Eagle County, Colorado-H- Obituaries - Eagle Valley Library District

Eagle County, Colorado-H- Obituaries - Eagle Valley Library District

Eagle County, Colorado-H- Obituaries - Eagle Valley Library District

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• HAHNEWALD, Albert E. - Obbie HAHNEWALD Commits Suicide. Former <strong>Eagle</strong><strong>County</strong> Boy Ends Life In Denver--Despondency Over Ill Health and FinancialTroubles Presumed Cause--Shot Self Through Heart.Albert E. HAHNEWALD, familiarly known to nearly everyone in the river valley as"Obbie", son of the late Albert HAHNEWALD and nephew of Paul HAHNEWALDprominent in state Hereford breeding circles, shot and killed himself in his Denverhome Wednesday afternoon of last week.HAHNEWALD had just returned to his home in Denver from his mother's ranch atEdwards the day previous to the tragedy and was alone in the home at the time. Heplaced his business affairs in order, arranged his private papers in a neat pile, wentinto the kitchen, turned on the gas and then shot himself through the heart. The gunused was a powerful automatic pistol which HAHNEWALD had taken from aGerman prisoner while he was serving with the American army in Europe duringthe world war.Mrs. HAHNEWALD left home at 3 o'clock in the afternoon to visit with friends,leaving her husband in apparent good spirits. She returned home about 8 o'clock inthe evening to find the body of her husband lying cold in death in the kitchen.HAHNEWALD and his family had been spending most of the time recently on hismother's ranch at Edwards. A few days before committing the horrible deed whichresulted in his death, Obbie had suffered a severe mental attack while at the ranch,which caused his family considerable concern, and he and his wife had gone to theirDenver home, he agreeing to submit to a surgical operation within a few days. Sincehis father's death a few years ago, and the removal of the family to Denver, Obbiehad invested in a bus line out of Denver in which venture he had suffered severefinancial loss. Recently he had been employed as a bus driver for Yelloway, Inc.,piloting a bus between Denver and Kansas City. But he gave up that position lastspring. The financial loss attending his business investments, coupled with poorhealth conditions is undoubtedly the cause for his action.HAHNEWALD spent his boyhood and young manhood days at Leadville and in<strong>Eagle</strong> county. He was a veteran of the world war, serving with the Americanexpeditionary forces in France. He is survived by his wife, two children, Maxine, 8,and Albert, 7, and his mother. Both children were with their grandmother at theranch at the time of their father's death.[20 Aug. 1926, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HAHNEWALD, Paul - Word was received Saturday morning, November 6, byMartin EICHLER of Edwards of the death of his uncle, Paul HAHNEWALD inDenver.Mr. HAHNEWALD spent some weeks the latter part of the summer with CharleyHEMBERGER at the ranch on Cooley mesa. Three or four weeks ago he went tothe home of his brother, Otto HAHNEWALD, county commissioner of Garfield

county, in Rifle for a visit. He returned to Denver recently and passed away at 7:30o'clock Saturday morning.Mr. HAHNEWALD came to Aspen as a raw, immigrant boy from Switzerland inthe early days of that camp, and joined with his brothers, here ahead of him, in thebakery business at that place and in Leadville. He made a fortune from theLeadville mines, and later lost it in the Hereford cattle breeding business at <strong>Eagle</strong>.His last few years had been spent in tying to repair his lost fortunes, but the "luck"which he characterized as being responsible for past successes had failed him andnothing would turn out right for him anymore.Paul HAHNEWALD was greatly beloved by many people and his death is regretted.He was not and old man, in his early sixties, but disappointment at the failure ofbusiness ventures hastened his end. Burial took place in Denver Tuesday. (12 Nov1937, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p.1)• HALEY, Harry - See obituary of Philip REDDY• HALLSWORTH, Sycalmore - Sycalmore HALLSWORTH, known as MikeTRACEY, passed away at the <strong>County</strong> Farm Friday, January 11, following aparalytic stroke, which occurred about six weeks ago, although he was able to be upand about part of the time. He was born in Manchester, England, and would havebeen seventy-nine years of age in May, had he lived until then. Little is known of hislife prior to the time he entered the county home five years ago, and so far as knownhe has no living relatives.Mortician O. W. MEYER came down from Red Cliff to take charge of the remainsand prepare him for burial. Interment was in Cedar Hill cemetery at Gypsum,Colo.[18 Jan. 1929, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p8]• HANAWA, N. - SUICIDE ON GRADE - JAPANESE TAKES LIFE WITH NOAPPARENT CAUSE.Yesterday afternoon De. SIBERTS, company surgeon, reported the suicide of one ofthe Japanese employed by the Phillips Construction Company & O'Gara, at CampNo. 2, in <strong>Eagle</strong> River canyon.The men, a party of Japs, had just finished their dinner and were filing out of thedining room when a shot startled them. On turning it was learned that one of theirnumber had shot himself.No one saw the tragedy. The wound was made by a 38 caliber double action revolverand death was instantaneous. The bullet entered at the forehead and emerged at theback of the head.The man, whose name was N. HANAWA, was about 26 or 27 years of age. He hadno relatives in the camp or in the country so far as known. He was single and his

countrymen are unable to explain his deed of self destruction. Dr. SIBERTS and theinterpreter of the Japs made a thorough search of the man's belongings and foundnothing that would indicate the cause of the rash act.The tragedy was reported to Coroner GILPIN who investigated and deemed aninquest unnecessary.(4 April 1907, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Blade, p.8)The Funeral of the Jap, N. HANAWA, who killed himself at camp No. 2, in thecanyon last week, was held on Friday. A large party of the deceased's countrymenattended as well as a number of the citizens of the town. Rev. L. D. JARRARD, ofMinturn, conducted the services and the interment was at Greenwood cemetery.There is some doubt as to whether the shot was inflicted by accident or intentional,all the circumstances pointing more to the latter theory except that there appears tohave been no motive.(11 April 1907, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Blade, p.1)• HANCOCK, George W. - George W. HANCOCK, 66 years old for many years aresident of this county, on a West Lake creek ranch died at the home of his brother,C. HANCOCK, in Grand Junction, January 26, 1936.Mr HANCOCK came to western <strong>Colorado</strong> about thirty-three years ago fromWright county, Missouri. For a number of years he was employed as a fine man bythe Western Union Telegraph Co., and when he retired from that work he took up ahomestead on West Lake, where he resided intermittently until two or three yearsago, when he traded the property for a small ranch at Loma near Grand Junction.He was born in Missouri on November 9, 1869. There are no other immediaterelatives surviving him, with the exception of his brother, at whose home he died. Hewas an active member of the Grand Junction I. O. O. F. Mr. HANCOCK was agood neighbor, and many friends in this county will regret to learn of his death.[7Feb. 1936, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HANEY, R. D. - R. D. HANEY DEADSudden Demise of Well Known Mining ManMany friends, not only in this county but throughout the state, will be pained tolearn of the death of R. D. HANEY, which occurred on April 27, 1908. The DenverPost had the following particulars of his death:"R. D. HANEY, superintendent of the Akron Mining company, at White Pine,<strong>Colorado</strong>, died of heart failure while at work Monday, April 27. He was a wellknown mining man of Ault. At one time he owned and operated some of the richestproperty at Red Cliff. For many years he was a resident of Denver, and his body hasbeen brought here for burial."

"The funeral services will be held at Martin's chapel, corner Colfax and Broadway,Saturday, May 2, at 1 a.m. He is survived by Mrs. HANEY, and daughter, MissMabel, a student at the State Norman school, and a son, Leroy."Mr. HANEY was one of the pioneer mining men of this district and for several yearsresided in Red Cliff. Bob HANEY, as he was better known, was very popular, andduring his residence here was one of the prominent and most progressive citizens ofthe district. He was fairly successful in his mining ventures here and it is presumedleaves his family in comfortable circumstances.(7 May 1908, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Blade,p.1)• HANSCOME, Alfred - One of the oldest settlers of <strong>Eagle</strong> county passed away lastSunday, when Alfred HANSCOME, of Wolcott, was called to his last reward. Mr.HANSCOME was eighty-four years old at the time of his death and had been aresident of this county since seventy-nine or eighty, from the best information wecan get. For many years he and his aged wife have been living on their small ranchabout one mile west of Wolcott, and until the last year or two, when the signs of agehad commenced to show their effect on the old gentleman, he has been hale andhearty. He met with an accident this spring which seriously affected his hearth andas a result he had been very despondent for some weeks. However, he had beenabout his ranch work up to a few days previous to his death, not taking to his beduntil last Friday evening. The end came soon and he died Sunday afternoon, and<strong>Eagle</strong> county lost another one of the hardy men who helped make an empire out ofthe wilderness that is now the great state of <strong>Colorado</strong>.Mr. HANSCOME was known to nearly every early resident of the county, andnumbered his friends by the hundred, and the aged wife was the sympathy of all inthe loss of her husband and companion of a long life- time.The funeral was held from the Methodist church in <strong>Eagle</strong> Monday afternoon, andwas attended by a large concourse of old friends and neighbors. The body was laidto rest in the <strong>Eagle</strong> cemetery.{8 Aug. 1919, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HANSCOME, Mary Jane Baker - Mrs. Alfred HANSCOME passed out of this lifeat Wolcott last Monday evening, August 15.Mary Jane BAKER was born in Fort Wayne, Ind., August 1, 1836, being 86 years,14 days old at the time of her death. In 1854 she was united in marriage to HenryJackup YOUNTG, with whom she removed to Denver in 1886. to this union therewere given five children, of whom only one survives, Mrs. Geo. FARGHER, ofVictor, Colo. In 1888 Mr. YOUNG passed away, the widow moving to Grand Lake,where she met and married Alfred HANSCOME. In 1883 the deceased and herhusband came to <strong>Eagle</strong> county, where for twenty eight years she lived loved andrespected by all who knew her. Her husband preceded her in death two years ago.

The funeral services were held at the Methodist church in <strong>Eagle</strong> Wednesdayafternoon, and the body laid to rest in the <strong>Eagle</strong> cemetery beside the grave of herbeloved husband.The only surviving child, Mrs. George FARGHER, was detained from attending hermother's funeral by the death of her husband, who died in Victor Last Thursday.Besides the daughter Mrs. HANSCOME is survived by five grandchildren and sixgreat grandchildren. (<strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, Aug 19, 1921, p.1)• HANSON, Peter - Last Sunday, Peter HANSON, a well known miner of Gilman,was drowned in Bolt's Lake, between Gilman and Minturn. The unfortunate manwas accompanied by Joseph SMITHERUM, who had a narrow escape from asimilar fate, and from whom the following particulars are learned.Mr. HANSON had been on the lake some time in a boat fishing, while Mr.SMITHERUM was fishing from the shore. HANSON rowed in and invitedSMITHERUM to go out with him, to which the latter assented. The two men wereseated side by side in the boat with Mr. SMITHERUM's dog standing behind them.Without warning the end of the boat behind the occupants sank and water rushed inunder their feet, and at the same time both men were thrown out of the boatbackward into the water. Mr. SMITHERUM succeeded in grasping one side of thehalf filled boat and seeing HANSON also in the water and apparently unable to helphimself, he called for help. Mr. SMITHERUM cannot swim and succeeded only byan heroic effort in preventing himself from drowning.Sid BOLT was at the house about 100 yards away and rushed to the scene andplunged in. He reached Mr. SMITHERUM first and succeeded in rescuing him. Mr.SMITHERUM says he is convinced he never could have gotten out unaided.Meanwhile Mr. Hanson seemed to be struggling in the water with his head justbelow the surface, and drowned before Mr. BOLT could return to his aid.The boat was then secured and the body recovered. All available methods ofresuscitation were applied without avail. At the point of the accident the lake is notover 150 feet wide but is about ten feet deep. The boat is a flat bottom one, aboutfour feet wide and ten or twelve long, and Mr. SMITHERUM is unable to accountfor the accident.Undertaker FARNUM was called and took charge of the remains. Telegrams weresent to points where deceased was thought to have friends, but no reply from any ofthem has been received. The funeral will occur today. Deceased was a single man,about 34 years of age, and was born in Ohio.(7 September 1899 <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Blade,p. 3)• HARNITZ, Frank - A DEAF AND DUMB MAN RUN DOWN IN THE YARDS ATMINTURN - A sad accident occurred in the railroad yards at Minturn on Sunday.A deaf and dumb man, whose name it was afterward learned was Frank HARNITZ,

