Junior Parent Night (Printable PDF) - Palos Verdes High School

Junior Parent Night (Printable PDF) - Palos Verdes High School Junior Parent Night (Printable PDF) - Palos Verdes High School

Graduation Subject Requirements vs.College Subject RequirementsSubject PVHS CSU UC SelectiveCollegesEnglish 4 Years 4 Years 4 Years 4 YearsMath 2 Years 3 Yrs required4 Years Rec.GeometryRequired3 Yrs. required4 Yrs. Rec.GeometryRequired4 YearsHistory/SocialScience3 Years 2 Years 2 Years 4 YearsScience1 Yr Biological1 Yr Physical2 Years 2 Yrs. required3 yrs. Rec.4 YearsForeignLanguage0-1 Year 2 Years 2 Yrs. Required3 Yrs. Rec.4 YearsFine Art 0-1 Year 1 Year 1 YearElective 1 Year 1 Year

“D/F” Grades• UC and CSU campuses consider D and F gradesin a required subject a Subject Omission.• Students who have received a D or F grade in arequired course need to repeat the course in orderto be eligible to apply to a UC or CSU campus…HOWEVER…there are exceptions…• Math and Foreign Language can be validated by a grade of C or better ina higher level course.• F grades in subject requirements will preventgraduation. These MUST to be repeated!*Consult your students counselor for further information

What is the following a list of?PrincetonDukeDartmouthUSCTuftsUniversity of MinnesotaUniversity of NebraskaBaylorJohns HopkinsUniversity of Texas AustinPittsburgh State UniversityGeorgia State UniversityWestern Illinois UniversityCity University of NYUniversity of DaytonOhio University

Answer:Colleges attended byCEO’s of thetop Fortune 500 Companies

How about this list?• Gettysburg in Pennsylvania• Union College in Kentucky• Manchester University in Indiana• Hope College in Michigan• Rollins College in Florida• Gustavus Adolphus in Minnesota

Answer:Colleges attended byrecent winners of the Nobel Prize

College is aMatch to beMade NOTa Prize to beWon!

CollegeThere is a college that isright for your student…..AvgAcceptedGPA (wtd)Avg AcceptedSAT (2400 )Avg ACTStanford 4.74 2113 32 7%Boston College 4.71 2075 31 31%UC Santa Barbara 4.43 1978 30 41%LoyolaMarymount UU of ColoradoBoulder4.07 1854 28 45%3.76 1719 27 61%Univ of Arizona 3.44 1621 25 70%AcceptanceRate for PVHSappsCSU DominguezHills3.27 1541 21 67%

Finding that match…• Know your student…Identify the priorities for them andyour family• Look for schools that match your student’s strengthsand learning style• Location, Location, Location• Size and Type of <strong>School</strong>• Research!• Visit colleges• Be realistic and maintain perspective• Remember, 84% of all colleges accept more than 50% ofthe students who apply to them, according to theNational Association for College Admission Counseling.

Web-based resource that helps you manage yourcourse, career & college planningCOLLEGE SEARCH:How to find colleges that fit your interestHow to find out information about a collegeCompare collegesLink directly to a college websiteTrack deadlines

<strong>Parent</strong>’s havetheir ownaccount!

Scattergrams on Naviance

Criteriathat youcan selectto changetheoutcomeof yoursearchSUPER MATCH!!!!


Admission Options

Definitions ofAdmission Options• Regular Decision: submit an application by institution’s specified date and receive adecision within a stated period of time.• Rolling Admission: institution reviews applications as they are submitted and rendersadmissions decisions to students throughout the admissions cycle.• Early Action (EA): students apply early to an institution of preference and receive adecision in advance of the regular response date. Students admitted under EA are notobligated to accept the offer of admission.• Restrictive Early Action (REA): students submit the application to an institution ofpreference and receive a decision well in advance of the regular response date. REAplaces restrictions on the student applying early to other colleges. Students admittedunder this plan are not obligated to accept the offer of admission.• Early Decision (ED): students make a commitment to a first-choice institution, where,if admitted, they definitely will enroll. When applying ED, student may apply toother institutions, but may only have one ED application pending. Students shouldcheck with individual schools regarding specific policies in the Early Decisionagreement.

