful, lively shoppingscenesLacquerware Watch artisanscraft, paint and engravelovely bowls, cups and otherornaments at workshops inMyinkaba (p 123 ), New Bagan(p 125 ) and Kengtung (p 196 )Parasols Keep the sun off withthe graceful, painted paperumbrellas that are a specialty ofPathein (p79 )Puppets If you enjoyed theclassic marionette shows inMandalay, why not adopt apuppet character of your own(p 218 )

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