Cover letter_JPR JOG_ACT approved - European Defence Agency

Cover letter_JPR JOG_ACT approved - European Defence Agency

Cover letter_JPR JOG_ACT approved - European Defence Agency

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8NATO UNCLASSIFIED RELEASABLE TO THE PUBLIC2.2 Delineation2.2 Delineation0205. The following delineation implements NATO policy to ensure a viable PR capabilityin all environments. These options govern planning and preparation for PR, but donot prescribe mission execution. The options are as follows:a. Diplomatic. National governments are the lead for all diplomatic activities toprepare for, support and possibly execute PR events.b. Military. NATO nations and NATO are responsible for all NATO or NATO led militaryactivities conducted in preparation for and during PR missions.c. Civil. (Non) Governmental Organisations ((N)GOs) and private citizens have oftenplayed an important role in securing the release of captured and detained personnel.2.3 The personnel recovery system0206. NATO and / or NATO nations may exercise diplomatic, military, or civil options, ora combination thereof, to recover isolated personnel. Within the NATO military optionthe three essential elements of PR must work together through a credible communicationsystem and intelligence architecture. Each of the essential elements must be thoroughlytrained, properly organised and equipped to perform its own unique actions, seamlesslyinterface with the other elements to accomplish the five PR execution tasks, and gainand maintain situational awareness (figure 2.1).2.4 Methods of personnel recovery0207. Any service or component may conduct PR. Some methods of PR are illustratedin figure 2.1. For NATO the terms Combat Recovery (CR) and Combat Search And Rescue(CSAR) refer to the status of the isolated personnel. Historically, these acronyms are alsoused to refer to a specific type of mission 1 .Search And Rescue (SAR) is the location and recovery of persons in distress in anenvironment where hostile interference is not expected.0208. Military SAR effort is directed principally toward, but is not restricted to, the rescueof military personnel. Subject to military requirements and operational practicability,SAR assistance may also be provided to civil authorities. Additionally, some nationshave parallel civil SAR assets, which can respond to military SAR incidents. NATO nations’SAR services remain a national responsibility operated to meet International CivilAviation Organisation (ICAO), International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and NATO requirements.There is no requirement for NATO to maintain a parallel SAR organisation.0209. In many cases, military requirements for SAR exceed those of ICAO and IMOwhich represent only the minimum acceptable civil standard; thus the facilities providedwithin Search and Rescue Regions (SRRs) are often well in excess of those shownin the ICAO and IMO documents for the region. SAR facilities provided by nations, thoughusually military and military-operated, may also be civil and civil-operated.1 Detailed description of all these methods can be found in the Lexicon. There are a number of otheracronyms used by nations to describe specific recovery methods, e.g. Tactical Recovery of Aircraft andPersonnel (TRAP), Downed Aircraft Recovery Team (DART), Deployed Search And Rescue (DSAR)NATO UNCLASSIFIED RELEASABLE TO THE PUBLIC

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