Parts of the AdmissionsFolder• The Application: Containing biographical and personalinformation, frequently you will need to write essays.• Academic Record: Curriculum, courses and grades, includingGPA• Test Scores: remember that this is just a piece of the applicationfile.• <strong>School</strong> Recommendation: completed by counselor, describes thestudents growth and development, as well as contributions toboth the school and community.• Teacher Recommendation: describes your performance in theclassroom, contributions and potential for studying at thecollege level. Snapshots within a particular context of theclassroom.

Essays andPersonal Statements• The essay should be written in the student’s voice.Colleges expect an essay from a 17 year old senior.• The essay should not be coached.• This is an opportunity for the student to displayknowledge of a particular school or discuss why theschool is a good fit.• This summer is a great time to get ahead start oncollege essays.

University of California system:SAT I or ACT w/ writingSAT II recommended for some majorsCalifornia State University system:Requires the SAT I or the ACT only.Other Colleges:Always verify the individual requirements for any collegeyou are considering.Visit fairtest.org for a list of schools that de-emphasizethe use of SAT/ACT for admissions.The CEEB Code for<strong>Palos</strong> <strong>Verdes</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> is 052358

Communication…is VERY importantCommunicating with College Admissions Representativesis an essential component of college admission•Colleges like to talk directly with students regarding theirapplication. (Don’t call for them)•If they have questions about a particular College orUniversity it is best to email the institution directly. Thiswill provide information as well as start ongoingcommunication.•Students should take advantage of the College Rep visits inthe CCC. Introduce themselves!•Visit Colleges! Call ahead to inquire about informationsessions as well as schedule an appointment (if applicable).

College Visits• Contact the admissions office about campus tours andinformation sessions.• Always fill out an information card and get on the mailinglist.• Summer is a great time to visit schools.• Take advantage of visiting the variety of schools in thelocal area.• Over 100 college admission officers will visit PVHS eachfall– Excellent opportunity to gain insight into campus and makeconnections

• The Admission Process

Factors in CollegeAdmission DecisionsTop Factors Ranked “Considerably Important” by Colleges• Grades in College Prep Courses• Strength of <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Curriculum• Standardized Test Scores• Overall Grade Point AverageTop Factors Ranked “Moderately Important” by Colleges• The Admissions Essay• Letters of Recommendation• Demonstrated interest• Extracurricular InvolvementInformation from the 2011 NACAC Factors in the Admission Decision

Committee Selection vs.Eligibility IndexCommittee SelectionStudent applicants are reviewed in the context oftheir entire application. Extracurricular activities,leadership opportunities and community serviceplay a significant role.Eligibility IndexCampuses use a mathematical equation todetermine eligibility, primarily based on GPA andtest scores. Index will vary by campus.

UC ComprehensiveReview• UC campuses with more applications than space use thisprocess to review applications• Campuses use all of the information in the application toassess a student’s academic and personal achievements inlight of the educational opportunities available• Students’ records are analyzed not only for grades and testscores, but also for accomplishments beyond the classroom• All campuses use the same selection criteria to evaluateapplications; however, the weight of each factor and thespecific evaluation process differ from campus to campus

Private & Out of StateColleges/ Universities*Admission requirements vary by institution*Often use “committee” type admission process*Students should check with individual campusesto determine admission requirements (usuallyfound on their website)

Letters of Recommendation

Letters of Recommendation●Requirements for letters of recommendationwill vary by individual campus.● Students should check college websites todetermine if they need a LOR and if so bywhom.*UC’s and CSU’s DO NOT accept Letters ofrecommendation

Teacher Letters ofRecommendation• Teacher Letter– Purpose: Spotlight accomplishmentswithin the scope of the classroom– Preferably from junior year academicteacher– Check college for specific requirements– Students should ask teacher IN PERSONto write their letter of recommendation

• Purpose:Counselor Letter ofRecommendation– To provide an overall picture of the student andtheir accomplishments throughout high school– All of our letters of recommendation arepersonalized

