Installation and Commissioning

Installation and Commissioning Installation and Commissioning
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Programming Station 3.06.2 Programming Station 3.0Programming Station is a collection of software applications that assist the user inconstructing and editing robot programs and configuration files on a PC.Programming Station includes:- ProgramMaker application.- ConfigEdit application.- Online version of the S4 RAPID Reference Manual.ProgramMaker allows the user to create and edit robot programs on a PC, in theWindows environment.ProgramMaker is a complete system for creating and editing RAPID programs for theS4 robot controller. ProgramMaker is unique, compared to other offline programmingsystems, as it embeds the functionality of the S4 robot controller and uses thiscapability to perform all robot controller-specific tasks. For example, you can configurethe embedded S4 controller within ProgramMaker so that it represents the same I/Osetup as your real robot. Then, when you program I/O-based statements,ProgramMaker checks to ensure that you refer only to those signals that are defined onyour robot.ProgramMaker can assume the functionality of different versions of the S4 controller,for example, V2.1 or V3.0, and behave in accordance with the features specific to thatversion of controller. This means you can see the same status and error messages inProgramMaker as you see on the real robot.ProgramMaker implements an advanced Windows user interface that permits you todevelop RAPID programs quickly, easily, and without error. Unlike using aconventional text editor, ProgramMaker helps you write RAPID programs by creatinginstructions with a single command, providing default parameters in many casesautomatically. For beginning programmers, ProgramMaker provides instructionsensitivedialogs that make programming complex statements easy. For experts,ProgramMaker also offers the more conventional approach of text-based entry ofRAPID program statements. Using either method, ProgramMaker guarantees that yourprograms will be valid when you load them into your robot.You can set up ProgramMaker to assume the configuration of a specific robotcontroller. You do this using the Preferences dialog of Office. Configuration includes,for example, the specific version (V2.1, V3.0, etc.) of the robot controller, the softwareoptions installed on that controller (ArcWare, SpotWare, Serial RAP, etc.), and theamount of memory installed (10MB, 12MB, etc.). The Preferences dialog can be usedto select a predefined configuration, or it can be used to create entirely newconfigurations through user-assisted dialogs or through direct import from the floppydisks shipped with your robot.The following image illustrates some of the main features of the ProgramMaker userinterface.50 Product Specification RobotWare for BaseWare OS 3.1

Programming Station 3.0Editing of backgroundtasks is supportedwith a tabbed TreeView.Data View permits manipulationof program data in familiar“spreadsheet” context.Code View allowscreation and editingof user programs.Tree View provides ahierarchical view ofRAPID modules.Graph View displaysprogrammed pointsin a dynamic viewer.Some of the main features of ProgramMaker include:- Ability to check for syntactic and semantic errors, as robot programs are createdor edited.- Program data is displayed in a familiar “spreadsheet” format which is MicrosoftExcel compatible.- Full support for RAPID array handling.- Automatic declaration of referenced data.- Positions can also be viewed as points in the Graph View.- The Tree View allows the user to view and navigate robot program structure ina simple, logical manner.- Syntax colorization in the Code View for enhanced usability.- Multiple routines can be viewed and edited at the same time.- Cut/Copy/Paste and Search/Replace features.Product Specification RobotWare for BaseWare OS 3.1 51

Programming Station 3.0Editing of backgroundtasks is supportedwith a tabbed TreeView.Data View permits manipulationof program data in familiar“spreadsheet” context.Code View allowscreation <strong>and</strong> editingof user programs.Tree View provides ahierarchical view ofRAPID modules.Graph View displaysprogrammed pointsin a dynamic viewer.Some of the main features of ProgramMaker include:- Ability to check for syntactic <strong>and</strong> semantic errors, as robot programs are createdor edited.- Program data is displayed in a familiar “spreadsheet” format which is MicrosoftExcel compatible.- Full support for RAPID array h<strong>and</strong>ling.- Automatic declaration of referenced data.- Positions can also be viewed as points in the Graph View.- The Tree View allows the user to view <strong>and</strong> navigate robot program structure ina simple, logical manner.- Syntax colorization in the Code View for enhanced usability.- Multiple routines can be viewed <strong>and</strong> edited at the same time.- Cut/Copy/Paste <strong>and</strong> Search/Replace features.Product Specification RobotWare for BaseWare OS 3.1 51

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