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FridayINSIDENew born baby foundin rubbish bin page 217 July 2009Where is our formermayor?South Africa’s Oldest Independent Newspaper R4.00Kids have fun atschools festivalLocal boxers goprofessionalpage 7 page 18 page 24Let us deal with themMURDER AFTERMATH... The senseless shooting of ANCYouth League leader Oscar Dondashe has shocked localleaders, especially Dondashe’s ANC comrades who ventedtheir anger outside the local magistrate’s court on Tuesday.Photo: Luvuyo MjekulaKwanele ButanaLocal political partieshave all expressedtheir deepest condolescencesto the family of ANCYouth League regional secretaryOscar Dondashe whowas murdered in the earlyhours of Sunday morning.Manise Bambiso, the ANCYouth League chairpersonin Ward 7, said he was withtwenty-four-year-old Dondashethe night before he waskilled in V Street. “We wereinvolved in ANC programmeswhich forced us to be togetherthat night,” he explained. “Iwas devastated when I heardhe was killed on Sundaymorning.”Bambiso said his branchwas shocked by the incidentas they have been conductingNational Youth Serviceprogrammes in whichDondashe was instrumental.“We sincerely express ourdeepest condolescences tothe Dondashe family and we'llensure that the perpetratorsare brought to book as the lawof the republic has to take itsdue course,” he added.Continued on Page ThreeWeekend Weekend Specials Specials valid valid Friday Friday 22 17 May July - Sunday - 19 July 24 only May 2009PorkNulaid Bangers Large Eggs24. per kg30s 28. 99eachPorkPNP Mince Sunflower Oil29. 7. 99each per kgTenderisedSteak 39. 99eachper kg2kg IQF ChickenPortions 29. 99Bone inBanana Loafper kg750ml 9. 99eachBeef potjie 25. 99GRAHAMSTOWNTEL: 622 8700KEVIN 082 772 0400FOR THE WONDER OF ITTEL: 622 2950TIM 082 800 9276

FridayINSIDENew born baby foundin rubbish bin page 217 July 2009Where is our formermayor?South Africa’s Oldest Independent Newspaper R4.00Kids have fun atschools festivalLocal boxers goprofessionalpage 7 page 18 page 24Let us deal with themMURDER AFTERMATH... The senseless shooting of ANCYouth League leader Oscar Dondashe has shocked localleaders, especially Dondashe’s ANC comrades who ventedtheir anger outside the local magistrate’s court on Tuesday.Photo: Luvuyo MjekulaKwanele ButanaLocal political partieshave all expressedtheir deepest condolescencesto the family of ANCYouth League regional secretaryOscar Dondashe whowas murdered in the earlyhours of Sunday morning.Manise Bambiso, the ANCYouth League chairpersonin Ward 7, said he was withtwenty-four-year-old Dondashethe night before he waskilled in V Street. “We wereinvolved in ANC programmeswhich forced us to be togetherthat night,” he explained. “Iwas devastated when I heardhe was killed on Sundaymorning.”Bambiso said his branchwas shocked by the incidentas they have been conductingNational Youth Serviceprogrammes in whichDondashe was instrumental.“We sincerely express ourdeepest condolescences tothe Dondashe family and we'llensure that the perpetratorsare brought to book as the lawof the republic has to take itsdue course,” he added.Continued on Page ThreeWeekend Weekend Specials Specials valid valid Friday Friday 22 17 May July - Sunday - 19 July 24 only May 2009PorkNulaid Bangers Large Eggs24. per kg30s 28. <strong>99</strong>eachPorkPNP Mince Sunflower Oil29. 7. <strong>99</strong>each per kgTenderisedSteak 39. <strong>99</strong>eachper kg2kg IQF ChickenPortions 29. <strong>99</strong>Bone inBanana Loafper kg750ml 9. <strong>99</strong>eachBeef potjie 25. <strong>99</strong>GRAHAMSTOWNTEL: 622 8700KEVIN 082 772 0400FOR THE WONDER OF ITTEL: 622 2950TIM 082 800 9276

2 NEWSEx-Kingswoodstudent amongfour killed incollisionLUVUYO MJEKULAA 50-YEAR-OLD ex-Kingswood Collegestudent was among four peoplekilled in an horrific accident in PortAlfred last weekend.Port Alfred police reported thatCharles John Richardson, who wasborn in Grahamstown but moved toNew Zealand, died at the scene ofthe accident on the R72, about fivekilometres from Port Alfred in theEast London direction.He was driving a VW Golf. Thecrash took place at about 5pm onSaturday.Police spokesperson CaptainMali Govender said that a womanwho witnessed the accident provideddetails.She had been driving towardsPort Alfred from East London, whena silver Mazda sedan behind hertried to overtake her.The Mazda apparently “lost controlon the oncoming lane, startedto skid sideways and then hit an oncomingvehicle [a Volkswagen Golf]”.Captain Govender said that two ofthe occupants of the Mazda died atthe scene, while the third passengerdied a short while later at Port AlfredHospital.The names of the three havebeen released. The three brothersLucas (45) and Phinda Tetiwe (36)and 48-year-old Themba Dyakala(who worked in the Treasury Departmentof the Ndlambe Municipality)had been travelling together.Lucas worked as a chief personnelofficer in the municipality andhis brother was employed at PortAlfred Hospital.Govender said that Richardsonwas alone in the Golf and died atthe scene.According to the police, Richardsonwas on holiday in South Africaas he had emigrated to New Zealanda few years ago. His funeral will beheld on Friday, 24 July at 2pm at VictoriaPark Crematorium chapel inPort Elizabeth, after which he will becremated.Govender said that the policeare investigating a case of culpablehomicide.EMERGENCY NUMBERSAmbulance:............................ 10177Aids Helpline:............ 0800 012322AA Rescue: ................ 0800 111<strong>99</strong>7Medical Rescue: ........ 0800 033007Grahamstown Childand Family Welfare: .. 046 636 1355Electricity: ................ 046 603 6036a/h 046 603 6000Eskom:...................... 086 014 0014Fire Brigade: ............ 046 622 4444Police: ...................... 046 603 9152Hi-Tec........................ 046 636 1660Raphael Centre: ........ 046 622 8831SPCA: ........................ 046 622 3233Traffic Services: ......... 046 603 6067Water: ........................ 046 603 6136Hospice: .................... 046 622 9661Settlers Hospital: ...... 046 622 2215Day Hospital: ............. 046 622 3033Fort England Hospital: 046 622 7003Legal Aid Board: ....... 046 622 9350Locksmith: ................ 082 556 <strong>99</strong>75or 046 622 4592CELESTE KRIELANDILE Faltein, a former teacherat East Cape Midlands College, hasbeen accused of assaulting one ofhis former female students, ZimasaPeter on a drunken night out in Augustlast year. Both appeared incourt on Tuesday, but only Petertook to the stand. Apparently Peter’sfriend approached Faltein to ask himif he would give the group of girls alift home from Albany Lounge. Accordingto the alleged victim, Falteinobliged, but when the students askedSunny. Wind moderatenorth westerly.Temperature:Min 6 ◦ C, Max 20 ◦ CTides:Low tide: 6.16am and6.42pmHigh tide: 12.35pmFaltein to let them out, he just continueddriving. As they approachedRaglan Road, the students shoutedfor Faltein to let them out. Beforethey could get out of the vehicle, theyhad to awaken Faltien’s colleague ashe was passed out on the backseat ofthe car.The witness said that whenFaltein stopped the car to let the studentsout, he started insulting themand said he would beat them. Thisis when he got out of the car and allegedlystarted assaulting Peter andher friend. Faltein has denied theseSunny. Wind light northwesterly.Temperature:Min 8 ◦ C, Max 20 ◦ CTides:Low tide: 7.28am and7.49pmHigh tide: 12.58am and1.44pmSunny. Wind moderatenorth easterly.Temperature:Min 8°C, Max 21°CTides:Low tide: 8.23am and8.43pmHigh tide: 2:01am and2.37pmaccusations and says that he “neverset foot in Albany Lounge” on thenight in question and that he waswith his colleague the entire night,who is believed to be the same personthat was lying passed out in thecar. Faltein’s attorney, MzuphelaYeko, requested that Peter’s testimonynot be taken seriously as shehad been consuming alcohol on thenight and her memory may not havebeen accurate. Peter, in turn, calledFaltein a liar and reconfirmed herstatement. Faltein will appear incourt again on 27 July.Sunny. Wind moderatesouth westerly.Temperature:Min 9°C, Max 22 ◦ CTides:Low tide: 9.11am and9.32pmHigh tide: 2.56am and3:24pmSource: www.weathersa.co.za and www.satides.co.zaGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009Newborn found in rubbish binMARIA SIBIYAThe partially clothed body of anew born baby was discoveredin a rubbish bin near the entranceof the Public Library in HillStreet on Wednesday morning.The dead baby was discoveredby a library official, who doesn’t wishto be named, when he saw a plasticbag containing two grey blankets inagreen bin and decided to investigatewhat was wrapped inside it.The library official says he foundthe body wrapped in two blanketsand that it was naked apart from thatit was wearing a nappy.“The baby was still a fresh newborn but it was already dead when Ifound it,” he said.After the discovery he called thepolice who cordoned off the scene forinvestigation. According to media policespokesperson, Ndivelafhi Mamuthubi,the male infant is believed tobe less than five days old and was apparentlydumped on Tuesday.While conducting their investigations,police cordoned off a largerarea as more inquisitive onlookerskept asking questions.“Is he alive, who found itON THE SCENE... Police cordoned off the area in front of the Public Library in Hill Street on Wednesday after alibrary official discovered the body of a newborn baby in a rubbish bin by. Photo: Stephen Penneyand where’s the mother?” theyasked in amazement. Somewere even more curious to seethe body.“We want to see the baby becausewe might even know who itbelongs to,” one onlooker exclaimed.Taking the swine out of the fluSTEPHANE MEINTJESTHE highly publicised swine flu virus has made its way to Grahamstown. TheWeekend Post reported that health officials have said that the “Eastern Capeis a ticking time bomb for the spread of the H1N1 swine flu virus”.Swine flu has been diagnosed and treated in two Rhodes University studentswho were taking part in the University Sports South Africa tournamentin Johannesburg last week. The students who took part in the squash tournamentwere all tested for the H1N1 virus. Numerous other individuals inthe Grahamstown area have also been tested. According to a local medicalpractitioner, people have been rushing to the doctor to get tested as soon asthey show any signs or symptoms of flu.However, “how people react to a pandemic is often more dangerous, ifTeacher accused of assaulting studentA few minutes into the investigation,the Department of Health’sforensic pathology services arrivedat the scene and loaded the body intothe van. Mamuthubi says the motherof the baby is not known.He also said “there are no certaintiesto what led to the baby’sdeath and that it’s up to the forensicexperts to investigate.”Mamuthubi urges anyone whohas any form of information aboutthe baby’s mother to contact thepolice immediately.not deadly, than the pandemic itself,” said Michael Osterholm, director of theCentre for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesotain the USA.Swine flu is a new virus and as such no person is immune to it. Therefore,everyone is at risk. It is similar to ordinary flu in that it is spread from personto person through coughing, sneezing and talking. The symptoms of swine fluis closely resembles ordinary flu and includes fever, coughing, headaches, asore throat, chills and fatigue. What sets it apart however, is a severely achingbody, diarrhoea and vomiting.While the H1N1 swine flu virus should not be taken lightly, a local medicalpractitioner reminds us that no flu virus should be sneezed at. It is apparentthen that the care now being taken with the virus should be taken with anyand every case of flu.Festivalcrime reportMARIA SIBIYAWOULD-BE criminals from outof town seized the countless opportunitiesto break the law duringthe busy National Arts Festivalperiod. According to the localpolice spokesperson, NdivelafhiMamuthubi, most of the crimescommitted were burglaries, shoplifting, pickpocketing, grievousbody harm (GBH) and drunkendriving.In preparation for the Festival,police officers from variousdistricts were deployed in Grahamstownand briefed about theirduties. Reporting stations werealso placed in various designatedareas including High Street,at the 1820 Settlers Monumentand the Village Green. Some ofthe performers were affected bycrime when they were robbed oftheir belongings. During the firstweekend of the Festival, a musicgroup from Soweto had theirmusical instruments stolen fromtheir tour bus.A pickpocket was apprehendedwhen he stole a cellphonefrom a woman who was browsingthe stalls. An angry group tookthe law into their own hands andstarted beating him up. He wasthen searched and questioned bythe police. Criminals also targetedparked vehicles.

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009NEWS3Local politicians mourn Dondashe’s deathFrom Page OneKWANELE BUTANABambiso called for the reinstatementof street committees to enhancecommunity safety and security.“Immediately after Dondashe'sfuneral we will facilitate for the establishmentof street committeesthroughout Makana, which we willachieve through working with mayorVumile Lwana,” he said.He also said that the party willensure that Dondashe's funeral willbe successful and dignified. TheYoung Communist League describeshis death as a loss not only to hisfamily “but to the millions of workingclass and poor young peoplewho were inspired by his politicalideology and sizzling talent”.“Justice should take its coursewithout doubt, as the ProgressiveYouth Alliance structures we’ll ensurethat those who have underminedthe law are locked up andthe keys to their cell thrown in thesea,” said Cacadu district convenorKhotso Moleli.He said that his party demandsthat those who cannot live among humanbeings be kept away from thosewho can. “We call upon our communityto come together and fight crimevery strongly,” he said.The Democratic Alliance inMakana regrets the “unfortunate”tragic loss and expressed its deepestcondolescence to the Dondashe familyand the ANC movement. ChairpersonJock McConnachie said: “Theprevalence of these kind of incidentsin the proximity of taverns is serious,the management of such institutionsneeds to do something about them.”Police spokesperson CaptainNdivelafhi Mamuthubi said the policeare still investigating the case.When asked why only one of the foursuspects which were arrested onSunday appeared in court this week,he said that because the investigationhas not been concluded the otherthree suspects cannot be linked tothe crime. He could not say whethermore arrests could be expected andMurder accused appears in courtdeclined to say how the suspect islinked to the murder.Makana Mayor Vumile Lwanasaid the murder has left a woundthat cannot be healed when one considersDondashe’s character andcontribution to the the ANC. “It’s avery big loss to the struggle for youthdevelopment in Makana and thewhole Cacadu district,” he said.Lwana said he had talked to himless than eight hours before his murderbecause Dondashe had beenworking on an ANC assignment. “Iwas awaiting report back on his assignmentwhen the sad news werebroken to me on Sunday morning,”he said.He appealed to young people tonot only to mourn Dondashe's lifebut also to celebrate it. “His legacyshould live on, and we must seek torid our community of the prevalentcrime because we can't afford to livein fear,” he said.Phakamisa Zathu, Azapo chaimanin Makana, said his party rejectsacts of criminal violence not onlybecause the victim was a politician.“The manner in which young peoplecarry themselves in entertainmentinstitutions is disconcerting,”he said.He said his party was concernedabout the fact that the youth have noalternative entertainment institutionsand find themselves forced togo to taverns to have fun.LUVUYO MJEKULATHE man charged with themurder of ANC Youth Leagueregional secretary OscarDondashe appeared in frontSLAIN... Oscar Dondashe,the ANC Youth Leagueleader was shot dead onSunday. Photo: Madikane Jelu(File photo)EAST CAPE POOLSFor everything your pool needs.Construction, Fibre-glassingof old, new & damagedswimming pools.Pool maintenance.Pre-moulded fibre-glass pools.All materials areSABS approved.Emile Fox073 321 <strong>99</strong>44Report back for the week…House Break-ins: 2Business Break-ins: 1Disturbances: 5Arrests: 1Crime TipIn the case of electricity failure,ensure you have a torch or matchesand a candle in an accessible place,so are easily found in the dark.of a hostile crowd in the Grahamstownin Tantyi, when he was at-Magistrate’s court tacked. The home of the wellon Tuesday.known ANCYL leader is inLocal ANC leaders and Pumlani Location, Joza.members packed the receptionAccording to police, thecourt where Zolani attackers asked Dondashe to”Livestock – buying/selling?“Nziki” Myeki appeared on a hand over his cellphone.Contact us for the best price!charge of murder. Myeki was “The deceased resistedallegedly Wool part of a gang of Livestock handing over his cellphonearmed robbers who attacked and one of the suspectsDondashe Mohair in V Street in TantyiProperty pulled out a “We gun lead and others shot follow” himon Sunday morning. dead on the spot,” said policeDAVID The 24-year-old FORD on politicianwas shot dead and his lafhi Mamuthubi.082 655 spokesperson 2326 or 046 Captain 636 2669 Ndive-GARY WILLOWS on 082 497 8234 or 046 684 1487cellphone was stolen. He was Police said this week thatOPTION 1 - R163.95 (incl vat) & less 15%apparently on his way home four suspects were arrestedfromdiscountDinangwe, a tavern, in connection with the case.”Livestock – buying/selling?Contact us for the best price!DAVID FORD GARY WILLOWSon 082 655 2326 on 082 497 8234or 046 636 2669 or 046 684 1487OPTION 2 - R122.95 (incl vat) & less 15%discountOLD MUTUAL EXPANDS IT’S FOOTPRINT INGRAHAMSTOWN & PORT ALFREDWe are offering an outstanding opportunity for dynamiccandidates in the financial advice industry.”Livestockbuying/selling?This exciting career offers opportunity to self-motivated candidates.Extensive training and supportive environment, togetherwith all big company benefits, including admin support, training,office accommodation, telephone as well as taking care of allFAIS requirements & accreditations are includedComputer literacy and Grade 12 as a minimum requirementand your own reliable transport is essential.Employment is subject to the applicant being FAIS compliant.Confidentiality will be respected. Existing brokers and adviserscurrently in the industry, “We lead are and welcome others follow to apply.Become a part of this exciting journey!To apply, please e-mail your CV to – akemp@oldmutual.comOr phone Adrian Kemp – 046-6035600OPTION 3 - R204.95 (incl vat) & less 15%discountNEW DENTAL PRACTICEDr Acacia von MayerBSc (Hons) BDS MSc (WITS)14A Milner street (Entrance in Grocott Street) GrahamstownWe are a family dental practice,welcoming children and anxiouspatients. Our fees are set at medical aid rates.Call us for an appointment on: 046 622 3871However, the dread-lockedMyeki was the only one whoappeared in court on Tuesday,with ANC members bayingfor his blood. MagistrateIvan Ristow read Myeki hisconstitutional rights, includingthe right to remain silent,and then postponed theMAKANA MUNICIPALITYUpdating of the Valuations Roll(2009/2010)Kindly be informed that in the full Council meeting held on the 18th June 2009 theCouncil resolved that a process of “updating the Valuation Roll” be undertaken duringthe first three months or first quarter of the 2009 / 2010 financial year (i.e. 1 Julyto 30 September 2009) in order to ensure that the municipality complies with the MunicipalProperty Rates Act No. 6 of 2004. This process will ensure that all propertieswithin the Makana Municipal area of jurisdiction are evaluated in terms of the Act,which will include for example that “all Sectional Titles are evaluated per individualunit and rates accounts are in the name of each and every unit owner, various categoriesof properties are evaluated based on the usage (e.g. School Buildings and CaretakerHouses or any House inside the school premises are evaluated differently), etc.Part of this process will require that Property Valuers, which have been appointedby the municipality to undertake this process, will be deployed around the municipalarea in order for them to conduct physical inspection of properties. When visitingproperties all Municipal Property Valuers will, at all times, carry identification cardsso that they can be easily identifiable. Of great importance that all ratepayers musttake note of is the fact that “during this period of three months (July to end September2009) the municipality will not be in a position to levy Property Rates to any ratepayeras it was the case during the 2008/09 financial year (i.e. 1 July 2008 to 30 June2009)”. This simple means that during these three months the municipal charge thatreflected on your monthly municipal account named “Property Rates” will disappear,and be levied only from October 2009 on completion of the Valuation Roll that complieswith the Municipal Property Rates Act No. 6 of 2004. During the same periodthe municipality will also ensure that its Rates Policy and Rates By-Law are in place,and you will be allowed to make comments on this Policy, as a valued customer.Lastly, the municipality advises the ratepayers to either make a choice or a decision of(i) continuing to pay their monthly Property Rates that were applicable in the 2008/09financial year (by simply looking at the June 2009 municipal account), (ii) pay an increasedmonthly Property Rates by plus 8.5% based on your June 2009 monthly fee,and or (iii) make monthly payments to your designated bank account until the matteris addressed, as property rates will have to be paid once the matter is finally resolved.Any queries in this regard can be forwarded to the Chief Financial Officer (Mr MJNgcelwane) on telephone number/s (046) 603 6007 / 6130, e-mail jngcelwa@makana.gov.za/ finance@makana.gov.za / postal address “PO Box 176, Grahamstown,6140.MS. NL. BAARTMUNICIPAL MANAGERcase until Tuesday next week(21 July), for a formal bailapplication.The investigating officerInspector Zukile Mpiyane indicatedthat the state wouldoppose bail, much to theapproval of Dondashe’s fellowcomrades who filled thecourt.The ANC members hadearlier gathered outside thecourt, carrying placards andventing their anger at Dondashe’sattackers. Some ofthe placards read: “Releasehim on bail, so that the communitycan deal with him.”

