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ZETORThe supplement to the instructions manual for tractors Proxima with engines TIER III that is presented to you includesa description, operation and maintenance of accessories that is different from tractors Proxima with enginesTIER II and from description, operation and maintenance of accessories changed in the course of manufacturing ofProxima.Despite the fact that many of you have rich experience with operation of other tractors, please read carefully thismanual. You can find here new information and good advices how to use the best the tractor with various works.When following these principles of operation and maintenance of the tractor and safety of driving, your tractor willbecome reliable partner for years.We wish you thousands of contented worked off hours.ZETORBrno3

PREVENTIVE DAILY MAINTENANCECOOLING SYSTEMCheck tightness of joints of the enginecooling system and amount of coolingfluid in the expansion tank that is installedon the right side of the engineand accessible after lifting of the frontbonnet.Refill the fluid up to the upper linemarked MAX. the minimum permissiblelevel of the cooling fluid is at the linemarked MIN.Open the overpressure lid afterthe fluid is cooled down! Dangerof scalding!H105 G735 G710FLUID BRAKESCheck tightness of fluid brakes, fluid controlof the clutch a amount of brake fluidin the expansion tank that is installed onthe left side of the tractor in front of thecab and accessible after lifting of thefront bonnet.Keep level of the brake fluid between 3/4(max. level) and 1/2 (min. level) of thetank.When handling with the brakefluid, keep strictly all componentsclean. Check level of the brakefluid daily before driving.AIR CLEANERMaintenance of the cleaner shallbe carried out after indication ofclogging.The indicator is accessible after lifting ofthe front bonnet. It is installed on the leftside of the air cleaner, close to the elbowof the air supply pipe.7

PREVENTIVE DAILY MAINTENANCEG720OIL TANK OF HYDROSTATICSTEERINGUsing the gauge rod check level of oil inthe hydrostatic steering tank. The tank isinstalled in the front left part of the tractorand accessible after lifting of the frontbonnet.Using the gauge rod (A) check level of oilin the tank of hydrostatic steering; keepthe level between lines marked MIN. andMAX., see Fig. (A).Refill oil as necessary, do to it, removethe nut (1) and lid.Check condition of all hoses of the hydraulicsteering circuit for possible damagesand leakage of oil.Check tightening of all bolts and nuts ofsteering rods and levers.8

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORREVERSIBLE SWITCHES, SWITCHES AND LEVERSa - Switch of lighting (off, parking lights, front headlamps).b - Switch of low beams in the front mask and low beams onthe cab.∗ Option: the lights on the cab may be controlled by thisswitch independently on the lights in the front mask(on/off).c - Switch of the rear fog light (on/off). Function of the foglight is indicated by an illuminated symbol on the switch.d - Switch of the rear working headlamp on the cab column(on/off). Function of the working headlamp is indicatedby an illuminated symbol on the switch.e - Switch of warning lights.f - Switch of the front driving axle. Switched on front drivingaxle is indicated by an illuminated symbol on the switch.g - Switch of the light beacon (on/off).h - Switch of working lights in the front mask (on/off). Functionof the working lights is indicated by an illuminatedsymbol on the switch.i - Switch of the front output shaft (on/off). Function of thefront output shaft is indicated by an illuminated symbolon the switch. The switch is equipped with a mechanicalcatch against unintentional switching. When switching onpress the catch towards the symbol.j - Pushbutton of the differential lock.k - Engine stop (stopping device).l - Switch of direction indicators, low and high beams andhorn and flash light.m - Ignition box.F1339

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORCONTROL PANEL ON THE RIGHTCAB COLUMN1- ∗ switch of front working lights on thecab roof2- ∗ switch of rear working lights on thecab roof3- Lighting of the cab4- two-position switch of the front wiperand windscreen washer5- switch of the rear wiperH127 F205 H109TILTING STEERING WHEELThe tilting column of the steering wheelenables variable adjustment of height andangle position of the steering wheel.Height adjustment of the steeringwheelAdjustment is carried out by extraction orretraction of the steering wheel afterunlocking of the arrestment by turning ofthe lever (1) in direction of the arrow. Afteradjustment the lever (1) shall be locked bytightening of the lever against direction ofthe arrow.Angle adjustment of the steering wheelAdjustment is carried out by tilting of thesteering wheel after unlocking of the arrestmentby turning of the lever (2) in directionof the arrow. After adjustment thelever (2) shall be tightened against directionof the lever.10AGGREGATION HOLE, REAR RIGHTPANELThe lower window is fixed, with a hole forconnection of controllers of the aggregatedimplement (1).The right rear panel includes a compartmentfor a PET bottle (2), 3-pin socket12V (3) and cigarette lighter (4).

