Installation and Commissioning

Installation and Commissioning Installation and Commissioning
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4.7 PalletWareGeneralThe PalletWare package is a set of Rapid modules and user screens, which performbasic operations related to a palletizing process. These operations include a number ofservices which can be called from a main program to perform pick and place operationsfor one or up to five palletizing tasks in parallel. For each such task a number ofseparate dynamic variables are used to describe and keep track of each on-going palletoperation. The PalletWare package is intended to work with Rapid modules generatedfrom PalletWizard, a PC tool for off-line programming of pallet cycles.Pallet cyclesUp to five different pallet cycles may be run in parallel, where a pallet cycle is the taskto run a complete palletizing job for a pallet, i.e. to pick and place all products,including the pallet itself.Each pallet cycle includes a number of layer cycles, where each layer cycle is the taskto complete one layer with all the parts to be picked and placed in this layer.Each layer cycle may further be broken down into a number of pick-place cycles, whereeach pick-place cycle is the task to pick one or several parts and place them on thepallet. Within each pick-place cycle there may be several pick operations, if parts mustbe picked in many separate operations. Similarly, there may be several place operationsin each pick-place cycle.Each layer may be either an in-feeder layer, where the products, e.g. boxes, are pickedfrom an in-feeder, or a stack layer, where the product, e.g. an empty pallet, is searchedand picked from a stack.If several pallet cycles are run in parallel, then one complete pick-place cycle is alwaysfinished before a new one is started in another pallet cycle.Pallet cellThe pallet cell may include any number of pallet stations, in-feeders and stacks forpallets, tier sheets or slip sheets. All such stations and stacks are defined as regardsposition, with an individual coordinate system (work object).The palletizing robot is normally an IRB 6400 or IRB 640 but any robot type may beused. The tool to use may be a mechanical gripper or a tool with suction cups, possiblywith separate grip zones for multiple picking and placing. Several different tooldatamay be defined and used depending on the product dimensions and number of products.42 Product Specification RobotWare for BaseWare OS 3.1

ProductsAny number of different products with different dimensions may be handled andplaced in different patterns on the pallet. Each layer must have the same product only,but different layers on a pallet may have different products.Products may be delivered on one or several in-feeders and placed on one or severaldifferent pallets.For each separate product individual handling speeds and load data are used.The dimensions and speeds of the products may be changed in run time, thus affectingall pick and place positions.Movements, approach and retreat positionsAll movements are calculated in run time and relative to the different coordinatesystems defined for each station. Between stations, e.g. moving from an in-feeder to apallet station, the robot may be forced to move up to safety height and to retract beforemoving towards the new station. While moving to the pick or place position, the robotwill first move to an approach position and then to a prepick/place position. Thesehorizontal and vertical distances for the approach positions, relative to the pick or placeposition, may be individually defined per product or station. In addition, the approachdirection may be individually defined per pick or place position. These approach datamay be changed in run time.The picking and placing movements and the sequence to search different stacks forempty pallets or tier sheets may be customised if necessary.User routinesA number of different user routines may be called at certain phases of the pallet cycle.These routines can be used for communication with external equipment, for errorchecking, for operator messages etc. Such user routines are grouped in three maingroups according to when they are called in the pallet cycle. The groups are:- Cycle routines, connected to the different cycles, i.e. pallet cycle, layer cycle,pick and place cycle. Each such cycle may have its own individual user routineat the beginning, at the middle and at the end of the cycle.- Station access routines, connected to the different stations. A specific user routinemay be called before (station-in routine) and after (station-out) a pick/placeon a feeder or pallet station, e.g. to order the next products on the feeder.- Pick stack routines, connected to stacks. Such routines are called to search andpick a product on the stack.Product Specification RobotWare for BaseWare OS 3.1 43

ProductsAny number of different products with different dimensions may be h<strong>and</strong>led <strong>and</strong>placed in different patterns on the pallet. Each layer must have the same product only,but different layers on a pallet may have different products.Products may be delivered on one or several in-feeders <strong>and</strong> placed on one or severaldifferent pallets.For each separate product individual h<strong>and</strong>ling speeds <strong>and</strong> load data are used.The dimensions <strong>and</strong> speeds of the products may be changed in run time, thus affectingall pick <strong>and</strong> place positions.Movements, approach <strong>and</strong> retreat positionsAll movements are calculated in run time <strong>and</strong> relative to the different coordinatesystems defined for each station. Between stations, e.g. moving from an in-feeder to apallet station, the robot may be forced to move up to safety height <strong>and</strong> to retract beforemoving towards the new station. While moving to the pick or place position, the robotwill first move to an approach position <strong>and</strong> then to a prepick/place position. Thesehorizontal <strong>and</strong> vertical distances for the approach positions, relative to the pick or placeposition, may be individually defined per product or station. In addition, the approachdirection may be individually defined per pick or place position. These approach datamay be changed in run time.The picking <strong>and</strong> placing movements <strong>and</strong> the sequence to search different stacks forempty pallets or tier sheets may be customised if necessary.User routinesA number of different user routines may be called at certain phases of the pallet cycle.These routines can be used for communication with external equipment, for errorchecking, for operator messages etc. Such user routines are grouped in three maingroups according to when they are called in the pallet cycle. The groups are:- Cycle routines, connected to the different cycles, i.e. pallet cycle, layer cycle,pick <strong>and</strong> place cycle. Each such cycle may have its own individual user routineat the beginning, at the middle <strong>and</strong> at the end of the cycle.- Station access routines, connected to the different stations. A specific user routinemay be called before (station-in routine) <strong>and</strong> after (station-out) a pick/placeon a feeder or pallet station, e.g. to order the next products on the feeder.- Pick stack routines, connected to stacks. Such routines are called to search <strong>and</strong>pick a product on the stack.Product Specification RobotWare for BaseWare OS 3.1 43

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