Counselor Letter ofRecommendation Packet• Students will need to complete the CounselorLetter of Recommendation Questionnaire onNaviance (Great thing to do this summer!)– Questionnaire is under the About Me Tab**<strong>Parent</strong> input is also needed in the form of aparent letter of recommendation***• Students will complete the remainder of thePacket in the fall after their senior guidancelessons

MARK YOUR CALENDAR!• The Last Day to Request a Letter ofRecommendation– For Early Admission:• September 26 th , 2014– Regular Admission:• November 7th, 2014• This deadline is for letters of recommendationfrom both teachers and counselors.


NCAA Eligibility CenterStudents who plan to play a sport in collegeare required to register with the NCAAEligibility Center at the end of their <strong>Junior</strong>Year and send an end of the year transcript.Please check with your counselor to ensurethat you have met the NCAAcore-course rule for your division.www.eligibilitycenter.org

NCAA Core CourseRequirementsDivision I and Division II16 Core Courses4 years English3 years math (Algebra 1 or higher)2 years natural/physical science(1 year of lab)1 year additional English, math ornatural/physical science2 years social science4 years additional courses (from anyarea above, foreign language ornondoctrinal religion/philosophy)

What do all of the following peoplehave in common?• Arnold Schwarzenegger, Former actor, Former Governor of CA• Billy Crystal, Actor/Comedian• Joan Lunden, “Good Morning America” News Anchor• Calvin Klein, Internationally-known fashion designer• Tom Hanks, Actor• Gwendolyn Brooks, Pulitzer-prize winning poet• Eileen Collins, NASA astronaut• James Sinegal, CEO of Costco• Maxwell Taylor, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Answer:They are all successfulpeople who started out at acommunity college.

Community College• 2 year college, students can receive an Associatedegree, or choose to transfer to a 4 year University• Some California CC’s offer on campus housing,refer to Naviance for a complete list• 123 California Community Colleges• Many campuses offer Honors Transfer Programs• PVHS enjoys a strong relationship with our localcommunity colleges. Representatives fromHarbor College and El Camino College are oftenon campus to assist in enrollment and testingprocesses.

This day will be here before youknow it!

This Summer and Senior YearTimeline

This Summer• Research, Research, Research• Build a list of 8-10 schools– Reach, Target and Safety• Identify admission requirements at each school– Essays, Letters of recommendation, Tests• Brainstorm and write Personal Statements• Complete Letter of RecommendationQuestionnaire IF a counselor letter is needed.

Senior Year TimelineEarly Fall•Register for SAT, ACT and Subject exams (if needed)•Ask teachers and counselors to write letters of recommendation(if counselor letter needed there is a senior packet to completeincluding questionnaire on Naviance)•Attend group meetings with counselor•Attend College Representative sessions in CCC•Continue editing College admission essays and personalstatements•Organize important dates and deadlines

Southern California RegionalOccupational Center(So Cal ROC)• Types of classes: Agriculture & Natural Resources,Finance and Business, Health Science & MedicalTechnology, Public and Consumer Services, Arts/Mediaand Entertainment, Engineering, Technology & IndustrialTrades• Great way to get training for a great parttimejob now or after high school!Go to the counseling office to make anappointment with a So Cal ROC representativetoday!

Upcoming Events

What’s Coming Up…• Grad Check: Mailed home early July• Senior <strong>Parent</strong> <strong>Night</strong>: Middle of September• Senior Conferences: Middle of September

Congratulations on embarkingon your Senior year!Remember, your counselor is available to support you and your student during the collegeprocess. Please feel to contact us with any questions.Paula StapletonLast Names: A – CPat ColinLast Names: D– HnKristen HuberLast Names: Ho - McAmerika McHughLast Names: Me - RChristina HiranoLast Names: S – Zstapletonp@pvpusd.k12.ca.uscolinp@pvpusd.k12.ca.ushuberk@pvpusd.k12.ca.usmchugha@pvpusd.k12.ca.ushiranoc@pvpusd.k12.ca.us

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