Installation and Commissioning

Installation and Commissioning Installation and Commissioning
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Fault tracing guide1.9 Teach PendantThe teach pendant communicates with the robot computer via a cable. This cable is alsoused for the +24 V supply and the dual operation chain.If the display is not illuminated, try first adjusting the contrast, and if this does not helpcheck the 24 V power supply.Communication errors between the teach pendant and the I/O computer are indicatedby an error message on the teach pendant.For measuring points for the teach pendant communication signals, see chapter 9.1.10 Measurement SystemThe measurement system comprises an axis computer, one or more serial measurementboards and resolvers. The serial measurement board is used to collect resolver data. Theboard is supplied from 24 V SYS via a fuse on the back plane. The board is located inthe manipulator and is battery-backed. Communication with the axis computer takesplace across a differential serial link (RS 485).The measurement system contains information on the position of the axes and thisinformation is continuously updated during operation. If the resolver connections aredisconnected or if the battery goes dead after the robot has been stationary for a longperiod of time, the manipulator’s axis positions will not be stored and must be updated.The axis positions are updated by manually jogging the manipulator to the synchronisedposition and then, using the teach pendant, setting the counters to zero. If you tryto start program execution without doing the above, the system will give an alarm toindicate that the system is not calibrated.Measuring points for the measurement system are located on the backplane, X9 Maintenanceplug, see chapter 9 for more detailed information.Note that it is necessary to re-calibrate after the resolver lines have beendisconnected. This applies even if the manipulator axes have not been moved.Transmission errors are detected by the system’s error control, which alerts and stopsprogram execution if necessary.Common causes of errors in the measurement system are line breakdown, resolvererrors and measurement board interference. The latter type of error relates to the 7thaxis, which has its own measurement board. If it is positioned too close to a source ofinterference, there is a risk of an error.10 Product Manual

Fault tracing guide1.11 Disk DriveThe disk drive is controlled by the I/O computer via a flat cable. The power is supplied bya separate cable.Common types of error are read and write errors, generally caused by faulty diskettes. Inthe event of a read and/or write error, format a new, high quality diskette in the robot andcheck to see whether the error disappears. If the error is still present, the disk drive willprobably have to be replaced. However, check the flat cable first.NB: Never use diskettes without a manufacturer’s mark. Unmarked, cheap diskettes can beof very poor quality.If the disk drive is completely dead, check the supply voltage connection to the disk driveto see that it is +5 V, before replacing the drive.Measuring points are available on the backplane: X9 Maintenance plug, see chapter 9.When replacing the disk drive, check that the strapping is set correctly on the unit. Comparewith the faulty drive being replaced.1.12 FusesThere is one automatic three-phase 20 A fuse that supplies the DC-link in the MOTORSON state, on the transformer. There is also a automatic three-phase 10 A fuse that suppliesthe power supply unit. There are also two fuses for customer AC supplies, one 3.15 A andone 6.3 A.The backplane has four PTC resistance fuses:- Serial measurement board 1- Serial measurement board 2- CAN2, manipulator I/O- CAN3, external I/OThe fuses protect against 24 V short-circuits and return to the normal state when there is nolonger a risk of short-circuiting.The panel unit has one PTC fuse to protect the motor on chains. An open fuse is indicatedon the teach pendant, see Status of the Panel unit, inputs and outputs, displayed on the teachpendant side 6, 24 panel.The cabling from customer 24 V supply is protected by a 2A fuse on terminal XT31 in theupper compartment of the controller.Note that the power supply unit DSQC 374 is provided with a short circuit energy limitationwhich makes the fuse unnecessary.Product Manual 11

Fault tracing guide1.11 Disk DriveThe disk drive is controlled by the I/O computer via a flat cable. The power is supplied bya separate cable.Common types of error are read <strong>and</strong> write errors, generally caused by faulty diskettes. Inthe event of a read <strong>and</strong>/or write error, format a new, high quality diskette in the robot <strong>and</strong>check to see whether the error disappears. If the error is still present, the disk drive willprobably have to be replaced. However, check the flat cable first.NB: Never use diskettes without a manufacturer’s mark. Unmarked, cheap diskettes can beof very poor quality.If the disk drive is completely dead, check the supply voltage connection to the disk driveto see that it is +5 V, before replacing the drive.Measuring points are available on the backplane: X9 Maintenance plug, see chapter 9.When replacing the disk drive, check that the strapping is set correctly on the unit. Comparewith the faulty drive being replaced.1.12 FusesThere is one automatic three-phase 20 A fuse that supplies the DC-link in the MOTORSON state, on the transformer. There is also a automatic three-phase 10 A fuse that suppliesthe power supply unit. There are also two fuses for customer AC supplies, one 3.15 A <strong>and</strong>one 6.3 A.The backplane has four PTC resistance fuses:- Serial measurement board 1- Serial measurement board 2- CAN2, manipulator I/O- CAN3, external I/OThe fuses protect against 24 V short-circuits <strong>and</strong> return to the normal state when there is nolonger a risk of short-circuiting.The panel unit has one PTC fuse to protect the motor on chains. An open fuse is indicatedon the teach pendant, see Status of the Panel unit, inputs <strong>and</strong> outputs, displayed on the teachpendant side 6, 24 panel.The cabling from customer 24 V supply is protected by a 2A fuse on terminal XT31 in theupper compartment of the controller.Note that the power supply unit DSQC 374 is provided with a short circuit energy limitationwhich makes the fuse unnecessary.Product Manual 11

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