was run down and killed by a light engine. The man's head was crushed and deathwas instantaneous.The dead man had been seen a day or two previous at Red Cliff and also on the dayof his death at Minturn. He was deaf and dumb and had been soliciting alms both atRed Cliff and at Minturn. In his pocket was found a note book in which he was inthe habit of writing his requests for aid and his conversations with various people.His identity was disclosed by his name and description being written on the fly leafof a small bible which he carried in his pocket.Coroner A.F. GRAHAM was at once notified and took charge of the remains, anddetailed the accident as briefly as possible to an address at Milwaukee, also found inthe bible. The funeral was held at Minturn and interment occurred there. There wasno money valuables of any description found on the body.(22 Aug 1901, <strong>Eagle</strong><strong>County</strong> Blade, p.3)• HARDERS, Hans - HANS HARDERS DEADWord was received here Monday morning of the death on Sunday, December 19, atthe home of his nephew in Blair, Washington county, Nebraska, of HansHARDERS, says the Redcliff News.Mr. HARDERS was one of the earliest settlers in <strong>Eagle</strong> county, coming to Red Cliffduring the mining excitement of the fall of 1879, and was a __________ of themining district continuously until last April when _____________ of failing health,he went back to Nebraska to spend his reclining days with relatives.Together with John EWING and Robert _________ he brought the Eighty fourgroup of mines on Turkey creek in the early days, and at one time made aconsiderable "stake" out of the Eighty four. He had a very active life the most of theyears he lived here and was identified in a number of mining enterprises at differenttimes.He was born in Germany and his early manhood was spent on the ocean as aseaman. Possessed of an adventurous nature he visited most of the south and centralAmerican countries. _________ landing at New Orleans in ____________ with afriend not long before his death, he stated that he was not satisfied with he conditionof any of the countries he visited until he struck the United States, but he soondecided that this was the land he had been looking for.While the traditions of his native land were always dear to him and he loved to talkof his youth at home, he was a loyal American citizen. Last spring , before leavingfor Nebraska he used to come into this office and talk to the writer for several hoursat a stretch. The European was would occupy a great deal of his attention, but everyonce in a while he would break out in a tirade on conditions in Mexico and deplorewhat he characterized as the cowardice of President WILSON, and wish for his

younger days again, so that he might shoulder a gun and help clean up the Greasers.But never once did he ever hint that he cared to fight for the Kaiser, the land of hisadoption was first and last Hans HARDERS.The sporting element ran high in his blood, and it was a long shot in_____ on whichhe would not take a chance. The writer believes that he was one of the losers he everknew, and it was this characteristic which made of him a good prospector. Hishealth had been failing for a number of years, however, and he had not been activein business for a long time. As years advanced, the memories of younger days clungto him and he could not realize that conditions and times were changing for thereason it was hard on him to do business with others and as a consequence hismining property in this district has been idle most of the time for many years. Onlyrecently has he agreed to a lease on it.He was a member of the Odd Fellows of the place in the early days and when hischarter was transferred and consolidated to the lodge at Gypsum, he continued tocarry his membership and was in good standing at the time of his death.Mr. HARDERS leaves many friends here who regret his death. (15 Dec. 1915, <strong>Eagle</strong><strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p.1)• HARPER, Dave - In the death of David HARPER in <strong>Eagle</strong> last Friday eveningMarch 24, passed one of the most colorful figures of the pioneer days of western<strong>Colorado</strong> and <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong>.Born in England February 28, 1855, he lost his parents when yet a child, and butlittle is known of his younger life. He migrated to Canada when 21 years of age andtwo years later to the United States. He first landed in Denver in 1878, and the nextyear found him a tender of stage stock at the old stage station at Hartzel in SouthPark. This first employment in this country decided the course of his life. For fromthat time we find him in the mining camps, conducting ore hauling outfits, ordriving jack trains. He followed mining in Leadville a short while and when the bigteaming outfits were plying between Leadville and Aspen in 1880, we find himassociated with Mr. and Mrs. AUGHTER running a road house on top ofIndependence Pass. Here the freighters made their half way stop between the twocamps and the business prospered. He followed all the mining boom camps of thosedays, and was among the first to rush to Kokomo in 1882, when that camp was onthe boom. Here he met and married Miss Nettie ASHLOCK, the mother of his onlysurviving son, Iman David, now living in <strong>Eagle</strong>, and who was born in Aspen in 1885.He packed ore and hauled freight between Aspen and Leadville after leavingKokomo, and in 1885 we find him at the home of his father-in-law, JohnASLCOCK, on the Piney in <strong>Eagle</strong> county, where his wife died.He ran a jack train from the mines in Aspen for a number of years following hiswife's death, until the panic of 1893 caused the closing of the mines. From that timeon he was in <strong>Eagle</strong> county most of the time, mining at Fulford, driving a stage line

from Fulford to <strong>Eagle</strong>, and in 1898 was again married to Mrs. Elizabeth NOLES. Itwas about this time that he engaged as a stage driver for H. W. WHIPPLE betweenWolcott and Steamboat Springs. The Moffat railroad had not yet been built and thefreight and state business between these two points was immense for years. It waswhile driving this route that Dave HARPER formed an acquaintance with travelingsalesmen, as well as prominent personages that was sate wide. Of a strongpersonality, he was remembered by his passengers long after they had made a stagetrip with Dave as a driver. When the stage line was discontinued with the advent ofthe railroad to Northwestern <strong>Colorado</strong>, he owned the stage line between Wolcottand State Bridge for a time, was a saloon keeper in Wolcott and <strong>Eagle</strong> from 1910until prohibition drove him out of business. He was again married in 1910, this timeto Mrs. Sarah KILFORD, she passing away in 1916. Some years later he wasmarried to Mrs. Daisy QUINLAN, and they made their home in <strong>Eagle</strong> until herdeath a few years ago.When C. F. LLOYD of Chicago, now co-owner of the Red Mountain ranch, firstcame to this country and located at Fool's Peak, he found ready at his hand just theright man to take charge of his big jack train which plied constantly between <strong>Eagle</strong>and Skyling during the summer months, in Dave HARPER. HARPER wasemployed by Mr. LLOYED for years. An accident at the ranch in which Mr.HARPER injured a foot resulted in the amputation of a leg, and this loss was keenlyfelt by him. His first reaction to the loss was the sadly spoken remark, "I am not thechampion walker of the world now, am I?" and this brings to mind the fact thatDave was one of the champion pedestrians of the country in his time. As a youngman he gained the title of champion walker of Canada. He also claimed that hecould out walk WESTON, the great pedestrian, and they were matched for a contestat one time, but the contest never came off for some reason.Dave HARPER lived in the most exciting period of the settlement of this countryand he loved to talk of those times in his declining years. He had a big part in thecountry's settlement and his passing takes one of the most colorful figures in thatepochal period of <strong>Colorado</strong>.Funeral services were held from the Methodist church, in <strong>Eagle</strong> Sunday afternoonwith Rev. C. E. COPLEY reading the service. the remains were laid to rest in <strong>Valley</strong>View cemetery, by Funeral Director Paul ANDRE, a goodly number of his oldfriends attending and assisting in laying the body of the old pioneer to its lastearthly resting place. He is survived by his son, Iman, four step children, six grandchildren, one great grand child, and eleven step-grand children.• HARPER, Sarah - Mrs. Sarah Gans HARPER of Wolcott died from pneumonia atthe Hadley Hospital at 4 a. m the morning of the 15th, having been in the hospitalbarely two days.Mrs HARPER came to America from her native city of Dublin, Ireland, at the ageof fifteen and a few years later was married to Robert JONES of Chicago, a

prominent railroad conductor, the father of her two daughters, now residents ofGlobe and Miami, Arizona respectively.She was for thirty years a resident of <strong>Eagle</strong> county and was married to DaveHARPER at the WHITE ranch in February 1907.Mrs. HARPER was a woman of education, of charitable and kindly disposition andnumbered her friends among her acquaintances.The funeral will be conducted at the grave, 2 p.m. Saturday, by Mr. JOHNSON,rector of the St. Johns Episcopal church. Glenwood Springs. Mrs. HARPER was anEpiscopalian and before her death expressed a desire to be buried in the rites of thatchurch.[15 Sept. 1916, Western Slope Enterprise, p8]• HARRIS, Charles - On Sunday, March 1s, Charles Harris, of Gypsum, went theway of all flesh. Mr. HARRIS was born in Wisconsin and was 59 years of age. Forthe past eight or ten years he has been employed on A. W. GRUNDEL's ranch nearGypsum. Mrs. Thomas WOODWARD of Idaho Springs, a sister of the deceased,attended the funeral. The funeral was in charge of Mortician GRAHAM of RedCliff. The services were held in the Methodist church and was the second largestever held in Gypsum in attendance. Funeral services were conducted by Rev ROSEof <strong>Eagle</strong>. A choir of four ladies rendered appropriate selection. The floral offeringswere varied and beautiful, the casket being covered with emblems and cutflowers.(18 March 1909, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Blade, p.1)• HARRIS, Mary Carey - PASSING OF PIONEER WOMAN OF WESTERNCOLORADOMrs. W. H. HARRIS dies at Glenwood Springs after Three Weeks Illness - Settledin Roaring Fork <strong>Valley</strong> in 1884.Mrs. W. H. HARRIS, wife of W. H. HARRIS, pioneer Roaring Fork valley farmer,passed away at the Glenwood sanitarium Wednesday, July 20, at 1:15 o'clock, afteran illness of over three weeks. The direct cause of her death being intestinalinfluenza.Mary Carey HARRIS was born in Marquette, Mich., October 16, 1868, removing toLeadville, Colo., in the year 1879. She was married to William Henry HARRISJanuary 31, 1884, Mr. HARRIS being the first party to whom a license to wed wasissued in Garfield county. After their marriage they settled in the Roaring Fork<strong>Valley</strong> and have resided in the immediate vicinity of that first home ever since.Six children were born to this union, three of which preceded their mother to thegrave. Early in life Mrs. HARRIS affiliated herself with Free Silver Rebekah lodge,and she was a pioneer member of Literary Sorosis club of Basalt, Colo.

Surviving her, besides her husband are three sons; W. A. HARRIS, Ralph andRaymond HARRIS; one sister, Mrs. Margaret MACKENZIE; one brother T. J.CAREY; and five grandchildren, Vincent, Irene, Desmond, William, Paul andIsobel HARRIS.Funeral services were held for Mrs. HARRIS from St. Vincent's Catholic church inBasalt Friday afternoon, July 22, Rev. J. P. CARRIGAN officiating. Two beautifulsolos were sung by Mrs. WARD, after which the many acquaintances of Mrs.HARRIS looked for the last time at all which was mortal of a loving friend andneighbor. Following the church services a long cortege of sorrowing relatives andfriends wended their sad way to the cemetery, where the beautiful burial service ofthe Rebekah lodge took place and the earthly remains of Mrs. HARRIS wereconsigned to Mother Earth.In the passing of this truly noble and beautiful character, the husband has lost adevoted wife, the sons a loving and affectionate mother, and the public a helpful andprogressive citizen. Ever loyal to her own, her thoughts turned first to them, butalways could a moment be fond in which she strove to share the joys and sorrows ofher friends.My Jesus, as Thou wilt,Oh may Thy way be mine,Into Thy hand of loveI would my ____ resign.Through sorrow or through joyConduct me as Thine own,And help me still to say,My Lord, Thy will be done. (<strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, 29 July 1927, p.1)• HARRIS, William H. - First Settler in Pleasant <strong>Valley</strong> Dies Last Week.William H. HARRIS, 76, prominent pioneer of <strong>Eagle</strong> county, died at a hospital inGlenwood Springs June 19 after a long illness. He was taken to the hospital someweeks ago when one of his limbs was amputated in an effort to save his life, but theeffort was futile.Mr. HARRIS settled in Peach valley in this county in 1880, fifty-four years ago, heand his brother, Charley HARRIS, being the first settlers in that part of the county.For a great many years, until infirmities began to afflict him a few years ago, Mr.

