About Omneon MediaGrid - Harmonic Inc

About Omneon MediaGrid - Harmonic Inc

About Omneon MediaGrid - Harmonic Inc


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Troubleshooting<br />

The two most important subcommands to the ntpdate command are the -q (for query) and the -u (for<br />

update). A time source can be queried to determine what the delta time is between the source being<br />

queried and current time on the computer where the command is being run.<br />

ntpdate query example:<br />

[root@CDL1 ~]# ntpdate -q<br />

server, stratum 2, offset -110.121850, delay 0.02573<br />

20 Jan 11:27:16 ntpdate[32306]: step time server offset -110.121850<br />

sec<br />

Synchronizing times on ContentDirectors is straight forward operation using a simple command.<br />

However, when the “omcld” service is restarted, if the ntp.conf file in the /etc directory is not<br />

properly configured for all ContentDirectors in the cluster, it is likely that one or more of the<br />

ContentDirectors will not start properly. The following examples show how to manually update time<br />

on a ContentDirector by synchronizing the time from one ContentDirector to another.<br />

ntpdate update example:<br />

[root@CDL1 ~]# ntpdate -u<br />

20 Jan 10:19:37 ntpdate[29958]: step time server offset<br />

224239754.222613 sec<br />

Note that because the “ntpdate -u XXX” command forces a jump in the system clock, it could also<br />

potentially cause problems for DHCPD and authentication. The primary way to avoid such problems<br />

is to have NTP configured properly, and have stable NTP servers that keep accurate time. In addition,<br />

when running the ntpdate command, ideally the affected services should not be running on the<br />

ContentDirector. This should minimize potential clock jumps if the ntpdate command is run against<br />

an active Content Director. The following procedure shows the recommended order of events:<br />

1. # service omcld stop<br />

2. # service dhcpd stop<br />

3. # ntpdate -u XXX (where "XXX" is IP address of running ContentDirector)<br />

4. # service dhcpd start<br />

5. # service omcld start<br />

ntpdate syslog message:<br />

[root@CDL1 log]# less /var/log/messages<br />

Jan 20 11:47:18 CDL1 ntpd[3008]: time reset -0.553542 s<br />

Jan 20 11:51:35 CDL1 ntpd[3008]: synchronized to LOCAL(0), stratum 10<br />

Jan 20 11:52:40 CDL1 ntpd[3008]: synchronized to, stratum 11<br />

Possible error message:<br />

'mdscore dead but pid file exists'<br />

<strong>Omneon</strong>, Now Part of <strong>Harmonic</strong> 259

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