4YOUR SAYGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009Are our supermarkets ripping us off?In the light of the recent investigation by the Competition Commission, reportersKathrin Koebke and Stephane Meintjes asked Grahamstown residents if they felt that supermarketswere over-charging their productsInvestigatingpricesKATHRIN KOEBKE AND STEPHANE MEINTJESPhumza MesaniCatererYes, prices are very high.The most expensive thingis food.Asanda TonyelaStudentShoprite is reasonable.Food is the most expensivething I buy during themonth.Barbara LuckmanRetired TeacherThe things that I buyaren’t more expensivethan before. Prices arereasonable. Pick n Pay isnot more expensive thanother places.Shirley WatersVegetable FarmerWhen I up my pricespeople complain. Unlikethe supermarkets, asvegetable farmers we getpaid the same amount ofmoney we did fi ve yearsago.RECENT statistics generated by UNISA show that 20% thepoorest of households spend 57% of their total income onfood. The Competition Commission has initiated an investigationinto major South African supermarket chains, namelyPick n Pay, Shoprite/Checkers, Woolworths and Spar, whotogether make up more than 60% of the market in turnover.In terms of the Competition Act of 1<strong>99</strong>8, the CompetitionCommission is a statutory body investigating, controllingand evaluating restrictive business practices as well asmonitoring the abuse of dominant positions and mergers.The aim of this is to ensure equity and efficiency within theeconomy.Due to an increase in the cost of basic foods over thelast year, the commission is now investigating supermarketfood prices to make sure that no undue profiteering is takingplace. The investigation is motivated by concerns raised bythe public and various stakeholders.In a preliminary review the commission identified anumber of concerns including the concentration of power.This includes exclusive supply arrangements which, accordingto the commission, makes “it difficult for small producersto gain and retain access to retailers’ shelves”. Long-termexclusive lease agreements are also a concern, as it makesit difficult for competitors to enter the market. Another concernis that supermarkets are exchanging price sensitiveinformation which may impact competition.According to Commissioner Shan Ramburuth, “Thiscomplaint initiation now aims to uncover whether thereare any possible competition concerns arising in the retailspace, where consumers would most directly be affected.”Whitey Basson, chief executive of the Shoprite group,said that the group “would welcome an investigation so thatall stakeholders, especially consumers, will have a clear pictureof the situation. Shoprite is on the side of our customersand our only concern is to negotiate for the best prices on behalfof the 53 million people who frequent our stores monthlyand of whom the majority are hard pressed consumers inneed of low prices on basic foods.”Other supermarkets were hesitant to comment, as theinvestigation is still ongoing.Andiswa NtlokwanaStudentNo, prices are not thathigh. Shoprite isreasonable.Sylvia MthuthiUnemployedShoprite is better thanPick n Pay and Checkers.Yes, supermarket pricesare too high.Wendy CockDairy FarmerSupermarkets don’t passon discounts from suppliersto consumers. Iknow this because I haveworked in the retail business.As a dairy farmer Ican see the the differencein cost prices.Eula IversenPensionerYes, definitely. Everythingis more expensive.From one day to the nextprices will increase by R2.They’re more interestedin their shareholders thantheir customers.Thobani NkompoTransporterYes, supermarkets areexpensive. They shouldcut down on their pricesso that we are able to buyfood for the kids in school.Anok VerheijenResearcherSupermarkets in SouthAfrica are more expensivethan those in Europe, eventhough the average incomein Europe is three times asmuch as it is here.Gladys MantlaPensionerCheckers is expensive. Ipaid R500 for two basketsof food.Charles YoungLecturerAboslutely. It’s a shamethere won’t be a SuperSpar, as Pick n Pay coulduse the competition. Theproblem is that there isno suitable competition.Phumzile SmileMunicipal WorkerSupermarkets are expensive,especially the food.If you are looking at theprofit, it is too much. It is notreasonable in an economicsense.Bridgette O’KeeffeStudentYes! I came back fromEngland and was surprisedto find that supermarketswere soexpensive.unnysideGarden CentreAGMEluxolweni Children’s TrustNotice is given of the Annual General Meeting to beheld on20 July 200917:15Library HallGrahamstownNominations for appointment to the ManagementCommittee are called for.

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009NEWS5New hall for Extension 9‘Aged infrastructure’ causesyet another burst pipeNATHI MQOKELIND SUNGENI CHITHAMBOxtension 9 will soonboast a new communityhall courtesy ofakana Municipality. Strydomroqwana began building theall on 23 March. It was origiallyscheduled to be completdin August but will now onlye completed a month laterue to delays. According tohe site foreman, Leon Jasson,hese are due to the workersttending various meetingsnd rainy weather.According to a builder,bulelo Sandi, the delays ocurredbecause of meetingshich were held to discussage shortages.The hall was requestedy the residents of Extensionand 9 in an IDP (Integratedevelopment Plan) meetingor Ward 5 held in 2007.The hall will be used forarious community functionsuch as grant allocations,eddings, funeral servicesnd other social activities.handiswa Ngqiyaza, a resientliving opposite the con-SUNGENI CHITHAMBOAND ENATHI MQOKELIDue to delays, the new community hall of Extension 9 will be completed in September. Communitymembers will then be able to use the hall for community functions such as weddings.Photo: Kathrin Koebkestruction site, commented onhow the hall will benefit thecommunity.“It will be right for meetingsbut the building is noisyand disturbing,” she said.According to the municipalmedia spokesperson, ThandyMatebese, the construction ofthe hall is beneficial in termsof creating employment. Headded that local workers arehired for construction, givingthe previously unemployedtemporary jobs.He also mentioned that aprivate meeting will be heldbetween the contractors andthe project manager to discussthe “minor delays”.ne size fits all for Eluxolweni housesKHANYISA JALIAT the tail end of the Festival, on Sunday morning, 12 July someresidents and businesses owners at the top end of High Streetwoke up with no water in their taps. A large underground pipehad burst and key areas of the CBD were without water fromlate Saturday night till Sunday morning at around 9am.The owner of Steers in High Street, Pierre Pienaar said thatthe burst pipe caused a great deal of inconvenience to his business.He says, “The staff were not able to cook or peel potatoeswhich meant we had to open later than the usual time [on Sundaymorning]”. According to Pienaar the franchise lost betweenR1 000 to R2 000 because of the water outage. Anna-Karien Otto,a Grahamstown resident who lives off High Street says the pipeburst around 10pm on Sunday night. On her way home at 11pmshe saw that a municipal water truck was parked outside TheYellow House restaurant and Yellow House staff were fetchingwater in buckets so they could keep on trading.Dr Rosa Kline of Allan Gray House noticed a pipe burst atPrince Alfred Street on Rhodes University campus, howeverthis she said this was not a major issue as “we have huge boilers,so everyone used hot water from it”. Cline said she wasvery pleased by the way the municipality handled the problem.“I’m very impressed, they fixed it efficiently”, she said. Ottoagreed saying it is quite rare for the municipality to fix problemslike these so promptly. However, even though water wasflowing again it was murky and undrinkable for most of Sunday,till late in the night. “The water looked dirty and unhealthy”,Nagamso Siwendu commented. As Siwendu did not want to usethe water as it was, “the only way I could utilise it was to boil itfirst, in the hope of making it more healthy than it was”.The media spokesperson for Makana Municipality, ThandyMatebese confirmed that there was a burst pipe near campuswhich affected many people. He says that the “aged infrastructure”of the water pipes system was the cause of the malfunction.With new developments over the years, it is becomingmore difficult for the infrastructure that was put in many yearsago to sustain the new developments, he says. “The town hasgrown so rapidly while the infrastructure has remained thesame.” Matebese confirmed that Makana Municipality is planningto upgrade the infrastructure, “however for this to happenmillions of rands will be required”.THE residents of Eluxolweniinformal settlement can lookforward to an improved standardof living with the constructionof a series of new RDPhouses. Nongezile Sontshi,an Eluxolweni resident, ishappy with her new house butcomplains that they are quitesmall, especially the kitchen.Many residents agree that thehouses are too small.For people like PhumlaMpolweni, living in one ofthese houses might not be aproblem as only her and herhusband will move in, but forpeople like Micheal Mjongeni,living in this house with a familyof eleven will be a tight fit.The 40m2 houses arefunded by the Eastern Capegovernment and constructedby Toro Ya Africa – a companyfrom Klerksdorp. The constructioncompany plans tocomplete 190 houses betweenSeptember and October thisyear as they plan to build between20 and 30 houses perweek up to roof level.According to the operationsmanager, Brian Owen,the houses are of the bestquality. “The subcontractorsare very experienced and thematerials are supplied by wellknown companies.”However, according to acarpenter Eric Marrimbana,the roofs are not wired properlyand can easily be blowndown.Seeing as these are standardRDP houses, size seemsto be a major problem and thisdoes not seem to have beentaken into account.For residents such as SylviaMthuthi and ThandiweVongo flooding will be a dis-SAFE AS HOUSES?.. Many of these RDP houses being built in Eluxolweni informal settlementdo not have roofs yet. Once they are completed, however, the residents will move from theirshacks into brick houses. Photo: Kathrin Koebkeaster of the past. “The housesare very small but I am thankfulbecause the old house kepton being flooded,” an excitedMAKANA MUNICIPALITYMUNICIPAL NOTICEINTERRUPTION IN WATER SUPPLYTHIS NOTICE SERVES TO INFORM THE GENERAL PUBLIC THAT DUE TOMAINTENANCE WORK ON WATER LINES, THERE WILL BE INTERRUPTION INTHE WATER SUPPLY ON SUNDAY, 19 JULY 2009 BETWEEN 08:00 AND 17:00 IN THEFOLLOWING AREAS:• FINGO VILLAGE• RAGLAN ROAD• VICTORIA ROADANY INCONVENIENCE THAT WILL BE CAUSED BY THIS ARRANGEMENT ISREGRETTED.MS. N.L. BAARTMUNICIPAL MANAGERNOTICE NO: 90 OF 13 JULY 2009Mthuthi remarked. Vongoagrees, adding that the housesare small but are betterthan nothing. It appears thatmost Eluxolweni residentsare happy to be moving fromamatyotyombe (shacks) intobrick houses.The staff ofSt Andrew’s College and DSGcordially invite you toA Music ConcertWhere: The Music SchoolWhen: Tuesday 21st July 2009Time: 19h30Queries: d.springer@dsgschool.comAll are most welcome to join us.Cheese and wine will be served

6Editorial/LettersLiberty and ProgressEstablished 1870An anti-media cultureOnce again a local police officer has interrupted aninvestigation for the sole purpose of gratuitouslyharassing the media.On Wednesday morning Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> sent a reporterand a photographer to report on a crime scene in front ofthe Hill Street Public Library. A police officer chased themaway saying that they are not allowed to take pictures. Thisbully boy intimidation was done without the slightest bit ofprovocation.A second journalist then went to the crime scene to takephotographs. As soon as Captain Tommie Jafta realisedthere was a journalist on the scene he stopped his investigationand began interrogating the photographer. He askeda number of questions and demanded to see the photographer’sdriver’s licence. This was very strange since thephotographer arrived on foot.It must be stressed at this point, that Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong>staff members remained at all times behind the area thathad been cordoned off by police with red-and-white tape.As Captain Jafta realised that the photographers werenot going to stop taking pictures he issued instructions toblock both lanes of Hill Street with cordons approximately100m apart as well as placing two police vehicles on eitherside of the cordoned off area. In order to spite the media hecreated one of the largest crime scenes in Grahamstown’shistory and inconvenienced motorists who use busyHill Street.This is not the first incident where a Grahamstown policemanhas targeted a Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> reporter. There havebeen many similar cases where policemen will stop everythingthey are doing so that they can harass our reporters.On several occasions when we have photographed policemenparking illegally they have gone up to a photographerand hit the camera out of his hands.In one particular case a police officer arrested aGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> photographer for taking photographs. Thepolice say they are acting to prevent the media from interferingwith their investigations. This is a blatant lie becauseno Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> staff member has ever, or will ever interferewith police work.There is undoubtedly an anti-media culture within theGrahamstown police force. Just like in Zimbabwe.Text us your opinions andwe might publish them.Send an SMS to 082 0492146(normal rates apply)South Africa’s Oldest Independent NewspaperIncorporating The Grahamstown Journal (1831 – 1920)Vol. 140 No. 54Published by the David Rabkin Project for ExperientialJournalism Training (Pty) Ltd, 40 High Street, Grahamstown,6139Printed by PaarlcoldsetTelephone: 046 622 7222 • Fax: 046 622 7282/3Email AddressesNews: editor@grocotts.co.zaWebsite: online@grocotts.co.zaAdvertising: adverts@grocotts.co.za or ronel@grocotts.co.zaSport: sport@grocotts.co.zaLetters: letters@grocotts.co.zaGeneral Manager: l.vale@grocotts.co.zaEditorialEditor: Steven LangNews Editor: Luvuyo MjekulaStaff Reporters: Kwanele Butana, Maria SibiyaStaff Photographer/Reporter: Stephen Penney,New Media Editor: Michael SalzwedelGeneral Manager: Louise ValeAdvertising Manager: Ronél BowlesPreparing a venueSteven LangManaging a venue at a major artsfestival is no easy task. You haveto deal with circumstances asthey are presented to you, but organiserscould often make a greater effort to ensurethat patrons have a positive experience atall venues.On Saturday, I attended a Spanish guitarrecital by James Grace at the BeethovenRoom on Rhodes campus. The performancewas very good and the audience wasdelighted with Grace’s technical expertisewho certainly lived up to his surname. Heeffortlessly picked up the pace through thecomplicated intricacies of Fernando Sor’sConcernedproperty ownersThis is to advise that concerned propertyowners and tenants in the CBD will shortlyconvene a public meeting to discussstrategies to claim back our city from thelawlessness that has come to be associatedwith the National Festival of the arts.The apparently officially sanctionedbreach of all health regulations andnuisance laws, together with the vandalismwhich property owners have had tobear once again, poses alarming prospectswhen an extended Festival scheduled for2010 looms on the horizon. Unless there isa fundamental change of attitude and explicitundertaking to enforce the law on thepart of the police service, the municipalauthorities and those who draw incomefrom, but refuse to take responsibility forthose who trade, sleep and perform theirablutions in our streets, the assistance ofthe High Court will have to be sought. Anannouncement as to the venue, date andtime of the meeting will be made as soonas possible.Izak SmutsLong live the spiritof DondasheThe cold-blooded killing of the late ComradeOscar Dondashe on Sunday morningin Tantyi, needs to be condemned in thestrongest possible terms. That act wasbarbaric, cowardly and senseless. At thisstage it’s still unclear whether the motivationof the ruthless murder was political orcriminal. However, if the primary motivationis political, this dents and tarnishesthe image of our maturing democracywhich promotes political tolerance, irrespectiveof different political persuasions.This country is desperately in need ofleaders of Dondashe’s calibre. His loss isa hard blow, not only to the youth wing ofthe ANC of which he was a member andan activist, but to the motherbody also.Nonetheless, he has left the ANC YouthLeague of Makana to take up the spearfrom where he has fallen and advance thebattle from where it has left off, until whathe lived for, fought for and subsequentlydied for is realised.Farewell Oscar! You’ve kept the faith –which is the political principle or belief inthis case. Most importantly you’ve finishedthe race: you’ve been committed, faithfuland loyal to your organisation until thevery end.You’ve fallen as a selfless cadre, afighter and a revolutionary to the end.Variations on a Theme by Mozart and hecaptivated the audience with his interpretationof the well-known Recuerdos de laAlhambra.However, the polished performancewas somewhat tarnished by the noisy airconditioningequipment and that only thefirst five rows had a clear view of the guitaristand his instrument. Was it really necessaryto have the air-conditioning on? Couldthe organisers not have placed a smallplatform at the front of the venue so thatwe could all see the performer?The previous Saturday at Guy ButlerTheatre, a photographer clicked her waythrough the first part of the ballet, LaSylphide. She did this even though a voicefrom on high had said that all photographywas strictly prohibited at the performance.She claimed to be the ‘official’ photographerwhich appeared to give her the rightLong live the spirit of Comrade Oscar!Sebenzile SankobeMolweni, I amgratefulWhen I arrived at Temba Hospital afterbeing at Settler’s I was very sick and helplessand could neither speak nor walk. Butwithin weeks I could feel myself gettingbetter. First I was able to eat and to sit up.I was put in nappies which were regularlychecked and removed. I was cleaned.My bed was made often and I felt valuedand cared for. My spirits were lifted and Ifelt I should not let down the nurses anddoctors who were doing so much for me.I gradually managed to walk, at first withassistance. I remember trying too hard towalk on my own and asking nurses to stopusing nappies on me. But I urinated on thebed near it a couple of times. They did notscold me. Among the nurses who helpedme I want to make special mention of amale nurse called Mara known to patientsas “Molweni” for socialising so easily withall of us. This nurse would feed me patientlyand give me more food if I neededit. He shaved my head and beard severaltimes. He taught me to walk using an aid.He often worked at night and always carrieda smile on his face, offering words ofencouragement to me and other patientsall the time. He never look tired and we alladored him. He was exceptionally good.May God bless you for the lives youare saving and the wonderful work you aredoing. Because, never before have I seensuch a level of care, attention, professionalismand commitment in one place.Canaan MukuteSunday disturbancesI am writing this while in the thick of thenoise. The very ground is shaking. Mypoliceman tenant has been on night shift,dealing with two murders and a rape case.Besides which, it is 9.45am on Sunday.Building contractors have six days tolabour and do all their work. I have beento the scene to complain. I was civillyspoken to. I said I would now phone theowner of the firm. Perhaps he was warnedbecause “the subscriber you have dialledis not available, please try again later.”I tried an alternative number but it wasalso busy. I rang the officer on duty, whopolitely said he would send a van to me, toget particulars. The next number I dialledput me through to Inspector Matroos, whotook my particulars and said he would alsosend a van. Please let the van report theresult to me, I requested. At 10.10am theGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009to hit the shutter whenever she pleased.Perhaps the venue manager should haveexplained to this ‘professional’ photographerhow to disable the mirror in her cameraso that it did not make the sound of ajack-hammer every time she took a picture.Staying in the Monument, but goingback to SciFest Africa, organisers shouldavoid putting stalls that attract manynoisy children right in front the door to theOlive Schreiner theatre. It is very annoyingto listen to an interesting lecture only tobe interrupted by shouting right outside adoor that is frequently opened and closedduring each session.The common solution required tosolve the problems in these three casesis planning – organisers need to planahead so that venue managers are notleft scrambling around to solve awkwardproblems at the last minute.Write to: The Editor PO Box 103 Grahamstown 6140Fax to: 046 622 7282 Email: letters@grocotts.co.zathundering noise came to a halt.I thought the perfectly civil foremansaid something like he had three bags ofcement to mix. What happened to mixingby shovel? It is hard enough for me torush out and confront someone. Festivaljust finished last night and everyone hasguests. Even so, no neighbourhood needsnoise on a Sunday. Usually this out-of-townfirm is wonderfully quiet – the workers donot shout from the hill top to hill top. Thenext morning there was no thunderingconcrete mixer.Neighbourhood watchThank you Hi-TecThank you Morné!I wish to put on record my sincerethanks to Hi Tec Security and most especiallyto young Morné Van Wyk who was instrumentalin finding my brother’s vehiclewithin three hours of it being stolen oneevening during the Festival last week.Morné had just come off duty for theday and I am sure he would have preferredto return to the warmth and comfort of hisown home but instead opted to help tryand track down the vehicle.We were also well assisted by youngcar guards to which I also give my mostgrateful thanks. Only once, when directlyaffected by crime, do we realize what adedicated team the saff of Hi Tec Securityreally are.Liz ParkinsDon’t miss theSt John bazaarThe St John Ambulance annual bazaarwill take place on Saturday, 10 October. Asusual it will be held in the garden at 24 HillStreet, and the proceeds will go towards aspecial project which is still to be decided.We would like all potential stallholdersto take note of the date for this year andbook a place with Mario at 046 636 1650.We were well supported last year. It wasa lovely day and most of the stallholdersmade a profit and enjoyed their visit to StJohn.The cost of a table will remain at R30and you may sell anything you like. If youhave supported us in the past, we lookforward to seeing you again, and if youhave not had a stall at the St John Bazaarbefore, we would love to see you there thisyear.Of course this also applies to the publicwho come and buy from the stalls, so makea note in your diaries now.Jenna HolmesConvenorPseudonyms may be used, but all letters must be supported by a name, signature and street address. Preference will be given to letters which are notlonger than 400 words and are clearly legible. The editor reserves the right to edit or reject letters/ photographs.

