Global Fissile Material Report 2009: A Path to Nuclear Disarmament

Global Fissile Material Report 2009: A Path to Nuclear Disarmament

Global Fissile Material Report 2009: A Path to Nuclear Disarmament


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Declarations of fissile material inven<strong>to</strong>ries or of the sizes and deployment of nucleararsenals are—above all—a transparency measure. Perceived security risks would bethe main concern put forward by nuclear weapon states <strong>to</strong> explain their oppositionagainst making public declarations of their fissile material inven<strong>to</strong>ries or nuclear weaponsholdings. In the present context, in which we consider deep cuts in the nucleararsenals and a world preparing for nuclear disarmament however, the security benefitsof declarations would by far outweigh the risks.Declarations could both provide confidence in the disarmament process and eventuallyallow for more effective verification. A culture of regularly declaring both civilianand military fissile material s<strong>to</strong>ckpiles would also encourage states that have excesss<strong>to</strong>cks <strong>to</strong> gradually dispose of them.In many respects, declarations can therefore pave the way for nuclear disarmament,but making declarations early is equally important because it spotlights the importanceof keeping good records. The UK <strong>Report</strong> on HEU offers a cautionary tale aboutthe problems that its authors encountered in using old records: 126“This review has been conducted from an audit of annual accountsand the delivery/receipt records at sites. A major problemencountered in examining the records was that a considerablenumber had been destroyed from the early years of the programme… Even where records have survived, other problemshave been encountered, including ... distinction between newmake and recycled HEU … some early records make no specificmention of waste and effluent disposals … [for] some records …assessments had <strong>to</strong> be made <strong>to</strong> establish units. Other records donot identify quantities <strong>to</strong> decimal places and … may have beenrounded … [and] in some cases no indication of enrichmentvalue was available. Average figures were used, or knowledge ofthe process used <strong>to</strong> assure that the material was indeed HEU.”In other words, even for the state itself, where access <strong>to</strong> information is not an issue,it may be difficult <strong>to</strong> compile accurate declarations of past production and use. Varioustypes of irresolvable inconsistencies including “inven<strong>to</strong>ry differences” are <strong>to</strong> beexpected. For example, in the case of the U.S. declarations, the inven<strong>to</strong>ry differencesadded up <strong>to</strong> 2.8 <strong>to</strong>ns of plu<strong>to</strong>nium and <strong>to</strong> 3.2 <strong>to</strong>ns of uranium-235 in HEU. 127 This is up<strong>to</strong> a few percent of the <strong>to</strong>tal production, which appears reasonable, given the his<strong>to</strong>riccircumstances and practices. In absolute terms, however, these numbers combined areequivalent <strong>to</strong> an uncertainty of more than 1000 nuclear weapons, which will be a concernin a world considering deep cuts in the nuclear arsenals. Uncertainties in Russia’sdeclarations would likely <strong>to</strong> be at least as significant. 128 This situation can only getworse with time.The weapon states therefore should start the process of preparing for declarations now,even if they do not plan <strong>to</strong> share the information at this point. States need <strong>to</strong> establishgood accounting systems for their fissile material holdings for their own purposes andthe data should be selected and archived in a way that facilitates independent verificationat a later date. Appendix 3A describes the <strong>Nuclear</strong> <strong>Material</strong>s Management andSafeguards System in use by the United States.34 <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Fissile</strong> <strong>Material</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

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