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTOR∗LEVER OF SHIFTING OF REVERSEF - driving forward; kever in forward positionN – neutral positionR - driving backward; lever in backwardpositionShifting is carried out when the tractor isin stillstand.E149 E150 H170LEVER OF SHIFTING OF ROAD ANDREDUCED SPEEDSRNSroad gearsneutral positionreduced gearsShifting is carried out when the tractor isin stillstand.LEVER OF ENGAGEMENT OF THEOUTPUT SHAFT DRIVEa - dependent speed of the outputshaft drive through the gearbox;the speed depends on the engagedgearn - neutral positionb - independent speed of the outputshaft drive - the speed dependson the speed of engineShifting is carried out when the tractor isin stillstand.11

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTOR∗LEVER OF SHIFTING OF SPEED OFTHE OUTPUT SHAFT540 AND 1,000 RPMa - 540 rpmn - neutral positionb - 1,000 rpmShifting is carried out when the tractor isin stillstand.Shifting of 540 and 1,000 rpm ispossible regardless to the installationof a 6- or 21-spline terminal.The output shaft speed andtype of the terminal shall be chosendepending on the prescribedspeed of the aggregated machine.H171 H171 H171∗LEVER OF SHIFTING OF SPEED OFTHE OUTPUT SHAFT540 AND 540E RPMa - 540 rpmn - neutral positionb - 540E rpmThe gear 540 E is used to achieve 540rpm of the output shaft when preservingeconomical speed of the engine.Shifting is carried out when the tractor isin stillstand.Shifting of 540 a 540E rpm ispossible regardless to the installed6- or 21-spline terminal.The output shaft speed and typeof the terminal shall be chosendepending on the prescribedspeed of the aggregated machine.12∗LEVER OF SHIFTING OF THEREDUCER OF CREEP SPEEDSa - reducer of creep speedsn - neutral positionb - normal speedsShifting is carried out when the tractor isin stillstand.

TRANSPORT USED201MULTI-STOREY QUICK-ADJUSTABLEHITCH CBMIt is used for hitching of two-axle of lightsingle-axle trailers. The guide mouth isheight-adjustable. When working withvarious agriculture machines the heightof the hitch shall be adapted as necessaryor dismount at all.D202HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT ANDDISMOUNTING OF THE MULTI-STOREY HITCH CBMTurning of the lever in direction of the arrowto the position (1) unlocks the leverand its subsequent turning to the position(2) slides the arrestment pins (3) in; thisreleases the multi-storey hitch and itsheight can be adjusted or the hitch dismounted.Release of the lever from the position (2)slides the arrestment pins (3) out and thelever returns automatically to its initialposition.13

TRANSPORT USED203AUTOMATIC GUIDE MOUTH OF THEMULTI-STOREY HITCH CBM>31/03/2007Moving of the lever (1) in direction of thearrow slides the pin (3) into its upper positionthat is indicated by the extractedwarning indicator (4), see Fig. (A).After sliding of the guide mouth onto thethill eye the pin slides automatically intothe thill eye of the connected trailer. Thehitch pin (3) can be lowered manually bymoving of the lever (2) in direction of thearrow. Sliding of the pin in is indicated byretracted warning indicator (4), see theFig. (B).After hitching of the trailer alwayscheck retraction of the warningindicator as shown on Fig. (B).E304AUTOMATIC GUIDE MOUTH OF THEMULTI-STOREY HITCH CBM01/04/2007