HARRIS was a leader in all civic and political activities of his community. For manyyears he was one of the strong leaders of the Republican party of this section. Hemade a host of friends all over this section who will regret the passing of another ofthe hardy pioneers who helped build up this country.William H. HARRIS was born on July 21, 1857, in New York state. When veryyoung he moved to Wisconsin and resided in that locality for a number of years. In1880 he moved to the valley near Basalt where he took up a homestead and livedthere practically ever since. His wife preceded him in death three years ago. Threechildren, Irene and Bryan and a small baby, also preceded him in death.Mr. HARRIS is survived by three sons, Raymond F. HARRIS of Cardiff, Ralph C.HARRIS of Basalt, and W. A. HARRIS; five grandchildren, Isobel and WilliamPaul of Cardiff; Vincent, Irene and Desmond of Basalt. Mrs. Alma HARRIS,superintendent of schools of Garfield county, is a daughter-in-law of the deceased.Funeral services were held at the Basalt Methodist church at 2 o'clock Thursdayafternoon, June 21. The Masonic lodge, of which Mr. HARRIS was a member, hadcharge of the services. Burial was made in the Basalt cemetery by the side of Mr.HARRIS' departed wife.[30 June 1934, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HARRON, NICKOLIS - Wreck on Grande - West Bound Freight runs into Worktrain -- One Man Killed--several Injured - Rio Grande freight No. 61, west boundcollided with a work train loaded with Utah construction men about two milesabove Red Cliff Wednesday evening. The work train was composed of two flat carsthe tool car and the engine. The flat cars upon which the men were riding werebeing pushed ahead of the engine and received the full force of the collision, forcingone flat car over the other. One man was instantly killed and several others injured,one seriously. The dead man, Nickolis HARRON was brought down and placed inthe morgue here. The dead man and also those who were injured are Austrians. Oneof the injured men Mike COVAETCH was brought to Red Cliff and placed in thecare of Dr. GILPIN.The wrecker was brought down from Pando where they were working on thebridges and succeeded in clearing the track in four hours Nos. 1 and 5 gettingthrough from the east about 11 o'clock.[23 Dec. 1909, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p.1]• HART, Bernice Jane - Mrs. J. HART Dead. The people of <strong>Eagle</strong> were surprised andsorry to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. W. T. HART Monday morning of thisweek; she having passed away the night before.Mrs. HART came to <strong>Eagle</strong> county about two years ago with her husband fromRandall Kansas. They had purchased a farm on Brush creek and were doing nicelyuntil Mrs. HART was taken ill several weeks ago with an abscess on the liver. Anoperation was performed and it was thought that she would soon be able to be

around again; but complication set in from which she died Sunday night. Theremains were shipped to Randall, Kansas, for interment.Bernice Jane LLOYD was born in Kentucky March 31, 1852, died at <strong>Eagle</strong>,<strong>Colorado</strong>, February 26, 1916, aged 63 years, 10 months, 27 days, was buried atRandall, Kansas.[3 March 1916, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HART, Dan - Dan Hart, a well known miner of the district, died suddenly at RedCliff last Saturday night, April 27. The immediate cause of his death waspneumonia.The deceased was about 35 years of age, and had been in the district about twoyears, coming here from Leadville. He was a single man and but little is known ofhis relatives. It was learned however that Mrs. Laura LUNDY, of Richmond,Indiana, is a sister and a telegram announcing the death was sent to the address. Itis believed he has other relatives in Indiana.Hart had been sick but a day or two but none of the time confined to his bed. Evenan hour before his death, although in a precarious condition, he was sitting at atable, it appearing to add to his distress when he reclined.(2 May 1907, <strong>Eagle</strong><strong>County</strong> Blade, p.1)• HART, J. T. - Hon. J. T. HART died last Thursday night at Denver, after alingering illness. For some years Mr. HART had not been in rugged health, havingbeen afflicted with both kidney and throat trouble, and for several weeks the endhad been looked for. Members of the family, with the exception of the oldest son,James, were at his bedside at the time of his death.Mr. HART was born at Little Orleans, Maryland, in 1837, and was hence 66 yearsof age. Previous to coming to <strong>Eagle</strong> county he resided at Council Bluffs, Iowa,engaging in insurance and other lines of business there for a number of years.About 1888, as a member of the company, he came to Red Cliff and assumed chargeof the Percy Chester group of miens as manage, a position which he retained at thetime of his death. He was a member of the Eleventh General assembly of the state,having been elected to the position in 1896.The remains were brought to Red Cliff on Saturday, and conveyed to the familyhome at Bell's Camp. The funeral occurred on Tuesday at Red Cliff, the operahouse being the scene of the services. A large attendance of old friends andneighbors, many from other localities in the county, were present to pay thedeceased their last respects. A profusion of flowers were banked about the bier ofthis prominent citizen as the casket rested in the opera house. The address wasdelivered by Rev. S. Abbie CHAPIN. Mrs. Ralph NORTHRUP rendered twoappropriate solos and a choir sang "Lead Kindly Light," a favorite hymn of thedeceased and his family. The interment was a Greenwood cemetery.

In the passing away of Mr. HART, <strong>Eagle</strong> county has lost one of its most prominentcitizens. He was progressive and public spirited to a marked degree, and noenterprise for the general advancement of the community was without his support.In anything under taken by him, Mr. HART was an active and tireless worker.Being interested in the politics of the county, this characteristic undoubtedly createdsome political enemies. Many of his friends, however, who differed politically,always found the deceased tolerant toward them. He was especially noted for hisgenerous hospitality, his devotion to his family and his many admirable socialqualities. When present, Mr. HART, notwithstanding his years, was always the lifeof a social gathering, and one of his greatest pleasures was entertaining his friendsat his home.Mr. HART will be greatly missed in this community, and it is with sincere regretthat THE BLADE chronicles his demise.(30 July 1903, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Blade, p.1)• HART, Richard - Dick HART, One of Party Returning From Dance at Leadville,the Victim. A tragedy which has caused a pall of grief to settle over the town of RedCliff took place last Tuesday morning at about two o'clock when Richard Hart, onlyson of B. A. HART, one of the leading mining men of Battle Mountain, was instantlyfilled when an automobile in which he was riding turned over an embankment on ahill three miles east of Pando.Young HART, together with five companions, had attended the dance given by theAmerican Legion in celebration of <strong>Colorado</strong> Day at Leadville Monday night andthey were returning home. The tragedy occurred on the long grade after crossingthe east fork of the <strong>Eagle</strong> river three miles above Pando. It was raining at the timeand the car was running down the hill slowly, when for some unaccountable reasonit became unmanageable and ran off the road over the embankment turningcompletely over. HART was riding on the right hand side of the front seat with JakeZEILER and Carl DISMANT, the latter driving. ZEILER was thrown twenty feetfrom where the car landed and HART was caught by the car and life instantlycrushed from his body; none of the other occupants were thrown from the car orreceived the slightest scratch of injury. As soon as the young people could take stockof their accident, HART was discovered to be under the car and they instantly freedhis body. He was then unconscious and life was extinct within a few minutes. A carwas secured from the Pope ranch about one mile distant and the body together withthe saddened party of young people conveyed to Red Cliff.The occupants of the car were Merrit DISMANT, Jay FLEMING and Miss JoyceHART, a sister of the dead man.The deceased was born at Glenwood Springs twenty-two years ago today, August 5,1899, his parents then living at Bell's Camp on Battle mountain. He was anexemplary young man, of industrious habits, and very popular among the youngpeople of Red Cliff where he had spent his entire life. He was operating a lease onhis father's mining properties, the Percy Chester group of mines in the <strong>Eagle</strong> river

canyon at the time of his death. B. A. HART, his father, has been in poor health formany months, and at the time of the fatal accident to their son he and Mrs. HARTwere in Denver, where he had just come through a serious surgical operation andthey had planned to return home this week. Owing to the delayed trains on the D. &R. G. railroad this week, Mr. and Mrs. HART had not been able to reach home yetThursday evening so that funeral arrangements had not been made at the time thisis written, Thursday evening.[5 Aug. 1921, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HART, W. T. - News was received here the past week by Mrs. C. F. NOGAL of thedeath at the home of his son in Randall, Kan., of W. T. HART, on August 25. Mr.HART was about 76 years of age.Mr. HART had been a respected citizen of the <strong>Eagle</strong> and Brush creekneighborhoods for about fifteen years, coming here from Kansas. For the past twoyears he had been in very poor health, and a few months ago he and his wife weretaken to Randall by his son, Warren, in hopes that he might improve there.Friends of the HART family here, who are many extent sympathy to the bereavedfamily.[25 August 1927, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HARTMAN, Marshall - Former <strong>Eagle</strong> rancher and prominent cattleman MarshallHARTMAN died Sept. 19 in Winslow, Ariz. following injuries suffered in anautomobile accident. He was 81.Marshall was born in Dillon, Colo. on April 7, 1913 and was a third generationrancher who started his own Registered Hereford herd while still in his teens in<strong>Eagle</strong>, where he was a partner with his father and grandfather. He married RhodaMay "Billie" REYNOLDS on Nov 12, 1939.In 1945 Mr. HARTMAN was asked to be superintendent of the San Rafael Ranchowned by the Green Cattle Co., in Patagonia, Ariz. While there he was a well-knownbreeder and showed many champion Hereford cattle and was selected Herdsman ofthe Year two years in a row at the famous Cow Palace in San Francisco, Calif.The HARTMANS moved to Kremmling in 1956, where Marshall purchased a ranchand continued to raise purebred Herefords. In 1965 he became the managingpartner of "Cowden Herefords" in Seligman, Ariz. After the Cowden herd wasdispersed in 1980 he moved to Prescott, Ariz., where he was active in real estate. In1993 he moved to Winslow, Ariz., and served as a consultant to Tom CHAUNCEY's26 Bar Ranch.Marshall was a member of the Arizona Cattle Growers Association and theAmerican Hereford Association, and served as past president of the Yavapai CattleGrowers and Arizona Hereford Association. He was also a member of the <strong>Colorado</strong>Cattlemen's Association. His long-time interests also placed him on the advisoryboard to the Arizona Junior Hereford Association and the junior board committee

of the Arizona National Livestock Shows. While a 4-H Club leader in <strong>Colorado</strong>,Marshall won a Meritorious Service Award for his volunteer efforts. He was alsonamed Rancher of the Year in 1980 for Yavapai <strong>County</strong>, Ariz.He was active in the community and served on two school boards, variouscommunity service organizations, and was appointed by the Governor of Arizona toserve on that state's water utilization committee. He was also a leader in his church.He was preceded in death by his wife of 53 years, Billie. Survivors include three sonsand daughters-in-law: Frank and Salli of New Carrollton, MD, David and Ann ofWinslow, Ariz., and Mike and Karen of Peoria, Ariz; nine grandchildren; two greatgrandchildren;and brothers Tom and Fred HARTMAN of Salt Lake City, Ut.In lieu of flowers the family requests that a donation be made in memory of bothMr. HARTMAN and his wife, Billie, to the Arizona Cattle Industries Research andEducation Foundation, 1401 N. 24the St., Phoenix, AZ 85008.Memorial services were held Sept 24 at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 114 S. MarinaSt., Prescott, Ariz.( Sept 1994, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise)• HASHBURGER, Fannie - Fannie, daughter of Mrs. John HASHBURGER ofMinturn, aged five years and five months, died on Tuesday, December 27, 1898, ofdiabetes. The funeral occurred on Wednesday, the 28the, with burial at Minturn.• HASS, Marguerite 1909-1994Marguerite HAAS of Gypsum died recently at the home of her friends, Lee andBarbara STEWART of Grand Junction, who had cared for her during her illness.Marge was the youngest of eleven children born to Louis and Barbara STENGEL atthe family's farm home in Boulder. She was born Sept. 21, 1909She married Frank HAAS on Sept. 30, 1930; Frank now lives at the Palisade LivingCenter in Palisade. Her last living immediate relative, Clara CLYNCKE, lives inBoulder.Frank and Marge enjoyed their life as ranchers in the area that is now Vail from1942 to 1953, and more recently on their ranch south of Gypsum. They retired andmoved into town in 1975.Marge loved all of God's creation...and she never knew a stranger; her kitchen doorand her heart was always open to all. Her hospitality, laughter and love will bemissed by all who were fortunate enough to know her.She was preceded in death by brothers and sisters Michael, Louis, Joseph, Anna,Josephine, Mary, Rose, Della and Barbara. Surviving are many nephews and nieces.

A Rosary will be held Feb. 4 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Mary's Catholic Church in <strong>Eagle</strong>,followed on Feb. 5 at 10 a.m. by a memorial Mass officiated by Father EdPOEHLMAN.In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to the Grand <strong>Valley</strong> Hospice,P.O. Box 60307, Grand Junction, CO 81506. (<strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise 3 Feb 1994)• HAVENS, G. L. - On June 9, 1908 death took another of <strong>Colorado</strong>'s pioneer miningmen. G. L. HAVENS who died at his home in Denver on that date. Mr. HAVENSwas one of the earliest prospectors in Red Cliff and in the Holy Cross district. Hewas born in Redford, Clinton county, New York, and was 74 years old on May 17last. His wife, three sons and four daughters survive him.Mr. HAVENS will undoubtedly be remembered by Red Cliff's older citizens. Justprevious to his decease he was engaged in promoting the interest of the MarionConsolidated Mining Co., of Leadville, and it was while in Kansas City on businessfor the company that he was stricken with a cerebral hemorrhage which resulted inhis death.(18 June 1908, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Blade, p.1)• HAWES, William H. - William H. HAWES a tourist from Bloomington, Ill., diedlast Tuesday evening at the home of C. L. HARTMAN four miles north of Wolcott.HAWES was with a party traveling from Bloomington to Portland, Ore., in anautomobile when he took sick and died within a short time. The party was out in thestorm of Tuesday afternoon and it was thought the excitement of the trip was toomuch for the deceased man's heart, which was weak. Just a short distance north ofthe HARTMAN home he was seized with illness and some of the party went toHARTMAN'S for aid. The sick man was taken there and Dr. MONTGOMERYsummoned from <strong>Eagle</strong> but he was beyond medical aid.The body was brought to <strong>Eagle</strong>, where Undertaker W. H. FARNUM, of Glenwood,prepared it for shipment to Bloomington for burial. Mark D. HAWES, a son of thedeceased man, whose home is in Portland, Ore., was with his father, and had beenback in Illinois on a visit, taking the old gentleman home with him in the car. Thedeceased man was a prominent wholesale grocer of Bloomington.[1 Aug. 1919, <strong>Eagle</strong><strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HAWKINS, Melvin L. Oct. 20, 1911 - March 15, 1986Melvin L. "Irish" HAWKINS, a 20 year rancher at Burns and a long-time residentof Collbran, died of cancer Saturday at the Veterans Administration MedicalCenter in Grand Junction. He was 74.Mr. HAWKINS was born Oct. 20, 1911, to Clyde Lazel and Edith May KIGGINSHAWKINS at Collbran where he spent his childhood and was graduated from highschool. He ranched in the Collbran area until moving to Burns in 1966.

