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Writing and photography by seventh graders in Canteen Arts, Inc.’s creative writing program, inpartnership with StreetSquash.To learn more about us, visit www.canteenmag.com and www.streetsquash.org.TEACHERSLee Bob BlackStephen PiersonDaniel ChristensenAmy BraunschweigerMarion DuvertGarth Risk HallbergPorochista KhakpourMolly RosenCezara RussuJJ SulinDESIGNJJ SulinDaniel ChristensenSai SriskandarajahWith special thanks to StreetSquash’s Laura Lindstrom and Nereida Colon.REACTIONSWe’d be glad to hear from you at info@canteenmag.com.Canteen Magazine70 Washington St., Ste. 12HBrooklyn, NY 11201Cover by Chamoy Greenaway© 2009 Canteen Arts, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform without the prior written permission of the publisher.Printed by Finlay


Canteen magazine is produced by Canteen Arts, Inc., a 501(c)(3)nonprofit organization. All contributions are fully tax-deductible. Tosupport the arts through Canteen and our tutoring program, pleasevisit canteenmag.com/donate or email info@canteenmag.com.Canteen Arts wishes to thank the following organizations andindividuals for their generous support:$20,000The Porphyry Road Foundation$15,000Douglas Brown$1,500Nancy Stephens & Rick Rosenthal,in conjunction with the Rosenthal Family Foundation$750 and aboveMartha & Ilan Rzadkowolsky-Raoli$500 and aboveKathy HardmanNick HowardJemma & Jim Walden$200 and aboveGina GionfriddoElaine LawrasonThe Pershing Square FoundationVictoria Westhead$100 and aboveMichael EisnerRuth FriendlyRuth HaywardPam & Arnold LehmanSusan MorrisSteve & Ilisa RissmanFrank Rotman$50 and aboveKim AskewRuth SilvermanRachel Webber

SIX-WORD MEMOIRSTAYLORFull of love. Can get emotional.GABRIELLEI have a voice, vision, dream.TRAVONEI have set my goals high.HAWAI hate being made fun of.DANIELNice and fun to be with.CRISHTIANI’m a liar, but at teachers.5NASEANI want to be a legend.TOSINNice, quiet, fun, mindful, love squash.


I HAVE ONE WEEK TO LIVE!GOOD-BYE LETTERSSUHENDear Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip Cookies,To the creators of the movie Saw,I love you, the warmth of chocolate in my mouth.The way the chocolate thaws when you leave it onthe table. I’m sorry for dipping you in that milk youhate. Please send 42 dozen cookies to my funeral.And place a huge cookie in my casket, and don’tgive any to my little sister. Make sure Paul doesn’tcome to my funeral. I will miss you. Friends forever.Why, how, what and where did you get the ideathat I was going to like these movies? Outrageous,ridiculous and mysteriously nonsensical films. Ifthe man died in part 3, why is there a part 4 and5. Not only is there Saw 1 and Saw 2 and Saw3, but there’s also a Saw 4 and Saw 5. Please tellwhat number are you going to stop at.7Sincerely,<strong>Your</strong> Bestie FriendSincerely,Suhen DayisiDear GAP,I would really like for you to send a pretty scarf to myfuneral. I always liked the GAP. I just really wantedto know, what does it mean?Suhen Dayisi

TAINADear Mami, Papi, Mama, Katie, Joan, Ashley & all my Friends & Family,GOODBYE LETTERSI just want to say I love you all and I’m sorry for all the pranks. All the things I’ve done to make youproud of me was the one thing I’ll never forget. I feel happy to have been presented into this world andhave met such great people. I love you all and that is the one thing I will always cherish.My stroll down memory lane is written like this: I remember the times we’ve acted silly and hadthe best years of our lives. But even though very soon my time will come, I want you to remember, I willalways have a reserved spot for happiness. I hope my time will be as wonderful as yours. AND ONCEAND FOR ALL, I LOVE U!8Taina Jeanibel Paniagua


TRAVONEDear Poppy,GOODBYE LETTERS10This isn’t a good-bye letter, it’s more of a see you later letter. I will not cry or weep. We bothknew this day would come but not so soon. I will cherish all the good and bad times we had.Each and every moment we shared meant everything to me. The day we meet again up in thehigh blue skies will be like seeing God for the first time. But until then all I can say is see youlater!!Sincerely,<strong>Your</strong> great grandson,Travone J.R.




