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Hpa-anæ Sights1 Morning Market ...................................C22 Shweyinhmyaw Pagoda...................... B1ÿ Sleeping3 Golden Sky Guest House .................... B14 Parami Motel........................................C25 Soe Brothers Guesthouse ..................C26 Tiger Hotel............................................ B1ú Eating7 Khit-Thit Restaurant............................C28 New Day ...............................................B39 San Ma Tau MyanmarRestaurant ........................................D310 White ....................................................C3û Drinking<strong>11</strong> Lucky 1..................................................C2ï Transport12 Bus Ticket Stalls ..................................C313 Buses to Mawlamyine .........................C214 Pick-ups To Eindu................................C215 Pick-ups to Mt Zwegabin ...................C3lows chock full of amenities (air-con, TV,fridge, hot water). They’re comfortable andnew, with more rooms being added at researchtime, but the hotel’s location, about2 miles east of the clock tower, isn’t exactlyconvenient.Tiger Hotel HOTEL $$(%21392; cnr Myint Lay St & Thida St; r $25; a)Located near the jetty to Mawlamyine, thisis a modern four-storey hotel with clean butrather musty rooms that aren’t particularlygood value.Golden Sky Guest House BUDGET HOTEL $(%21510; 2 Thida St; s/d $15/20; a) Also locatedmere steps from the jetty, the rooms here arelarge and clean, but the multicolour mishmashof tiles, furniture and furnishings isnot particularly attractive. Staff can hardlybe described as friendly.5Eating & DrinkingAs with hotels, the selection of restaurantsis limited.oSan Ma Tau MyanmarRestaurant BURMESE $(1/290 Bogyoke St; meals from K2000; hlunch& dinner) This local institution is one of ourfavourite restaurants anywhere in the country.The friendly and popular place servesan almost overwhelming variety of excellentcurries, soups and stir-fries, all served withfresh vegies and herbs and several types ofspicy balachaung (chilli-based dips). Therestaurant also doubles as an internet cafe.White TEAHOUSE $(cnr Thitsar St & Bogyoke St; snacks from K200;hbreakfast & lunch) This teahouse, locatednear the clock tower, serves decent tea andfreshly baked naan – great for breakfast.New Day CAFE $(3/624 Bogyoke St; drinks from K600; hbreakfast& lunch) This modern cafe features real coffee,tasty fruit shakes and a variety of bakedgoods.Khit-Thit Restaurant CHINESE, BURMESE $(New Age Restaurant; Zaydan St; mains from K800;hlunch & dinner) A typical mixed Burmeseand Chinese menu in a quiet backstreetrestaurant.Lucky 1 CHINESE, BURMESE $(Zaydan St; mains from K800; hlunch & dinner)This grubby place is the closest thing Hpaanhas to a bar and, in addition to draughtbeer, also serves decent Chinese-style dishes.8InformationThe post office is on a side road off Bogyoke Ston the way to the bus station.Frustratingly slow internet connections areavailable at San Ma Tau Myanmar Restaurant(World Gate; 1/290 Bogyoke St), at the busticket stalls (clock tower) and Scare CrowInternet (Ohn Taw St); all are open from 9am to9pm and charge K500 per hour.8Getting There & AwayBoatTwice a week, double-decker ferries travel thescenic route between Hpa-an and Mawlamyine.The jetty is located near ShweyinhmyawPagoda. Because new bridges and roads havemade commuting by bus much faster and moreconvenient, only a handful of people take theferry nowadays and we reckon this particularroute is on its last legs.Boats leave Hpa-an at a very user-unfriendly5.30am on Mondays and Fridays ($2, fourhours). The predawn departure means that youwill actually miss the best of the scenery so,though the journey from Mawlamyine is longer,it’s better to use Mawlamyine as your startingpoint for this boat trip.107KAYIN SOUTHEASTERN STATE EATING MYANMAR & DRINKING EATING HPA-AN & DRINKING

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