Installation and Commissioning

Installation and Commissioning Installation and Commissioning
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Safety3 Fire-ExtinguishingUse a CARBON DIOXIDE extinguisher in the event of a fire in the robot (manipulatoror controller).4 Definitions of Safety FunctionsEmergency stop – IEC 204-1,10.7A condition which overrides all other robot controls, removes drive power from robotaxis actuators, stops all moving parts and removes power from other dangerous functionscontrolled by the robot.Enabling device – ISO 11161, 3.4A manually operated device which, when continuously activated in one position only,allows hazardous functions but does not initiate them. In any other position, hazardousfunctions can be stopped safely.Safety stop – ISO 10218 (EN 775), 6.4.3When a safety stop circuit is provided, each robot must be delivered with the necessaryconnections for the safeguards and interlocks associated with this circuit. It is necessaryto reset the power to the machine actuators before any robot motion can be initiated.However, if only the power to the machine actuators is reset, this should not suffice toinitiate any operation.Reduced speed – ISO 10218 (EN 775), 3.2.17A single, selectable velocity provided by the robot supplier which automaticallyrestricts the robot velocity to that specified in order to allow sufficient time for peopleeither to withdraw from the hazardous area or to stop the robot.Interlock (for safeguarding) – ISO 10218 (EN 775), 3.2.8A function that interconnects a guard(s) or a device(s) and the robot controller and/orpower system of the robot and its associated equipment.Hold-to-run control – ISO 10218 (EN 775), 3.2.7A control which only allows movements during its manual actuation and which causesthese movements to stop as soon as it is released.4 Product Manual

Safety5 Safe Working ProceduresSafe working procedures must be used to prevent injury. No safety device or circuitmay be modified, bypassed or changed in any way, at any time.5.1 Normal operationsAll normal operations in automatic mode must be executed from outside the safeguardedspace.6 Programming, Testing and ServicingThe robot is extremely heavy and powerful, even at low speed. When entering into therobot’s safeguarded space, the applicable safety regulations of the country concernedmust be observed.Operators must be aware of the fact that the robot can make unexpected movements.A pause (stop) in a pattern of movements may be followed by a movement at highspeed. Operators must also be aware of the fact that external signals can affect robotprograms in such a way that a certain pattern of movement changes without warning.If work must be carried out within the robot’s work envelope, the following pointsmust be observed:• The operating mode selector on the controller must be in the manual mode positionto render the enabling device operative and to block operation from a computer linkor remote control panel.• The robot’s speed is limited to max. 250 mm/s (10 inches/s) when the operating modeselector is in position < 250 mm/s. This should be the normal position when enteringthe working space. The position 100% – full speed – may only be used by trained personnelwho are aware of the risks that this entails.Do not change “Transm gear ratio” or other kinematic parameters fromthe teach pendant or a PC. This will affect the safety function Reduced speed250 mm/s.• During programming and testing, the enabling device must be released as soon asthere is no need for the robot to move.The enabling device must never be rendered inoperative in any way.• The programmer must always take the teach pendant with him/her when enteringthrough the safety gate to the robot’s working space so that no-one else can take overcontrol of the robot without his/her knowledge.Product Manual 5

Safety5 Safe Working ProceduresSafe working procedures must be used to prevent injury. No safety device or circuitmay be modified, bypassed or changed in any way, at any time.5.1 Normal operationsAll normal operations in automatic mode must be executed from outside the safeguardedspace.6 Programming, Testing <strong>and</strong> ServicingThe robot is extremely heavy <strong>and</strong> powerful, even at low speed. When entering into therobot’s safeguarded space, the applicable safety regulations of the country concernedmust be observed.Operators must be aware of the fact that the robot can make unexpected movements.A pause (stop) in a pattern of movements may be followed by a movement at highspeed. Operators must also be aware of the fact that external signals can affect robotprograms in such a way that a certain pattern of movement changes without warning.If work must be carried out within the robot’s work envelope, the following pointsmust be observed:• The operating mode selector on the controller must be in the manual mode positionto render the enabling device operative <strong>and</strong> to block operation from a computer linkor remote control panel.• The robot’s speed is limited to max. 250 mm/s (10 inches/s) when the operating modeselector is in position < 250 mm/s. This should be the normal position when enteringthe working space. The position 100% – full speed – may only be used by trained personnelwho are aware of the risks that this entails.Do not change “Transm gear ratio” or other kinematic parameters fromthe teach pendant or a PC. This will affect the safety function Reduced speed250 mm/s.• During programming <strong>and</strong> testing, the enabling device must be released as soon asthere is no need for the robot to move.The enabling device must never be rendered inoperative in any way.• The programmer must always take the teach pendant with him/her when enteringthrough the safety gate to the robot’s working space so that no-one else can take overcontrol of the robot without his/her knowledge.Product Manual 5

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