Cover letter_JPR JOG_ACT approved - European Defence Agency

Cover letter_JPR JOG_ACT approved - European Defence Agency

Cover letter_JPR JOG_ACT approved - European Defence Agency

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16NATO UNCLASSIFIED RELEASABLE TO THE PUBLIC4.3 C2 nodes4.3.2 Component commands0409. Each CC has the responsibility, through its PRCC, to plan, coordinate, conductand control PR operations for his own component. The authority to prosecute componentPR missions should rest with CCs and is often delegated to the Operations Centre (OC)director. If a CC is conducting a PR mission within his own capabilities for his component,he should still notify the <strong>JPR</strong>C for deconfliction and oversight. The CC should exerciseTACON over a PRTF tasked for a specific mission. JFC may direct CCs to make units /troops available to be assigned to other components to support the PR effort.4.3.3 Units0410. Unit commanders are primarily responsible for recovering their own personnelwith their own assets, whenever possible. Units are also to plan, prepare and trainfor an isolated personnel incident involving their personnel.Units are to appoint a PRPOC to coordinate with the PRCC and or <strong>JPR</strong>C on all PR related issues. This may rangefrom the preparation of Isolated Personnel Reports (ISOPREPs) via in-theatre isolatedpersonnel training, to providing information and support in case personnel of that unithave become isolated.4.3.4 <strong>JPR</strong>C0411. The <strong>JPR</strong>C is the central node to coordinate PR C 2 on behalf of the JFC. It is to planand coordinate all PR activities throughout the JOA. It records data to support lessonslearned.4.3.5 PRCC0412. The role of the PRCC is to plan and coordinate all component PR operations, includingcoordination with <strong>JPR</strong>C and other component PRCCs.4.3.6 PR POC0413. The role of the PR POC is to plan and coordinate all unit level PR operations andsupport required training. The PR POC anticipates PR needs and coordination with otherunit PR POCs, component PRCCs and the <strong>JPR</strong>C. The PR POC is responsible for coordinatingall PR documentation (e.g. ISOPREP, Evasion Plan of Action (EPA), etc.).4.3.7 Mission Coordinator0414. The Mission Coordinator (MC) is also responsible for coordinating PR activities,supporting the On Scene Commander (OSC) and the recovery force in conducting theirprimary tasks and for guiding the mission. The MC is the coordinator and link for communicationsand data exchange between the <strong>JPR</strong>C and the PR assets. In the eventthe MC is operating from an airborne platform he is known as the Airborne MissionCoordinator (AMC). Additional duties include:• Determines the OSC.NATO UNCLASSIFIED RELEASABLE TO THE PUBLIC

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