Mr. HAWKINS served with the U.S. Army in the Pacific Islands during World WarII and held the rank of master sergeant. He was awarded the Bronze Star.He married Harriet Berly MCDANIEL May 31, 1946, in Grand Junction, and laterdivorced.Mr. HAWKINS enjoyed being outdoors. He was a horseman and a cowboy.Survivors include a daughter, Melva Jean HALL of Clifton; four sons, Gerald R.SCOTT and Jody K. HAWKINS, both of Clifton, Michael S. HAWKINS ofKeensburg and Milo T. HAWKINS of Palisade; a sister, Ethel A. CLICK ofCollbran; four brothers, Marion N., James B., Orman L. and Clyde Jr., all ofCollbran; 18 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Two sisters aredeceased.Graveside services will be a 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Palisade Cemetery with theRev. Michael HALL of the Church of Christ Eastgate officiating.Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, <strong>Colorado</strong>Division Inc. of the Mesa <strong>County</strong> Unit, Box 215, Grand Junction, 81502 or to theWrestling Scholarship, Citizens State Bank of Keenesburg, Keenesburg 80643Martin's Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. (Newspaper unknown)• HAWLEY, Luella Smith - Mrs. J. C. HAWLEY a Pioneer of <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> andMother of Prominent Squaw Creek Rancher Passes Away at Home in Glenwood.With the death of Mrs. J. C. HAWLEY at her home in Glenwood recently anotherof the pioneer women of this county has passed to her reward. The HAWLEYS wereamong the earlier settlers in the Squaw creek neighborhood, going to Glenwood onretiring from the ranch, which is now owned by their son, Ezra J. HAWLEY, one ofthe prominent ranchers now of that part of the county. We take the followingaccount of Mrs. HAWLEYS death from the Glenwood Post of last week:"Another beautiful character passed to her eternal home last Sunday night whenMrs. J. C. HAWLEY breathed her last after an illness of some duration."Luella Smith HAWLEY was born in East Stockham, New York, February 10,1852, and was therefore seventy-one years, 2 months and 5 days of age at the time ofher death."She was united in marriage to Jerome C. HAWLEY in Potsdam, New York, June16, 1873, four children being born to this union. The family moved to Smithland,Iowa, in 1880 and after a few changes in location came to <strong>Colorado</strong> in 1900, makingtheir home in <strong>Eagle</strong> and Garfield counties.

"Deceased is survived by her husband and two sons, Ezra Jerome, of <strong>Eagle</strong> county,and Giles W. of Denver, a sister, Miss Demis Smith of Los Angeles, who had servedfor a number of years as deaconess in the M. E. church; two brothers, E. C. SMITHof Evanston, Illinois, and three grand children.Mrs. HAWLEY was converted and united with the Methodist church many yearsago and was also a member of the local chapter of Eastern Star."Mrs. HAWLEY was loved by all who knew her and will be remembered by herkind words and her smile. She was a most optimistic soul, never had a word ofcomplaint and bore her suffering patiently. She had unlimited hope and in herrecent illness always believed she would recover."The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the Methodist church inthis city, Rev. E. G. ESTLOW officiating. Mrs. Lamar IKELER sang two beautifulsolos. At the close, short services were held by the Eastern Star chapter, and theremains were escorted to the depot and shipped on No. 15 to Denver forcremation."[27 April 1923, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HAYS, John - The infant son of Mr. John W. HAYS died last Thursday at Grafton,this state, where the baby was conveyed from Red Cliff only the previous week. Theailment was stomach trouble. Mr. HAYS arrived at Red Cliff with the little corpseon Saturday morning and the funeral was held at the Congregational church Rev.OHL of Salida, delivering very appropriate remarks. The remains were interred inGreenwood cemetery beside those of the baby's mother, nee Amy ACKLEY. Mr.HAYS has the sympathy of many friends here in his double bereavement. (18 Apr1901, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Blade, p.3)HE• HEINER, George Edwin - George Edwin HEINER was born in West Jersey, Starkcounty, Ill., on September 18, 1851, and departed this life near Edwards Colo.,September 26, 1929, just eight days after his 78th birthday.When Mr. HEINER reached his majority he left Illinois for Queen City, Mo., whereon December 29, 1875, he was married to Susan EAGON. To them were born tenchildren--five boys and five girls, three to whom have gone on to the other shore.In 1878, Mr. HEINER brought his family to Rooks county, Kan., and after toStockton, Kan., which had been their home since, with the exception of the fast fewsummers spent on Lake creek in <strong>Eagle</strong> county, <strong>Colorado</strong>.He was a charter member of the Security Benefit association in Stockton, and amember of the Methodist Episcopal church, since he was 17 years old.

The deceased is survived by the life long companion, seven children--Mrs. DellaMUNN, Mrs. Nora CRANE and Clarence HEINER all of Stockton, Kan.; BurtonHEINER of Grand Junction, Colo.; Mrs. Jessie HENDERSON of Plainville, Kan.;and William and Geo HEINER of Edwards, Colo.; also 36 grandchildren and 10great grandchildren.Funeral services were held from the Methodist church in Stockton, Kan., onMonday afternoon, September 30, with Rev. C. E. SPALDING in charge. Burial wasmade in the Stockton cemetery.[18 Oct. 1929, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HEITHER, Albert J. - Albert J. HEITHER died of influenza at the Red Crosshospital in <strong>Eagle</strong> last Friday, December 13. The deceased was driving the Wolcott-State Bridge stage when he was stricken with the plague ten days prior to his death.He was brought here for treatment, and was seemingly recovering until the daybefore his death, when he took a turn for the worse and quickly passed away.His son, Henry E. HEITHER, and Undertaker Gustav LARSON came fromLeadville Saturday morning and prepared the body for shipment to Denver where itwas to be buried.{20 Dec. 1918, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p 1]• HELMS, Billy 1924 - 1995Billy HELMS, a resident of <strong>Eagle</strong> for 56 years, died June 2 at the Veterans AffairsCenter in Grand Junction following an extended illness. He was 71 and lived at the<strong>Colorado</strong> State Veterans Nursing Home in Rifle.He was born Jan. 1, 1924 in Elkton, Colo., to Harold and Rubie (SNOWDEN)HELMS and spent his childhood in Cripple Creek, where he also attended highschool. He was a member of the <strong>Eagle</strong> Methodist Church and served in the U.S.Army in 1944 - 45. He enjoyed hunting, fishing and hiking in the mountains.Survivors include brothers Harold and John HELMS, both of <strong>Eagle</strong>; sistersMildred SODERSTROM of Tucson, Ariz., and Marylee (Donald) HENNAGIR ofLinden, Minn.; and several nieces and nephews.A memorial service was held on Monday, June 5 at the <strong>Eagle</strong> Methodist Churchwith Pastor Phillip GREEN officiating. Arrangements were by Martin Mortuary.Memorial contributions may be sent to <strong>Colorado</strong> State Veterans Nursing Home,P.O. Box 1420, Rifle, CO 81650. (<strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise 08 June 1995)• HENDRICKSON, Margaretta Johanna - Death of Venerable Lady. MargarettaJohanna HENDRICKSON Passes Away at Her Home in Gypsum--Was One Of ThePioneer Ladies of This Section.Mrs. Margaretta Johanna HENDRICKSON, nee KROOK, was born at Kronoly,Finland, November 16, 1854. Her Christian Lutheran parents, following the earliest

traditions and customs, gave her an early training in the fear and admonition of theLord, culminating in her confirmation and communicate membership of theLutheran church. Her youth was enjoyed in Finland, where she also enteredwedlock with Mr. HENDRICKSON. This union as blessed with three sons, Alfredand Edward, born in Finland, and Victor, born in Gypsum after his parents came toAmerica in 1892. Settling in Gypsum valley, and immediately taking part in allwholesome community activities and materially contributing to the developmentand prosperity of this beautiful valley. Thus also actively affiliating themselves withthis Lutheran congregation and encouraging its spiritual ministry. She was also amember of the Lutheran Night Owls and Lutheran Ladies Aid Society. Enjoying therespect of the entire community and a life existing not only unto self, but also untoothers, until the last year or two Mrs. HENDRICKSON enjoyed fair health,surprising many, despite increasing age, with her untiring energy and admirablehabits of domestic industry. The last few months, however, found her failing rapidlyin preparation for that home coming which unites all true children of God, and forthat glorification of the body which is possible only when this frail tabernaclesubmits to God's gracious providential rest and sleep.Mrs. HENDRICKSON entered life eternal Sunday morning, December 17, at 4:30o'clock, seemingly without pain and certainly without regrets, in perfect resignation,and reconciliation with her Maker, having repeatedly expressed her sincere anddeep appreciation to her pastor for his comforting assurances and prayers for hercommitment to our Heavenly Father. He son, Edward, was alone at his mother'sbedside when she passed on, very quietly and peacefully.Her husband, HENDRICK, preceded her into spiritual realms in August, 1923. Thedeceased leaves to mourn a devoted mother, her three sons, Alfred, Edward andVictor, two grandchildren, Miss Esther HENDRICKSON and Mrs. RuthBEASLEY, and two great grandchildren, all of Gypsum valley, besides hosts ofintimate friends and neighbors who will always cherish the sweetest memories of apersonality so considerate, winsome and true, a worthy example to pattern after.One who visited frequently at her bedside learned to appreciate the beauty of hercharacter, and the nobility of her soul, her full appreciation for the humblest effortsin her behalf, and her bounteous willingness to make others happy throughwhatever contributions she could made. Surely at the appearance of that great whitethrone we will find her among the blessed, enjoying the Master's benedictions andHis final statement: "Enter ye unto the joy of your Lord, for whatsoever ye havedone unto the least of these my disciples ye have done it unto me."Funeral services were conducted at 2 p. m. Monday, December 18, under directionof the BURDGE Funeral Home of Glenwood. Rev. Chas. L. RAMME delivered amost eloquent and comforting discourse and he was assisted by a trio of ladies, Mrs.W. J. WONDERS, Mrs. Kenneth GERARD, and Miss Albertine ZOELLNER,accompanied by Mrs. RAMME, who contributed two hymns and a solo, "Just forToday," by Mrs. Kenneth GERARD.

Palbearers were Messrs. Elmer P. ENGSTROM, Sigurd BOBSON, HelmarLARSON, Homer DAVENPORT, Gust ULIN and Frank VAN HORN.Many and beautiful floral contributions attested to the love and sympathy of acommunity paying its final tribute to a beloved friend. Interment was made inCedar Hill cemetery, Gypsum.---Contributed.[22 Dec. 1933, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Enterprise, p1]• HENDRICKSON, Mr. - Mr. HENDRICKSON was born in Finland, known bymany friends through the valley as Grandpa HENDRICKSON, passed away at hisranch home south of town Monday noon, August 16th, at the age of seventy-fiveyears. The immediate cause of his death was pneumonia, but he had been in feeblehealth for years.Mr. HENDRICKSON was born in Finland, coming to <strong>Eagle</strong> county thirty-two yearsago, and has resided in the Gypsum valley since. Those left to mourn his loss are hiswidow, three sons, Alfred, Edward and Victor, and two grand daughters, Miss Esterand Ruth HENDRICKSON, all of Gypsum.Funeral services were conducted at 2 o'clock, p. m., Wednesday, August 18, fromthe Lutheran church, Rev. L. H. STEINHOFF, officiating.[20 Aug. 1926, <strong>Eagle</strong><strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HENRY, Eddie - From the Examiner.Eddie, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. HENRY, died at the home of his parentsTuesday morning of heart failure.The funeral service was held from the Gypsum M. E. church on Thursday afternoonat 2 o'clock.The death of Eddie HENRY removes from our midst one who will be rememberedby all who knew him as a boy of purest character and highest impulses, leading anideal life and possessing that gentleness and tender sympathy which was revealed toall who associated with him.The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved parents in thishour of their great bereavement.(25 Feb 1904, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Blade, p. 1)• HENRY, Marion J. - One of the prominent figures in the history of <strong>Eagle</strong> countyduring the early ears of the century, passed away at Madison, Ia., March 27. MarionJ. HENRY, Rio Grande locomotive engineer, ranch man and sheriff of the countyfor eight years passed away in a Madison hospital after only a few hours illness.Born in Milford, Ind., January 25, 1864, the deceased was past 77 years of age at thetime of his death. Early in life he identified himself with railroad work, being only

eighteen years old when he went to work for the Santa Fe railroad in Marceline,Mo., in 1882. In 1891, he came to <strong>Colorado</strong> and went to work as a fireman for theDenver and Rio Grande railroad, working between Salida and Minturn. He bacamea locomotive engineer on that road in 1898, and continued in that service until 1908,when he was granted d a leave of absence.Mr. HENRY was prominent in Republican party politics in ed right then. ArtKELLY was appointed by Marion as by successor.I do not know how long Marion served after I left. Frank FARNUM was electedwith other county officers of the state, for a two year term. while serving this term aconstitutional amendment was adopted in <strong>Colorado</strong> changing the election laws, sothat state and local elections fell on the same date, and extending the terms of all twoyears officers one year, making their terms fun even with the state officers. FrankFARNUM was one of these and, hence, served three years and was not a candidatefor re-election, although I understand that later and after I had left the state he didserve four successive terms as sheriff.You can verify many dates and secure authentic history of the county by consultingthe records of the sheriff's office, if such are preserved and available for reference.Almost all of the records during my encumbrance as under sheriff were made byme. I do not know whether the system has been changed or not, but at that time theoffice contained four dockets large record books. The civil docket, the criminaldocket, the execution docket, and the general docket. That latter being acompilation of all official business. At that time the office was a fee office, and henceit was important that accurate and detailed record's be kept. My hand write shouldbe found to a large extent from, I believe, along in July, 1900 (if not found alongthere try 1899 or 1901), until March, 1908.Marion HENRY was a good man and an honest one, and so far as I am concernedwe remained friends, although we never corresponded. This is not strange, as hewrote few personal letters. His early education was much neglected - he had to workand help support a widowed mother and younger members of the family.I often see the name MULNIX in your paper. I was under sheriff at the time a manof the name was killed in Jim SPENCER's blacksmith shop at Wolcott, by WidHERWICK, son of Si HERWICK, over a money dispute. As under sheriff I wasWid's jailer. I presume the MULNIX's mentioned are this man's descendants, aidwonder what became of Wid HERWICK. Through a fluke in the charge and formsof verdict given the jury by Judge Charles CAVENDER, Wid got only thirty days injail as a penalty of conviction, instead of eight years in the pen as the jury thoughthe would get. Quite a story I could tell here as well as many others of some of thosestirring times. (There is no connection between the families of the man you mentionand that of Al MULNIX, head of the family by that name now living in <strong>Eagle</strong>county. As to what became of Wid HERWICK, I have been unable to learn.- Ed).