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009Former mayor is ‘familiar’with his new roleKwanele ButanaFormer Makana MayorPumelelo Kate saysthat he is “familiar withthe workings and functions”of the Cacadu District Councilwhere he is now heading theinfrastructural services portfoliocommittee.He told Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong>that following a decision ofthe ANC provincial workingcommittee to “redeploy” himto the district council he reportedfor work at Port Elizabeth-baseddistrict municipaloffices on 23 June. “There’snothing new about my workas a member of the mayoralcommittee,” said the tenaciouscouncillor. He says thatthat he worked in the districtmunicipality since its reconfigurationin 2000 before joiningMakana Municipality in2006. He said he was involvedin setting the district municipalityin motion and that hewas picking up from wherehad left off. While he admittedthat his new salary doesnot compare well to that of anexecutive mayor, he said he isnot bothered by the differencebut is committed to servinghis political organisation.“The salaries are certainlydifferent, however it’s notabout salaries but about thework I continue to do for thecommunity,” he said.He added that even for achief financial officer of oneof the world’s biggest companies,the salary will not beenough. Kate said he will notrelocate to Port Elizabeth butNewswill rather stay in Grahamstownand commute betweenthe two cities regularly.Kate initially joined thedistrict municipality in 2000 asa financial services portfoliocommittee chairperson whenit was being transformed fromthe then Western DistrictCouncil to the current districtmunicipality.When the Nelson MandelaMetropole was established(which was previously part ofthe Western District Council)the new district council andits functions were restructured.Kate was later appointedby the council to head therestructuring developmentfacilitation committee, a positionin which he remained upuntil his election to the Makanacouncil in 2006.Opening of Makana ResortThe opening of the Makana Resort, formerlyknown as the Grahamstown CaravanPark will officially take place today (Friday)at the resort just off the N2 between Grahamstownand Port Elizabeth. The Eastern CapeMEC for Finance, Mcebisi Jonas will unveil aplaque to mark the event.He will be introduced by the ExecutiveMayor of Makana Municipality, Vumile Lwana.Also present at the function, will be actingMunicipal Manager, Thabiso Klaas.The Council Speaker, Ruth Madinda willbe the programme director of the event. Theprogramme starts at 10am but guests are tobe seated by 9.45am. – Enathi MqokeliAs Mandela says, make it countStephane MeintjesTHE Nelson Mandela Foundation, along withother associated organisations have namedMandela Day on 18 July to be celebrated as aglobal, annual event. The aim of the day is tohighlight the enormous achievements madenot only by Nelson Mandela but also by otheradvocates of peace around the world. TheMandela Day campaign states that positivechange starts with small actions and callson individuals to find the power within themselvesto make a difference in the world.Mandela worked to make South Africa theworld a better place, starting in 1942 when hefounded a campaign advocating the humanrights of each South African citizen. Since thenhe has worked tirelessly for 67 years promotingand addressing various social and politicalissues. This year he calls on South Africansto take 67 minutes of their time to making achange within their own community.When the campaign was launched Mandelasaid that he will be “honoured if such aday can serve to bring together people aroundthe world to fight poverty and promote peaceand reconciliation.” However, this campaignshould not be about one day in a year, butshould start a movement where individualsmake a difference throughout the year.In preparation for Mandela Day, the AlbanyMuseum is hoping to make a differencein the Grahamstown community. Through themuseum’s Education Department they haveidentified Manley Flats and Wilson’s farmschools as two farm schools in needy areas.They are calling on Grahamstown residentsto donate blankets, clothes, stationery, games,toys and sports equipment to help these twoNelson Mandela will now have a day inhis name to mark the promotion of globalpeace. Photo: Suppliedschools, who have already benefited from themuseum’s campaign.The Albany Museum campaign has beenextended to the Department of Sports, Recreation,Arts and Culture, Cacadu District staffmembers, NGOs, other government departments,Rhodes University and members of thepublic. As a result of schools being on holiday,the museum’s Mobile Museum unit is hopingto spend 67 minutes at each school handing outthe donations. Zongezile Matshoba, communicationand marketing officer at the museumurges people to please donate any items whichcould be of use to these schools. If you wouldlike to make a donation or become part of thecause you can contact Bulelwa Sontshatsha atthe museum on 046 622 2312 or drop off donationsat the Education Department storeroomat the museum. In the words of Madiba, “It istime for new hands to lift the burden.”7Prices valid from 15 July until 19 July 2009Save R2.9029 <strong>99</strong>SupremeIQF ChickenPortions2kgSave R620 <strong>99</strong>PnP no nameWhole FreshChickenPer kgSave R834 95Homestyle,Farmstyle orOu Kraal WorsPer kgSave R418 <strong>99</strong> 7CrestaRice2kgSave R2<strong>99</strong>OilPnPPure Sunflower750mlSave R628 <strong>99</strong> 1030’sPnP no nameLarge EggsBrands may vary from store to storeSave R2.7015 <strong>99</strong>PnPWhiteSugar2.5kgSave R2<strong>99</strong>All GoldTomatoSauce750mlAvailable at Pick n Pay Discount Supermarkets Eastern Cape Region only • Customer care Toll free 0800 11 22 88 • www.pnp.co.zaPrices valid from 15 July until 19 July 2009Including Port Elizabeth, Jeffreys Bay, East London, Mdantsane City, King Williams Town, Plettenberg Bay, George, Knysna, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, Queenstown, Mthatha, Aliwal North, Grahamstown, Port Alfred, Beaufort West & Sterkspruit.Some Pick n Pay Stores may not stock some of these products. Advertised prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No traders please. E&OE.Every month for the past year, Adcheck (an independent research company) has proven that Pick n Pay gives you more for your money on a representative basket of 1000 items1153053

8 Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009NEWSSchool principal’sfuture in limboKWANELE BUTANA AND SUNGENI CHITHAMBOFollowing his removal from NathanielNyaluza Senior Secondary School by thedepartment of education in May, the principalof Nathaniel Nyaluza is not sure whetherhe will be returning to school when the thirdterm begins.When contacted this week, principal WashingtonMushwana said he was not in the provinceand was also not sure about whether hewill return to Nyaluza when schools re-open onMondayt. It was clear that he was not preparedto be drawn into a discussion about the situationat the school.The education department removedMushwana from the school reportedly as asafety precaution as teachers were calling forhis head after one of their colleagues was notpromoted to a senior post which was given to anexternal applicant instead. The teachers heldhim personally responsible for the appointment.Meanwhile, attempts to speak to the educationdepartment drew a blank as Robin Solwandle,the education development officer assignedto the school, did not return the messages lefton his cellphone and the phone at the districtoffices.Alcoholics Anonymous celebrates 37 yearsVOICE IT OUT... Praise singers creatively voiced their concerns during the march to markthe opening of Wordfest during the National Arts Festival. Photo: Dee AlcockApplications are invited from suitably qualifiedcandidates for postPRINCIPAL TECHNICAL OFFICERBOTANY DEPARTMENTfrom as early a date as possibleThe successful candidate will be responsible for assisting and managing the practical components of theteaching program within the department.Candidates must have the following minimum requirements: • BSc/Diploma (3 years) majoring in a lifescience PLUS 5 years relevant experience; • previous experience in managing and working in a laboratory;• appropriate theoretical and technical knowledge of chemistry required for preparation of solutionsas well as instrumentation used in laboratories; • at least 1 year’s management/supervision experience; •experience in working with budgets and reconciliations.Honours Degree and a drivers licence will be advantageous.THE FULL MINIMUM JOB REQUIREMENTS, AGAINST WHICH PROSPECTIVECANDIDATES WILL BE MEASURED, ARE DETAILED IN THE JOB PROFILE.All relevant information can be accessed at http://www.ru.ac.za/jobs or by contacting 046 603 8004. Theapplication form and completed official addendum, together with curriculum vitae should be received byRecruitment & Selection, Rhodes University, P O Box 94, Grahamstown, 6140 or jobs@ru.ac.za by 12noon on Wednesday, 12 August 2009.Recognising that diversity is important in achieving excellence, Rhodes Universityespecially encourages South African members of designated groups to apply.Grocott’s GAO1065CELESTE KRIELTHE Alcoholics Anonymous(AA) support group will be celebratingit’s 37th anniversaryon Saturday, 18 July. AA invitesthe public to join in on the festivitieswhich will take place atSt George’s Hall off High Streetat 6pm.The AA Protea Group isproud of it’s 37 years in serviceto the Grahamstown public.Founded in 1972, the AA soughtto provide counsel to all peoplesuffering from alcoholism andto provide support for familiesof alcoholics. Thirty-sevenyears later, AA has helpedhundreds of people in the Grahamstownarea take the stepsto stay sober. One of its oldestmembers, Wilfred Appolis,says “Alcoholics Anonymouswill always be there for anyonesuffering from alcoholism andwill always reach out a helpinghand.” Appolis, like many of theolder members, still goes to AAmeetings every week.This time, though, he useshis own experience and knowledgeto counsel other recoveringalcoholics who are in thesame position he was 35 yearsago. The AA Protea Groupwelcomes everyone to join thecelebration of this significantachievement.Visit Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Online atwww.grocotts.co.zaand register to submit yourown articles and photos tothe MyMakana section!Creating New FuturesIMPORTANT NOTICEMAKANA MUNICIPALITYINVITATION TO MAKANA BUSINESS CONFERENCEThe Makana Municipality invites stakeholders from the local businesssector to attend a Business Conference scheduled as follows:DATE : 29 July 2009.VENUE : Makana Resort (Old Caravan Park).TIME : 8:30 – 15:30.RSVP : Babalwa Ngcungca (046 622 7939)/ NothandoSmith-Mlele no later than Wednesday, 22 July 2009CONTACT : Thembinkosi Sindane (046 622 7939)The conference is aimed at achieving the following objectives:• To create a platform for Makana Municipality and local business to engage on issuesaffecting the development of the local economy.• To explore and foster ways of co operation between Makana Municipality and the localbusiness sector.• To recommend ways of maximizing the impact of business sector in developing thelocal economy.• To share best practice and lessons learnt on the organization of the business sector forsustainable Local Economic Development.• To discuss ways of organizing the business sector in Makana.PHASING OUT OF N2 – N6 PROGRAMMESAccording to the national norms and standards Report 190 (2000/03) and Report 191(2001/08) EMC hereby notify the phasing out of all NATED (N2 – N6) programmes. Phasingout will be as follows:PROGRAMMEDATE OF LAST SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONEXAMINATION FOR CANDIDATES WHO HAVEFAILED THE LAST EXAMINATIONBUSINESS ENGINEERINGSTUDIES STUDIESNational Certificate N2 Nov 2009 April 2010National Intermediate Certificate N2 Nov 2009 June 2010National Certificate N3 Nov 2010 April 2011National Senior Certificate N3 Nov 2010 Feb 2011National Certificate N4 Nov 2010 June 2011 April 2011National Certificate N5 Nov 2011 June 2012 April 2012National Certificate N6 Nov 2012 June 2013 April 2013e-mail: emc@emcol.co.zaThe Makana Business Conference promises a renewed commitment and a freshapproach by the Makana Municipality towards building on and establishing meaningfulpartnerships with the local business sector to develop the local economy. As theMunicipality, we are firmly committed to promote private-public dialogue that willtranslate into meaningful business, community and government opportunities in ourregion.UITENHAGEPrivate Bag X35,Uitenhage, 6230Tel: 041 <strong>99</strong>5 2000Fax: 041 <strong>99</strong>5 2024GRAHAMSTOWNP.O. Box 142,Grahamstown, 6140Tel: 046 636 1575Fax: 046 636 1823GRAAFF-REINETP.O. Box 696,Graaff-Reinet, 6280Tel: 049 891 0201Fax: 049 891 0181

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 200<strong>99</strong>MAKANAMUNICIPALITYIncorporating Grahamstown, Alicedale, Riebeeck East & surrounding rural areasEXTERNAL POSITIONSPOST 1: 1 X CLERK (GRADE 1) CREDIT CONTROLDIRECTORATE: FINANCIAL SERVICES DIRECTORATEPOST LEVEL: 09 SALARY SCALE: R 81 456 – R 94 632MINIMUM QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE: Grade 12 qualification with accounting or mathematics as a subject coupled with two years relevant experience in a similar position in a finance background.COMPETENCE AND SKILLS REQUIRED: Computer Literacy, Communication skills at all levels, attention to detail, telephone etiquette.KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: Attending to arrears for electricity and water accounts by ensuring that credit control processes are followed. Attending to counter and telephone enquiries in collection with creditcontrol matters. Assisting and advising ratepayers to make arrangements for all monies due to council and implementing debt collection in terms of the council’s credit control and debt management policy.POST 2: 3 X SECRETARY: TO THE DIRECTORDIRECTORATE: CORPORATE SERVICES, TECHNICAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE, OFFICE OF THE SPEAKERPOST LEVEL: 08 SALARY SCALE: R 96 780 – R 113 988MINIMUM QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE: Grade 12 with Secretarial Diploma. Two years relevant experience working as a Secretary or similar position.COMPETENCE AND SKILLS REQUIRED: Computer Literate with Ms Office package and Internet, Communication skills at all levels, attention to detail, telephone etiquette, report writing skillsKEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: Attending to or handling incoming and outgoing correspondence within the Directorate through email, fax etc, timeously. Distributing incoming mail to the relevant official/s withinthe Directorate. Maintaining a proper record keeping system for the Directorate. Setting appointments and maintaining the diary of the Director. Preparing agenda items for the relevant Portfolio Committees. DistributingCouncil resolutions for implementation. Preparing letters, memorandums, circulars for various stakeholders, as and when required. Attending to any travelling arrangements, workshops, conferences etc for theDirector. Perform any other duties as may be delegated.POST 3:TOWN PLANNING OFFICERDIRECTORATE: TECHNICAL AND INFRASTRUCTURAL SERVICES DIRECTORATEPOST LEVEL: 04 SALARY SCALE: R 167 916 – R 180 804MINIMUM QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE: A Degree or Diploma in Town/Regional Planning or Development Planning. Minimum two years relevant experience in a Town Planning field with special emphasisto Land Use Planning and Settlement Planning. Understanding and experience of Town Planning Legislation. Management experience will be an added advantage. Code 8 Drivers License.COMPETENCE AND SKILLS REQUIRED: Computer Literate with Ms Office package and Internet, Knowledge of GIS and applicable typing programs and spreadsheets, Communication skills at all levels, attentionto detail and report writing skillsKEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: Preparation of reports and making of recommendations on inter alia the following applications: Proclamation of towns, rezoning, and consent uses, departures, removal of restrictivetitle conditions, etc. Implementing the zoning scheme and adjudicate building plans, trade licenses, etc. according to that. Apply the proposal of the SDF where necessary. Assist developers and the public on developmentopportunities. Be involved in forward planning issues. Be involved in making inputs in policy matters. Provide assistance and comments on all matters related to a Town Planning environment.POST 4:BUILDING INSPECTORDIRECTORATE: TECHNICAL AND INFRASTRUCTURAL SERVICES DIRECTORATEPOST LEVEL: 06 SALARY SCALE: R 138 984 – R 149 748MINIMUM QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE: Grade 12 plus three year tertiary qualification in one of the following: Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Building Management, BuildingScience, Building Surveying or Quantity Surveying. Code 08 Drivers License. At least 2 years relevant experience as a Municipal Building Inspector or similar.COMPETENCE AND SKILLS REQUIRED: Computer literate with Ms Office packages i.e Ms Word, Powerpoint, Excel etc and Internet, Communication skills at all levels, attention to detail, report writingKEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: Subject to the overall direction of the Building Inspector Control Officer, the Building Inspector must attend to the control of all building activity. Examine and approve building plansaccording to the provisions of the building, town planning and other relevant regulations. Inspect buildings at various stages of development to ensure that the building , town planning and other relevant regulations arebeing adhered to. Such other relevant and lawful duties as may be required by the Building Control Officer.POST 5:TOWN PLANNING ASSISTANTDIRECTORATE: TECHNICAL AND INFRASTRUCTURAL SERVICES DIRECTORATEPOST LEVEL: 08 SALARY SCALE: R 96 780 – R 113 988MINIMUM QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE: Grade 12 with 2 years experience as a Town Planning Assistant/Technician.COMPETENCE AND SKILLS REQUIRED: Computer literate with Ms Office packages i.e Ms Word, Powerpoint, Excel etc and Internet, Knowledge of GIS and applicable typing programs and spreadsheets, Communicationskills at all levels, attention to detail, report writingKEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: Undertake field work for all Town Planning applications (Land Use Surveys, Zoning Maps). Implement the Zoning Scheme and supply information accordingly to the public and developers.Issue Zoning Certificates, scrutinize building plans, trade licenses etc. for compliance to the Zoning Scheme. Keep and update all required registers and an applicable database. Such other relevant and lawfulduties as may be required by the Town Planning Officer.POST 6:REVENUE PROTECTION OFFICERDIRECTORATE: TECHNICAL AND INFRASTRUCTURAL SERVICES DIRECTORATEPOST LEVEL: 06 SALARY SCALE: R 138 984 – R 149 748MINIMUM QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE: National Diploma in Electrical Engineering or equivalent. Two years relevant experience. Knowledge of Vending Technologies and experience in RevenueProtection, Financial Control and Business Management. Code 8 Drivers License.COMPETENCE AND SKILLS REQUIRED: Computer literate with Ms Office packages i.e Ms Word, Powerpoint, Excel etc and Internet, Communication skills at all levels, attention to detail, report writingKEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: Subject to the directions of the Deputy Director (Technical) conduct inspections to ensure that all metering is functioning properly. Arrange for illegal wiring raids and issue fines fortampering. Install meters and monitor meter movement. Ensure that all substations, streetlights and pump stations are metered. Implement standard policies, procedures, bylaws etc. Advise the Council on Energy Efficiencyand Demand Side Management initiatives. Control the budget allocated to the division. Such other relevant and lawful duties as may be required by the Deputy Director (Technical).POST 7:4 X OPERATORS (WATER TREATMENT WORKS)DIRECTORATE: TECHNICAL AND INFRASTRUCTURAL SERVICES DIRECTORATEPOST LEVEL: 09 SALARY SCALE: R 81 456 – R 94 632MINIMUM QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE: Grade 12, Waterworks and/or Wastewater Certificate/Diploma. Valid Code 08 Drivers License. Two years relevant experience in a similar position. Knowledgeof Water Treatment Plant Maintenance operation.COMPETENCE AND SKILLS REQUIRED: Sound Interpersonal skills, Test result interpretation skills, Supervisory Skills.KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: Ensuring a non-interrupted supply of the best quality water. Perform and analyse laboratory tests. Take meter readings according to the requirements. Basic first line maintenance ofthe facilities and equipment. Must be prepared to be called out for emergencies. Perform any other duties as required by a Supervisor.POST 8:2 X OPERATOR (WASTEWATER)DIRECTORATE: ECHNICAL AND INFRASTRUCTURAL SERVICES DIRECTORATEPOST LEVEL: 09 SALARY SCALE: R 81 456 – R 94 632MINIMUM QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE: Grade 12, Wastewater Certificate/Diploma. Valid Code 8 Drivers License. Two years relevant experience in a similar position. Knowledge of water disposalworks maintenance and operation.COMPETENCE AND SKILLS REQUIRED: Sound interpersonal skills, Test results interpretation skills, Supervisory skills,KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: To operate sewage treatment works efficiently and effectively to ensure the continuous discharge of sewage affluent. Perform and analyse laboratory tests. Operate according to therequirements of the acts. Basic first line maintenance of facilities and equipment. Must be prepared to be called out for emergencies. Perform any other duties as required by a Supervisor.Benefits: Include 13th cheque, Housing Subsidy, Medical Aid, Retirement/Pension Fund, Group Life, and generous leave.Please be advised that application for employment should be completed on the official application form of the Makana Municipality and therefore Z83 forms will not be accepted. No faxed or e-mailed applicationswill be accepted. All enquiries should be directed to the Human Resource Manager on (046) 603-6296. Application forms are available from the Human Resource Section: Telephone no. 046-6036146/046-6036123. One application form must be completed for each vacancy. Application forms must be accompanied by a Comprehensive Curriculum Vitae, Certified copies of an ID, Drivers License (wherenecessary) and Qualification documents. Applications must be posted to the Human Resource Manager, P.O Box 176, Grahamstown 6140.Canvassing of Councillors & Officials will automatically disqualify any applicants. Makana Municipality is an Employment Equity, Affirmative Action Employer. If the candidate has not been contacted within amonth after the closing date he/she must accept that his/her application was unsuccessful. No application will be considered after the closing date.CLOSING DATE 31 JULY 2009_________N. BAARTMUNICIPAL MANAGER Notice no. 94

