Cover letter_JPR JOG_ACT approved - European Defence Agency

Cover letter_JPR JOG_ACT approved - European Defence Agency

Cover letter_JPR JOG_ACT approved - European Defence Agency

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22NATO UNCLASSIFIED RELEASABLE TO THE PUBLIC5.4 PR operation essential tasksDeliberate. This recovery response requires knowledge of the location of the isolatedpersonnel. Commanders choose this method when an immediate response may notbe possible due to environmental, political, or threat considerations. Deliberatelyplanned missions give planners the flexibility to utilise all necessary / availableassets to complete the recovery.5.4 PR operation essential tasks0511. PR operations comprise five tasks: Report, Locate, Support, Recover, Reintegrate.These tasks can be completed sequentially, in parallel or simultaneously. Ageneric flow of events that occur from receiving a distress call to the reintegration ofthe recovered isolated personnel is depicted as the execution matrix in Figure ReportInitial notification0512. Initial notification can come from any source, but verification is of the utmostimportance. Rapid and accurate notification is essential for a successful recovery. Duringthe initial reporting period of a PR event, it is likely that there may be numerousand potentially conflicting reports. Therefore, it is essential that each reported locationis logged with an associated time and source. Threat conditions permitting, isolatedpersonnel should attempt to establish contact with friendly forces i.a.w. notification proceduresas outlined in the PR CONOPS.Initial response0513. Once an actual or potential isolating incident is observed, the <strong>JPR</strong>C will be notifiedimmediately through the PR communications architecture. The initial <strong>JPR</strong>C / PRCCthat has been notified, should notify all nodes of the PR C 2 structure. A verbal reportshould be sent immediately via voice communication means, and followed up with a formalwritten or electronic report when able. The affected PRCC will attempt to recoverthe isolated personnel utilising available (organic) PR capabilities, and notify the <strong>JPR</strong>C.If the affected PRCC determines it is unable to accomplish the recovery with its ownresources, the <strong>JPR</strong>C will coordinate with other PRCCs to gain an initial assessment onthe capabilities within each component and feasibility of component courses of action.As soon as practicable, the <strong>JPR</strong>C should establish and promulgate supporting and supportedrelationships, nominate a component PRCC to plan and execute the recovery andallocate additional resources as necessary. Once the nominated component accepts themission, the PRCC will appoint a RMC for the tasked mission. The PRCC or <strong>JPR</strong>C willnotify responding units and brief pertinent aspects of the mission. The response timeand operations concept will depend on the enemy threat en-route or near the isolatedpersonnel’s location, environmental conditions, available assets, and other factors.0514. Isolating events tend to generate a lot of press inquiries regarding the isolatedpersonnel and the next of kin. Press and Information Office (PIO) response to an isolatingevent should therefore be taken into consideration by all PR C 2 nodes and should becarefully planned and executed.NATO UNCLASSIFIED RELEASABLE TO THE PUBLIC

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