TRANSPORT USEMODULAR SYSTEM OF HITCHES FORTRAILERS AND SEMI-TRAILERSTypes of modules:Fig. (B) – Swing link bracketFig. (C) – Swing link bracket with fixedpin (piton fix)Fig. (D) – Bracket with ball ø 80mmDismounting, Fig. (A):1- Remove the locking screw (1).2- Secure the module against drop,unlock and remove the pins (2).3- Slide the module downward, out ofthe bracket.Mounting is carried in reverse order.D204 D205 D206MODULE OF A SWING LINKBRACKETThe module of the swing link bracket isinstalled in the multi-storey hitch bracket.SWING LINKDismounting:1- Unlock and remove the pin (1).2- Slide the swing link out in direction ofthe arrow.Mounting is carried in reverse order.MODULE OF A SWING LINKBRACKET WITH FIXED PINCarry out dismounting and mounting ofthe swing link as described in “Swinglink”.Connection of the eye to the fixed pin (3):1- Unlock and remove the pin (1)2- Lift the locking wedge (2) in directionof the arrow.3- Fit the thill fixed eye onto the fixedpin (3)4- Give the locking wedge (2) back intoits original position and lock it usingthe pin (1).15

TRANSPORT USED207MODULE OF A BRACKET WITH BALLØ 80MMThe bracket with a ball ø 80mm isused only for hitching of semitrailerswith hitching devices designedfor balls ø 80mm.Fig. (A) – Unlocking of the hitch:Move the lever (1) in direction of the arrowto push away the locking wedge (2).Fig. (B) – Locking of the hitch:Move the lever (1) in direction of the arrowto pull up the locking wedge (2).D208HITCH CBM FOR SINGLE-AXLETRAILERSThe hitch for single-axle trailers can befitted with a hook (A) or swing link (B).Replacement of the hook for the swinglink (C):1- Lower the hitch.2- Unlock and remove the pin (1).3- Remove the hook in direction of thearrow.Mounting of the swing link is carried outin reverse order.16

TRANSPORT USEMAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE VERTICAL STATIC LOADING OF HITCHES FOR TRAILERS ANDSEMI-TRAILERSType of hitchPermissibleverticalstatic loadingHitch pinØType of hitchPermissibleverticalstatic loadingHitch pinØ2,000kg31mm2,000kg38mm2,000kg43mm2,000kg28mmThe maximum weight of the aggregated braked trailer or semi-trailer shall not exceed the valuegiven on the serial rating plate of the tractor and value given in the technical passport (MOT certificate).The maximum speed of the vehicle combination is given by the maximum permissiblespeed of the slower vehicle in the combination.17

TRANSPORT USEMAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE VERTICAL STATIC LOADING OF HITCHES FOR TRAILERS AND SEMI-TRAILERSType of hitchPermissibleverticalstatic loadingHitchpin(ball) ØType of hitchPermissibleverticalstatic loadingHitchpin(ball) ØType of hitchPermissibleverticalstatic loadingHitch pin(ball) Ø736kg31 mm3,000kg80 mmfixed pin2 000kg 44.5 mm3,000kg47 mm 1,200kg 32 mmThe maximum weight of the aggregated braked trailer or semi-trailer shall not exceed the value given on the serial ratingplate of the tractor and value given in the technical passport (MOT certificate). The maximum speed of the vehicle combinationis given by the maximum permissible speed of the slower vehicle in the combination.18

DRIVE OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINESFRONT OUTPUT SHAFT ZUIDBERGThe front output shaft is equipped with afixed 21-spline terminal and its speed is1,000 rpm only.The tractor may be equipped with an optionalfront output shaft with both directionsof rotation:a - in direction of rotation of the engine(standard)b - against direction of rotation of theengine (∗optional)E356 H355 E358ENGAGEMENT OF THE FRONTOUTPUT SHAFT ZUIDBERGThe front output shaft Zuidberg can beengaged and disengaged using a switchon the dashboard. Activation of theswitch is indicated by the illuminatedsymbol on the switch.The switch is fitted with a mechanicallock (1) against unintentional switchingon. When activating the switch, depressalso the lock (1) in direction of the arrow.The switch shall be off whenstarting the engine.MAXIMUM TRANSFERRED POWEROutput shaft Transferredpowerfront (Zuidberg)1,000 rpm 45kW*rear1,000 rpm full engine power540 rpm full engine power540E rpm full engine power*In case of a transfer of power withoutshocks, the value of the transferredpower may be increased to 50kW.19

HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENTEXTERNAL CONTROL OF REAR ARMS OF THE HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENTExternal control of rear arms of the hydraulic equipment can be found on the rearright mud guard and allows the driver easier hitching of the implement, as movementof the lower links of the 3-point hitch can be controlled from outside. It is used only forhitching and unhitching of agricultural implement.Fig. (A):Before use of the external control move the regulation lever (1) to the position P.Move the sliding stop of the inner hydraulic circuit lever (2) to the front extreme position.G419G161During manipulation with the 3-point hitch using the external controlthe worker shall stand outsidethe area of the hitched implementto prevent his catching and/or injure.Fig. (B): Lowering of arms of the hydraulic equipmentMove the lever (3) in direction of arrows (move of the lever is limited by the rockerarm). Repeating of this procedure lowers the hydraulic arms in small steps.Fig. (C): Lifting of arms of the hydraulic equipmentMove the lever (3) in direction of arrows (move of the lever is limited by the rockerarm). Repeating of this procedure lifts the hydraulic arms in small steps.20

HITCHESHEIGHT ADJUSTMENT OF THELIFTING LINKSFig. (A) – Left lifting link:After disconnection of the arm upper endfrom the hydraulic equipment pin turn theeye (1) to adjust the height.Fig. (B) – Right lifting link:Slide out the handles (2) in direction ofthe arrow (2) and adjust the height.E453 E454 E455FIXED AND FREE POSITIONS OFLOWER LINKS OF THE HYDRAULICEQUIPMENTFig. (A) – Fixed position of lower links ofthe hydraulic equipment:The pin head (1) and washer (2) aremounted horizontally.Fig. (B) – Free position of lower links ofthe hydraulic equipment:The pin head (1) and washer (2) aremounted vertically.Free position enables free hitching of agriculturalimplement. The end of eitherlink may move independently on theheight of the other link.LIMITING LINKSThe limiting links (1) enable side swingsof the lower links.The left and right limiting links can be adjustedby turning of the link tube, see thearrow.Both limiting links shall always bemounted on the tractor.21

HITCHESE459∗LOWER LINKS WITH TELESCOPICTERMINALSThe lower links of the hitch are equippedwith semi-automatic telescopic terminalsCBM that facilitate hitching of the implementto the tractor. After pulling out thelocking pins (1) slide out the terminals(2). These terminals then can be fastenedto the fixing pins of the carried implement.After hitching of the carried implement,release arms of the hydraulic equipment.By lowering of the arms and reversing ofthe tractor backward the terminals (2)slide into the links and lock themselvesautomatically in their working position usingthe locking pins (1).Check always position of thetelescopic terminals, see Fig. (3).22E460∗LOWER LINKS WITH HOOKS CBMThe lower (3) and upper (4) links of thehitch are fitted with hooks CBM.First the implement shall be fitted withhitching balls CBM (1) and the distancebetween the lower links (3) of the hitchshall be adjusted by limiting links.During reversing and lifting of the 3-pointhitch its lower links (3) are connected tothe implement and then the driver connectsthe upper link (4) of the 3-pointhitch from his cab.For disconnection of the implementunlock the hooks, using the control wires(2) lift the upper link (4) and by loweringof the 3-point hitch disconnect the lowerlinks (3).

HITCHES∗FRONT 3-POINT HITCHIt is designed for hitching of front-carriedagricultural machines and implementacc. to ISO 8759-2.When transporting a carried implementit is always necessary tolock the hitch in its lifted positionusing hydraulic valves that areinstalled on the left side of thetractor, above the front axle.This hydraulic locking is recommendedeven in case that no implement ishitched in the 3-point hitch.E461 H462 E463CONTROL OF FRONT 3-POINT HITCHThe hitch is equipped with two singleactinghydraulic cylinders supplied with oilfrom the additional distributor of hydraulicpressure. Lifting and lowering is carried outby the lever (1) of the additional distributorcontroller.position 6position 5position Nliftingloweringlocking of the hitchADJUSTMENT OF LIFTING SPEED OFTHE FRONT 3-POINT HITCHBefore you start any work with the implementhitched on the front 3-pointhitch, it is recommended to adjust thethrottling valve (3) so that the time that isnecessary for lowering of the implementfrom the highest to the lowest position is1 to 1.5 second. Turning of the valvebody to the left (in direction of the arrow)increases speed of lowering. When adjustingthe speed, the levers of valves ofthe front hitch shall be in horizontal positions.23