Well, without tiring you further and again reminding you that we are right on yourroute whenever you or any other old friends ride, drive or hitch hike to thenorthwest and that the latch string is always out at 309 East Avenue B, Jerome,Yours truly, John D. NIMS, PS form your dates I note that Marion was ten monthsolder than I. Mrs. NIMS and I have known his widow since she was a small girl. -J.D.N.• HENRY, William (Bill) - William (Bill) HENRY of the Sheephorn-Radiumcommunity passed away in a hospital in Denver on October 26, 1933. Mr. HENRYhad been in poor health for several months and a short time ago was removed to ahospital in Denver, where the end came Thursday of last week as a result ofcomplications following a major operation.Mr. HENRY was born at Hotchkiss, Colo., in 1876, and moved with his father andanother brother to Sheephorn in 1882. They were among the very earliest settlers inthat location and except for a few years spent in the cattle business in Wyoming hehas lived his entire life in the Sheephorn and McCoy localities.The deceased was a pioneer in the largest sense of the word. It was for suchcharacters as he that Edgar GUEST wrote his "Out Where the West Begins". Hewas a leader, counselor and peace maker among his fellow men; always first toextend the had of help and last to bring a word of criticism.He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, Emma BEDELL HENRY; a daughter,Margaret, and a son, Andrew HENRY; a son by his first wife, KatherineMUGGRAGE, who died in 1902.Funeral services, in charge of a minister from Kremmling, were held Sunday at 2o'clock from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tim MUGGRAGE at Radium.Two hymns, "Safe in the Arms of Jesus, " and "He Walks With Me," werebeautifully rendered by a double quartet of old friends and neighbors of Mr.HENRY. Pall bearers were also friends of a half century. They were: Chas B.McCoy, E. L. LAYMAN, Arthur HORN, Frank MCMILLIAN, Carl FORESTERand Dave McPHEE.He was laid to rest in the MUGGRAGE cemetery beside his father who hadpreceded him in death many years. So passeth the Pioneer Builders and TrailBlazers of this Great West.--Contributed by a Friend.[3 Nov. 1933, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Enterprise, p1]• HENRY, William J. - As briefly announced in The Blade last week, William J.HENRY died suddenly on the afternoon of January 2.The deceased was a well known citizen of the county, where he had resided sinceabout 1885. He was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, near the town of

Greensburg. In 1883 he came to <strong>Colorado</strong>, locating first at Denver, but shortlyafterward coming to <strong>Eagle</strong> county. At his death he was 54 years of age andunmarried.For the past twelve years or there abouts Mr. HENRY had been engaged in theliquor business at Red Cliff. He was a man possessed of many admirable traits ofcharacter generous to a fault, with a kindly feeling for all creation, beast as well asman; he was never known to withhold assistance from the needy or sympathy fromthe distressed. His liberality toward all thing in behalf of the public welfare wasespecially marked, and whenever subscription papers to any cause - publicinstitutions or private charities - were circulated, Will HENRY's name alwaysappeared well at the head among the most substantial contributors. He had atvarious times served as mayor of Red Cliff and also as a member of the board oftrustees.On Monday morning Mr. J. H. T. HENRY, of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, arrivedand took charge of the remains. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon at theRed Cliff opera house and was largely attended, many friends of the deceased beingpresent from a distance. Rev. J. W. GORDON of <strong>Eagle</strong> conducted the services andinterment occurred at Greenwood cemetery.(9 Jan 1902, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Blade, p. 1)• HERIN, Angeline - Long time <strong>Eagle</strong> resident, Angeline HERIN, died Tuesday, May7 following a brief illness at <strong>Valley</strong> View Hospital in Glenwood Springs. She was 83.A funeral service will be held Friday, May 10 at St. Mary's Catholic Church in<strong>Eagle</strong>, with Father Ed POHLMAN officiating. Burial will follow immediately atSunset View Cemetery in <strong>Eagle</strong>.Mrs. HERIN, known as "Nan" to her family and friends, was born May 3, 1913 inCleveland, Ohio to immigrant parents John and Mary PROPERNICK. She spenther childhood in Leadville, Colo., and her young adult years in Buena Vista, Colo,and on Tennessee Pass. She moved to <strong>Eagle</strong> in 1940.She married Marcel Herin on Feb 23, 1946. They lived in <strong>Eagle</strong> until 1947, whenthey retired to Glenwood Springs. Upon her husband's death in 1974, Mrs. HERINreturned to <strong>Eagle</strong>, where she spent the last 22 years of her life.Mrs. HERIN enjoyed reading, watching sports and spending time with her belovedfamily and friends.She was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church and St. Mary's Altar and RosarySociety.Survivors include her daughter, Mary Ann WILSON of <strong>Eagle</strong>; daughter and son-inlawJudy and Howard KNOTT of Montrose, Colo; son and daughter-in-law Tony

and Mary PROPERNICK and Frank and Betty PROPERNICK, all of Buena Vista;nine grandchildren, nine great grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews.She was preceded in death by her husband, brother John PROPERNICK, and sonin-lawWillard WILSON.Memorial contributions may be made to the Golden <strong>Eagle</strong> Senior Center, c/o LucyWalker, 700 Broadway, <strong>Eagle</strong>, Co d81631.Farnum-Holt Funeral Home is in charge of arraignments.• HERRES, Dorothy C. - Dorothy C. HERRAS died June 14 at her home on the<strong>Colorado</strong> River Road. She was 78.Dorothy was born April 15, 1916 in Utica, NY to Winfield and Florence (Hanafin)BURHANS. She married August HECHTL in 1940, and he preceded her in death in1946. She married Schyler HERRES in 1955 and later divorced. Employed as anoffice manager and administrative assistant in real estate, she moved to the <strong>Eagle</strong><strong>Valley</strong> in 1971, where she also worked in real estate.In her younger years she was the tennis champion of Troy, NY. She enjoyed tennis,skiing, fishing and hiking. She served as president of the Sweetwater Ladies Club.Survivors include; her daughter, Mimi HECHTL of Cambridge, Mass.; stepchildrenDonald, David and Gail HERRES; and her brother, George BURHANS.Memorial services were held June 24 at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church inGlenwood Springs, with the Rev. Keith MATHEWS officiating. Memorials may bemade to the American Heat Fund, c/o Mrs. R.E. VANDERHOOF, P.O. Box 490,Glenwood Springs, CO 81601, or the Sweetwater Ladies Club, c/o Jean LANE,Sweetwater Rd., Gypsum, CO 81637. Farnum-Holt Funeral Home was in chargewith arrangements.(30 June 1994, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise)• HERWICK, Helen - Helen, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. HERWICK of<strong>Eagle</strong>, aged three months, died on September 23. The funeral and burial occurredthe same day at Edwards cemetery.(27 September 1900, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Blade, p.3)• HERWICK, Ida - Mrs. J.L. Herwick At RestOn last Saturday morning, March 11, 1919, Mrs. J. L. Herwick, another pioneer ofthe western slope departed this life at 4:30, after a period of most intense sufferingfrom cancer of the bowels.Ida Oyler, was born on February 8, 1661 at Mason City, Missouri. At the tender ageof six months she moved with her parents to Iowa where she spent her earlychildhood. When still quite young she, with her parents, moved to Takama,Nebraska where she experienced her first real sorrow in the loss of her mother.

On the seventeenth of February, l876 she was married to Josiah Lafayette Herwick.During the year of 1881 she moved with her husband and two oldest children to<strong>Colorado</strong> and located at Buena Vista where she resided for a short time and thenmoved to the western slope, locating in <strong>Eagle</strong> county. From that point she with herhusband kept coming west and located at Glenwood where she lived for fifteenyears, where her husband was engaged in contract work.Eight years ago she made her final move when she and the family located in thevicinity of Grand <strong>Valley</strong>, a little later coming into the town where she made herhome to the time of her death.During the past two years she made trips to Pocatello, Idaho, Denver and finally shewent to Grand Junction where she consulted some of the best physicians in that city.but it was all to no purpose, for feeling that her case was hopeless, she returned toher home in this city about weeks ago and from that time on she begun quietly butsurely sinking till on last Saturday she drifted into that other life, where pain andthe sorrows of this world are hushed in the joyful realms of eternal happiness thatendure throughout the cycles of the infinite ages.Mrs. Herwick's sojourn in this community she acquired a large circle of realfriends. By sweet gentle manner she endeared herself to all who were fortunate inknowing her. The night was never too dark or stormy but she was ever ready to goand give succor and assistance to a neighbor.The funeral services were held from the Methodist church in this city of which shewas a member, last Monday afternoon. Rev. Mallory conducted the services and hissermon was a splendid tribute to the life of the beloved wife and mother; forknowing the family for nearly a quarter of a century he was able to speak with aninspired force that lifted for the time, the baleful sting of death.The remains were interred in the Battlement Mesa cemetery across the Grand,where they were conducted by her six grown sons, who acted as pallbearers. Ahusband Josiah L. Herwick, ten children, Birdella Ashlock and William Herwick ofAspen; Fred Herwick of Pocatello, Idaho; Oren and Albert of Wyoming; Guy,Susan, Joe and Tina and Mary Duplice of Grand <strong>Valley</strong> together with a large hostof friends are left to mourn their great loss.[Grand <strong>Valley</strong> News, Grand <strong>Valley</strong>, <strong>Colorado</strong> - Elmer Wheatley, Publisher]• HERWICK, J. L. (Si) - Death Comes Quietly To Si HERWICK--Located in <strong>Eagle</strong><strong>Valley</strong> in 1881 and Was Prominent In <strong>County</strong> Affairs For Many Years.One of the very earliest settlers of the <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> passed away March 28, when J.L. (Si) HERWICK died. His death came peaceably and unexpectedly when startingon a trip from his home in Grand <strong>Valley</strong> to Glenwood Springs to visit with hisdaughter. His death is recounted in the Glenwood Post as follows.