0 Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009WHAT’S ONWhat to do, Where to goKeep sending me your weekly listings and I’ll keep you informed on what is happening in and around Grahamstown! If you know of an event that you think Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong>readers would be interested in, let us know by faxing us on 046 622 7282, by dropping it off at 40 High Street or email community@grocotts.co.za.Please ensure that it reaches us by the Tuesday before publication. Please note that the inclusion of Forthcoming Attractions is dependent on space. – Susan PowersSATURDAY, 18 JULYFARMERS MARKETWhen? 9am – 1pmWhere? Old Gaol, Somerset StreetWhat? Fresh produce, dairy products,food stalls, essential oils, music, pottery,garden and potted plants, roses, homemadepreserves, crafts and many otherstalls. Fabulous hand-made goodies andgift ideas. Come! See! Taste! And join the festivities!Who? Vanessa on 082 754 7172 or Leigh on 071 242 3050ALBANY HORTICULTURAL & LILIUM SOCIETYWhen? 2.30pmWhere? Leave from the Albany MuseumWhat? Aloes – wild and domestic. Visit Harold Gess’ gardenwhich is fi lled with a variety of unusual aloes from all overthe subcontinent, then on to Martin and Norma Southwood’sbeautiful garden, which also has aloes, where we’ll enjoy ourpicnic tea. Those who wish to will later go off to the Burntkraalarea to see the wild aloes. Bring along your picnic provisions,a hat and a chair.Who? Sharon Richner, AHLS Chair, on 072 244 3863CHRIST CHURCH MINIATURE RAILWAYWhen? 10am – 12pmWhere? Christ Church(entrance situated at 4 GrantStreet or in Speke Street)What? For insurancepurposes children must beaccompanied by a parent ora responsible adult and for safety reasons shoes must beworn while riding on the train. As always donations will begratefully received, last month thanks to your generosity, wehave donated a further R500 to the Christ Church food basketoutreach. Looking forward to seeing you all again.Who? Richard Goodfellow on rgoodfellow@imaginet.co.za or072 973 4296SUNDAY, 19 JULYCATHEDRAL SERVICESWhen? 7.30am – Holy Eucharist(APB)preacher: Rev Claire Nye HunterWhen? 9.30am – Holy Eucharist(APB) preacher: Rev Claire NyeHunterWhen? 7pm – Taize Service led byDs Charlene van der WaltWhere? Cathedral of St Michael & St GeorgeDIAZ CROSS BIRD CLUBWhen? 7.15am for 7.30amdepartureWhere? Meet at the AlbanyMuseumWhat? The outing this monthwill be combined with the JulyCWAC survey to count water birdsin the area around Malanskraalnear Bedford. Bring refreshmentsfor the day. All welcome.Who? Jenna Holmes on 046 622 3000DELVILLE WOODWhen? 8.30amWhere? Christ Church, SpekeStreetWhat? Makanakop MOTHShellhole are commemoratingthe Battle of Delville Wood. Theservice will be led by Rev RichardGoodfellow. This day marks the 93rd anniversary of the battlefought on the River Somme by the South African Brigadewhich saw 3 000 of our soldiers perish in the line of duty. Wewill remember them. Members of the public are invited toattend the service to commemorate those brave soldiers.SUNDAY, 19 JULYTHOMAS BAINES HACKWhen? 8.30amWhere? Meet atPepper Grove MallWhat?OldenburgiaHiking Club invitesyou to come andhelp the faithfulfew Friends of Thomas Baines clear aliens along the river inthe nature reserve. This is our once-a-year contribution to thisworthy cause. Please bring tea and lunch and garden gloves,plastic buckets and old clothing, for in the event that (weatherpermitting) the cut aliens can be burned and we can all enjoya huge bonfi re. Enjoy a picnic lunch along the cleared riverbank and then we will return home for a Sunday nap.Costs: only for fuel.Who? Roger Rowswell at rar.tecs@telkomsa.net or PaulineMeyer at shana@isat.co.zaMEMORIES ARE MADE OF THISWhen? 12pm – 2pmWhere? Memory Hall,St Andrew’s PrepWhat? A musical cabaret featuringwell known East London singersLes Cooper, Irene Kranidiotis andLorianne Du Preez and popular muso Lloy Brent, bringingyou music from the 50s and 60s in aid of Brookshaw Home.Tickets are R40 per person and available from CasablancaFlorist, Pepper Grove Mall. Bring your picnic basket and enjoya relaxing time of fun and sing-along and leave with a song inyour heart and a smile on your lips. Soup and bread rolls, teaand cake will be on sale during interval.MONDAY, 20 JULYSCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCINGWhen? 8pmWhere? St. George’s Hall, High StreetWhat? Join us for a fun evening ofScottish country dancing. All are welcome,including beginners.Who? Dodie or Mandy at 046 603 4312TUESDAY, 21 JULYCONCERTWhen? 7.30pmWhere? DR Wynne Music School,Worcester StreetWhat? You are cordially invited to aconcert to be presented by the staffof St Andrew’s College and DSG.Cheese and wine will be served.Who? Dodie or Mandy at on046 603 4312WEDNESDAY, 22 JULYWESSA TALKWhen? 7.45 pmWhere? Botany dept major lecture theatreWhat? Please join us for a talk by Prof Denis Hughes,director of the Institute for Water Research, Rhodes University.“Managing Water Resources with an Uncertain Future” isdesigned to look at future water resource managementpressures (related to possible climate change as well associo-economic issues), the uncertainty associated withpredicting future changes and how we might respond to thesepressures and uncertainty.Who? Dr Sukhmani Kaur Mantel on 046 622 4014 ors.mantel@ru.ac.zaForthcoming AttractionsKINGSWOOD MUSIC WORKSHOPWhen? Friday, 24 July at 12.15pmWhere? Kingswood Music School auditoriumWhat? Music workshop with Helen VoslooWho? Alke Bradfi eld on 046 603 6670 or a.bradfi eld@kingswoodcollege.comBAROQUE AND BLUEWhen? Friday, 24 JulyWhere? Beethoven Room, Rhodes UniversityWhat? A musical coup for jazz and classical lovers –and everyone else! The musicians are world-class HelenVosloo, the talented, technically superb principal fl ute of theJohannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra and member of TrioHemanay, and Grahamstown’s own Rhodes jazz trio: JohnEdwards (piano), Marc Duby (bass guitar), and Steve Ellis(drums). All four musicians are among SA’s fi nest in theirrespective genres. Tickets are R50 for adults and R40 forstudents and pensioners.Who? Lucie Zunckel on 046 603 8489/90 or Sue Gordonon 082 456 7437DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE ANNUAL GENERALMEETINGWhen? Saturday, 25 July at 10amWhere? St George’s HallWhat? All welcome – renew yourmembership and join the winning team.Hear how the Mayor’s position was lost and won.Who? 046 622 4650CIRCLE DANCINGWhen? Wednesday 29 Julyat 7.30pm – 9.30pmWhere? The Scout Hall,African Street (next to the bowling green)What? Dance to traditional music fromall over the world; both traditional steps and modernchoreographies. All welcome.Who? Anthea Ribbink at 046 603 8045 / 0721322376or Jeanne Berger at 622 2588 (a/h)U3A JULY TALKWhen? Thursday 30 July at 10amWhere? Library Hall, Hill StreetWhat? Talk by Phillip Heemstra, Curator Emeritus,of SAIAB (South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity)entitled “Serendipity in the Sea.” It should be informativeand amusing.Who? Helen Crawford at helenmary@imaginet.co.zaKINGSWOOD SUNDOWNER CONCERTWhen? Thursday, 30 July at 5.45pmWhere? Kingswood Music SchoolAuditoriumWho? Alke Bradfi eldon 046 603 6670 ora.bradfi eld@kingswoodcollege.comFUNDRAISER COCKTAIL PARTYWhen? Friday, 31 July at 6pmWhere? Graeme College School HallWhat? In celebration of National Women’s Day in Augustour sponsors bring you a ladies cocktail function entitled“How to light his fi re!” After popular demand, Leandie Buyswill be back in Grahamstown. Leandie is one of only fourqualifi ed clinical sexologists in South Africa. She will giveadvice on how to ignite the passion and romance in yourrelationship, how to sustain romance in your relationshipwhile having fabulous fun, how to build self confi dence andself esteem and how to unleash the sensational womanwithin you. There will be lucky draws and lots of fun andlaughter! This is a fundraising function for Graeme College.R100 per person/R1 000 per table (10 people). Cash baravailable and wine and sherry will be served.Who? RSVP to Cathy or Lindsay on 046 622 7896 orcathy@cathybraanspr.co.za

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009InterfaithEmpowering the youth through artBusisiwe HohoGrahamstown's RaglanRoad multi-purposecommunity centre andGlobal Pact an NGO from theUSA, will be exhibiting children'sartwork and sellingt-shirts at the Cathedral ofSt Michael and St George onSunday from 11am to 1pm.Global Pact is an organisationthat helps teach peoplehow to implement socialchanges within their communities.They have launcheda project called Kholwa(believe) in which they helpchildren in need by providingthem with weekly art classestaught by a local artist.Xolile Madinda volunteeredand says, “It makesme feel good to know that Iam making a change for thebetter in the community.”The multi-purpose centrewas chosen to be part of thisproject “because we weremoved by the work they do,and we saw this as an opportunityto help raise funds andawareness about the workthey do” said Kate Strangfeldwho is one of the five GlobalPact university students.Raglan Road multi-purposecentre is a communityNOTICE: The battle of Delville WoodMakanakop MOTH Shellhole are commemoratingthe Battle of DelvilleWood on Sunday, 19 July in ChristChurch, Speke St at 8.30am. Theservice will be led by Rev RichardMAKANA MUNICIPALITYTENDER NO: 21\2009DESIGN AND PRINTING OF MUNICIPALNEWSPAPERSuitably qualified and experienced service providers are hereby invited to tender for the design and printing of the municipality’scommunity newspaper.Specifications:1. Layout and design.2. 1 x Twenty thousand copies per quarter for one year from the date of awarding the Tender3. Tabloid size, 8 pages.4. All pages in full colour.5. Packaging and delivery to municipal offices6. EditingService providers with proven experience are invited to submit concise company profile and client portfolios including a sample ofnewspaper they will use for the Municipality to ensure the quality standard.Tenders must be placed in a sealed envelope and clearly marked “DESIGN AND PRINTING OF MUNICIPAL NEWSPAPERS– TENDER /2009” and placed in the tender box in the Administration Section of the Corporate Services Directorate, City Hall,Grahamstown or be posted to reach the Municipal Manager, P.O. Box 176, Grahamstown, 6140 by no later than 12:00 on 31July2009 when tenders will be opened publicly in the Council Chamber at 12:15.Please note the following:• Tenders will be adjudicated in terms of the Council’s Supply Chain Management Policy.• The Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.• Late tenders, tenders by fax, email or telegram will not be considered.• Tenderers are to submit proof of HDI status, an original SARS Tax Clearance Certificate, CK1 and a Certificate of GoodStanding from their Local Municipality with their tenders in order to be considered. Scoring allocation: (100)Price - 80HDI Status - 10Female – 5Locality – 2 (Makana)Disability - 3All enquiries regarding this tender can be directed to the Media and Communications Officer, Mr. Thandy Matebese at telephonenumber 046 – 603 6120 and email matebeset@makana.gov.zaMS. N.L. BAARTMUNICIPAL MANAGERNotice number: 91/2009 of 14 July 2009BELIEVE... Kate Strangfeld and Katie Guffin from North Eastern University in Boston, USA aretwo of the five volunteers of the Kholwa project assisting Raglan Road multi-purpose communitycentre to put together an exhibition. Photo: Busisiwe Hohobased organisation situatedin Grahamstown which is tryingto meet the needs of thewhole community. As part oftheir community service, thecentre provides food, helpwith homework and otheractivities for children in needand this is where Kholwaslots in.This coming Sunday childrenfrom five to 16 yearswill be showcasing some ofthe artworks they have beenworking on, some of which arepaintings and t-shirts createdby the Kholwa art group.All profits made on theday will go to the centre to assistthem with future projects.Katie Guffin who is also fromthe US said “we would likepeople to come and supportthis beneficiary and worthycause”. She also said theyhope this will be an ongoingproject even after they leaveGrahamstown.Thembakazi Seyisi, theproject manager at the centresaid “We are very happybecause we will get exposureand this is also good for thechildren because they will getmore help in terms of theirneeds”.Goodfellow.This day marks the 93rd anniversaryof a battle fought on the RiverSomme by the South African Brigadewhich saw three thousand of our soldiersperish in the line of duty. We willremember them.Members of the public are invitedto attend the service to commemoratethose brave soldiers.Grocott’s GAO1066ABUNDANT LIFE WORSHIPCENTRE (Johnny Burges Hall,Middle Terrace Road)10.30am morning servicePastor NC Julius 079 496 4256or 084 581 0151APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION OF SA(cnr Ncame and Makana Way, Ext 4,white tent next to Telkom tower)9am Youth and Sunday SchoolServices10am morning serviceASSEMBLY OF GOD(Blackbeard Street)10am – erediens, 6nm aanddiensPastoor B Brown 046 622 4963AGS/ATMEL SHADDAI(Johnny Burgess Hall, MiddleTerrace Road)10am Erediens5pm AanddiensOud Rolen 073 453 <strong>99</strong>34Dieken Ronnie 083 610 2926Evang Edwin 079 306 7577CATHEDRAL OF ST MICHAEL& ST GEORGE (High Street)7.30am Holy Eucharist (APB)9.30am: Holy Eucharist (AAPB)Preacher: The Revd Claire HunterNB No 5pm service during thevacation7pm Taizé ServiceLed by: Ds Charlene van der WaltCHRIST CHURCH (Speke Street)8.30am Holy Eucharist andjunior worship, 2nd, 4th SundaysAPB 1989, all other SundaysBCP1662CONQUERORS COVENANTCHURCH (Nombulelo Hall, Joza)Services every Sunday 10am –12pmNceba Ngeju 073 653 2655EMMANUEL ASSEMBLY(12 Paton Place, Vergenoeg)9am Sunday School, 10.30ammorning service5.30pm evening serviceRev L Williams 046 622 4388 (H)FRONTIERS CHURCHINTERNATIONAL(Oatlands School Hall, AfricanStreet)9.30am morning serviceDave Koch 084 470 2095 or046 636 7815FULL GOSPEL CHURCH OFGOD (11 Caldecott Street)9am Morning service and9am Promise land (SundaySchool)6.30pm evening servicePastor Neels Prinsloo 046 622 5949FULL GOSPEL CHURCH OFGOD (24 P Street)10am Kidz Church11am morning servicePastor TP Dube Ngcayisa 082 3558860GRAHAMSTOWN BAPTISTCHURCH (Bathurst Street)9.30am morning worship andSunday School Every 1st SundayCommunion6.30pm evening service Every 3rdSunday Communion11.30am Kariega Church 4thSunday onlyGRAHAMSTOWN CHRISTIANCENTRE (Lucas Meyer Ave)9am Sunday worshipPastor D Hagemann 046 622 3309HIS PEOPLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH(VG High Scool hall)9am and 11am Morning services6.30pm. Evening service046 622 3426JABEZ HOUSE ASSEMBLY(Sun City community creche)10am morning service6pm evening ServicePastor T Smit 079 622 9812MARIYA uMAMA weTHEMBAMONASTERY (Highlands Road)Holy Cross Benedictine Monks9am Holy Eucharist046 622 8111METHODIST CHURCH OF SACommem 9am Tony ScheepersWesley 9am J. HeadbushSole Memorial10am J. HeadbushiNEDERDUITSEGEREFORMEERDE KERK(38 Market St)9vm oggenddiens, aandselgemeentesTuesday 6pm stilworddiens046 622 4598NEDERDUITSCH HERVORMDEKERKEvery Sunday 9am erediens PortAlfred2nd and 4th Sundays 11amCHURCH SERVICES11eredienste Cannon RocksProf John Gericke 046 624 9025PINKSTER PROTESTANTE KERK(Brushwood Farm, industrialarea, behind GrahamstownPrison)9am Sondagskool 10am oggenddiens7pm aanddiensShawn Warren 082 808 6136RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OFFRIENDS (QUAKERS)622 3382 or 622 3076RIVER OF LIFE(Assembly of God cnr Hill andHuntley St)8.30am MORNING ALIVE( Worship service & Kidz Church)10.30am ( Worship service &Kidz Church)6.30pm (Dynamic eveningservice)Pastor John & Debbie Sloane046 622 3626ROCK OF AGES CHRISTIANCHURCH INTERNATIONALDuna Library - Joza10am: Sunday ServicePast FW Arendse 072 118 9049SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTCHURCH(next to Pick n Pay)9.30am Sabbath School (Saturday)11am worship serviceST AUGUSTINE’S CHURCH9.30 am Sunday serviceST BARNABAS (Alicedale)10am Xhosa service on the 1st,2nd and 4th Sunday of eachmonth and the English service onthe 3rd.J Olckers 042 231 1159 or RevCynthia Webbstock 046 636 2090ST BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH(Market Street)9am Eucharist with hymns(APB1989)Fr Eric Kelly 046 622 4552ST CLEMENT’S CHURCH(top end of High Street, next toRailway Station)9am – Holy EucharistST CYPRIAN’S(Highlands) 10am every secondSunday.Contact R Wilmont 046 622 8841or Rev Cynthina Webbstock 046636 2090ST JOSEPH’S CATHOLICCHURCH (Joza)Mass: 8amST MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH(Albany Road)Sunday Mass 10amTuesday service 6pmST PATRICK’S CATHOLICCHURCH (47 Hill Street)8.30am Sunday Mass.046 622 2808ST PETER CLAVER’S CATHOLICCHURCH (Raglan Road)11am MassST PETER’S (Sidbury)10am Every 1st Sunday.R Hart 042 235 1250 orRev Cynthia Webbstock on 046636 2090THE APOSTOLIC FAITHMISSION OF AFRICA(Z Street, Joza)10am Sunday School, 11amServiceRev KA NdaleniTHE OLD APOSTOLIC CHURCHIN ZION OF SA(behind Benjamin MahlaselaHigh School)11am Sunday Service, 6pmWednesday serviceArchbishop NT Chrisjan083 363 1073THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRISTOF LATTER–DAY SAINTS(6 Bennett Street)9am Sundays046 622 5705TRINITY PRESBYTERIANCHURCH (Hill Street)9.30am morning worship andSunday School7pm evening worshipRev Geoff Probert046 622 3812UNION CONGREGATIONALCHURCH (Albany Road)9am Sunday School, 10ammorning service6pm evening serviceWAY OF GOD MINISTRIES(Ext 6, next to Joza IndoorSports Centre) 10am Sundayservice 6pm evening serviceApostle PS Ngqezana084 824 2363

2EntertainmentGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009SMS yourcommentsto082 049 2146BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 2PM – PHONE FOR BOOKINGS – OPEN ON ALL PUBLICHOLIDAYS – PROGRAMME AND TIMES SUBJECT TO ALTERATION WITHOUT NOTICEFri July 17 to Thurs July 23ICE AGE 3Animated. Life begins to changefor Manny and his friends. Scratis still on the hunt to hold on tohis beloved acorn, while possiblyfinding a new romance.FRI at 12.30pm & 3pmSAT at 12.30pm & 3pmSUN at 12.30pm & 3pmMON at 3pmTUES at 3pmWED at 3pmTHURS at 3pmGHOSTS OFGIRLFRIENDS PASTATRANSFORMERS 2:REVENGE OF THE FALLEN PGFRI at 12pm, 2.45pm, 5.30pm & 8.15pmSAT at 12pm, 2.45pm, 5.30pm & 8.15pmSUN at 12pm, 2.45pm, 5.30pm & 8.15pmMON at 2.30pm, 5.15pm & 8.15pmTUES at 2.30pm, 5.15pm & 8.15pmWED at 2.30pm, 5.15pm & 8.15pmTHURS at 2.30pm, 5.15pm & 8.15pmuzzle 2 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.82)9 52 7 NIGHT 6AT THE MUSEUM: 3 PG4 2BATTLE5OF THE SMITHSONIAN6Ben Stiller8 916 Daily at 5.30pm5 2HARRY POTTER AND THE7 8PGA bachelor is haunted by the HALF BLOOD PRINCEghosts of his past girlfriends atFRI at 12pm, 2.45pm, & his 5brothers wedding. 1 MathewSAT at 12pm, 2.45pm, 35.30pm & 48.15pmMcConaughey and Jennifer Garner.SUN at 12pm, 2.45pm, 5.30pm & 8.15pmDaily at 8pmMON at 2.30pm, 5.15pm & 8.15pm3 6 5 TUES at 2.30pm, 5.15pm & 8.15pm 2WED at 2.30pm, 5.15pm & 8.15pmTHURS at 2.30pm, 5.15pm & 8.15pm9 4 3 5CONTACT THE CINEMA TO CONFIRM SHOWTIMES AND FOR BOOKINGS PHONE 046 622 3440www.roxbury.co.za1 3videotronicRadio & T V Services73 High Street Tel. 6227119For all your electronic requirementsfor all yourelectronicrepairs AGENTS3 8 59 4 8 64 5 71 4 6ery hard, difficulty rating 0.82)#147 3 8 4 2 5 1The 8 solution 7 1 6will be 9 published 3 4 onTuesday, 3 9 221 July 5 7 8 69 1 3 7 5 6 2HOW TO PLAY: Fill inthe6 5grid4so2that1every9 8row, 1 8every 6 9column 3 4 and 7every 4 6 3x3 5 1box 8 contains 2 9the digits 1 through 9. Nonumber2 4 7cn3be6reapeated1 5in 5 any 2 row, 9 8 column 4 7 3orbox.....andyour messagecouldbe publisheduzzle 4 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.77)3 6 7 47 9 65 4 12 7 6 31 3 6Puzzle 3 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.87)8 2 5 1 3 9 7 6 49 3 7 6 8 4 2 5 11 6 4 7 5 2 3 8 97 5 3 4 2 6 1 9 82 4 9 8 1 3 5 7 66 1 8 9 7 5 4 3 24 7 1 5 6 8 9 2 33 9 6 2 4 7 8 1 55 8 2 3 9 1 6 4 7kugen/ on Wed May 20 12:10:50 2009 GMT. Enjoy!Solution for Tuesday, 14 JulytvGUIDETimes and shows were correct at the time of going to pressfriday, 17 july 2009satarday, 18 july 2009sunday, 19 july 2009manday, 20 july 2009questions andanswerssabc 1 sabc 2 sabc 3 e - TVM-Net7.30am YO.TV Land, 12amKwakhala Nyonini, 1pmYilungelo Lakho, 2pmStudy Mate, 3.30 Shinzo,4.30pm The Mummy, 5pmYOTV, 5.30pm News, 6pmBold, 7pm My Wife AndKids, 7.30pm News, 8pmGenerations, 8.30pm Girlfriends,9pm Live, 10pmJust Cause.7am YO.TV, 10:00am GenerationsOmnibus, 1.30pmCountdown 2010, 2.03pmCoca Cola Football Stars,2.30pm 2010 Update,2.35pm Laduma, 3pmSportwrap, 6pm Selimathunzi,6.30pm The Kids AreAll Right, 7.30pm News,10pm Do The Right Thing,12.15am SMS TO WIN.7am YO TV, 8am CliffordPuppy Days, 9am GospelGold, 10am Agape, 2pmSportswrap, 12pm The ChatRoom, 1pm It HappenedTo Me, 2.03pm TelkomSplash, 3pm Sportwrap,3.10pm Laduma, 6pmRootz, 6.30pm Asikhulume,7.30pm News, 8pm TheRock.7am YO TV, 11am GospelGold, 12pm Yilungelo Lakho,1pm Shift, 2pm Study Mate,3pm Ses’khona, 3.30pmDexter’s Laboratory, 4.30pmIron Kid,6pm Bold, 7pmFamily Bonds, 7.30pmNews, 8pm Generations,9pm Soccerzone.Nomalanga MkhizeSABC 2 flighted the first episode of Shoreline (broadcast on Mondays at 7.30pm) a seriesthat provides a broad overview of the ecology and history of our country’s shore. In twelvehour-long episodes the series explores about 2 700 km of the South African shoreline.This programme is a first of its kind in South Africa covering our coastline from Kosi bay inKwazulu Natal to Orange River in the Northern Cape. Nomalanga Mkhize, a historian and aformer Rhodes University journalism and history student is one of the hosts and presenterof this twelve-episode coastal exploration. Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> reporter, Khaya Thonjeni spoke toher about the experience of working on Shoreline.KT: I have always not alwaysconsidered you as a journalist,how did you get this opportunity?NM: Homebrew Films, the productioncompany commissionedby SABC2, found me througha colleague in the University ofthe Western Cape History Department.They were not lookingfor professional presenters, butrather for an ordinary personwith a love for history. It’s ironicthat I’m in front of the camerabecause when I studied TV journat Rhodes I was really dismal atpresenting and was convinced itwas not in my future – ever.KT: How long did it take to filmthis production?NM: About 12 months. Believe itor not, we only finished shootingabout 10 days ago.KT: What was your most interestingexperience?NM: Seeing the extreme differencebetween the west and eastcoasts of South Africa.KT: What are the key componentsexplored in Shoreline?NM: Shoreline explores key archaeologicalsites, marine biology,recent human history and storiesof interest along the shore.KT: What was most challengingfor you?NM: TV presenting is actually reallydifficult, particularly becauseI got my scripts mostly on theday and had to memorise on thespot, worse if we were shooting incold windy, weather. Presentingis a performance and I am not aperformer.KT: Can you comment on thetechnology used?NM: I’m no expert but the wholething was shot with a high definitionSony camera and the aerialfootage used a Cineflex cameramounted on the nose of a helicopterso you get spectacular,smooth, gliding shots. On land,we used only one camera, usingmostly steadycam techniqueto give the links and interviews6am Morning Live, 8amSABC International,9.10am Thabang Thabong,11.30pm Ladies First,12.30pm Dr. Phil, 1.30pmDays Of Our Lives, 2.15pmJudge Mathis, 4pm HecticNine - 9, 6.30pm 7deLaan, 7.30pm Maak ‘nLas, 8.30pm News, 9pmMuvhango.5.55am Op Pad, 7amWeekend Live, 8.30am DIYMet Riaan, 11am Tyimilani,12.30pm 90 Plein Street,1.30pm Muvhango,3pm Gilmore Girls, 4pmCampus Confidential,6pm Nuus, 6.30pmInvasion, 8pm StrictlyCome Dancing, 9pm LottoDraw, 10pm Cold Case.6am Iketsetse, 9amIssues Of Faith, 10am KidNation, 11pm EasternMosaic, 12pm Tsha B ‘avSpecial, 1.30pm SportOn 2, 3.30pm 7de Laan,6pm News, 6.30pm Fokus,7pm Moferefere Lenyalong,8pm Gospel Time, 9pmYou Don’t Know Me, 10pmMonk, 11pm Gilmore Girls.6am Morning Live, 8amSABC International, 9amInfomercials, 10am JakkalsJol, 12.30pm Dr. Phil,1.30pm Days, 2.15pmJudge Mathis, 4pm HecticNine -9, 4.30pm Hip2B2 V,5.30pm News, 6pm WildLtd, 6.30pm 7de Laan.dynamism. Shooting with onecamera meant we repeated everythingover and over from differentangles.KT: What did you not enjoy somuch about the filming experience?NM: The weather! Driving forhours on end to places far outonly for the rain and wind to haltfilming and well, get you wet andcold. But you had to wait it out becausethat was the only opportunityto shoot in that remote area.It may look pretty on screen, butit was a huge challenge to spendso many hours along the sea.The conditions are actually quiteharsh.KT: Can we expect to see youmore on television?NM: I don’t think so, TV is forentertainment and depth, contextand seriousness are oftenlost. I agreed to do Shorelinebecause I could refuse to door say things I felt were notappropriate.8am AM Shopping,10.30am Generations,1.30pm News Update,2.30pm Hannah Montana,3pm All My Children, 4pm3 Talk, 5.30pm OprahWinfrey, 6.30pm Isidingo,7pm News, 7.30pm Mulan,9.30pm De Kat, 10.15pmElektra, 01.30am SABCSport On 3.6.30am Knock Knock,7am Which Way, 11am ThePower Within, 1pm Steven &Chris, 2pm Nigella Express,2.30pm Big Shorts, 3.30pmVeer - Zaara, 6.30pm GoingNowhere Slowly, 7pm News,7.30pm Hulk, 10.05pmThe Chronicles Of Riddick,12.30am L & O SpecialVictim Unit VI Omnibus.8am Free spirit X, 9amTigger And Pooh, 9.30amIsidingo, 11am Hatch, 1pmTop Billing, 2pm Survivor,3pm Roer, 3.30pm Batman,5pm EverWood, 6pm NaitonalGeographic, 7pm News,8pm The Border, 9.30pmBest Of Special Assignment,10pm Catwoman, 12am Law& Order Criminal Internt.5am World Today, 7.30amSnazzy Stories, 8am AMShopping, 10am 7de Laan,10.30am Generations, 11amIsidingo, 11.30am The View,1.30pm News Update, 2pmVibes, 4pm 3 Talk, 6.30pmIsidingo, 7pm News, 7.30pmThe Game, 8pm Survivor.8am African News, 11amFear Factor, 12.30pmJudge Judy, 1pm News Day,1.30pm WWE, 2.30pmGood Boy!, 4.15pm Frenzy,5.10pm Young And TheRestless, 6.30pm RhythmCity, 7pm News, 7.30pmStyle By Jury, 8pm Hellboy,10.30pm Species II,12.15am Brain Box.9m Jozi Zoo, 9.30amRhythm City, 12.30pme-Shibobo, 1pm ShowbizReport, 1.30pm Planet’sFunniest Animals, 4pmWWE, 5pm ECW, 6pm eNews, 6.05pm Ripley’s BelieveIt Or Not, 7pm e News,8pm Mr. Deeds, 9.55pmBetween, 11.45pm WickedTemptations.8.30am Spirit of Praise,10am Shiz Niz, 12.45pmWWE Specials, 3.45pme-Insert, 4pm BiggestLoser, 5pm WWE Raw,6pm e News, 6.05pmReal TV, 6.30pm MedicalDetectives, 7pm eNews,7.30pm How I Met YourMother, 8pm Timecop,10pm Malcolm X.6am Sunrise, 10am 3rdDegree, 10.30am SunsetBeach, 12.30pm JudgeJudy, 1pm News Day,1.30pm WWE, 2.30pmSummerton Mill, 6pm eNews, 6.30pm Rhythm City,7.30pm Scandal!, 8pmSuperstars.KT: Give us one reason you thinkSouth Africans should watchthis show.NM: It’s the first time SouthAfricans will get the chance tosee the coast from one end tothe other in one series and youwill be stunned not only by thebeauty of the visuals but amazedby the little unknown ancient andrecent human stories that havetaken place along the coast.KT: Tell us about some of thepeople you worked with and theirskills?NM: Wow, difficult to condenseinto a few words. Generally, theywere all brilliant and they were allamazingly patient and always gotthe shot. I can’t name individualsbecause everyone there was artisticallyand technically brilliant butnone of that would count if theyweren’t endlessly patient and nice‘cause they worked extremely longhours in very challenging conditionsand had to direct three nonprofessionalpresenters.5.30am Boots & All,8.30am Sunshine TourMonthly, 10am Binnelanders,11am Deep Water, 1pmBob The Builder: On Site,2.30pm My Friend Rabbit,3.30pm FARMkids, 4.30pmFrankenstein’s Cat, 5pmAll Access, 6pm Binnelanders,6.30pm EGOLI - PlaceOf Gold, 7pm The Office.7am Barney & Friends,7.30am Frances, 8.15am Hi-5, 9.30am Horseland, 10amDinosaur King, 11.35amTrans World Sport, 1pm SharkBite, 1.30pm Coca-ColaCraven Week, 2.45pm RugbyChat, 5pm ABSA Currie Cup,7pm Without a Trace, 8pmSpider-Man 3, 10.20pm OpenChampionship Highlights.5.15am Murder On PleasantDrive, 7am Barney & Friends,9am Strawberry Shortcake,10am Private Practice, 11amQueen Sized, 1am PrisonBreak, 2pm Desperate Housewives,3.00pm CSI, 4pm AllOut Rugby, 5pm BritanniaHigh, 6pm I Wanna Be, 7pmCarte Blanche, 8pm Wanted,9.55pm The Tudors.10am Binnelanders, 11amMy Super Ex-Girlfriend, 2pmSuper Why, 2.30pm My FriendRabbit, 3pm Teenage MutantNinja Turtles, 3.30pm MewMew Power, 4pm Delilah &Julius, 5pm Life, 6pm Binnelanders,6.30pm EGOLI- Place Of Gold.

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009Entertainment13Arts on a global scaleFestival records shatteramid global recessionKhanyisa JaliSTALWART... Established actor Vusi Kunene visited Grahamstownduring the National Arts Council for a cocktail at thelaunch of the World Summit on Arts and Culture. "It's nice to seethat the National Arts Council wants to get involved with artistsand not just provide funds for us," he said. Photo: Dee AlcockThe launch of the firstWorld Summit on Artsand Culture (WSoAC)ever to be held in Africa tookplace in Grahamstown onThursday, 9 July. The launchwas hosted by the NationalArts Council of South Africa(NAC) in partnership withthe International Federationof Arts Councils and CultureAgencies.According to the chairpersonof the NAC, BrendaMadumise, the National ArtsFestival is “the harbour ofarts and culture” where mostof the artists can be locatedat the same time each year,making it an ideal place topublicise the fourth WSoACthat will take place in Newtownin Johannesburg from22 to 25 September.Among many other responsibilities,the NAC isin charge of funding artistsfrom all over South Africa.Madumise stated that for thefive past years the NAC haveinvested no less than R5-millionin the Arts Festival, andthis year alone they investedR2-million.She urged artists to startengaging and interactingwith the NAC, saying thatrelationships should not onlybe formed when applicationforms are filled out, emphasisingthat the doors of theNAC are always be open forartists who seek assistance.She went on to say that artistsneed to realise thatwhen considering funding“we are looking for qualitywork and excellence” so notonly established artists willbe recognised – the NAC isalso committed to helpingdevelop emerging artists. Inaddition, many people in ruralareas do not know aboutthe council, so they havecommitted themselves tobeing more accessible to artistsin less accessible places.The NAC was amongmany other arts councilsfrom other countries who bidto host the fourth WSoAC.Jazz takes to the streetsThe summit was first heldin Canada in 2000 so it is remarkablethat the fourth triennialWSoAC is coming toSouth Africa, where at leastthirty African countries willbe represented.Theatre practitionerMike van Graan, who is alsothe executive director of theAfrican Arts Institute andthe summit’s programmedirector, spoke in detail onwhat the summit will focuson. The theme is “Meeting ofCultures” so creating meaningthrough the arts will bethe basis for summit dialogues.“We are living in a post-9/11 world, where communitiesare increasinglydivided by values, beliefs,religion and culture”, saysVan Graan. “The summit willlook into ways whereby socialand cultural divides canbe bridged by the arts whilealso taking part in discussionswith titles such “Culturaldiversity – fundamentalfor peace or the root of allconflict?”The seasoned theatreman encouraged artists toattend the summit, “it is importantfor you to be part ofthe debates that will be comingup because that is wherepolicy discussions concerningartists will be decided”.The address was followedby a networking opportunityfor guests to mingle and getto know one another over aglass of wine or juice.Maria SibiyaThe National Arts Festival'sfinal attendance figures showa significant increase overlast year’s results. Accordingto a press release issued bythe Grahamstown Foundation:“The 2009 National ArtsFestival saw a solid 13.21%increase in overall attendancethis year, with 170 045attendees at the variousevents on offer.”Commenting on this year'sresults, National Arts FestivalCEO, Tony Lankester, says “Thefigures confirm that South Africansare still prepared to supportthe arts in tough economictimes.” He says there was astrong increase in the numberof free performances such asgovernment sponsored performanceswhich took place atNoluthando Hall, various districtjazz ensemble performances,free exhibitions andperformances at the Transnettruck, which saw attendanceat free events climb strongly.In comparison to last year'sfigures, this year's attendanceis up from last year’s30 000 people at free events.Lankester says, “Our conservativeestimate is that 36150 festinos watched the freeshows and also attended the50 exhibitions which werescattered throughout variousperformance venues acrosstown.”Although the global economicrecession was expectedto affect ticket sales, mostvisitors still managed to purchaseitems at the craft marketsand watch good shows ataffordable prices.In fact, a box office recordwas set over the first weekendof the Festival when R413 000worth of tickets were sold onSaturday. The previous recordwas R400 000 worth of ticketssold on a particilar day.Lankester says this is "the singlebiggest selling day in Festivalhistory."In terms of the rand valueof the tickets sold, Lankestercommented that the “averageticket price at the Festival hadbeen kept as low as possiblein response to the recessionaryenvironment.” He addedthat the rand value increasewas motivated by demandrather than inflation. In comparisonto the average cost oftickets last year (R38.61) thisyear's ticket sale average wasR38.97.As certain productionswere sold out many peoplemissed out on their favouriteperformances as they werehighl in demand. Accordingto Festival Director IsmailMahomed, “There was a highnumber of sold out productionsand performances onboth the Main and the Fringeprogrammes.” According tothe media release, the randvalue of tickets sold increasedby 8.02% in the Main programmeand 14.16% on theFringe.Maria SibiyaTwo local jazz bands added a newdimension to jazz during the NationalArts Festival with their performanceat the Dakawa Street Jazz Festival inFroude Street.The vibey sounds of The Vibrafariansand the jazzy sounds of Razz Matazzjazz band astonished the enthusiasticcrowd who were joyfully dancingand snapping their fingers to the music.Being a reggae band with localflavour, The Vibrafarians performedsongs from the 70s and 80s, such asBob Marley’s No woman no cry.Lead guitarist Phumelelo Franssays the band is currently working ona new album. The three member bandstarted performing together in 1<strong>99</strong>9and are still keeping their performanceflame burning because morepeople entered the hall when theyheard their music resounding fromwithin the building. The band membersinclude, lead guitarist Frans,a local bass guitarist ThembinkosiTyota, and drummer Lulamile Ndeya.According to Frans, the band’s latestperformance was when they performedat Linton Kwesi Johnson's(LKJ) concert which took place at theGreat Field Rhodes campus. Conjuringup a plethora of magical soundswas Razz Matazz, a band which addsa bit of a rock to their jazz. Tyota isalso a vocalist for the band. Lead singer,Kelli-Anne Scarlet says their musicis a fusion of mbaqanga, reggaeand rock. She says she loves workingwith her band and that their musiccaters for everyone. “We always sticktogether and we get a good responsefrom our audience,” she said. Beforeperforming at Dakawa, the band entertaineda big crowd at the Transettruck behind the City Hall. “we wantmore,” shouted the crowd as theypleaded for the band to keep singing.''One of their hit songs which excitedthe crowd was Sanibonani, Molweni.Keyboard player Mpumelelo Memanisays he was influenced by hisfather who was also a jazz musician.His younger brother, Thando Memaniplays drums and alto sax. After seeingthe perfomance of the young altosaxophonist, programme directorXolani Faku, appealed to artists totake their music seriously and for theJAZZ IT UP... The Vibrafarians entertained festinos during the Dakawa Street Arts Festival. The band membersare (from left) lead guitarist Phumelelo Frans, drummer Lulamile Ndeya and bass guitarist Thembinkosi Tyota.The street jazz festival was sponsored by the Eastern Cape Jazz Association. Photo: Alexia Bergeryouth to participate in music whichincludes attending music lessonsor workshops at Dakawa. “Dakawais a house for local artists and theyouth should also benefit from the artcentre,” he said.