HITCHESE461HYDRAULIC LOCKING OF THEFRONT 3-POINT HITCHHydraulic locking of the front 3-pointhitch can be carried out in any position ofthe hydraulic cylinders using valves inthe front part of the tractor (2).ABFree position:Levers of the valves are in horizontalpositions.- The hitch can be controlledfrom the cab.Locked position:Levers of the valves are in verticalpositions.- The hitch is locked.The upper lever of the hydraulic lockvalve of the front 3-point hitch is fittedwith arrestment. Before moving the upperlever to another position, unlock thelever by its pulling out of the hydrauliclock valve body.Carry out locking and unlockingof the front 3-pint hitch always byboth levers!E466WORKING AND TRANSPORTPOSITIONS OF THE FRONT 3-POINTHITCHA Working position of the front 3-point hitchB Transport position of the front 3-point hitchChange of positions of the front 3-pointhitch links:1. Unlock and remove the pin (1) fromthe hole.2. Lift the arm from position (A) to position(B).3. Lock the arm using the pin in the hole(2) and lock the pin as well.Insert only the pin into the hole;never check the hole by fingers!24

ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONELECTRIC EQUIPMENTNominal voltage,grounded (minus (-)poleBatteryAlternator with builtinvoltage regulatorStarter with reducerV-belts of the alternatorand waterpump drives12 V12V/155Ah14V / 95A12V / 3 kWAVX10x1385Laservice25D305LEAD BATTERYThe lead battery is located under coveron the left side of the tractor, under thecab footboard.The lead battery is accessible after tiltingout the cab footboard.When tilting out the can footboardthe cab door shall beclosed.1- Remove the screw (1).2- Lift the footboard in direction of thearrow.3- Lock the lifted footboard by the screwin the footboard hole (2).4- Remove the lock pin (3).5- Take the cover lower edge and liftand remove it.D302BATTERY DISCONNECTORThe battery disconnector (1) is installedon the left side of the tractor, close to thestarter.a- Battery connectedb- Battery disconnectedWhen lying by the tractor, disconnectthe battery using the batterydisconnector (1). This interruptspermanent minimal withdrawalof electric power by thebreaker of warning lights (approx.10 mA).In case the tractor is laid by for alonger period, it is necessary torecharge the battery at leastevery three months due to itsself-discharging.

ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONF306FUSE DOSE (21 FUSES)It is accessible after removal of the steeringconsole left cover.The fuses (1) are knife type and shouldbe replaced only for fuses with the samerating. In case of repeated blowing seekthe nearest service shop.The fuse of glowing (2) is a strip typewith rating 80A.Location of the fuses in thefuse dose26D307Pos. Fuse Protected systemrating1 15A Interrupter of warning lightsStop lights2 15A Horn, light beacon3 15A Control of front diving axle, controlof differential lock, dashboardpower supply4 15A High beams with indicator5 15A Left side marker lights, dashboardillumination, registration plate lights6 15A obrysová světla pravá, zadní pracovnísvětlomet s kontrolkou7 15A tlumená světla pravá, mlhovkas kontrolkou8 7,5A Right side marker lights,Indicator of lifgts in the mask/roof9 15A Working lights in the front mask10 3A Front output shaft Zuidberg11 15A Front and rear wipers, washer, radio“15“12 20A Heating fan, radio “30“13 15A Recirculation, cigarette lighter∗14 7,5A Air-conditioning(clutch of compressors)15 15A Not used16 15A Not used17 15A Compressor of driver’s seat18 20A 3-pin socket∗19 15A Front working headlamps on theroof∗20 15A Rear working headlamps on theroof21 80A Glowing

PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCEOILS FOR 4-CYLINDER TURBO-CHARGED ENGINES ZETOR TAB. 1Producer Commercial name of oil Viscosity class SAE Power class APIÖMV Truck M plus 15W/40 CF-4/SGTruck FE plus 10W/40 CF-4Truck FE 10W/40 CE/SGAustrotrac 10W/30 CETruck LD 15W/40 CERME Plus 15W/40 CE/SGParamo Pardubice M7ADS III-Trysk 20W/40 SF/CD+M7ADS III-Trysk Super 15W/40 SG/CEM7ADS IV-Trysk Super Turbo 15W/40 SG/CF-4Shell Rimula X 15W/40 SG/CF-4Aral Multi Turboral 15W/40 CF-4/SHSuper Traktoral 10W/30 CD-CE/SFKoramo Kolín Mogul Diesel DTT Plus 10W/40 CF-4/SGMogul Traktol STOU 10W/30 CE/SFFuchs Plantmot (bio-oil) 5W/40 CD/SGTitan Hydramot 1040MCTitan Truck10W/4015W/40CD/SGCG427

PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCERECOMMENDED OILS FOR TURBO-CHARGED ENGINES ACCORDING TOAMBIENT TEMPERATUREAmbient temperature Viscosity class SAE Power class APIunder -7°C 10W/30CD+, CE, CF-410W/40+30°C to -7°C 15W/30CD+, CE, CF-415W/4020W/3020W/40over +30°C 20W/3020W/4020W/50CD+, CE, CF-428

PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCEOILS TO GEARED MECHANISMS OF TRACTORS TAB. 2Producer Commercial name of oil Viscosity class SAE Power class APIParamo Pardubice Gyrol - UTTO 80W GL-4Gyrol - PP80 80W GL-4Esso Torque Fluid 62 80W GL-4 •Koramo Kolín Mogul Trans 80 80W GL-4Mogul Traktol UTTO/EKO 80W GL-4 ••Aral EP 80 80W GL-4Fluid HGS 80W GL-4 •Super Traktoral 10W/30 GL-4 ••ÖMV Austromatic HGN 80W GL-4Getriebeol MP 80W - 85W GL-4Shell Donax TT 80WFuchs Titan Hydramot 1030MC 10W/30 GL-4 ••Renolin G 100 80W GL-4• - Additive oil with additive for differential, with limited slipping and wet brakes•• - Universal oil29

PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCEOILS FOR FRONT OUTPUT SHAFTS ZUIDBERG TAB. 3Producer Commercial name of oil Interval of oil replacementBPAutran DX IIIFluid 9ShellDonax TXEsso ATF E 25131CastrolTransmax SElfElfmatic G2 SynElfmatic G3FINAFinamatic HPFinamatic S6726MobilMobil ATFTexaco Texamatic 7045ValvolineATF Dextron II-EBeverolDextron II-E(Fina)matic HPJDHygard JDMJ 20CTotalFluide AT42Fluidematic SynEvery 450 Mh(engine operation hours)30

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSOPENING OF THE FRONT BONNETOpening of the bonnet:Unlock the bonnet by pressing thepushbutton (1) and lift it in places of thearrows.The bonnet is kept in lifted position usinga gas-fluid strut.Closing of the bonnet:Take the bonnet in places of the arrowsand press it down until the lock clicks.Rapid closing of the bonnet maydamage filaments of the headlampbulbs in the front bonnet.G701 G710 G711MAINTENANCE OF THE DRY AIRCLEANER – INDICATOR OFCLOGGINGMaintenance of the cleaner shallbe carried out when clogging isindicated.The indicator is accessible after tilting ofthe engine front bonnet. It can be foundon the left side of the air cleaner, close tothe suction pipe elbow.FUNCTION OF THE INDICATOR OFCLOGGINGThe level of clogging of the air filter is indicatedby position of the slider (1) in thewindow. In case the indicator (1) reachesthe red field service (2), it is necessaryto carry out maintenance of the dry aircleaner.After completion of maintenanceof the dry air cleaner restore correctfunction of the indicator ofclogging.Press the lid on the indicator body (3) indirection of the arrow; this unlocks mechanicallythe slider (1) that returns to itsinitial position and restores function ofthe indicator.31

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSINSTRUCTIONS TO MAINTENANCEOF DRY AIR CLEANERCarry out maintenance of the air cleaneras follows:1- Lift up the front bonnet.2- Release the air cleaner lid clips (seethe arrows).3- Remove the air cleaner cover (1).G712 G713 G714REGENERATION OF MAIN AIRCLEANER CARTRIDGEPull out the main cartridge of the drycleaner (2).Unless the main cartridge is damaged(no dust may be on the inner side of thecartridge), carry out regeneration of thecartridge by purging from the inner sideof the cartridge using compressed air.The main cartridge may be regeneratedup to three times. The cartridge shall bereplaced once per year.REPLACEMENT OF AIR CLEANERSAFETY CARTRIDGEPull out the safety cartridge of the dry aircleaner (3).The safety cartridge cannot be regenerated.It shall be always replacedin the following cases:- damage of the main cartridge,- after 5 maintenances of the aircleaner,- at least once per two years.32