TAINAFAIRY TALES14Once upon a time there was a girl named Estella.She was the daughter of Queen Stilletto and KingJerome. Estella was the nicest and prettiest girl inthe world. She was an angel. She let her maid takefive days of the week off, she helped clean the houseand her neighborhood, and she fed the homeless.She was the best princess ever.Since Estella got all the attention, her evilsister, Violet, wanted to take her down. So, one day,at the big Prince’s convention, all the princesses ofStirome Land had to go and beautify themselves inorder to find the right prince. So, Violet had a plan.Estella went to the ball and was the prettiestprincess there was. One glance at Prince Lucas,and Estella fell in love. Prince Lucas went up toEstella and took her hand. The two danced andlaughed and kissed.Prince Lucas proposed to Estella from afar. AsEstella took one step forward, she tripped over arope, slipped into a pile of mud, and dirtied herwhole body and beauty makeup, especially herdress. Everyone at the ball gasped while Violetwas the only one laughing. Estella, knowing Violetwould plan this, wanted revenge. Prince Lucaswent into his carriage and ran away. Estella criedthe whole night away.At that moment Estella became evil. Shebegan giving the housemaid triple the usual work,she made sure the maid left the house spotless,and she locked the homeless in an undergrounddungeon to starve. She was horrible as can be.Queen Stilletto and King Jerome despised her andfavored Violet.Estella lost her privileges as princess whileViolet gained it. Prince Lucas came back and fellin love with Violet and treated Estella like manure.Estella tried to control her rage and jealousyin order to not kill Violet but Violet finds hermisery wonderful. The two sisters then got into anargument. Violet yelled “I hate you!” And at thatmoment, Estella had a stroke and died.

CHAMOYOnce upon a time in a village that was hidden forcenturies that holds a magic so strong it couldchange the world forever. Only the chosen can usethe magic to balance the world between good andevil. The chosen one has to battle a black dragonthat has the power to get into people’s minds anduse them to do its will.In a tiny village, far away lived a boy namedJack who was the chosen one but he had no ideawhat destiny held for him.“Jack where are you going?” said Janette.“To the fortune teller to see my destiny.”“I would not do that,” said Janette. “I hear thatshe says all mumbo-jumbo.”“I’m checking anyway,” said Jack, running awayto the fortune teller’s tent.“I was expecting you,” said the fortune teller.“You want to hear your destiny, don’t you Jack?”“How do you know my name?” asked Jack,looking at her strangely.“I know everything. For I am the fortuneteller,” she said. “I see you have a great adventurecoming up. It will change the world forever,” thefortune teller said in a soft, scary voice.“I don’t believe this,” Jack said. “You’re crazy.I’m out of here.”“<strong>Your</strong> destiny is great and you will find outwhat do in a matter of time,” the fortune teller said,whispering to herself as Jack left the tent.Meanwhile in the hidden village: “What isthat booming sound,” said a local villager.“It’s the dragon. Run for your lives,” saidanother villager, screaming and frantically wavinghis hands in the air while running.“Do as I say, find the chosen one,” said thedragon speaking into the villagers’ minds.“We will do as you say master dragon,” saideveryone in the village together.Back in Jack’s village, “Intruders” said a man.“Dad what is that?” said Jack in horror.(to be continued...)FAIRY TALES15

EBBRIAFAIRY TALES16Once upon a time, there was this little girl namedImani who was the loudest person in the world. Itall started when no one would listen to her or payattention to her when she tried to speak.She grew tired of it and became the loudestperson in the world. She would just grow louderand louder day by day until her 13th birthday andby then she was so loud, people could hear herfrom a million miles away. Her school kicked herout and her mother left because they couldn’t takeher voice.She broke everything that was around whenshe spoke and the worst thing about it was that shehad no friends because of her very distinctive, loudvoice. Her old friends wouldn’t talk to her anymorebecause they didn’t like how loud she spoke andImani found it wrong because she thought it wastheir fault she was so loud because none of themever listened to her.A few months later she saw her old friendsand confronted them. She confessed to them thatshe is loud because they never listened and theyunderstood. They started talking again and thistime they listened to everything Imani had to sayand each day her voice started to get lower andlower until Imani was at her regular voice againand she became happy.Imani went back to school and her mom cameback and Imani lived happily ever after.



