3rd Grade Vocabulary Words April 2012

3rd Grade Vocabulary Words April 2012

3rd Grade Vocabulary Words April 2012

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3 rd <strong>Grade</strong><strong>Vocabulary</strong><strong>Words</strong><strong>April</strong> <strong>2012</strong>Created by Mr. Jones

VOCABULARY WORDS –Ramona Quimby, Age 8Please go over the definitions for these vocabulary words with yourstudent. There will be a test on them on Friday.1. dismal – causing, feeling, or showing gloom or sadness2. dreary – gloomy, dismal, without cheer3. ceaseless – continuing without end4. pelting – to strike or beat against again and again5. companionable - friendly6. discouraged – less hopeful or enthusiastic7. exhausted – worn out; tired8. sullenly – angrily or unhappily9. venture – to do something in spite of risk10. instinctively – acting on an inner feeling that is not learned.

1. dismal – causing, feeling, orshowing gloom or sadnessAfter a hard, dismalday, the boy’s fathertried to cheer him up.Without good directions,the world can feel like adismal place.Responsible and caring parents, teachers,and adults can give you good directions.

2. dreary – gloomy, dismal,without cheerThe new world has become infested with a terrible plague:omnipresent (always there), monstrously famished (very hungry),mutant (changed) creatures called dragons, who are wreakinghavoc (destroying everything) and creating a dreary world.

Mourning a loss can be adreary experience.(gloomy, dismal,without cheer)“I’m to hear that your dog died.He was a good dog.”

3. ceaseless – continuing withoutendTheceaselessnight skiesfilled mymind withwonder.As far aswe know,outerspace isneverending.A person can travel in any direction and never reach the endduring their lifetime.

4. pelting – to strike or beat againstagain and againChildren are peltingthe jars withbaseballs inorder to win aprize at the fair.A hammerpelting nailshelps to build ahouse. Ajackhammer(below) breaks asidewalk.

As a strong wind blew, ripemangoes pelted the roof.

5. companionable - friendlyPets can be verycompanionable.Three companionable orphaned sisters hope to belong to a fine familysomeday. Gru is a “superbad” man who becomes a “superdad.”When a criminal mastermind uses a trio of orphan girls as pawns for a grand scheme, he finds their love isprofoundly changing him for the better.

6. discouraged – less hopeful orenthusiasticThe girl felt discouraged when things didn’t go as planned. But don’tworry, the next day, things went much better. ☺

7. exhausted – worn out; tiredAfter feelingdiscouraged, thefootball player feltexhausted.Studying for long periodsof time can make youfeel exhausted. Here’s somegood advice - Shorter study periodswith a break are more effective forlearning.

8. sullenly – angrily or unhappilyThe ugly duckling lumbered (walked) aroundsullenly as he felt sorry for himself.

9. venture – to do something inspite of riskMany tourists travel to warm placesduring their winter vacation that theyhaven’t been to before. It’s like a miniventure.This symbol from theVenture Scoutingprogram is part of theinternational scoutingprograms for buildingcharacter in youth.Cruz Bay ferry, St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands.The perfect winter escape no matter whatcountry you're from.

Business can beappropriately readBUSY-NESS because abusiness takes a lot ofwork and dedication."The Sea Venture in aheavy Sea in 1609,"painting by ChristopherGrimesPeople start a business as aventure. A new business is a newventure.

10. instinctively – acting on aninner feeling that is not learned.Canadian geese instinctively fly south for thewinter where it is warmer.

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