"When his son, Orrin, and his daughter, Mrs. Susan JONES, sitting in the front seatof the car, drove toward the filling station to replenish the gas tank, Mr. HERWICKriding in the rear seat, remarked that he was not feeling well. His son suggested thatin that event perhaps it would be better to postpone the trip to Glenwood. Mr.HERWICK was not favorable to this suggestion declaring that he would soon be allright."When the car was stopped at the gas pump the young folks looked around, and tofind their father crumpled down in the seat--dead. Evidently death, which was dueto cerebral hemorrhage, had been instantaneous, and painless.Josiah L. HERWICK was 79 years old last October. More than 50 years ago hecame to <strong>Colorado</strong> and with his bride settled at Buena Vista, coming to <strong>Eagle</strong> countyin 1881, and locating the land near Avon, now known as the NOTTINGHAM ranch.Here their sons Fred, was the first white child born in the <strong>Eagle</strong> river valley. Thefamily lived at Wolcott later, and then moved to <strong>Eagle</strong> and for a short while lived inthe Burns country. About twenty years ago the deceased moved to Grand <strong>Valley</strong>,where his wife preceded him in death a few years ago.Mr. HERWICK is survived by nine children: Mrs. Bendella MEYERS of KansasCity, Mo.; William HERWICK of Los Angeles; Guy HERWICK of Rifle; OrrinHERWICK of Grand <strong>Valley</strong>; Albert HERWICK of Los Angeles and Mrs. SusanJONES of Grand <strong>Valley</strong>.Funeral services were held at the Woodman hall in Grand <strong>Valley</strong> and were incharge of Rev. Otto B. DUCKWORTH of Rifle, one of Mr. HERWICK'S personalfriends. All business houses of the town were closed during the services. All of hischildren except Mrs. MEYERS were present. His five sons acted as pall bearers, asthey had done a few years ago at the death of their mother.[11 April, 1930, <strong>Eagle</strong><strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1• HEYDUK, Charles P. - DEATH OF CHARLES P. HEYDUKCharles P. HEYDUK died at the residence of John SMITH in Red Cliff on Mondaymorning, December 7the, of rheumatism. Mr. HEYDUK was 34 years of age andwas born at Burlington, Iowa. He came to Gilman about sixteen years ago.The deceased had been a great sufferer from rheumatism for seven years, the pastthree years having been bedfast. His suffering was intense, at times, and death, forwhich he often prayed, was to him a welcome relief.Deceased leaves a widow and little daughter. The funeral was held on Wednesdayafternoon at the Congregational church, Rev. H. E. HEYSE of Leadville, deliveringa very appropriate and touching address. Interment was at Greenwoodcemetery.(10 December 1903, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Blade, p. 8)

• HEYER, John Henry - Another outstanding citizen was called, also on November 3,when John Henry Heyer, A citizen of Gypsum valley for thirty-eight years, passedaway at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Cullen CLARK, after a lingering illness ofseveral months.Coming to Gypsum in 1901, with his family, Mr. Heyer at once took his place as oneof the community's leading citizens, a position he maintained until failing health thepast few years forced him the retire from active participation in the more strenuousaffairs of life.He engaged in farming in the valley and in 1922 he was elected a commissioner of<strong>Eagle</strong> county, which position he filled with honor to himself and to the advantage ofthe county for four years. He was a charter member of the Modern Woodmen of theWorld at Ford City, Mo.John Henry HEYER was born in Utica, N.Y., February 28, 1863. He spent hisboyhood days in various parts of New York and Ohio and when still a young manmoved to King City, Mo., where, on January 8, 1888, he was married to KatieBishop ETHEL.Surviving him are three children - Mrs. Julia MARSHALL of Glasgow, Mont., Mrs.Georgia CLARK of Gypsum, and John HEYER of Gilman. there are ninegrandchildren and eight grandchildren living besides a number of other relatives.His wife and elder son, Willis, preceded him in death.Funeral services for John HEYER were held from the Lutheran church in GypsumSunday afternoon, the Rev. W. S. CASSELMAN of <strong>Eagle</strong> delivering a very fittingdiscourse on the example of the life of John HEYER. The church was crowded withpeople who had called Mr. Heyer friend during his life, and who sadly gathered topay their last farewell of the earthly remains of a respected citizen. The body waslaid beside those lived ones who had preceded him in death. The funeralarrangements were in charge of the Farnum Mortuary of Glenwood Springs. (10Nov 1939, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p.1)• HEYER, Kitty Ethel - Mrs. Kitty Ethel HEYER was born in Mt. Sterling, Ill., onNovember 13, 1868, and departed this life on December 11, 1932, at GlenwoodSprings, Colo.He girlhood had been passed at King City, Mo., where her parents moved while shewas still in her infancy. It was also at King City where she met and married herhusband, John H. HEYER, the wedding taking place on January 8, 1888. Theirearly married years were spent in King City and there the two eldest children, a sonand a daughter were born.

In 1902 the HEYER family moved to <strong>Colorado</strong>, settling in <strong>Eagle</strong> county at Gypsum.Here they have lived ever since and here two more children came to enlarge thehappiness of their home.Mrs. HEYER began to fail in health during the recent summer. In spite of the bestcare and medical attention she gradually became worse. Finally her family took herto Glenwood Springs where the best medical skill available was secured. In spite ofall she continued to fail. Her end came peacefully near the end of last Sunday.Mrs. HEYER will long be remembered for her deeds of kindness in the communitywhere she lived. She was active in various organizations; but she put her churchfirst, of all. Having come into the Methodist church as a young girl, she continuedfaithful to it through the years.She was especially fond of her home and of her family. Since her departure aclipping was found in her Bible that gave a beautiful account of the Bethany homeof Lazarus and his two sister, Martha and Mary. This was the home where Christoften visited. There is no doubt that this home with its knowledge of the divineGuest was the pattern after which Mrs. HEYER planned and conducted her house.Besides her husband Mrs. HEYER leaves four children; Willis of Denver, Colo.,;Julia, who resides in Glasgow, Mont.; Mrs. Georgia CLARK and John, both livingat Gypsum. there are also eight grandchildren living, one of whom, Kitty HEYER,has been staying with her grandparents; and there are also two greatgrandchildren.She is also survived by two brothers; George ETHEL of Bisby,Ariz.; and <strong>County</strong> Judge A.K. ETHEL of <strong>Eagle</strong>; and on sister, Mrs. CarrieBLACKLOCK of King City, Mo.Funeral services in the Methodist church in Gypsum Wednesday afternoon wereattended by a large congregation of sorrowing friends, filling the little church tooverflowing. A glowing tribute to her life was paid by Rev. C. R. STOCKINGER [inithe] funeral discourse which he delivered.Burial was in charge of W.H. FARNUM of Glenwood, and the body was laid to restin Cedar Hill cemetery (16 Dec 1932, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p. 1).• HEYER, Mrs. W. H. - Influenza Tales Heavy Toll In <strong>Eagle</strong>. Charley JOHNSON andMrs. H. W. HEYER Pass Away Victims of the Great Scourge Last SaturdayMorning. Sorrow was expressed on every had and a pall of grief hung over thecommunity last Saturday morning when the news that Mrs. W. H. HEYER andChas. JOHNSON had died during the night was learned. Two of the most respectedcitizens of our town had become victims of the dreaded plague of influenza within afew hours of one another, and the loss was felt by every one with sadness and regret,and sympathy for the bereaved families of the deceased.

Mrs. HEYER had been sick for ten days, and for twenty-four hours previous to herdeath there had not been much hope for her recovery, and the end came about twoo'clock Saturday morning. Laura MCGLOCHLIN was born in Ridgeway, Mo.,December 4, 1887, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. MCGLOCHLIN. She came to<strong>Eagle</strong> county with her parents when a child, and was married to Willis H. HEYERApril 11, 1909. To this marriage was born three children, two of whom survive her.Besides the two little daughters, she leaves to mourn her death the husband,parents, a sister and six brothers, one of the latter being in South America at thistime. The body was laid to rest in the cemetery at Gypsum Sunday afternoon besidethat of her child who had died several years previous, a short funeral service beingheld at the grave.[8 Nov. 1918, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HEYER, Willis - News of the death of Willis HEYER, son of John HEYER,prominent citizen of Gypsum, in the Mercy hospital in Denver, March 17, 1933, wasreceived with real sorrow by friends and relatives in <strong>Eagle</strong> county. The deceasedgrew from young boyhood to manhood in this community, where he spent thegreatest part of his life. For several years he was in the mercantile business in <strong>Eagle</strong>,and was prominent in all civic and business affairs of the community during thattime.Born in King City, Mo., in 1889, he moved with his parents to Gypsum when 11years old. He grew to manhood there and attended the local schools, graduatingfrom the <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> high school. On reaching manhood he was united inmarriage to Miss Laura MCGLOCHLIN. To this union were born two daughters,Vivian and Kitty. He lost his wife during the flu epidemic in 1918.In 1916, he embarked in the mercantile business in <strong>Eagle</strong>, running a store whereCramps Cash store is now located. This business he continued until 1921. Duringthis time he was married to Miss Zenada ALEXANDER, and to this marriage wereborn four children, two of whom James and Richard, are living. After closing outhis business here he moved to Denver where he had been steadily employed to thetime of his death by the DenverTramway company. He is survived by his widow andtwo sons, James and Richard, living in Denver; two daughters, Mrs. VivianREAGAN, Kersey, Colo., and Mrs. Kitty HOLLAND, Wolcott; his father, JohnHEYER, of Gypsum; Two sisters, Mrs. Julia MARSHALL, Glasglow, Mont., Mrs.Georgia CLARK, and one brother, Johnnie HEYER, Gypsum, Colo.The father was at the son's bedside when death overtook him, and Mr. and Mrs.CLARK and Johnnie HEYER went to Denver Saturday for the funeral serviceswhich took place from the Nash Mortuary in Denver Monday, March 20. PallBearers at the burial service were all men who had been associated with thedeceased in the Tramway company for many years.[24 Mar. 1933, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Enterprise, p1]

HI• HIGDON, Alameda CONWAY - The passing away at the home of her parents, Dr.and Mrs. W. D. CONWAY, in Gypsum last Saturday of Alameda CONWAYHIGDON, was a very sad and unexpected death.Since her marriage to Charles HIGDON about three years ago, the deceased hadbeen living in Oregon and this was her first trip home since that time. Coming backto be at home during the time of the birth of her child.Meda CONWAY was born in Gypsum where she passed her life to youngwomanhood. She was one of Gypsum's most accomplished daughters and herhusband and parents have the deepest sympathy of many friends in their sadbereavement.The funeral services were held at Gypsum last Tuesday and the remains laid to restin the cemetery at that place.[26 Sept. 1924, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HIGH, Joseph Alexander - Joseph Alexander HIGH was born at Conway,Arkansas, March 21, 1868, and died at Edwards <strong>Colorado</strong>, February 28, 1923. Hewas married to Clara STOVALL, December 28, 1891, to which union were born tenchildren, eight of whom, together with the widow survive his death. The childrenliving are two sons, Wylie and Jesse HIGH; and six daughters, Ernestine, Hazel, andMildred HIGH, Mrs. O. E. ROBERTS of Minturn, Mrs. Lon BEARD of Edwards,Mrs. J. H. HASKINS of West Columbia, Texas; all of whom were present at thedeceased's bedside at the time of his death with the exception of Mrs. HAWKINS.Mr. HIGH was a professing Christian, being a member of the Lolita Baptist churchat Lolita, Texas. He had been an invalid for the past four years, and came to <strong>Eagle</strong>county in the fall of 1921 in hopes of bettering his health.The funeral was held from the Edwards school house last Friday, and the remainslaid to rest in the Edwards cemetery, the Rev. J. F. GAITHER, pastor of theMethodist church at <strong>Eagle</strong>, having charge of the funeral services.[9 March 1923,<strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HIGHT, Marcus - Pioneer Citizen of State Passes Away. Marcus HIGHT Dies FromResult of Injuries Received Several Months Ago--Citizen of <strong>Colorado</strong> For 62 Years.Marcus HIGHT of Gypsum, Colo., who was born in Southern Kansas, nearWichita, on August 28, 1871, passed away at the age of 63 years at the Hopkinshospital in Glenwood Springs, Sunday evening, December 2, 1934, at 6:15 o'clock.His death was caused by an injury incurred in June last and from which he neverfully recovered. He was taken sick again in November and was ill about four weeks,the last week of Illness being followed by a stroke which caused his death.

Marcus, when only a year of age, came to <strong>Colorado</strong> with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.William P. HIGHT, who settled at Canon City in October, 1872. He was reared inFremont county, and on February 25, 1890, was united in marriage to Miss Ida M.FANSHER of Canon City. The couple resided in Fremont county until 1899, when,with his wife and five children, they moved to Routt county, near Yampa, makingthat locality their home for twenty-one years. To the union were born nine children.While at Yampa an epidemic of scarlet fever took one son, James, at the age of sevenyears. In June, 1919, Mr. HIGHT and family moved from Routt to <strong>Eagle</strong> county,where he has since resided until death called. Marcus was the oldest of his father'sfamily of seven children. He went through most of the hardships incident topioneering in a new state. He was a man of great vitality; always believed in livingand let live. His kind disposition and warm hospitality won him many friends,among the young as well as older people, all of whom will mourn his passing.Relatives left to mourn him are, his widow and eight children, Frank of Gypsum;Mrs. Annie ARMSTRONG and Mrs. Maude WILSON of Denver; Mrs. AnnaSTEPHENS, Mrs. Myrtle PHILLIPS, Mrs. Ethel PLASTERS of Gypsum; Curtis ofGypsum; Mrs. Verna BAER of Burns; twelve grandchildren, five of Denver andseven of Gypsum; one brother, Buron, Gypsum; one sister, Mrs. Mary BEAN ofWetmore, Colo.; and other relatives are nieces and nephews residing in differentsections of <strong>Colorado</strong>.jThe body was brought from Glenwood to Gypsum Wednesday for burial in CedarHill cemetery. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the MethodistEpiscopal church, Rev. T. B. McDIVITT preaching the funeral sermon.During the funeral services a mixed quartet, composed of Miss AlbertineZOELLNER, Mrs. Dorothy GERARD, William LEA, and Lawrance MOSHER,sang "Sometimes We'll Understand," "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere," and "NearerMy God to Thee," accompanied on the piano by Mrs. George CLARK. The bodywas followed to the cemetery by a large concourse of friends who had admired andloved the deceased during his lifetime and laid in its last resting place. Pall bearerswere Chas. F. ALBERTSON, Clark GATES, Frank DIEDRICK, Albert MULNIX,Andrew MESSERSMITH, Elmer LUNDGREN.[7 December 1934, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Enterprise, p1]• HILL, Geo. - Inmate of <strong>County</strong> Farm Wanders Off And Is Frozen. DisappearsFrom Gypsum Home And is Found Dead Two Miles West of Town---Was To HaveBeen Tried For Insanity.The body of Geo. HALL, seventy year old man, was found by the sheriff officersSaturday on the school section two miles west of Gypsum, about two hundred yearsfrom the state highway, cold in death.HILL had been an inmate of the county home for several months, and during thattime had given the keeper of the institution great trouble by continually running