OBAMA STEPS ON IDOL’STOES AGAINBy TAYLOR COOKPresident Obama makes fun of AmericanIdol but mostly making fun of Simon.The government and the economy are justlike Simon. “He and the economy and thegovernment are never happy and neversatisfied,” said President Obama. AmericanIdol judge Simon Powell always complainsthat you can’t sing the high notes of a song buteveryone’s complaining about AIG and thebillion dollars in bonuses.FAMOUS SUPERMODEL FILES FORDIVORCEBy BARBARA HALLNatasha Pickney, the supermodel who hasbeen all around the world is getting a divorce.After 10 years of marriage, she is demanding adivorce. Pickney wants 100 million dollars.She claims to have been missing a lot ofcostly things in their home. One day when shewas away in New Orleans she left her homein Miami and when she returned she said herhouse was completely empty. Pickney said, “Hewas nowhere to be found.” She says she wants$100M because of all the missing things.Insiders say Pickney’s husband JohnPickney was spotted in a pawn shop a fewweeks back. Natasha says after the trial shewants to live peacefully in Trenton, N.J. Shesays with all the drama with John she’ll bealone for a while.WHY DID I BUILD IT? (EDITORIAL)By ALEJANDRO CAMILOMy building looks so dangerous. It looks likepeople throw bottles from it and jump off whenthey are mad. So I am thinking, why did I makethis building if people do not like it. And peoplesay the building is too tall for anyone to see howit really looks. I say: So then go on the Internetand see how it looks. But I made this building fora reason--to represent that I am an artist. So that’swhy I made it. And my critics say, “OK but it doesnot look alright.” I say it is not alright to you, but itis to me--so get that straight.JOURNALISM19


SUHENALVINI love Beyoncé. Her songs are an inspiration. Someof her songs are based on love, life and friends/family. When Keyshia Cole records a song she letsall of her feelings out. Kanye West songs alwayshave a little reality in them which is a good thing.I love Chris Brown’s first album; it was about love.I hate Soulja Boy, he can’t rap. None of hissongs make sense. He is the bug that’s killing hip-hop. He has no purpose. Everyone fell in love withhis 1 hit wonder “Crank That Soulja Boy.” Butsongs after that no one cared for.TAINAWe all know Ludacris and he should stop with hisideas of “One More Drink.” Regardless of whetherhe gets a drink or not, he should know the girl willstay like her original weight. This song is stupidand disrespectful. He should know this song hurtsgirls who are overweight. It hurts their self-esteem.Ludacris’s song needs to be reshaped in lyricform. I don’t get why rappers/singers make songsthat sound like gibber gabbish. This song soundsdumb and needs to go somewhere.Keyshia ColeThe new Keyshia Cole song “Complete Me” is thebest love song she ever made. Many people canrelate to this song! Ever since watching Keyshia’sreality show “Keyshia Cole: The Way It Is,” I havehad so much respect for her as a person and anartist. She has been through a lot in her lifetimeand showed her creativity by taking her problemsand putting them in a song to hit the top of theplaylists and music Billboards. She’s great.Young B.I do not like this lil girl at all. All of her songs involvedances. But yet she makes a song entitled “ChickenNoodle Soup” and can’t even do the dance. But yeteveryone likes her. She can’t rap, and when she triesshe’s really annoying with her squeaky voice. Sheneeds to go back to DJ Webstar and learn how todo the Chicken N. Soup.MUSIC REVIEWS21



ALVINTRAVONEORIGINS OF SUPERHEROES & SUPERVILLAINS24G.E.N. is a 20-year-old man who had a falloutwith his mother at the age of 18 and never talkedto her again. Until one day, out of nowhere hismother called. He wondered how she got hisphone number, and answered the phone with aquestion, “How did you get my phone number?”She answered, “Oh my baby I haven’t heard fromyou in a long time, how are you doing.” As helistened to her voice he had a flashback to whenhis mother kicked him out over his new father Jim.With all his hatred he hung up the phone beforeshe could say another word.He took a deep breath and went for a walk.As he walked through a park named Slip Park hepondered on that very moment he was kicked outand when his mother called. He was so mad hetook his own life by drowning himself in a nearbylake. As he drowned himself he saw a light but wasrejected. His life was over.He then met a god from the underground whooffered to give him eternal life if he worked for him.Hurting innocent people. The underground godgave him powers of being strong, invisible, speed,x-ray vision, freezing, melting, and being able toturn into other people. With his biological fatherdead and him hating his mother he took all thatto hurt people. The underground god equippedhim with a red white and black form-fitted outfit,a bulletproof vest also in those colors, and lots ofweapons. But the only thing stopping him from hishoodlum crimes was the superhero Jacob...It all started June 17, 1989. I was a normal 17-year-old boy living in New York City. My name isZackary Myers, most people just called me Zack. Ihad no mother or father, the only thing I ever hadwas my little sister Jasmine. Jasmine is a 14-yearoldwith cancer. Let me rephrase that. She was a14-year-old girl with cancer. She died the same dayI got my powers.I believe that when she died Jasmine broughtout my inner strength. I always used the powers mysister gave me for good, until I found out the truth.My sister didn’t die of cancer. She was murdered.The funny thing is that the very people we feelprotect us killed her. The military!I couldn’t figure out the reason why. I thoughtabout this for years. Then it all came to me. Whywould the military kill someone unless they sawher as a threat? Everything I knew was becominga lie--my sister wasn’t any normal 14 year old girl.She was “The Dark Gurudie!” Which explains tome why my parents left me when I was 10 andJasmine was 7. Only one of us can hold the powerof the underground at a time.Now I see, when she died the powers belongedto me and now from here on I will not be calledZack or Zackary. I’m “The Darklord.”

