Cover letter_JPR JOG_ACT approved - European Defence Agency

Cover letter_JPR JOG_ACT approved - European Defence Agency

Cover letter_JPR JOG_ACT approved - European Defence Agency

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IntroductionNATO UNCLASSIFIED RELEASABLE TO THE PUBLICiiiIntroductionIntroductionThe isolation, capture and/or exploitation of NATO personnel during operations couldhave a significant negative impact on operational security, morale of assigned forcesand public support. In addition, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) operationsrely on contract support and interaction with other non-NATO actors, for which NATOmay have a responsibility. The Alliance therefore requires a system to recover militaryand civilian personnel that have become isolated.Consequential requirementsNATO has therefore a requirement for a system with the following objectives:a. Protecting the operational security and morale of NATO personnel by providing fortheir recovery and reintegration, in case they become isolated.b. Enhancing the Personnel Recovery (PR) capabilities of NATO by sharing, wherepossible, the lessons learnt during PR exercises and missions.and that provides:a. Applicable documentation for the preparation and conduct of PR operations.b. A suitable infrastructure plan (including commanders, staffs and recovery forces)prepared for PR and the establishment of agreements with other organisations.c. Appropriate PR training and equipment standards.AimThis <strong>JOG</strong> is intended to bridge the gap in NATO Personnel Recovery (PR) doctrine andTactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) until new doctrine and TTPs can be written,ratified and promulgated. It should be understood this <strong>JOG</strong> is not ratified doctrine, butrather the presentation of “best practice” to provide a central frame of reference untilNATO PR doctrine and TTPs can be formally agreed, ratified and promulgated. When thatdoctrine and TTPs are promulgated this <strong>JOG</strong> will be withdrawn.NATO UNCLASSIFIED RELEASABLE TO THE PUBLIC

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