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSRE-INSTALLATION OF CARTRIDGESOF THE AIR CLEANERCarry out this operation in the reverseorder.When re-installing the cartridges, pay attentionto the following.- cleanness of the contact surfaces,- the cartridges must not be deformedand must not vibrate after installation;- perfect tightness of the whole aircleaner shall be ensured after closingthe cover;- After completion of maintenance of thedry air cleaner restore correct functionof the indicator of clogging.G715 G720 G735OIL TANK OF HYDROSTATICSTEERINGThe tank is installed in the left side of thetractor and accessible after lifting of thefront bonnet.Using the oil-gauge rod (A) check levelof oil in the hydrostatic steering tank;keep the level between the marks MIN.and MAX., see Fig. (A).After removing the nut (1) and tank lid refilloil as necessary.REFILLING OF BRAKE FLUIDThe tank is installed in the left side of thetractor and accessible after lifting of thefront bonnet.Keep the brake fluid level between 3/4 ofthe tank capacity (max.) and 1/2 of thetank capacity (min.).When handling with brake fluidpay special attention to cleanness.Check the brake fluid levelbefore each drive.33

ESSENTIAL TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF ENGINES OF TRACTORS Z 6421 - Z 8441Type of tractor Z 6421/Z 6441 Z 7421/Z 7441 Z 8421/Z 8441Type of engine 7205 1105 1205Enginecompression ignition, 4-stroke cycle, direct fuel injection, turbochargedEngine designin-line, vertical, water-cooledNumber of cylinders 4Stroke volume cm 3 4156Bore x stroke mm 105x120Nominal speed min -1 2,200Order of injection 1-3-4-2Compression ratio 17Max. override speed min -1 2,460Idle speed min -1 800±25Net power at nominal speed,measured acc. to ISO 2288kW 45 53 60Specific fuel consumption atthe given powerg.kW -1 .h -1 257 255 257Max. torque (Mt) Nm 265 310 351Excess of Mt % 35 35 35Lubrication of enginePressure system with gear pumpMax. consumption of oil after100 Mh of engine running-ing.kW -1 .h -1 0.7 0.7 0.7Pressure of oil at enginenominal speed and temperatureMPa 0.2 - 0.5 0.2 - 0.5 0.2 - 0.5of oil 80 °CMinimum pressure of oil at750 rpm and oil temp. 80 °CMPa 0.05 0.05 0.05Max. temp. of cooling fluid °C 10634

ESSENTIAL TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTechnical specifications of engines of tractors Z 6421 - Z 8441Type of engine 7205 1105 1205Valve gearOHVOil cleanerfull-flow, disposableFuel cleanersingle-stage with replaceable cartridgeType of injection pump PP 4M 10P1i 3782 PP 4M 10P1i 3781 PP 4M 10P1i 3780Type of nozzles DOP150S428-4104 DOP150S428-4104 DOP150S428-4104Injectors opening pressure MPa 25-0.8Angle of injections advance ° 12Valve play of cold engine:− inlet valve− exhaust valvemmmm0.25±0.050.25±0.050.25±0.050.25±0.050.25±0.050.25±0.05MAX. PERMITTED LOADING OF THE FRONT AXLE CARARRO 20.16 Z 6441, Z 7441, Z 8441 (KG)Travel speedWheel track (mm)km.h -1 1,525 1,610 – 1,620 1,680 – 1,690 1,760 – 1,770 1,825 – 1,8358 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,800 3,60020 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,800 2,60030 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,800 2,60040 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500Note:Loading is applicable with regard to the axle itself; the permissible loading with regard to tyres is given in the tab. “Loadcarryingcapacity of front tyres”.35