DANIELCRISHTIANJohnny Johnson looks like a regular young kid fromNew York. He’s never been comfortable with hisfamily’s huge fortune. He thinks that anyone whogoes around showing off their riches and thinksthey’re better than everyone is a loser. He dressesnormally to show all this. Most rich people try toalways look flashy to show their fortune.One day, 17-year-old Johnny is captured bynew villains in town. They know he’s rich and askhim where he lives. They take him to the top ofa building and threaten him to throw him off. Hewon’t talk so he is fiercely thrown off the building.He thinks his life is over, and his heart accelerates.He feels his temperature rising rapidly, and as hegets closer and closer to the ground somethingamazing happened: he blazes on fire, a huge ball offlame, before landing safely on the ground.He ran home. But the villains had already foundhis house, and they didn’t leave without breakingpeace. Johnny’s father wouldn’t talk either whenthey asked where his fortune was. So they killedhim. His dying words to Johnny were, “I’m sorryson I didn’t tell you the truth.” He wondered whathe meant. Then his father said, “We’re different,we’re not normal. My powers were taken years ago,but yours are soon to bloom.” But before his fathercould explain more, he died. Johnny would haveto find out his family’s history and abilities on hisown.Jack Shadowhunter sleeps at 1:00 a.m. He’s havinga dream about something pulling him into theground when he wakes up, he’s not in his bed, he’sin another world where there is only darkness.In the darkness he sees an old man tryingto stand up. When he walks over, the man startsscreaming “help me, help me, help me!” All of asudden it starts getting darker. Then the old manturns into a monster and attacks Jack. But, just asquickly, a light appears and the monster disappears.Jack follows the light. Then he falls intoa hole. He starts hearing a voice saying, “JackShadowhunter you are chosen to be the newshadow knight, the guardian of the shadow pit.” Atthe end of the hole the voice says, “Pick a weapon,the sword of destruction, arrows of destiny,hammer of hope, and wand of life.” Jack picks thesword of destruction, the floor falls apart.When he gets to the end of the hole monsterscome. The voice says, “These are the creation ofXehanort, he twisted the minds of humans, theworld that you see now has been corrupted byXehanort, his right hand man is AX. It is up toyou, and you alone, to save the world.”ORIGINS OF SUPERHEROES & SUPERVILLAINS25



TAINAALVINI love shoesThat is trueWithout youI’ll go blueWhen I’m sick I go achooI look up and see my shoeIf I can’t find you I seek cluesWhere are you my little shoesWhen the Day ComesIt could be good, bad, mellow, sad, feeling dazedand confused in a maze made to be used, losingfocus while everyone is joking, laugh while you can,smile in advance, life is no joke you have one lifeto live, choose wisely, you can fine see… finally bea good person so when judgment day comes youcan go through those pearly white gates before thedownstairs man come. Life is just a game in goodhands, be a man.POETRY28My shoes are as bold as goldIt’s a pump with a big humpThe heel is steelIt’s comfortable like a loftThat’s why it’s so softIt isn’t worth a dollarNot even a dimeNow that’s a crimeI really like shoesMy little shoes are my lifeGee, look at my shoesCRISHTIANThe Mets arethe best, they wonthe fest. They make the Yanksthe mess, ofthe west.The Mets openthe chest, to bethe best, to winthe World Series.