away. His mind was not sound, and it had been decided to hold a hearing as to hissanity, the date of the hearing having been set for last Saturday, the day his deadbody was discovered by the officers.Before Sheriff WILSON left for Missouri to arrest Lee WRIGHT three weeks ago,he placed HILL in jail at Glenwood for safe keeping, but during his absence,relatives of the old man had him removed from the jail and taken back to the<strong>County</strong> farm. But officers warned them that <strong>Eagle</strong> county assumed no responsibilityfor the man.About noon last Thursday HILL left the farm home and was seen crossing the riverbridge west of Gypsum on the state highway. When he was missed at the farmSuperintendent John ANDERSON started to search for him. Not finding themissing man, he called in Sheriff WILSON, expressing the fear that he hadwandered off and become frozen. Mr. WILSON with his under sheriff, A. B.KOONCE, instituted a hunt, but it was not until Saturday morning the body wasfound. Apparently HILL had wandered from the highway and laid down anddropped off into a sleep from which he never awakened.Mortician and Coroner Oscar W. MEYER was called from Red Cliff and heremoved the body to that place has been described by Commissioner section off andon for many years, at one time living in <strong>Eagle</strong>. He had two sons living in Red Cliff atpresent.[12 Dec. 1930, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HILLIARD, Frank T. - A. T. HILLIARD of <strong>Eagle</strong> Market on Thursday of last weekreceived a message announcing the death of his father, Frank T. HILLIARD, atCheyenne, Wyo., on January 12. The news was a sudden blow to Mr. HILLIARD,as he had had no intimation of his father's illness until the death message wasreceived.The deceased, whose home was in Omaha, Nebr., had been spending the Christmasholiday season with a daughter in California and was on the return trip home whenhe was seized by the fatal illness while on the train, and was taken off at Cheyenneand placed in a hospital, where death overtook him very quickly.Mr. HILLIARD was a pioneer of Garfield county, coming to the Western Slope of<strong>Colorado</strong> nearly fifty years ago, ahead of the railroad. He left this section aboutfifteen years ago, and of recent years has been living in Omaha, being a travelingsalesman out of that city.The body of the deceased was sent back to New Castle for burial, the funeral servicebeing held there last Friday, January 14. A. T. HILLIARD and his family went toNew Castle to attend the funeral.[21 Jan 1927, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]

HO• HOCKETT, Addison L. - DEATH CALLS ANOTHER PIONEERADDISON HOCKETT, 61 YEARS CITIZEN OF EAGLE COUNTY, LAID TOREST SUNDAY AFTERNOON.One of the last of <strong>Eagle</strong> county's pioneers, Addison L. HOCKETT passed away athis home in Gypsum, April 30, 1943, at 12:30 p.m.He was born of Quaker parentage at Monrovia, Morgan county, Indiana, August 8,1865. He and his parents, seeking new frontiers, moved from Indiana to Missouri,Kansas, and finally to <strong>Colorado</strong>. Add, as his friends knew him, settled on the mouthof Brush creek in the fall of 1882. Their small cabin, one of the early landmarks ofthe county, was torn down by recently. The gulch at the mouth of which the homewas built is still known as Hockett Gulch.He freighted on Independence Pass between Aspen and Leadville in the early daysbefore Aspen had a railroad, and during the "hey-day" of these two camps. Thenext few years were spent in packing supplies for the first surveying partly throughGrand (now Glenwood) canyon, and carrying mail to Carbonate, the county seat ofGarfield county.He married Birdie Crawford on November 22, 1898, and they became the parents ofsix children. The last several years have been spent quietly at his home in Gypsum,as he laced physical vigor. Add was public spirited and served on the town board ofGypsum. He was a staunch Republican and took great interest in all of the party'sactivities. His life was so full of events that an interesting book could have beenwritten of them. Most of Add's life was spent in the livestock business, but forseveral years he helped his brother-in-law, Jake BORAH, "punch tourists," and oneof his most prized possessions was a saddle used by Theodore Roosevelt on hisfamous hunting trip on the flat tops in <strong>Colorado</strong>.Addison was a Quaker origin and although not openly religious, his practicesshowed that every man was a "Friend" to him. With the passing of this pioneer,closes another chapter in the history of <strong>Eagle</strong> county.He is survived by his widow, sister, four daughters and four grandchildren.Funeral services were held in the Methodist church in Gypsum Sunday afternoon,Dr. O. F. ARCHER, pastor of the church, conducting a most fitting service for thisold pioneer. Mesdames Ida DICKERSON and Mae COX sang two songs during theservice. The funeral bier was covered with beautiful spring flowers, attesting to theregard in which Mr. HOCKETT was held by scores of friends. Burial was made inCedar Hill cemetery at Gypsum, Mortician W. H. FARNUM a friend of the

deceased for more than fifty years, being in charge of the burial services.(7 May1943, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p.1)• HOCKETT, Sylvester Thomas - Sylvester Thomas HOCKETT was born in Grantcounty, Indiana, in 1857, and died, November 17, 1938. His parents were of genteelQuaker stock. It was in this belief he was born and reared and it was the belief helived. His parentage included a long line of WINSLOW, BINFORD, andNORDYKE schoolmasters and preachers. So it was not strange that he too choseeducation as his profession.When he was eight years old, he moved with his parents to Cedervale, Chautauquacounty, Kansas. There he attended grammar school, when at sixteen years of age,after having completed a short term in normal school, he became a schoolmaster.He has often recounted of the custom of boarding with the parents of his pupils aspay for his services. He was a most successful teacher and for a time, even young ashe was, taught in the Kansas Normal school.In 1884, he came to <strong>Eagle</strong> where he lived with his father, brother and two youngsisters. His brother, Art, was the first postmaster of <strong>Eagle</strong>.He accepted the position as teacher in the Upper Gypsum <strong>Valley</strong> school. During theperiod, he was an active promoter of the literary societies, church and other culturalactivities. As the railroad was fast moving was fast moving through <strong>Colorado</strong>, hediscontinued his teaching and started work on it, where he held the position ofsupervisor of the water division. This was his work until he located on Lake creek tofollow his life dream of a gold miner. From early spring until late fall he lived onthis place, following the gold trails. The only success he attained was the satisfactionand pleasure he gained by living in God's hills.He was ever proud of <strong>Colorado</strong>'s snowy peaks, her gold and her columbines. Thispride inspired his many poems, inscribed on whatever was handy to his pen. He wasan ardent reader, and always wanted to found a public library for <strong>Eagle</strong>. Bookswere his companions as he lived his solitary life of prospecting.In his declining hears he lived with his brother, Addison. To the end, he remainedthe son of a proud line of gentlemen, and he never wavered from the Quaker belief,faith and culture.He requested a Masonic burial, an order of which he was a proud member for manyyears. As he expressed in his own writing, he still hopes to take his place in thepromised land:"I have grown old and feebleAnd my limbs refuse to stand;

I have come down from the mountainsto look for a better land.I am done with my shovel and pan;They fall from my nerveless hand.I will dig in the streets for goldWhen I reach the other land.He is survived by his daughter, Emily LOTT, his brother Addison HOCKETT, anda sister, Myrtie GANT.Services were held in gypsum for the deceased last Saturday afternoon, underauspices of Castle Peak Lodge No. 122, A.F.& A.M., and under direction of FuneralDirector Paul ANDRE.• HODGKIN, Veronica Anna - Veronica Anna HODGKIN of Sweetwater diedMonday, March 21 at her home following a lengthy illness. She was 88.She was born July 31, 1905 in Philadelphia, Penn. To Harry and Mary (BELL)GILL. She was raised and educated in Pennsylvania, and on Oct. 28, 1926 wasmarried to William E. HODGKIN in Elkton, Maryland.The couple moved from Philadelphia to Bensalem, Penn. in 1942. They moved toGypsum in October 1993 in order to be closer to their grand-daughter. Mrs.HODGKIN was noted for being an excellent cook and took much pleasure inpreparing meals for her familySurvivors include: her husband, William HODGKIN of Sweetwater; fourgrandchildren, Ronnie SAUTER and husband, Joseph, of Sweetwater; Thurman W.STONE of Bensalem, Penn; Ramona Rae HADFIELD and husband.; Sharon LeeROZEK of Fort Pierce, Fla., ten great grand-children and nine great grandchildren.Mrs. HODGKIN will be sadly missed by all those who knew and lived her.A Rosary will be said Thursday, March 24 at 7 p.m. at the Farnum-Holt FuneralHome, 405 W. 7th St., Glenwood Springs. A Funeral Mass will be held Friday,March 25 at 11 a.m., at St. Stephens Catholic Church in Glenwood Springs. Burialwill follow at Rosebud Cemetery in Glenwood Springs. Father Tom BRADTKE willofficiate.In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. Stephens Catholic School, 414Hyland Park Dr., Glenwood Springs, CO 81601. Farnum-Holt Funeral Home was incharge of arrangements. (<strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise 3/24/94)

• HODGKIN, William E. - William E. HODGKIN of Gypsum died Sept. 10 of naturalcauses at his home on Sweetwater Road. He was 92.He was born September 13, 1902 in Philadelphia, Pa., to Martin and Hannah(LEVY) HODGKIN. He spent his childhood and graduated from high school inPhiladelphia. He had been a Sweetwater Road resident since 1993.He married Veronica (GILL) Hodgkin, now deceased, on October 28, 1926 inElkton, Md., and lived formerly in Philadelphia and Bensalem, Pa. He attended St.Stephens Catholic Church in Glenwood Springs and was a retired, self-employedsporting good products manufacturer.Mr. Hodgkin enjoyed traveling, reading and walking. He will be dearly missed andlong remembered by all who knew and loved him.Survivors include his daughter, Enda STONE and husband Thurman of Bensalem,Pa.; grandchildren Ronnie SAUTER and husband Joseph, of Sweetwater, Colo.,Thurman W. STONE of Bensalem, Romana Rae HADFIELD and husband Williamof Levittown, Pa., and Sharon Lee ROZEK of Fort Pierce, Fla.; eight greatgrandchildren and eight great-great grandchildren.A funeral Mass was held Sept. 14 at 10 a.m. at St. Stephen's Catholic Church inGlenwood Springs, with Father Tom BRADKE officiating. Burial was at RosebudCemetery in Glenwood Springs. Farnum-Holt Funeral Home was in charge ofarrangements. Memorial contributions may be made to the Critical Care Unit at<strong>Valley</strong> View Hospital, 1906 Blake Ave., Glenwood Springs, CO 81601. (<strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Enterprise 9/19/96)• HOFSTETTER, Ben - Ben HOFSTETTER Gives His Life On The Battle Field. Thefirst <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Soldier to be Reported Killed in Battle. Gave His Life in the BigDrive of October 12. Word was received in <strong>Eagle</strong> one day last week of the death onthe field of battle in France of Ben HOFSTETTER, employed at the Hugus store asa bookkeeper up to the time he entered the army through the draft October 3, oflast year. The young man was 24 years old, and had worked for the Hugus companyin their store at Hayden for a number of years prior to coming to <strong>Eagle</strong> in April,1917. He went to Camp Funston first, but was soon transferred to Camp Kearney,where he received training as an infantryman.Recently he wrote friends at Hayden, according to the Route <strong>County</strong> Sentinel, thathe had been offered a commission, but he preferred to remain with his fellowsoldiers as a non-commissioned officer in his company. Roy HOFSTETTER, abrother of Ben, is also in the service, having gone into the army from Hayden.The deceased boy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. HOFSTETTER, reside in Hayden,where they received word of their son's death November 21, seven weeks after hewas killed.