FORCESESSENTIAL TECHNICAL PARAMETERSType of tractor Z 6441 Z 7441 Z 8441Type of engine 7205 1105 1205Lifting force at end of lower links of the rear 3-point hitch,within full stroke, at max. usable pressure- with one auxiliary cylinder (kN)- With two auxiliary cylinders (kN)26.434.441.5Lifting force at end of lower links of the front 3-point hitch,within full stroke, at max. usable pressure (kN) 23POWER AND CONSUMPTIONType of tractor Z 6441 Z 7441 Z 8441Type of engine 7205 1105 1205Power on output shaft (kW±2%)- at nominal speed engine and shifted speed 1,000 rpm of theoutput shaftNew engine having 100 Mh max. 38.5 45.5 52Run-in engine (over 100 Mh 40.5 48 54.5Specific consumption of fuel (g.kW -1 .h -1 ±2%)- corresponding to the power above 260.7 251.5 279.136

SPEED OF THE FRONT OUTPUT SHAFT ZUIDBERGESSENTIAL TECHNICAL PARAMETERSDirection ofrotationSpeed of the output shaft / speed of engineSpeed of the output shaft / speed of engineright (a) 1,000 / 1,920 1,146 / 2,200∗left (b) 1,000 / 2,000 1,100 / 2,200∗ – optionalE80137

AAcquaintance with the tractor 9Adjustment of lifting speed of the front 3-point hitch 23Aggregation hole, rear right panel 10Air cleaner 7Automatic guide mouth of the multi-storey hitch CBM>31/03/2007 14Automatic guide mouth of the multi-storey hitch CBM01/04/2007< 14BBattery disconnector 25CControl of front 3-point hitch 23Control panel on the right cab column 10Cooling system 7DDrive of agricultural machines 19EElectric equipment 25Electric installation 25Engagement of the front output shaft Zuidberg 19Essential technical parameters 34External control of rear arms of the hydraulic equipment 20FFixed and free positions of lower links of the hydraulicequipment 21Fluid brakes 7Forces 36Front 3-point hitch 23Front output shaft Zuidberg 19Function of the indicator of clogging 31Fuse dose (21 fuses) 26HHeight adjustment and dismounting of the multi-storey hitchCBM 13Height adjustment of the lifting links 21INDEX38Hitch CBM for single-axle trailers 16Hitches 21Hydraulic equipment 20Hydraulic locking of the front 3-point hitch 24IInstructions to maintenance of dry air cleaner 32LLead battery 25Lever of engagement of the output shaft drive 11Lever of shifting of reverse 11Lever of shifting of road and reduced speeds 11Lever of shifting of speed of the output shaft 540 and1,000 rpm 12Lever of shifting of speed of the output shaft 540 and540E rpm 12Lever of shifting of the reducer of creep speeds 12Limiting links 21Lower links with hooks CBM 22Lower links with telescopic terminals 22MMaintenance instructions 31Maintenance of the dry air cleaner – indicator of clogging 31Max. permitted loading of the front axle Cararro 20.16 Z 6441,Z 7441, Z 8441 (kg) 35Maximum permissible vertical static loading of hitches fortrailers and semi-trailers 17Maximum permissible vertical static loading of hitches fortrailers and semi-trailers 18Maximum transferred power 19Modular system of hitches for trailers and semi-trailers 15Module of a bracket with ball ø 80mm 16Module of a swing link bracket 15Module of a swing link bracket with fixed pin 15Multi-storey quick-adjustable hitch CBM 13

INDEXOOil tank of hydrostatic steering 8Oil tank of hydrostatic steering 33Oils for 4-cylinder turbo-charged engines Zetor 27Oils for front output shafts Zuidberg 30Oils to geared mechanisms of tractors 29Opening of the front bonnet 31PPlanned technical maintenance 27Power and consumption 36Preventive daily maintenance 7RRecommended oils for turbo-charged engines according toambient temperature 28Refilling of brake fluid 33Regeneration of main air cleaner cartridge 32Re-installation of cartridges of the air cleaner 33Replacement of air cleaner safety cartridge 32Reversible switches, switches and levers 9SSpeed of the front output shaft Zuidberg 37Swing link 15TTechnical specifications of engines of tractors Z 6421-Z 8441 34Tilting steering wheel 10Transport use 13WWorking and transport positions of the front 3-point hitch 2439

Supplement to the operation and maintenance manualfor tractors ProximaZ 6421. Z 6441Z 7421, Z 7441Z 8421, Z 8441Issue: 2-100-2007Publication no.: a.s.Department of technical documentationTrnkova 111632 00 Brno40

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