CHAMOYHAWASchool is the one thing I hateTeachers want to give you detention when lateLunchtime is when you worry what you ateSometimes it will determine your life’s fateI went to school on the first day,I got suspended cuz I pulled a girl’s hair.I don’t care!I don’t care!You just do nothing all dayI will do the work if you give me payYou have to do the work the teacher would sayI don’t care, school’s nearly done anywayI went to school and I had a fight,And wasn’t alright.I don’t care!I don’t care!School is like a day full of blahIt makes me wish I was in AgrabahThe building is like a mansionIt looks as if it’s from another dimensionThe subjects are boring as a tortoiseMan I just wish I was in a forestSchool is just boringI wish it will just blow upMan I just hate schoolI went to school on report card day,And they said you’re back in fifth grade.Oh yes I do care!Oh yes I do care!School students are as rude as shameless old men,Teachers are as annoying as infants.School buildings are like recycling plants or dumpsters,The word school is like a big mistake of life I must confess.POETRY31I like vacationsI like summer vacationsSchool just ruins thatI love staying homeThe thought of school makes me sickMust I go to schoolI will go to schoolOnly if I get moneyThat is what I like


GABRIELLEBARBARAI bought some ice cream because it was hotI got it from this new spotThat I found in the middle of a parking lotThe man gave me a lotHe got the ice cream out of a potHe gave me the ice cream in a cupThat said hey come back to the dot!When I first met herI knew we’d be friends foreverThat we’d stick togetherThrough whateverWe’ll go wherever wheneverWhen I first met herI knew we’d be friends foreverWe are however not going to be friends forever.My Ice cream is cold as snowThe cone is crunchy as peanutsThe fudge is as hot as lavaThe peanuts are as tiny as antsThe ice cream is goodThe ice cream has disappearedLike Houdini on stage.Her hair is as long as a riverJokes are funnier than a clownSecrets are more real than realityAnd her clothes are as pretty as a flowerPOETRY33I need ice cream nowOr nobody goes to sleepAs ordered by meShe is my best friendI’ve known her since we were 5We are true blue friendsI can tell her thingsShe will tell me her secretsEven when we’re mad


SECRETSBARBARAI’m a 14-year-old fugitive. I shot my best friendbecause she took my money when she spent thenight at my house a few days ago. I was very careful.Her body is in the bottom of a tree stump. Mymom doesn’t know what I did. Neither does mydad. I think her parents will find out sooner of later.I think they think she went to her grandmother’shouse. But instead she’s where a rabbit probablyused to live.How did I do it? I used my dad’s gun. Then Ithrew it in a lake and claimed it got stolen alongwith my other jewelry. Maybe they’ll find her.Maybe they won’t. But who will be blamed? Me?Or her grandmother? She was supposed to be ather grandmother’s house, right? So how will theyfind out it was me? If cops come to my door, I’ll justsneak out back OR I could say her grandmothercalled me and said that she was missing. Butwouldn’t they ask her grandmother?MAN! I don’t know what to do! She shouldn’thave stolen my money! So who was wrong? Well Iguess I could admit I did it but I don’t want to. Ihave to go, the doorbell is ringing… I think I willtell them the truth if I get caught.35<strong>Your</strong>s Truly,Nicole Martin

DANIELTAYLORSECRETS36Okay son, when I was 17 I got home from schoolwith a black eye and busted lip. When my parentsasked, I said that I got jumped by 4 boys on myway home, I also said that I fought them off and all4 of them ran in fear when they saw my rage. Thetruth is… that it was one person who ran away. Ormaybe she, I mean he, didn’t. The real truth is thatthe fight was between a girl and me. And it endedin two punches. That explains the black eye andthe busted lip. And if I could’ve, I would’ve ran butI was knocked out for 5-10 minutes. So there it isson, I lost to a younger girl. So don’t always thinkthat girls are inferior.I once was a secret agent living a double life, on therun from the drug kingpin of Miami.I am hiding this secret from my family and myenemies. I’m confessing this to my family becausesomeone got hurt because of me being a secretagent. I got caught, but escaped after I killed thekingpin. Don’t tell anyone.