14homefinderProperty SupplementGill Meyer082 651 <strong>99</strong>76Chris Armitage084 444 7884www.armitageestates.co.zaAfRIcAN STREET – ClOSE TO cAMPUS - R675 000Aquitane WaySTEWART ARMITAGE ESTATESONLY 1 LEFTSTUDENT APARTMENTS - 2 BEDROOMSOATLANDS NORTH - R960 00081 CHURCH SQUARETEL. 046 622 4134E-mail: armitageestatesgill@telkomsa.netKINGSVIEW ESTATE - 4 BEDROOMED UNITChris has hadover 30 yearsexperience in theGrahamstownproperty market.Luxury 4-bedroomed unit, communal pool and tennis courtOATLANDS - R1 295 000DUAL MANDATEOATLANDS - R1 900 000DUAL MANDATESHOW HOUSESAT 2PM -5PMwww.grocotts.co.zaFriday, 17 July 2009Tel: 046 622 5546 Fax: 046 622 5548m.gaybba@imaginet.co.zawww.propertygrahamstown.co.zaBeen thinking aboutinvesting in property?NOW is the time to securea great deal!!Contact us TODAY and view our optionsTRANQUIL COUNTRY LIVING3-Bedroomed family home,close to schools, with flatlet.OATLANDS NORTH - R<strong>99</strong>5 0003-bedroomed North-facing homein prime localityWESTHILL - R2 950 000NEW RELEASELarge family home with pool.3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open planliving and granny flat.central - R2 950 000NEW RELEASEDUALMANDATE4-Bedroomed family home with magnificent view.Garden flat.3-bedroomed Settler home with B&B facilities andbusiness offices. Ideal lock-up-and-go, borderingSt Andrews.Newly renovated 3-bedroomed Settler home withtasteful fittings on St Andrew’s doorstep.JUST A STONE’S THROW FROM TOWN in a picturesquesetting, this spacious family home alsooffers 5 separate guest units. R2 600 000VICTORIAN CLASSICTel: 046 622 5546 Fax: 046 622 5548m.gaybba@imaginet.co.zawww.propertygrahamstown.co.zaRICHARD GaybbaMULTI AWARD WINNING AGENTMonika Gaybba072 621 2846 FOR INSTITUTE OF ESTATE AGENTS AND IPC 082 855 00152003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008OATLANDS NORTHWESTHILLSUNNYSIDEOATLANDS NORTHSOLEMANDATEFORT ENGLANDSOLEMANDATENESTLED AMIDST ESTABLISHED TREES, thishome with a patio, pool & private garden is an entertainer’sdream. R2 200 000CENTRALDUALMANDATEWESTHILLSOLEMANDATECHARACTER & CHARM.Ideal for entertaining, yetpeaceful & private. Perfect for agrowing family. R1 100 000 onoSIMPLY IRRESISTABLE:This stylish Settler beauty offerselegance, charm & position.R2 950 000PRACTICAL DOUBLEPURCHASE: A unit to live in & aunit to help pay toward the bond.R1 100 000NO LONGER RENT, BUTOWN! Ideal starter home in quiet,secure area with space for a familyto expand. R710 000SECURE SINGLE UNIT withprivate, enclosed garden suitablefor a small pet. Let for 2009.R545 000CALLING ST ANDREWS &DSG PARENTS!!! Versatilehome and good student rental orideal as lock up & go. R1 800 000KINGSWOODDOUBLE STORY FAMILYHOME with a private pool & deck.Positioned in private school area.R1 300 000WESTHILLDUALMANDATECHOICE HOME IN HIGH-DEMAND SUBURB: Close toprivate school & university campus.R2 200 000OATLANDS NORTHSOUGHT-AFTER STUDENTCOMPLEX. Freestanding 3BRunit. Potential income: R6 600/month. R890 000WESTHILLSOLEMANDATEINVESTORS TAKE NOTE: 5 mandigs plus 2 potential flats.Estimated income: R14 000/month. R1 550 000TO BE RELEASEDsettler StyleCottages inHistorical area oftown.Call for more detailsWEST HILLLIVE THE HIGH LIFE.Executive home overlookingtown. Ideal for entertaining.POAWE ARE MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL REFERRAL NETWORK. CONTACT US IF YOU ARE MOVING OUT OF TOWN.

ocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009 15HOMEFINDERFrontierweb: www.remax.co.zaemail: property@remaxfrontier.co.za22 African StreetPO Box 7060, Grahamstown North, 6148Tel: 046 622 6061Fax: 046 622 3741WESTHILL R1 395 000Delightful character cottage near St Andrew’sCollege.WEBREF: 300221587ALEXIS 083 461 5572ON SHOWSAT 10 – 12SOLE MANDATETRANQUIL LIVING R855 000SOLE MANDATEONE OF A KIND IN THIS COMPLEXUpmarket finishes and fittings with state of the artkitchen. Design and finishes of this unit – a step upfrom the rest.WEBREF: 300246296JEAN 082 772 0396ALL ROADS LEAD TO RE/MAXA UNIQUE LIFESTYLEOnce in a lifetime opportunity to invest in aproperty which enables you to watch the sports on St Andrew’smain field, from your own private balcony.Secure 3 bedroom lock up and goapartments to be built in 2010 at today’s prices.Call Jean now on 082 772 0396 to avoiddisappointmentDUAL MANDATEWe welcome DaveMullins into ourRE/MAX family. Hewill behandlingall ourauctions.082 2<strong>99</strong> 7953AQUATAINE WAY R675 000ONLY2 LEFTBRILLIANT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY!2 bedroom apartments, 500m from Rhodes ANDclose to Pepper Grove Mall.New upmarket design with balcony. Kitchenequipped with fridge, duel fuel stove,undercounter oven, washing machine & tumbledrier. All of this in secure complex with off-streetparking. NO TRANSFER DUTY.WEBREF: 300205093JEAN 082 772 0396OATLANDS R1 585 000NEW RELEASE SOLE MANDATELARGE CHARACTER HOME IN TOP AREA.Currently let at a good rental return. Perfect forbusiness premises or residential. This propertydeserves a look.WEBREF: 300222942JEAN 082 772 0396KINGSWOOD R1 300 000NEW RELEASEEXCELLENT LOCATIONCute and cosy double storey home situatedclose to Kingswood and Graeme. Manageablegarden with automated gate.WEBREF: 300253030JEAN 082 772 0396KINGSWOOD R1 060 000SOLE MANDATEKINGS GARDENS From R650 000SOLE MANDATEOATLANDS NORTH R1 060 000SOLE MANDATECENTRAL R525 000SOLE MANDATESUNNYSIDE R250 000OLDE WORLD CHARMThis home offers 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms andstudy, undercover braai area, pool and doublegarage PLUS separate flatlet.WEBREF: 300241610JEAN 082 772 0396SECURE COMPLEX2 bedroom apartments with modern finishes and kitchenequipped with stove, oven, washing machine PLUScommunal swimming pool.WEBREF:300195319JEAN 082 772 0396ABSOLUTE STUNNER!!This gorgeous modern home is immaculate with doubleautomated extra length garage with electronic gate.WEBREF: 300250327JEAN 082 772 0396NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK – 1 BEDROOMAPARTMENTWalk to Peppergrove Mall & Rhodes.WEBREF:300244716JEAN 082 772 0396BUILD YOUR OWN HOME on this 757sqmvacant erf situated in a quiet suburb in Grahamstown.Water and electrical points have beeninstalled.WEBREF: 300251791JEAN 082 772 0396KINGSVIEW Fom R1 050 000WELL PRICED HOME R695 000NEW RELEASESOLE MANDATE4A COLES LANE R795 000 onoSOLE MANDATECENTRAL CITY R625 000SOLE MANDATEWEEKEND GETAWAY R6<strong>99</strong> 000DUAL MANDATESECURE LIVING - modern living with stunningfinishes within secure complex PLUS communalswimming pool, tennis court AND 24 hoursecurity guard.WEBREF: 300206900JEAN 082 772 0396MOVE STRAIGHT INImmaculate home in quiet complex. Ideallysituated for 1st time buyers or couples.WEBREF: 300255406URGENT SALE.Any CASH offers shall be considered.3 Bedroom townhouse just off High Street.WEBREF: 300249748ALEXIS 083 461 55722 BEDROOM UNITIdeal for kids at Rhodes. Well priced and currentlylet till Nov 30th.GOLF & GAMECosy 3 bedroom newly built home 100km fromPort Elizabeth and 50km from Grahamstown.WEBREF: 300249619WEBREF: 300205967ALEXIS 083 461 5572 ALEXIS 083 461 5572ALEXIS 083 461 5572THE GREENS R960 000DUAL MANDATECOSY CHARACTER R2 950 000LOCATION LOCATION R2 950 000KINGS HEIGHTS From R350 000NEW RELEASEFINGO VILLAGE– R150 000CENTRAL CITY3 bedroom fully furnished with lovely views.Great investment property.WEBREF: 300203483ALEXIS 083 461 5572PRIME POSITIONGorgeous renovated Victorian, stroll toRhodes, College and DSG. Ideal lock up & go.WEBREF: 300251827ALEXIS 083 461 5572DOORSTEP DSG & SAC’SGorgeous Settle style cottage on the sportsfield. Ideal B&B pr College parents.WEBREF: 30025211ALEXIS 083 461 5572VACANT LANDA choice of 3 plots, all ± 1 000sqm withinupmarket secure complex.WEBREF: 300194322ALEXIS 083 461 5572EXT 1– R180 000ERIC 078 508 1004• Monthly levies • Creditors • Daily Maintenance • Staff Management• Monthly Management Accounts (PASTEL)• Attendance at Meetings & AGMNeeding more detail? Contact Gwyneth ataccounts3@remaxfrontier.co.zaCell no: 076 239 8583 Office hours: 046 622 6061Wantingfranchisefor qualifi edbuyer.ContactDavid082 564 7076RENTALSPlumbridge Drive4 bedroom @ R4 500pm2 Hodges Street1 Room @ R1 700 p/mCommercial PropertyBathurst Street available 1 AugustNew Street available 1 August29 Kota Inten2 bedroom @ R3 600 p/mCHARMAINE 079 491 8355DIVISIONSUMMER PLACE2 bedroom units availableimmediately.Jean RodgersonSales AssociateManageressAlexis BowkerSales AssociateEric MiatshaSales AssociateExecutive Club 2008Leon KrugerFarming & LifestyleAssociateJohan BeerFarmingAssociateMeyrick BowkerFarmingAssociateCharmainevan StadenRentalAssociateGail Shanley 083 307 0852

6ItHOMEFINDERGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009“Artfully uniting extraordinary properties with extraordinary lives”KINGSWOOD - R895 000Web Ref No: 0000 549 342OATLANDS - R1 800 000Web Ref No: 0000 259 540SUNNYSIDE - R1 100 000Web Ref No: 0000 447 863OATLANDS - R1 250 000Web Ref No: 0000 533 221Sole MandateSHOWDAYSAT 18 JULY 12noon - 2pmHuge grounds with two incomeproducing options. It offers a stunningnorth-facing living room and plenty ofspace for a young family.OATLANDS - R2 950 000Web Ref No: 0000 550 472BEAUTIFUL LOCATIONOPPOSITE CHRIST CHURCHFamily home with spacious bedrooms.Private and secluded north-facing gardenand double garage.WEST HILL - R2 950 000Web Ref No: 0000 550 565Something special in sought-afterSunnyside. Charming double storey settlerhome featuring oregan and yellow woodfloors and doors. Loads of character.OATLANDS - R2 200 000Web Ref No: 0000 278 474Sole MandateSTONE VICTORIANThis well-located historical Charmeroffers heaps of accommodation. It issituated in the leafy heart of Oatlands andmust be viewed! Excellent rental income.KINGSWOOD - R1 300 000Web Ref No: 0000 550511WESTHILL - R2 300 000Web Ref No: 0000 250 357STUNNINGLY REVAMPED,SETTLERS COTTAGE Tucked awayin sought-after African Street. Beautifulweekend home for College or DSGparents. Prestigious potential businesspremisesCENTRAL - R540 000Web Ref No: 0000 549 338SPACIOUS AND LIGHTLarge 2 bedroomed flat with woodenfl oors and undercover parking. Centralposition. Call today!Venita Arguile 072 600 0065Joy Miles 084 320 9238Mbulelo Vena 073 185 2811WESTHILLR2.2mDUALMANDATECharacter and charm aboundin this gracious home. Close toRhodes and private schools.Upmarket student digs.CENTRALR585 000Comfortable and convenientlysituated, these recently renovatedapartments offer spacious living.LOCATION, LOCATION,LOCATION Don’t miss this stunningcottage with 2 separate fl ats. Beautifullyappointed, overlooking St. Andrews Fields.AQUITAINE WAYWeb Ref No: 0000 532 016ONLY 1 LEFTBETWEEN R675 000 AND R695 0002 Bedroom units with open-plan loungedining-room & kitchen with single bathroom.Fitted with all the mod-cons GREAT IN-VESTMENT!! GREAT SECURITY!!WESTHILLR1.2mWould you like to own anapartment overlooking StAndrew’s Collegelower field?Limited number ofunits left.High quality finishes. Ideallock up and go for DSG &College parents.DUAL MANDATEFORT ENGLANDR690 000Neat well maintained home setin established garden with fruittrees.FAMILY HOME IN OATLANDSROAD This home has spaciousbedrooms, large living areas and a superbkitchen. The children would love thisgarden and sunny pool area.OATLANDS - R<strong>99</strong>0 000Web Ref No: 0000 550 212BRILLIANT BUY This older digswould present a fine opportunity for acharming family home! All it needs is yourloving touch.FAMILY HOME IN PARKROAD Double storey close to schools.Spacious bedrooms, double garage andswimming pool with deck. Phone now toview.OATLANDS NORTH - R650 000Web Ref No: 0000 480 914SPACIOUS DUPLEX IN SECURITYCOMPLEX2 Bedrooms both with en-suitebathrooms. Stunning kitchen, doublecarport, small patio and garden.Peppergrove Mall, African Street, Grahamstown. Tel: 046 636 1388 office@sirg.co.zawww.sothebysrealty.co.zaCBDR160 000This fast food outlet is rightwhere things are happening!!Located in Upper New Street onthe student night beat & servinglocal businesses by day.RENTALSFort England - Double storey home -3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms.R4 400pm, immed occupation.Highland Road - Triple storeyhome - 5 bedrooms, R5 000pm, immedoccupation.Oatlands North - Garden flat - onebedroom, fully furnished, if required,Off-street parking, R2 400pm incl lights& water. Available 20th August.Somerset Heights - Family home -5 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, incl garden/pool services & Hi-Tec. R9 500pm.Available 01/08/09Phone Andrea Ginn on 082 550 1937CONTACT AGENTSAndrea Ginn 082 550 1937 • Leslie Ginn 082 652 4158Natalia Kavelenia 072 214 4700 • Marion Hendry 083 244 6409Each Offi ce is Independently Owned and OperatedCOUNTRY LIVING IN THEHEART OF WESTHILLA once in a lifetime investment!Beautiful setting overlooking St.Andrews Sports Field.FORT ENGLAND - R530 000YORK STREETThis Central property is spacious andoffers great value. It is on the doorstepof all ameneties. You don’t need a car ifyou stay here!English Olympiad winnersbear the fruit of their readingKHANYISA JALI AND ASANDA NAKETIThe Guy Butler Theatre at 1820 SetllersMonument was filled with excitementas pupils, teachers and parents from allover the country poured in to witness the announcementand prizegiving for the top 100 DeBeers English Olympiad winners on Thursday.The Oympiad is an annual national Englishcompetition that is organised by the GrahamstownFoundation and the South African Councilfor English Education (SACEE) in whichmore than 5 300 pupils enter from high schoolsall over the country.This year’s candidates were learners fromGrades 10 to 12 from South Africa and neighbouringstates. For the learners to have qualifiedto be in the top 100, they were required towrite an exam in March with this year's themebeing “The conundrums of ambition”. The examinationwas compiled by the SACEE. OlympiadExaminer, Andrew Renard said that whenhe went through the exam papers the learnershad written, the comments they made aboutthe education system were predominantly positive,however “The pupils want more than to bespoon fed”.He emphasised the need for creative teachingand learning by both educators and learners.The examiner described the pupils as “thecalibre of people we need to have as teachers inSouth Africa.”The candidates are ranked into five groups.All candidates who completed the paper receivedcertificates showing a classified evaluationwhereas the top 50 will receive scholarshipsfor their first year of study at RhodesUniversity when they have matriculated. Thosewho came between the fourth and 20th placewill receive cash prizes or book vouchers. Thetop 15 gets invited to the National Schools Festivalfree of charge while the top three will betreated to a literary tour of the United Kingdomin December.Grahamstown was represented in the top15 by Wesley Gush from Kingswood College.Though he came in at number 11 he said, “It isoverwhelming and exciting however I am disappointedto not be in the top three but I amhappy I am in the top 15.” His mother, who wasthere to support him said, “I am very proud ofmy son. It starts when they are little with encouragingthem to love reading and writing.This is the fruit of that.”The Olympiad is not only about the prizes,this is sure to have a long-lasting positive impactand has an effect on a young person’s personaland academic achievements.

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009News17GRAHAMSTOWNOFFICE 046 622 2778FAX 046 622 7877EMAIL grahamstown@pamgolding.co.zaBEDFORD R865 000SHOW DAYCOMMERCIALR2.6 MILLIONJOZA R150 000SHOW HOUSEBedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 1 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1006235VICTORIAN TRANQUILLITYThis quiet position, large garden andmountain views ensure a homely, contentedlifestyle.Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 4 | Garage 2 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1005717FRIDAY 17 JULY, 2 – 4PMFollow pointer boards from 51 AfricanStreet. Kim will be in attendance.Bedrooms 0 | Bathrooms 4 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1006020PRIME POSITIONInvestment property, with exceptional rentalincome on a two-year lease, in a primelocation on New Street.Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1005838YOUR OWN HOMEFamily home with lots of potential. The idealplace to use a housing subsidy or state grantto purchase your own property.Chris Bush 082 826 6001 Kim Webber 082 523 8277 Kim Webber 082 523 8277 Kim Webber 082 523 8277Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 1 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1000936SATURDAY 18 JULY, 10AM – 12PMTo see this property, follow pointer boardsfrom the corner of Milner and AfricanStreets. Brenda will be in attendance.Brenda Cadle 083 529 5551STONES HILLR2.6 MILLIONCBDR1 MILLIONELLENOR COURT R660 000KINGS GARDENS R685 000BUSHMAN SANDS R325 000Bedrooms 8 | Bathrooms 7 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GT352094ENDLESS POTENTIALThis magnificent bed and breakfast offersguests a tranquil retreat but is near enoughto enjoy our quaint city.Brenda Cadle 083 529 5551Bedrooms 0 | Bathrooms 0 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1004007INDUSTRIAL500m² warehouse with office componentand parking. Shop frontage on busy street.Double volume with hangar doors.Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1003380SAFE AND SECUREIdeal for students needing accommodationclose to Rhodes.Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1003572OATLANDS NORTHWell-maintained and sought-after unit ina secure complex. This makes a great lockup-and-go.Bedrooms 0 | Bathrooms 0 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1002553VACANT LANDBuild and live on a golf estate in the heartof Alicedale.Brenda Cadle 083 529 5551 Dee Shone 072 480 43<strong>99</strong> Dee Shone 072 480 43<strong>99</strong> Dee Shone 072 480 43<strong>99</strong>SHOW HOUSENEW STREETR1.<strong>99</strong>5 MILLIONALICEDALE R125 000SAFE AND SECURE R720 000TUCKED AWAY R795 000Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 2 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1003984SATURDAY 18 JULY, 10AM – 12PMFollow pointer boards from the corner ofMilner and African Streets. Bridget will be inattendance.Bedrooms 7 | Bathrooms 6 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1004917SETTLER COTTAGE WITH OFFICE SPACEZoned Business 1. Ideal for home office –character settler cottage with outside rooms.Close proximity to all amenities. Make an offer.Bedrooms 0 | Bathrooms 0 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1006186BUSHMAN SANDS GOLF ESTATEWonderful opportunity. Close to cities witha feeling of being in the bush.Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1003221KINGSWOODDuplex – ideal for students, young couplesor parents wanting a lock-up-and-go.Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 1 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1005615FORT ENGLANDNewly built, modern, face brick home. Idealstarter home.Bridget Fourie 082 775 8877 Bridget Fourie 082 775 8877 Bridget Fourie 082 775 8877 Adéle Barnard 084 509 3889 Adéle Barnard 084 509 3889BEDFORD R900 000SHOW HOUSESHOW HOUSERHODES R615 000OATLANDS NORTH R795 000Bedrooms 5 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1003483FAMILY HOME ON DOUBLE STANDThis property is a rare find, centrallysituated in a leafy avenue in town withmountain views.Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 |RENTALSHOUSES:5 bedrooms R6 000FLATS:2 bedrooms R4 500WEB ACCESS 1GT448619SATURDAY 18 JULY, 10AM – 12PMFollow pointer boards from the corner ofMilner and African Streets. Adéle will be inattendance.Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 2 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1002125SATURDAY 18 JULY, 10AM – 12PMFollow pointer boards from the corner ofMilner and African Streets. Yolandi will be inattendance.COTTAGES:Garden flat R1 850COMMERCIAL:411m² Hill StreetBedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 1 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1003425GOWIE COURTThis 2-bedroom lock-up-and-go is in aprivate cul-de-sac on Rhodes’s doorstep.Great investment..Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 0 | WEB ACCESS 1GC1003455KINGS GARDENSThis lock-up-and-go has superior finishesand is fully furnished. Just move in.Chris Bush 082 826 6001 Adéle Barnard 084 509 3889Daphné Timm 082 809 4283 Daphné Timm 082 809 4283 Daphné Timm 082 809 4283279m² Hill Street1800m² Bathurst Street400m² Bathurst StreetIndustrial storage unitsR700 per monthwww.pamgolding.co.za/grahamstownDesigned by www.creativesonclick.comContact ooba today. Call us on 0860 00 66 22.

8HOMEFINDERGrocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009GRAHAMSTOWN R4 100 000KINGS MANOR R850 000JOZA R230 000KINGSWOOD R1 300 000FORT ENGLAND R620 000OATLANDS NORTH R780 000Excellent 67ha vegetable farm of which+-50ha under irrigation. Farm is selling asa going concern and there’s lots of waterall year round. Contract for delivering vegetableswith major supermarketchain.Willie 082 483 8244Web Ref HHL000121Come live in this upmarket, secure complex.3 Bed, 2 bath family home with lovelyentertainment area and modern finishesplus a lock-up garage. For a pricelike this, definitely worth your while.Deidré 074 335 2053Web Ref HHL000207View this bargain today. 2 Bedroomhome, close to schools, shops and publictransport. That’s not all, also a 2 room flatin yard. Cash in or miss out!Pamela 072 458 9255Web Ref: HHL000213Sunny home for a comfort and style. Thishome with modern kitchen has all the featuresfor a secure lifestyle without the fuss.Call today and make an offer!Wendy 082 863 9483Web Ref HHL000218Sought after 3bedroom, 2 bathroom familyhome with double garage and a flat-letin yard for that extra income. Situated intranquil area, perfect for your family sodon’t miss out. Call today andview this bargain.Willie 082 483 8244Web Ref HHL000216Secure lock-up and go that’s calling yourname. 3 Bedrooms with 1.5 bathrooms,open plan lounge & kitchen area andgarage, with a spacious yard forlittle pets. Bring your offer.Deidré 074 335 2053Web Ref HHL000200MARY WATERS R620 000THORNCLIFF R860 000SUNNYSIDE R520 000CENTRAL R490 000OATLANDS NORTH R960 000EXT 4 R450 000PRICE REDUCEDCome and view this family home now! Lovelyspacious 3 bedroom, 2bathroom home close toschool. Neat and safe off-street parking for thecars. Call me today to view.Pamela 072 458 9255Web Ref HHL000194LIGHT INDUSTRIAL R3 342 0002100m² Plot with 1000m² building, boundaryrestriction uplifted, ample yard spacefor trucks to enter. Business also for sale.For more information contact Willie.Willie 082 483 8244Web Ref HHL000117Lock-up and go in this secure complex. 3Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and garage. Top ofthe range finishes. Wake up with the birds.Willie 082 483 8244Web Ref HHL000204OATLANDS NORTH R1 200 000This attractive building near to shops andrestaurants offers a varied option for investmentbuyers. Student accommodationoccupies the top floor and one bedroomedflat at the rear and offices andshops are let out at street level.Wendy 082 863 9483Web Ref HHL000122Two bedroom flat in secure complex.Walking distance to CBD. Good value formoney! Call me to view.Wendy 082 863 9483Web Ref HHL000202OATLANDS NORTH R1 200 000Large family home opposite GraemeCollege, 4 Bedroom plus flatlet.Lovely views and attractive pool andentertainment area.Wendy 082 863 9483Web Ref HHL000203Spacious Semi-detached house near toCBD and Taxi-rank. Two bedrooms withBic. An open-plan kitchen has lots ofcupboard space and there’s agarden for the kids to romp in. Buynow and walk to work!Wendy 082 863 9483Web Ref HHL000183CBD R160 000Take advantage of this fast food businesswithin walking distance to Rhodes, pubsand shops. Includes all equipment necessaryand no long term creditors.Call for more info.Wendy 082 863 9483Web Ref HHL000123Very good value for money family home in thebest area with a self-contained guest suite/flat. A pool for the summer days and the wholehouse is to be painted soon which will make italmost brand new!Pamela 072 458 9255Web Ref HHL000190• Andrew Heemro road – Spacious, 3 Bed,garages. R4000pm• Saunders str – Neat bachelor, off-streetparking, avail Aug R1900 w/e incl.• Marshall st – 4 Bed home, garages, veryspacious yard R4900pm Avail mid July• Miles str – Neat bachelor, Off-street parking,avail Aug R1900pm w/e incl• Kota Inten – 2 Bed flat, w/e excl. avail July,R3100pm• Prime Business prem in Hill street, 225m²Cnr. Call to view!• Bowker str. - Beautiful 2 bed home in Veryneat and modern. R3300pm.RENTALSView this fabulous 3 bed, 2bath familyhome that has lots of character and is wellmaintained. Lovely knotty pine ceiling andceramic tiled floors in the spacious loungeand adjoining dining room.View today!Wendy 082 863 9483Web Ref HHL000189• African str- 4 Bed home, central & neat.R5500pm Avail mid July-Dec.• Allen street – 1 Furnished room in 4beddigs,GIRLS ONLY. AVAIL NOW R1850pm.• BRAND NEW! 5X2 Bed flats in newlittle complex in Queen Str. Modern, goodsecurity. Pre-paid meters. Avail June.R3 500pmURGENTLY LOOKING FORFLATS, FAMILY HOMES &DIGS TO LET!Email:homenetgtown@yahoo.comDeidré 074 335 2053Mashile speaks to the heart of the youthpropshop@telkomsa.net+28a Hill Street (Cnr Hill & Beaufort St)g 046 636 1174 • Fax: 046 636 1186Jeff 082 940 1418RESIDENTIAL RENTALSEspin Drive 1 b/r flat (incl. w&e) R2 100/mAfrican Str 1 room in 3 b/r flat incl. w&e(mature female student) R2 000/mSpring Str 1 room available in 2 b/r house R1 500/mHill Str 1 room available in 2 b/r flat(semi furnished) R1 320/mVilla d.Este 2 b/r unit in complex.Fully furnished with garage. R4 600/m2010 Digslist availableCOMMERCIALHigh Str Shop SpaceR2420/mE-mail us, ring us, or come see us at our officeASANDA NAKETI ANDKHANYISA JALIENRAPTURED... Learners from different schools all overSouth Africa attended the official opening of the South AfricanSchools Festival to listen to poet Lebo Mashile give aninspiring keynote adress. Photo: Asanda Naketiare and will bethe tool and vehicleof struggle. We “Artsare all born in a society thatdoes not have an emotionalvocabulary. We hit each otherso we can touch, we shout sowe can talk to each other. Wespend more time being violentthan being peaceful. Artsare here to create emotionalvocabulary,” were the powerfulwords spoken by the poet,Lebo Mashile.Grade 11 learners, teachersand guests gathered in theGuy Butler Theatre at the 1820Settlers Monument for the officialopening of the StandardBank National Schools Festivalon Monday. The festivaltook off on 12 July with a keynoteaddress by Mashile andends on 16 July.Mashile was introduced byIsmail Mahomed, Director ofthe National Arts Festival whodiscribed her as, “a fascinatingwoman, a tsunami of hopeand creativity who at the ageof 15 loved having young smartguys who could dance but nowshe makes them dance.”Mashile emerged on thearts scene in 2002 and madeit into the top 15 of the EnglishOlympiad in 1<strong>99</strong>7. “Twelveyears ago, I was the only blackfemale in the top 15 of the Olympiad.I came in at numberten. To me, the physical landscapeof today's winners giveshope.” Mashile went on to tellthe audience about her highschool experiences.In her speech she touchedon, “working hard for the sakeof working hard, to the factthat everyone that one sleepswith stays with them forever.”She also voiced her concernabout some schoolsnot distributing condoms.“Schools teach about the humananatomy but not aboutmake the right choices whenMashile summed up hermessage to the learners bynating generation, the fruitsmendous blessings of beingevery South African's dreamLouisa Clayton, executivedirector of the GrahamstownFoundation, said that, “ThisOn behalf of StandardBank, Tony Lankester, thetival said, “It is seldom to seeStandard Bank has helpedshow the way arts inspire oneto do something and motivatethem into action. Get inspired,get motivated, get involved. Ideclare the festival officiallysex and helping childrenit comes to partners.”saying, “You kids are a fasci-of our freedom. You have tre-part of the change and a tremendousburden of turninginto reality.”event allows freedom of expressionand association.”CEO of the National Arts Fes-sponsors getting involved.open.”

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009Former stock car racer knowshis stuffSTEPHEN PENNEYMOTORING 19Number platesseen in FestivalChristie van RooyenIndependent VehicleConsultants opened itsdoors in Grahamstown thismonth.Owner Christie van Rooyenis happy to offer his customersa wide variety of vehicles,quads and motor bikesand says he will be able to findhis customers whatever theyare looking for.Van Rooyen is a formersalesman at JW Auto in Grahamstownand felt the needto go on his own as “I can nowoffer a bigger variety of stockto customers and get the bestprice possible for their tradein”. He has settled in Grahamstownand will be operatinghis business from his home.While Van Rooyen has afew vehicles, quads and motorbikesin stock, as an independentvehicle consultant,he also gets stock from cardealers in and around Grahamstown,as well as a fewcontacts in Pretoria.Locals may rememberwhen he took part in manystock car racing events heldWHEELS MAN... Christie van Rooyen is an independent vehicle consultant. Here he is picturedwith his Ford Ranger 4L Super Cab. Photo: Stephen Penneybehind Fort England Hospitalaround 20 years ago. VanRooyen raced in a Ford Capriand said the aim when itcomes to stock car racing is tofinish the laps first, if anothervehicle is in your way, “youwould just take him out”. Afterleaving Grahamstown, VanRooyen went on to finish secondin the SA stock car racingchamps held in Port Elizabethin 1<strong>99</strong>8 while he was living inCradock. The former stockcar racer is a current memberof the Somerset East-basedBosberg motorbike club. Oneof the bikes currently on saleat Christie van Rooyen IndependentVehicle Consultantsis a Suzuki GSX 1100 EF with34 000km on the clock. VanRooyen can be contacted on079 152 2905.Hiermee wil ek net onder al my klientese aandag bring, dat ek nie meer indiensvan JW Auto is nie, maar dat ekwel voortgaan met motors, motorfiets,en quad bike verkope, en dat ek ‘nbaie groter verskeidenheid voorraadhet om te bied. Hou my ook ingedagteindien jy jou voertuie wil inruil virdie beste prys moontlik. Ek kom sienu.KontakChristie van Rooyen Independent Vehicle Consultant079 152 2905crooyen@mail.comHereby I would like all mycustomers to take note that I am nolonger in the service of JW Auto.However I will still be in the motortrade, buying and selling vehicles,motorbikes and quad bikes, but with abigger variety on offer. Also keep mein mind if you want to trade yourvehicle for the best possible price. Iwill come and see you.ContactChristie van RooyenIndependent Vehicle Consultant079 152 2905crooyen@mail.comUSED PASSENGER2008 Toyota Yaris T3 5DR R119 9002008 VW Polo 1.4 Trendline A/C R109 9002008 Toyota Yaris HB T3 R114 9002008 Toyota Corolla 1.4 Professional R139 9002008 VW Polo Classic 1.6 Sedan Trendline R119 9002007 Toyota corolla 140i R 94 9002006 VW Polo 1.6 Comfortline R 79 9002006 VW Chico 1.4 R 49 9002005 Toyota RunX 140 RS R104 9002005 VW Polo 1.4 R 84 9002004 VW Jetta R 86 9002003 Toyota Tazz 130 R 52 9001<strong>99</strong>9 VW Golf 4 1.6 R 52 900USED COMMERCIAL2009 Toyota Hilux 3.0 D-4D D/C 4X2 Auto R289 9002002 Ford Bantam 1.6i R 52 0002001 Toyota Hilux 3.0 KZTE 4x2 S.Cab R 74 900Charmaine King 082 496 9081Warren Henry 083 391 1177Garry Botha 082 926 6637Allow us to source anypre-owned vehicle you requireSETTLER CITY TOYOTATEL: 046 622 7017

20 Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009MotoringJeep Wrangler is the coolestAutoWeek magazine, based in Detroit, Michigan, named the2009 Jeep Wrangler as one of its top 10 Coolest Summer Carsfor 2009. The two-door Jeep Wrangler is an original, extremefun-and-freedom machine and is the only 4x4 with multipleopen-air options. Jeep Wrangler Unlimited is the only fourdooropen-air SUV on the market. The powerplants for all2009 Jeep Wrangler and Wrangler Unlimited models are a3.8L V6 engine producing 151 kW and 321 Nm of torque, aswell as a 2.8L CRD engine producing 120 kW and 460 Nmof torque (410 Nm with manual transmission). Both enginesare available with a six-speed manual or a four-speed automatictransmission depending on model derivative.The Jeep Wrangler and Wrangler Unlimited models haveremained firm favourites for the South African buyer too,with sales of more than 1 595 units since the launch in May2007. - Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> ReporterChrysler stronger, and more competitiveChrysler Group LLC and Fiat Group have announced thatthey have finalised their global strategic alliance, forminga “new” Chrysler that has the resources, technology andworldwide distribution network required to compete effectivelyon a global scale. As part of the alliance, Fiat willcontribute to Chrysler’s world-class technology, platformsand powertrains for small- and medium-sized cars, allowingthe company to offer an expanded product line includingenvironmentally-friendly vehicles, which are increasingly indemand by consumers.Chrysler will also benefit from Fiat’s management expertisein business turnaround and access to Fiat’s internationaldistribution network with particular focus on Latin Americaand Russia. Under the terms approved by the US BankruptcyCourt in New York and various regulatory and antitrustregulators, the company formerly known as Chrysler LLCformally sold a substantial number of its assets, without certaindebts and liabilities, to a new company that will operateas Chrysler Group LLC. - GMRGM KENRICH 046 622 7312USED LDV2008 ISUZU KB250D-TEQ EXT CAB R1<strong>99</strong> 9002008 NISSAN 1400 BAKKIE R 69 9002005 ISUZU KB300 LWB FLEETSIDE A/C R119 9002005 ISUZU KBD250D LWB R 89 9002000 ISUZU KB250 LE D/CAB R104 9002003 OPEL CORSA 170D UTILITY R 49 900Used Cars2009 OPEL CORSA LITE 1.4 SPORT A/C R 89 9002008 OPEL CORSA LITE 1.4 A/C R 79 9002008 OPEL CORSA LITE 1.4 R 69 9002008 TOYOTA YARIS 1.3 T3+ HATCHBACK R114 9002008 VW POLO CLASSIC 1.4 SEDAN R105 9002007 NISSAN Z350 SPORT R2<strong>99</strong> 9002007 TOYOTA YARIS 1.3 T3+ HATCHBACK R109 90018 AFRICAN STREET2007 VW POLO CLASSIC1.6 SEDAN R109 9002007 VW POLO CLASSIC1.4 SEDAN R <strong>99</strong> 9002006 MERCEDES BENZ C180K A/T R189 9002005 OPEL MERIVA 1.7 CDTI ELEGANCE R 98 9002004 TOYOTA PRADO 4.0 VX R249 9002003 MAZDA STING 130 R 44 900ISUZU SPECIAL:Purchase a New Isuzu and Receive an extraR10 000.00 on your Isuzu Trade InTO VIEW ALL OURVEHICLES GO TOOUR WEBSITEWe make the Difference24-HR BREAKDOWN SERVICE082 557 4706We buy second-hand vehicles for cash.Contact : Dean Kent 082 573 3379Richard Axe 082 788 2794www.kenrichmotors.co.zaDEMO2009 Mazda BT-50 D/Cab + Carry Boy R289 9502009 Mazda 5 original A/C R/CD R219 9502009 Ford Ikon 1.4 TDCI A/C R/CD R139 9502009 Ford Ranger 2.5 TDi XL LWB R194 9502009 Mazda 3 1.6i A/C R/CD R169 9502009 Ford Bantam 130 F/Lift R 93 9502008 Mazda CX-7 AWD Full House R329 9502008 Ford Bantam 1.6 XLT Montana R145 9502007 Mazda 3 1.6 Active Sed F/Lift R144 950USED CARS2009 Cam Rhino 2.2 Luxury A/C R/CD R 96 9502009 Geely 1.3 GS A/C R/CD P/P R 79 9502009 Geely 1.3 GT A/C R/CD R 79 9502008 Toyota Yaris T3 Sedan A/C R/CD R119 950NOSE DIVE... On Wednesday, 15 July at 9am a truck collided with a white Toyota Corolla sedan near Tip Top Butchery onHigh Street. The vehicle belongs to the Eastern Cape Department of Labour. Photo: Stephane MeintjesJW AUTO - Grahamstown•Tel: 046 622 8600 •Fax: 046 622 8601•40 Beaufort Street2008 Toyota Yaris T3 Hatch A/C R/CD R119 9502008 Geely 1.5 GT A/C R/CD leather R 94 9502008 VW Polo 140 Classic A/C R/CD R115 9502008 Mazda Drifter 3.0 CRDI SLX LWB R1<strong>99</strong> 9502008 Mercedes Benz C180 A/T F/house R289 9502008 Toyota Yaris T3 A/C R/CD R119 9502008 VW Citi Sport 140i R/CD Mags R 69 9502008 Ford Bantam 130i R 75 9502008 VW Polo Playa 140 A/C R/CD R112 9502007 Chevrolet Spartk LS 5DR A/C R/CD R 62 9502007 Ford Ikon 160i A/C R/CD R109 9502007 Ford Focus 1.6 Ambiente R119 9502007 Tata Indica LXI A/C R/CD R 68 9502007 Opel Corsa 140 Lite R 58 9502007 Ford Bantam 130i + Kappie R 69 9502007 Ford F250 4X2 LWB 4.2 R249 950Visit our website on www.grocotts.co.za2007 VW Polo 1.6 Classic A/T R124 9502007 VW Citi Chico 140 R/CD R 55 9502007 Gonow 2.2 X-space LWB R 79 9502007 Opel Corsa 1.7 CDi Sport R109 9502007 Nissan 2400i SE 4X4 R189 9502007 Ranger 2.5 TDi Montana R164 9502007 Mercedes Benz C180 A/T R1<strong>99</strong> 9502007 VW Citi Chico 140 R 56 9502007 Opel Corsa 140 Lite R 58 9502007 Tata Indigo DLX R 79 9502007 Chana 1.3 Club Cab R 64 9502006 Chrysler PT-Cruiser 2.2 R164 9502006 Mazda 3 1.6 Sedan A/C R/CD R109 9502006 Ford Fiesta 1.6 TDCi A/C R104 9502005 Ford Ranger 2.5 TDi LWB R119 9502005 Ford Ikon 130 R/T R 55 9502005 Mercedes Benz E270 R239 9502005 Toyota Tazz 130 R/CD R 59 9502005 Ford Ikon 1.3L Sedan R 59 9502005 Mazda Drifter 2.5 Tdi 4X4 R145 9502005 Mercedes Benz E350 R279 9502004 Nissan 2.7D D/Cab R <strong>99</strong> 9502004 BMW 320d Exclusive Full house R144 9502003 VW Citi Golf 140 R/CD R 44 9502003 VW Kombi T4 2.5 TDi R149 9502001 Toyota Prado VX 3.0D 8 Seat R179 9502000 Fiat Sienna 1.8 EL Plus A/C T/B R 39 950HERE SOON2007 Mazda MX5 Roadster Coupe R229 9502006 Ford Ranger Super Cab + Kappie R139 9502006 Opel Zafira 1.6 Essentia R126 9502005 Ford Ranger Super 2.5 TDi R124 950

21classifieds 1. Personal 2. Announcements 3. Sales & Services 4. Employment 5. Accommodation 8. Motoring 9. Legals 10. ExtrasFriday, 17 July 20091. PERSONALBirthA BEAUTIFUL baby boy forMorné and Mariaan van derMerwe was born on 10 July2009. Thanx to Drs Potgieter,Reed and staff of St George’sPE.DeathGOWAR Joy (nee Draycott),Joy, beloved mother of Val andDes, Roy and Adeline, devotedgrandmother of Wayne, Winks,Taryn, Morné, Christin and Richard,cherished great gran ofGeorge and Edward and sorelymissed by her faithful caninecompanion Andy, passed awaypeacefully on 11 July 2009.Mom, you will always be partof our lives and in our thoughtsand prayers. We will treasurethe many wonderful memoriesand miss you dearly.FoundFISHING Fishing Bag recoveredon the 19th June 2009contact Chantel @ Hi-Tec on046-6361660.FuneralGOWAR Joy (nee Draycott),The funeral service to be heldon Saturday 18 July 2009at Christ Church. Speke St.Grahamstown at 2.30pm.Funeral arrangements byInggs Funeral Home. Tel: 046636 1528HealthPHYSIOTHERAPISTSports, Spinal &General PracticeMed aids acceptedMark AndersonBSc(Hons)079 381 4466046 603 2314In MemoriamADRIAAN GINAMom, a year has passed thatour Heavenly Father took youhome. It feels like yesterday,but our Heavenly Fathernever makes a mistake. Healways picks the perfectfl ower in the garden. We willalways love you and you arein our prayers and thoughts.Your loving daughter Orelle,Paul, Candice, Reagan,Lauren & SheniqueADRIAAN Gina. Passed awaya year ago on 19 July. Beautifulmemories silently kept. Ofa loved one we’ll never forget.Graham, Jacqui, Volente, Farryl& Teilo.To advertise herecontact Tamie on046 622 7222ADRIAAN Gina. You left us ayear ago on 19 July. The loveyou gave us is still so strong.Deep in our hearts you’ll alwaysbelong. I miss you so much.Your sister Maureen.ADRIAAN Gina. To a dear sister.You added a special delight tomy days. I could always counton you. You helped me tocarry on when life got rough. Weshared treasured moments. Youhelped me laugh when I wantedto cry. Our moments togetherwas a special blessing. Hazel,Wivinia & Kiara.ADRIAAN Gina. We sharedtreasured moments. Love Martin,Pre and family.ADRIAAN Gina. The memoriesthat we made, shared specialmoments together. Love Don,Valencia and Owen.ADRIAAN Gina. Special auntto us all. Will always miss you.Ciske, Olga and family.ADRIAAN Georgina. One yearhas gone by and the beautifulmemories still remain in ourhearts. You will be remembedforever. Beverly, Desmond,Xenia and Sascha.ADRIAAN Georgina. One yearafter your passing on and stillyour teachings lead us. Yourdeath has made us stronger.Always remembered by Ashwell,Edwina and Jamie-Lee.ADRIAAN Georgina. Fondlyremembered after one year andsadly missed. Florie, EldrigeBurger and family.ADRIAAN GINAYou left us suddenly a yearago on 19 July. Thank you forall the good times we sharedand the memories that wemade. You live on in us. Restin peace. Sadly missed byWallace, Val, Rurik, Sonja &Roxy.GROBBELAAR Willem passedaway 15/07/<strong>99</strong>. Always remembered.From Roseline, Charl,Lindsay and Tamiryn.RIELLY Dawn. Sister Dawn,you are much loved and deeplymissed by Clyde, Maroret, theboys and family.LostREWARD OFFEREDFOR MISSINGLAPTOPFujistu Siemens,Esprimo V5505,S/NYKAJ 006637.Contact 082 784 35052. ANOUNCEMENTSNoticesAA PROTEA GROUP. Antic Hall,7.30pm Monday nights. 22Albany Road, next to New ApostolicChurch. Cell: John 071984 1379. Eugene 082 7847685. Wilfred 078 602 6341.If anyone, anywhere reachesout for help we want the handof the AA to be there.AGMSt George’s Hall, 10amSaturday 25 JulyALL WELCOMERenew your membership &Join the winning team.6cm Phone: X 4.5cm046 622 4650www.hutchproperties.co.zaNguni Type Cattle SaleDate:27 August 2009Time: 11amVenue:Manley Flats Stock Pens,between Grahamstownand Port AlfredFor more information. Please contactAndrew Hutchinson on082 466 7614KNOWLESAUCTIONSaturday 25 July 200910amScout Hall, African StreetLooking for more items toauction.Please contact Mike046 636 1137 or073 264 88453. SALES & SERVICESBooks & Stationery129 High St 6223549BOOKSANDSTATIONERYSPUD - LEARNING TO FLYwill be on sale as fromWednesday 10 June 2009ClothingSA RED CROSSSOCIETYGrahamstown LocalCommitteeWe hire outwheelchairs, crutches,toilet equipmentComputersEducationDrivingSchoolCode 10 - POACode 8 - POAMike: 082 430 9855mike@mikesdrivingschool.co.zawww.mikesdrivingschool.co.zaGADRA ADVICESEWING TRAINING.Starts 27 July for 4 weeks,cost R100. Learn to: draft apattern, make your own garment,maintain a machine andgain a certifi cate.REGISTER NOW by phoningZukiswa 046 636 1744GEORGE DICKERSONPRIMARYApplications for Grade R andGrade 1 may now be made foradmission in 2010.Application forms are availablebetween 1pm and2.30pm. Mondays toThursdays.We offer tuition in Afrikaansand English mediumsFinanceBefore they repossessyour homePhone Shirley @ Alpha DebtCounselling on 082 083 5709or 046 622 8064.Room 15 EPBSBuilding Cnr of 87 High & Hill StreetFurnitureBuyers & SellersbentwoodsSelect 2 nd Hand FurnitureAntiques & Collectables2A Cawood Street(Up the road from Village Green)Tel: 046 622 5171BIRITE27 Bathurst StreetTelephone 622 2983Buyers & Sellers of• New and SecondhandFurnitureThe Knock ShopCottage FurnitureAntiques2nd Hand FurnitureFurniture Removalsetc.TEL: 622 3473CELL: 072 3<strong>99</strong> 1678Home MaintenanceClassic Blinds7 Beadle Street, Grahamstown083 468 0887 046 622 5634Office Hours After HoursFor Professional andAffordable BlindsVenetian Blinds / Vertical BlindsGrass & Bamboo BlindsRepairs to BlindsWe render services in andaround Grahamstown/PortAlfred/Kenton-on-Sea etcFor free quotations contact Bennie7a Hill Street&CleaningServicesMobile Auto Valet ServiceCarpets/Upholstery/WindowsHousehold/Office CleaningMaid Service046 636 1214 * 073 217 8258IDEAL KITCHEN& BUILT-INCUPBOARDSComputer aid kitchendesigns.A variety of fi nishes available.Quality workmanship ataffordable prices.For a free quote contact:Marcell – 082 928 9615Servicing Grahamstownand surrounding areas.To advertise herecontact Tamie on046 622 7222Alterations, Maintenance,Precast WallsLINSLEY BOWLESCell: 082 857 8167Marius Barnard. Plumbing& renovations. Roof,gutters, watertank, drivewaysteamcleaning. 24hr service.Cell: 079 968 72<strong>99</strong>The SunshineCleaningCom pa nyCell: 082 820 5598Tel: 046 622 3937Personal Supervision• Carpets • Upholstery• Windows • Offi ce Valet• Car Valet• Maid service - su per visedCommercial and Domestic•CARPET & UPHOLSTERYCLEANING•FLOOR STRIPPING& SEALING•CAR VALETJewellery70 High StreetGrahamstownTel/Fax 046 622 3115• Engraving• Watch & JewelleryRepairs•Watches•Jewellery•Trophies•Medals•Gifts•African Curios•Zippo LightersMiscellaneous SalesLARGE Display Fridge for Barwith Double Sliding door. Excellentcondition. Price: R7 500.Phone 082 800 9263.

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Friday, 17 July 2009Sport 23Karate means being part of a winning teamStephen PenneyEast Cape Shotokan-Ryu (Grahamstown,Port Alfred, Fort Beaufortand Adelaide) was thewinning dojo at the ShotokanKarate Academy (Saska) NationalChampionships heldover the past weekend.Over 50 karateka fromGrahamstown, made up ofmembers from the Albany KarateAcademy and the RhodesUniversity Shotokan KarateClub, formed part of the winningEast Cape Shotokan-RyuTeam.The national champs,which included individual andteam events, took place atFish River Sun Hotel, about25km from Port Alfred on theEast London road.The weekend’s eventswere concluded with the annualSaska Sea Gasshuku(outdoor training) which alsotook place at the Fish RiverSun in near perfect weather.A record number of 185 karatekaparticipated.The newly formed RhodesUniversity Shotokan KarateClub was placed 8th overall atthe champs. Albany produced12 Saska national championswith Rhodes producing a furtherfive.Head instructor for EastCape Shotokan-Ryu andRhodes University ShotokanKarate Club, Sensei GaryStephen PenneySpringbok coach Peterde Villiers spent some timetalking to the Coca-Cola U18Craven Week players on Monday.De Villiers encouragedthe 450 players in East Londonto believe in their naturalrugby talent and always striveto represent South Africa onan international level. TheU18 Craven Week is currentlytaking place in East London,with all 14 regions under theSouth African Rugby Uniontaking part.Grahamstown players whoare representing the EasternProvince Country Districtsside are Grant Prior, BrianSkosana, Robin Murray (all StAndrew’s), and Jade Bowles(Graeme College), while StAndrew’s director of rugby atSt Andrew’s, is the EP CountryDistricts coach.In their first match againstthe Leopards on Tuesday, theEP Country District side wentdown 20-27, with Skosanascoring both tries for his side.In their second match yesterday,Skosana scored anothertwo tries in hi sides 25-18 winover BolandStephen PenneyThe twenty-two teamscompeting in the Coca-ColaU18 Craven Week spent timewith the SA national coach atan evening organised by SARugby’s national safety programmeBokSmart and alsohad the opportunity to interactwith him on a one-on-onebasis.De Villiers informed theU18s that as many as 20 currentSpringbok stars participatedin the Craven Week earlierin their careers.“Every player at a Coca-Cola U18 Craven Week shouldbe proud of their selection totheir respective sides,” saidthe Springbok coach. “It ishere where the national selectorscould hopefully find andlocate the future Springbokstars of the future.”The U18 teams alsoviewed a BokSmart DVDand were encouraged to play‘smart’ rugby by De Villiersand BokSmart project managerWayne Viljoen.“We want to encourageour players to continue playingrugby, however we wantthem to play rugby the ‘smart’way,” said Viljoen.“Our intentions are toThe Department of Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture(DSRAC) will be holding a meeting on Wednesday, 22 July forvolunteers who wish to help out at the 2010 Fifa World Cup.Msondezi Maswana, chief sport organiser at DSRAC, said themeeting will focus on telling volunteers what is expected ofPOISED... Rhodes University Shotokan Karate Club members who won medals at the recentShotokan Karate Academy National Championships were, back row from left, WhitneyTurner, Richard Wagener, Christine Van Der Merwe and Kevin Aitchison, Bronwen Salton; inthe front are Maureen De Jager, Shihan Koos Burger (Saska style-head) and Gary Grapentin.Not in the photo were Alan Kirkaldy and Simone Heymans. Photo: SuppliedGrapentin said that the greatresults “are a tribute to theenthusiasm and commitmentof both our karateka and instructors”.He added thatEast Cape Shotokan-Ryu andRhodes University ShotokanKarate Club have at least 10black belt instructors who areinvolved with training on aregular basis.The results from the SaskaNational Karate Championshipswhich were achievedby the Albany Karate Academyand Rhodes UniversityShotokan Karate Club are:Albany Karate Academy:Kata (forms)Gold: Milagre Lang, Cam VanAken, Melece Doba, Ged Lotterand Mel Ackerman.Silver: Carla Wilby Alex Holland,Thomas Holland, MaceoToich and Phillip Snyman.Bronze: Theresa Mennega,Lendre Vos, Nolan De Maarand Zoe Lang.Bronze Unison Kata: BenKirkaldy, Ella Wilby and CarlaWilby.Kumite (fighting)Gold: Zac Evanson, MeleceDoba, Maceo Toich, Nolan DeMaar, Dylan Fouche and MelAckerman.Silver: Bongi Mbangeli andTheresa Mennega.Bronze: Anthoni Du Preez,Springbok coach hangs out with U18 Craven Week teamsYOU CAN’T GET ME!.. Brian Skosana of St Andrew’s College,representing Eastern Province Country Districts, avoids atackle in the game against the Leopards during the Coca-Cola U18 Craven Week tournament which took place at theBorder Rugby Stadium this week.Photo: Courtesy of Coca Cola.start at junior level at U14and it’s great that we have theopportunity to address all theVolunteers needed for 2010boys that are competing atthe Coca-Cola U18 CravenWeek.them. Maswana said there is only space for 50 volunteers andresidents are encouraged to hand in their details at DSRACbefore Wednesday’s meeting, or phone 046 603 4223 or contactMaswana on 072 207 5253.The volunteers will be expected to help out at various soccermatches during the World Cup, as security, ushers, andother odd jobs.TAKE THAT... Anthoni Du Preez, right, of the Albany KarateAcademy scores against his opponent during the Boys 15-17Ippon Kumite at the Shotokan Karate Academy NationalChampionships. Photo: Kodak Express, GrahamstownLeanre Vos and MzwandileMatebese.Team KumiteGold: Bongi Mbangeli.Silver: Ged Lotter and DylanFouche.Rhodes University ShotokanKarate Club:KataGold: Maureen De Jager,Kevin Aitchison, Simone Heymansand Bronwen SaltonSilver: Christine Van derStephen PenneyMerwe, Alan KirkaldyBronze: Richard Wagenerand Whitney TurnerKumiteGold: Bronwen Salton,Silver: Kevin Aitchison andWhitney TurnerBronze: Maureen De Jager,Richard WagenerTeam KumiteSilver: Maureen De Jager,Whitney Turner and BronwenSalton.Rhodes soccer reachesout – and winsThe Rhodes University Soccer Club’s 1st mens team remainedunbeaten in the Port Elizabeth Football Association’s (PEFA)First Division league. The Rhodes team have played 12 matches,winning 11 and drawing one.Team coach, Mandla Gagaya said this record was lastachieved by the Rhodes 1st team in 2005. Their latest match wasplayed against Hearts football club in Port Elizabeth, with thevisitors winning 4-1. The past four matches have seen Rhodesplaying with a full team of 11 players with no reserves due tomany of the players going home for the holiday period. Thisalso left the side without a coach on the bench as both coachesplayed on the team in order to make up 11 players.“This achievement has been made possible by Rhodes soccer’sstrategy of signing players from the township to coverfor students during vacation,” said Gagaya. These players areAsanda Matomela, Malibongwe Mbembe, Sivuyile Mfondini andXolani Ngqiyaza “who really came on board and showed thekind of commitment and passion that any coach would be proudof,” said Gagaya.The Rhodes side scored 35 goals in the 12 matches, conceding11 goals. The Rhodes side are scheduled to play eightmore matches this season, with their next match against VistaNMMU in Port Elizabeth tomorrow.If Rhodes continue their winning ways and finish on top ofthe first division log, they will then be promoted to the PEFAPremier Division.The Rhodes scores in the PEFA first division to date are:Rhodes 4 - Hearts 1; Rhodes 3 - St Georges 0; Rhodes 2 -PE Homerovers 1; Rhodes 3 - PE Defence 0; Rhodes 4 - Forresters3; Rhodes 3 - Motherwell Academy 3; Rhodes 1 - WestparkRangers 0; Rhodes 4 - Young Chiefs 1; Rhodes 3 - PECity 0; Rhodes 2 - NMMU 1; Rhodes 3 - Hearts 0; Rhodes 3 -St Georges 1.Round Table golf dayThe Round Table Golf Day takes place on Sunday, 2 Augustat the Grahamstown Golf Club. The entry fee is R100 andbookings can be done at the golf club or by contacting 046622 2106. The format of the event is a better ball stableford,and lots of prizes are up for grabs. The prizegiving will takeplace at 3pm.– Stephen Penney

2417 JULY 2009***Local boxers go professionalChurch Square • Tel: 046 622 7010SPORTS DEPARTMENTAngling videosCome and browse ! Come and browse !SPORTS DIARYSTEPHEN PENNEYFishing reelsPolaroid fishing glassesFishing shirts,long & shortsleevesFishing line & luresFishing back packsRodsBrumbiesaim high atsuper leagueGRAHAMSTOWN Brumbies,currently top of the log in theEastern Province Rugby UnionSuper League, Adams Cupevent, kick off the second roundof the league at the Oval inGrahamstown. Brumbies faceKwaru rugby club from PE atthe Oval tomorrow with the1st team match taking placeat 3.30pm. Brumbies manager,Guilliano Flotman, saidthe side welcomes back EzraJuries, the younger brotherof SA Sevens player FabienJuries. Ezra has been playingclub rugby in Port Elizabeth.Also rejoining the Brumbiesis Nqam Mqubuli, who wasnamed the Brumbies Playerof the Year at their year endfunction in 2008.Flotman says the sideare hoping to finish in the toptwo by the end of the league,which will see them have ahome semi-final as the tournamentrounds off. A top twofinish in the league will alsosee the Brumbies automaticallyrejoin the Super League,Grand Challenge which theywere part of in 2008. Flotmansays the two new players willstrengthen the back line asthe team aim for a top twospot in the Adams Cup.Weekend sportAll Kingswood College fixturesvs Woodridge Collegehave been cancelled, dueto many Woodridge pupilsbeing ill. Kingswood juniorfixtures vs Woodridge willgo ahead. The U13A hockeyis at 10.15am and the U13Arugby at 11am on City Lords.Grahamstown Brumbieshost Kwaru rugbyclub at the Oval in the EPRugby Union super league,Adams Cup, 2nds at 1pm,1st reserves at 2.10pm and1sts at 3.30pm.STEPHEN PENNEYTwo Grahamstownboxers, MntwekhayaMakhobe and MasonwabeMgcuwe came upagainst some strong oppositionin their first fights asprofessionals.The two boxers, who haveboth been fighting as amateursfor the past eight years,travelled to Uitenhage in thehope of turning pro. The twotook part in sparring events infront of various boxing judgesand coaches before they weregiven the nod to enter the professionalboxing arena.Both boxers are membersof Mfuzo Boxing Camp inGrahamstown, with Mgcuwebeing a student at East CapeMidlands College in Grahamstownand Makhobe a Grade11 pupil at TEM MrwetyanaSecondary School.Both said their first fightson the professional level werevery different to how the amateursdo it, while Mgcuwe saidhe did not have much time toprepare for the fight, and hadto lose three kilograms inunder two weeks in order tomake his weigh-in. Mgcuwefights in the flyweight division,weighing in at 50.5kgwhile Makhobe competes asSTEPHEN PENNEYSARCHEN Gainsford andAlison Knight took part in therecent South African PonyRiders Championships at theGeorge Riding Club.Gainsford is a pupil atDSG and was selected as partof the Eastern Province teamfor the showing champs, whileKnight, a Kingswood Collegepupil, took part in the NoviceEquitation in a different categoryto Gainsford.In the Working Hunterevent Gainsford finished thirdout of 25 participants in herpool, while in the Novice Equitationevent she took fourthspot out of 21. The East Capenovice team took third placeoverall. Alison Knight tookeighth place in the 80cm jumpingchampionships and in theNovice Equitation event.All five regions which fallunder the South African NationalEquestrian Federation tookpart in the national event, withover 200 children taking part.Kerry Longhurst, ownerof Assegai Stud where the twogirls train, said the championshipswent well for both Gainsfordand Knight and they “performedwell,” in what was thea strawweight and weighs46.9kg.Mgcuwe said that while heenjoys boxing, he said there isa lack of support for the sportin Grahamstown, not to mentiona lack of training facilitiesand a gym for the boxersto train in. The boxers oftenhave to train by candlelight,as the classroom they usedoes not have electricity andthere is nowhere for them tohang their punch bags. “Itshard but we enjoy boxing,”said Mgcuwe.The biggest differencesbetween amateur and profighting see pros fighting withno head gear, and each roundis three minutes comparedto two minutes for amateurfighting.Mgcuwe was introducedto boxing when he visited alocal gym and began sparringwith his friends beforefalling in love with the sport.Makhobe’s interests in boxingcame from watching hisbrother who was a boxer whotaught him the basics.As an amateur Makhoberepresented Makana, Cacaduand Eastern Province atvarious tournaments, whileMgcuwe had a colourful careeras an amateur. MfuzoDyira, who runs Mfuzo Box-FIST TO FIST... Masonwabe Mgcuwe and Mntwekhaya Makhobe may spar together duringtraining, but as professional boxers they fight in different classes. Photo: Stephen Penneying Camp, said Mgcuwe wasone of the boxers that broughthome the Cacadu award whenthey took part in the CacaduGames in Humansdorp.Both boxers came upagainst stiff opposition intheir first fights as professionals,Mgcuwe was stopped inthe first round while Makhobelost on points.Dyira said “It is never theright place [East London] fordebutants, but in Cacadu theare no professional promoters.Those that have renewedtheir licences in the Metro arenot active or have not stagedtournaments so far.”Mgcuwe said the trainingsince he turned pro is “muchharder”. Speaking of his firstpro fight, Mgcuwe said heknow nows what to expect andBursting in on the pony scenehe plans to keep in shape at alltimes, just in case he is givenshort notice of his next fight.Makhobe says it’s alwaysbeen his dream to fight proand he felt strong during thefirst two rounds of his fourround fight. While he still feltgood in the third round, he becametired in the last round,spending most of the round indefending mode.EASY JUMP... Sarchen Gainsford on her pony, Assegai Solero came third at the South African Pony Riders Championshipswhere Gainsford represented the Eastern Province. Photo: Suppliedfirst SA champs for both girls.While for many of thechildren who took part in thechamps riding is their onlysport, the two local girls alsotake part in various othersports at their schools.Sarchen and her ponyAssegaai Solero took part intheir first SA champs, andare proving to be a winningcombination. At the recentPhoenix Roller Mills SettlerShow they won the ShowHunter Pony, finished secondin Show Riding Pony, third inthe Working Hunter Pony andscooped the overall ReserveShow Pony Championship.Knight took part in thechamps after having built upa relationship with her newpony Retina-R only aroundsix weeks before the champs.While this was Knight’sfirst SA champs Retina hasturned out as being a littleKnight thanked Kerry Longhurst,owner of Assegai Stud,for her “support and patienceand for believing in us andwhen we fall, (which happensall too often), for pickingchampion.Both Gainsford andus up.”

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