ALVINTAINAESSAYS40Should sex education be increased in schoolsto curb problems such as teen pregnancy?I do think that sex education should be increasedin schools: both to high school and middle schoolstudents. The only reason I bring up middle schoolstudents is because students of the age of 12-13and up start to encounter the opposite sex aroundthat age, and kids at that age start to go throughthe changes of life such as puberty. And during thistime kids start to build hormones and they need tobe able to know what all this means. They shouldalso be able to know why they might feel a wayabout a person. But the most important thing theyshould know about is safety in sex , and what sex isand how it can affect your life.And if they do increase sex ed it might evenhelp some kids feel comfortable about talkingabout sex, and asking questions and more.Even though sex education should be taught,some topics should not be brought up. For studentsin kindergarten – 6th grade there should be notalk about sex. For students in 7th – 8th grade theyshould be able to learn about the sexual anatomy,and protection. For students in high school theyshould learn about pregnancy, love, protection,and more about sexual interaction. Sex educationshould be taught but there are limits.The Day I Got StitchesThe day I got stitches was the scariest day of mylife. It all started when I was on vacation and, oneday, me and my family went to the beach. That dayat the beach, my family and I got a lot of salt on ourbodies and had fun.Then, we went to my Uncle’s house. My cousinsand my siblings were calling “it” so that they cantake a shower first. So, I came into the room andcalled “it” and said I was the smallest (don’t knowwhy) and I took a shower first.As I was taking a shower, I stepped my rightleg out for one minute. At that moment, I imaginedwhat would happen in the next minute. I envisionedmyself getting into an accident while falling in thebathroom bathtub. Also, the setting of my visiontook place in my uncle’s bathroom, where I was in.Then I said, “Nah, that can’t happen.”Next I got a bar of soap, but it slipped out ofmy hand and slid down the bathtub. I reached forit, I slipped and my chin split wide open. Blood waseverwhere. My vision had come true.


POINT-COUNTERPOINT:THE DEATH PENALTYTRAVONEDANIELESSAYS42The death penalty should be allowed. This isbecause what you do to another will be done toyou. Like the Bible says, an eye for an eye. (Whichmeans vengeance.) This may not deter crime, but itdefinitely teaches the convict a lesson. Even thoughthe convict had to learn the lesson with his or herlife.People may disagree with my opinion butif one of their loved ones was hurt or killed bycriminal actions wouldn’t you want that personto be punished? I think that the death penaltyis better than life without parole. I believe thisbecause in the historical movie “The Hurricane”Rubin Carter said no humans live behind bars forlife. Meaning that life behind bars is actually morecruel and inhumane than the death penalty.I think that the death penalty is unnecssaryvengeance because if someone commits a murderand the penalty is death, the victim’s family getsvengeance but their family member won’t be back.So it would still be sad for the victim’s family, andnothing is solved.I think it’s better to sentence murderers to lifein jail, because the person committing the crimemight actually want to die. It’s also better becausethe criminal might be proven innocent after he isexecuted. If that happens, then the governmentwill owe a lot to the “criminal’s” family, and this willturn the “criminal’s” family against the government.A third reason why the death penalty is lesseffective than life in jail is that a criminal might justwant to do the crime to get over with their life rightaway.

RICHARDI think that the death penalty is wrong because youshouldn’t take away people’s lives, even if they arecriminals. Criminals should get life in jail instead ofthe death penalty. If you are killing prisoners, youcould be doing them a favor because they probablydon’t want to live any more after what they did.The death penalty seems more like torturethan doing the government a favor. And I wonderhow the person pulling the switch feels takingsomeone’s life.This is my perspective on why I think thedeath penalty is vengeance, and wrong.ESSAYS43


ALEJANDRO CAMILOas a lil kid watched PowerpuffGirls on the couch sittingupside-down.ALVIN HAIGLERknows he’s loud but yet he’sproud because he makes it fithis style.45BARBARA HALLloves to read, and sometimeswishes she were rich andfamous.CHAMOY GREENAWAYwishes he could be a rain cloudso he could rain down andshoot people with lightning.CHRISTINA McKNIGHT

CRISHTIAN BETANCESwants to own half of the world, orthe whole world if he can.DANIEL RAMIREZonce got caught in a mouse trapreaching for the cheese.EBBRIA JOHNSON46GABRIELLE TOBIASwishes she could swim in a poolof molten chocolate.HAWA BAHnever goes more than 15minutes without laughing.

RICHARD SPELLERSUHEN DAYISI47TAINA PANIAGUAwishes she could go back intothe 80’s so she could wear cuteoutfits.TAYLOR COOKis a chocoholic and candy-lover.At school everyone calls herTeddy Bear.TRAVONE WILLIAMSwants to be a brain surgeon.


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