HOFSTETTER is the first soldier from <strong>Eagle</strong> county to be killed in action inFrance, and so far as is known at present, the only one.[29 Nov. 1918, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Enterprise, p1]• HOGAN, James T. - Friends of James T. HOGAN in <strong>Eagle</strong> county will regret tohear of his heath at his home in Dalles, Tex., last week."Jim" HOGAN was for years district attorney for this judicial district, serving inthat office prior to 1913, when he retired in favor of Barney Whatley. He was aresident and practicing attorney in Breckenridge for several years, removing toLeadville in 1902 or 1903, and soon afterward was elected to the office of districtattorney. He was prominent in Democratic political affairs of the state, and was avery competent and shrewd politician.Shortly after retiring from the district attorney's office Mr. HOGAN went toOklahoma and from there to Texas where he engaged in the oil business, but withthe passing of the boom days, he resumed the practice of law in Dallas.[19 April1935, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HOHSTADT, Charles - Charles HOHSTADT was born in Arbela, Scotland county,Mo., October 27, 1850, and died at his ranch home near the mouth of Squaw creekin <strong>Eagle</strong> county, August 6, 1929.Mr. HOHSTADT was reared on a farm in Missouri where he grew to manhood. In1876 he was united in marriage to Martha Jane CURRY, who preceded him indeath September 27, 1919. To this union were born six children, of whom EffieFLECK of St. Marys, Kan.; Tese PENNY of Mesa, Arizona; and HaydenHOHSTADT of Los Angeles, Calif., are living.In 1877 the deceased followed the lure of gold to <strong>Colorado</strong>. He first prospected thesection around Gold Park in this county, returning to Missouri in 1878. In 1878 hereturned to Gold Park and in 1880 moved his family from Missouri to the newmining camp of Hold Cross City, which he and his partners had founded by thediscovery of gold. He lived there for two years and then moved to Red Cliff, wherehe worked with the surveyors on the Denver & Rio Grande railroad through the<strong>Eagle</strong> River Canyon. He later moved to Gilman, where he mined for several yearsand then he and his wife took over the old Iron Mast hotel and conducted itcontinuously until in 1903, when they moved to the ranch called.Since the death of his beloved wife, he has made his home with his granddaughterMrs. Raye ROBEDEW-REYNONDS, who, together with her husband had madehim a pleasant and comfortable home.Besides the loving children, Mr. HOHSTADT is survived by two older brothersliving in Missouri, a sister residing in Kansas; five grandchildren and ten greatgrandchildren.

Funeral services were held in Red Cliff last Friday, August 9, the Reverend Mr.McKENZIE of Leadville delivering a touching eulogy on the life of this splendid oldpioneer. His body was laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery in Red Cliff beside thebodies of his beloved wife and children.[16 Aug. 1929, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HOLDEN, James C. - James HOLDEN Died After Long And Painful Illness--WasBuried Beside Body of Wife in Glenwood Sunday.Another very highly respected citizen of <strong>Eagle</strong> county passed away last Friday, June12, 1936, when James HOLDEN died in a Glenwood hospital.Mr. HOLDEN underwent major surgical operation for a chronic aliment somemonths ago, following which complications set in, and he never again regained hishealth. He suffered greatly the last few weeks of his life, and no doubt was a relief tohim.James C. HOLDEN was born in Brurefield Scotland, June 27, 1883. He spent theearly part of his life in his native land. But shortly after his marriage, he and hiswife, in 1908, came to America. For many years the couple lived in Leadville, wherehe followed mining. In 1917, he bought a ranch on Beaver creek, near Avon in thiscounty, and moved there with his family. The children grew to manhood andwomanhood at this ranch home, and the family was a most happy group, until alittle over a year ago, when tragedy first overtook the family when the wife andmother had an accident which caused her life; and only a few months later illnessovertook the father.The deceased is survived by the five children--two sons, John of Gilman, and Jamesof Avon; three daughters, Mrs. Agnes RANDALL of <strong>Eagle</strong>, Mrs. Annie MULNIXand Miss Elizabeth HOLDEN of Gypsum; and five grandchildren. Two sisters,living in Sketon, W. Va., and one sister and a brother living in Scotland, also survivethe brother.Funeral services were conducted in Glenwood Springs, Sunday morning, June 14,by Rev. George ELLER, of the Gypsum Lutheran church, and the body was laid torest in the cemetery at Glenwood Springs, beside that of his beloved wife, whopreceded him but such a short time.Many friends and neighbors of <strong>Eagle</strong> county attended the funeral services inGlenwood, sorrowing at the loss of a beloved neighbor and friend.[19 June 1936,<strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HOLDEN, John M. - Johnny HOLDEN Loses Life While Working in Mine.Knocked to Bottom of Shaft by Falling Timbers He is Instantly Killed LastSaturday--Had Helped Bury His Father Two Weeks Ago.

For the third time in a few months the grim angel of death stalked through theHOLDEN family of Avon when Johnny HOLDEN lost his life while working in amine at Gilman last Saturday.With other miners John was working on a timbering job in a man way, whentimbers from above him let loose, and fell, carrying him to the bottom of the holeseveral levels below. He was dead when rescued from the debris which covered himon the mine floor.Only a few months ago his mother, Mrs. James HOLDEN, died as a result of anaccident at the farm home on Beaver creek near Avon, and only two weeks before,John helped bury his father. Johnny HOLDEN was a fine young man, industriousand ambitious, and made friends of everyone with whom he came in contact.John M. HOLDEN was born in Leadville, Colo., January 9, 1906, and passed to hiseternal reward at Gilman, Colo., June 27, 1936. John spent practically his whole lifein Leadville and on the farm on Beaver creek. He leaves to mourn his untimelydeath, one brother, James of Avon, Colo.; Mrs. Anna MULNIX and ElizabethHOLDEN of Gypsum, Colo.; and Mrs. Agnes RANDALL, of <strong>Eagle</strong>, Colo.Funeral services were held in Minturn from the Presbyterian church last Tuesdayafternoon, and were attended by a large gathering of people who had been friendsand admirers of the deceased young man during his life time, and who regretted hisuntimely end. The services were conducted by Rev. Geo. ELLER of the GypsumLutheran church. Following the service in Minturn the body was taken to GlenwoodSprings, where it was laid to rest with those of his parents, by loving friends andrelatives.[3 July 1936, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HOLDEN, Mrs. James - Mrs. James HOLDEN, wife of a prominent Beaver creekranch man and mining man, died in a hospital in Glenwood Springs Wednesdaymorning as the result of injuries received when she fell from the hay mow at theranch home last Saturday morningMrs. HOLDEN was alone on the ranch at the time, and had climbed into the haymow of the barn to gather eggs. Hay covered an opening in the floor into which shestepped and fell through to the floor below.She crawled into the barnyard from the barn, where she was seen by some passingmen, who carried her into the house. Her husband was working in a mine on Battlemountain and was summoned at once and Mrs. HOLDEN was taken to the hospital.Her injuries were internal and it was evident from the first that they were veryserious and little hope for her survival held out.Mrs. HOLDEN'S death is a great shock to the Avon community and to friends ofthe family over the county, as she was held in high esteem by her neighbors. The

family is sorrow stricken at the sudden loss of the wife and mother, and has thedeepest sympathy of friends.[15 March 1935, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HOLLAND, J. A. - Death ended the sufferings of J. A. HOLLAND, Mondaymorning, June 14th, after a prolonged illness of several years. His death was causedby a disease which he contracted during a number of years underground work inthe mines. Mr. HOLLAND was an old resident of <strong>Eagle</strong> county, locating on hisranch near Wolcott 21 years ago where he lived with his family up to the time of hisdeath.Mr. HOLLAND was an excellent citizen and his friends were numbered by hisacquaintances, but eulogy for him is vain for it is his works that follow him, not ourwords. To praise him is unnecessary for those who knew him and vain for those whodid not. He was an ideal man, who reverenced his conscience as his king.A number of people from <strong>Eagle</strong> and other parts of the county gathered at the homeof the deceased to pay final tribute to the honored dead and to testify by theirpresence to his worth as a good citizen and a loyal friend. The funeral was held lastWednesday in Leadville and interment was made in the cemetery at that place.Mr. HOLLAND is survived by a wife, two sons and two brothers. The grief strickenfamily have the heartfelt sympathy of all in their bereavement.[18 June 1909, <strong>Eagle</strong><strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HOLMAN, Melvin D. - Mine Accident in Wyoming Kills V. D. HOLMAN. The bodyof Melvin D. HOLMAN, better known as "Dusty", who was killed in a mineaccident at Diamondville, Wyo., will arrive here on the C. & S., and then be shippedto Dillon, where it will be buried."Dusty" HOLMAN had been working in the coal mine for only six weeks. Definitedetails are not known by his relatives, but it seems that he was stationed at No 2shaft, and was trying to make an ascent to the top when he came in contact with carsthat were being lowered, suffering a severe blow on the head causing him to loseconsciousness from which he never recovered.He leaves a widow to whom he was marred in April 1923.HOLMAN was born in Fair, Wis., July 10, 1880. He came to Dillon in 1896, when 16years old, and lived there until 1916, moving that year to Gilman, where he workedas a mechanic for the Empire Zinc Co.He married Miss Hazyl LASKEY of Dillon in April, 1923. He intended to make hishome in Diamondville as soon as he became settled in his new environment.-HeraldDemocrat.

"Dusty" HOLMAN was employed by the Empire Zinc Company as manager of thecompany's club room for many years, until the past summer when he resigned andmoved to Wyoming. He was an employee valued by those whom employed him, andpopular with the people of Gilman, and the news of his death was received in sorrowin the mining camp on Battle mountain.[26 Sept. 1924, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HOLTZ - Former Basalt Citizens Killed Dakota Auto Smash. Monday of this weekat noon A. V. HOLTZ received the sad news that his brother-in-law and beeninstantly killed, his sister fatally injured, two of their daughters seriously injuredand the third daughter painfully hurt in an auto accident in Grand Forks, N. D. Mr.HOLTZ left from Glenwood on No. 4 that evening for the scene of the accident. Justbefore he left he learned that his sister had passed to the great Beyond. The wholecommunity of Basalt, Carbondale and Glenwood Spring sympathize with Mr.HOLTZ in his sad hour.The HOLTZ family are pioneers of <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong>.[16 Apr. 1926, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Enterprise, p1]• HOMAN , child - B. F. Homan Loses Child. The six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. B.F. HOMAN, of Wolcott, died at six o'clock Thursday morning from cerebralhemorrhage, after an illness of several months.Last fall he got hurt and had hemorrhage of the brain. His parents took him toDenver, where he was operated on by a specialist. The operation did not seem to bea success as the little fellow never go t well, but has been ill nearly ever since. LastTuesday he took suddenly worse and gradually became weaker until 8 o'clockWednesday morning, when the spirit passed away.The remains will be laid to rest in the <strong>Eagle</strong> cemetery, Saturday afternoon.Enterprise extends sympathy to the fond parents in their sad hour of affliction.[10Jan 1913, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HOERNER, Leona - Mrs. Leona HOERNER, formerly of <strong>Eagle</strong> died of dropsy inKansas City last Sunday night. She has been very poorly for several months and herdeath was not unexpected. Her children were all with her at the time of deathexcepting her three daughters, Mrs B. HOWE of Marble, and Gertrude and JennieHOERNER of <strong>Eagle</strong>. During the two years Mrs. HOERNER lived in <strong>Eagle</strong> shemade a host of friends, all of whom are sorry to learn of her death. [30 April 1915,<strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HOHSTADT, Mrs. Chas. - Mrs. Chas. HOHSTADT died at the family home west ofEdward's last Wednesday morning after a short illness.Mrs. HOHSTADT was one of the pioneer women of <strong>Eagle</strong> county, she and herhusband being among the earlier residents on Battle Mountain, where the discoveryof ore in the early eighties drew them. They lived at Gilman for many years, but

emoved to a ranch near the mouth of Squaw creek a number of years ago wherethey spent their declining years.The body was shipped to Red Cliff, where it will be laid to rest beside two childrenof the deceased, who died and were buried in the cemetery there many years ago,Saturday afternoon. The burial was delayed to await the arrival of children who livein distant parts of the country.[26 Sept. 1919, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p5]• HORN, Peter - Peter HORN, one of the pioneers of <strong>Eagle</strong> county, died at Rifle lastMonday following a stroke of paralysis.The deceased was one of the early settlers on Rock creek near McCoy, where helived until a few years ago when he sold his holdings in this county. He has been aresident of Garfield county since leaving here, spending most of his time the pastfew years in California. He was preparing to go to California for the winter, whenhis end came suddenly at Rifle Wednesday, and a number of the deceased oldfriends from here went down to attend it.[6 Oct. 1922, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HORN, Thomas - Thomas HORN, an old prospector, was killed by No. 8 lastFriday. It seems that he was walking along the track when he met the train, andafter stepping off the track he stepped back on again just in time for the engine tohit him. The train was stopped and backed up where he lay, but he was dead whenthe train crew reached him. The accident happened just east of the river bridge. Mr.HORN was a man about 51 years old and had no relatives here; he has beenprospecting about here for the past year.[19 June 1914, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HORTON, Glen - Glen HORTON, resident of the <strong>Eagle</strong> Community for around 80years, died at his home on East Brush Creek February 14, 1970. He would havebeen 83 years old on February 20.Mr. HORTON was born in Steele City, Neb. in 1882 (this is exactly what was in thepaper) and came to this area with his parents, and his grandparents, the FULFORDfamily at about the age of two years.The town of FULFORD, south east of <strong>Eagle</strong> was named after the grandparents, Mr.and Mrs. Edward J. FULFORD.Upon the death of his father his mother married Dick MORGAN, owner of severalof the gold producing mines of the New York Mountain area.Mr. HORTON never married, and although he lived a quiet life, he had many goodfriends who admired this quiet, kind man.He worked as a ranch hand along the Brush Creek and spent a great deal of timefishing and hunting.

He is survived by three nieces; Mrs. Lillian BUTZ who came from Indiana for thefuneral; and Mrs. Adelaide DELL and Mrs. Lela HOFSTETTLER both of TwinFalls, Ida.Other relatives attending the services were Mrs. Una NOBEL of Las Vegas, Nev.,Mrs Arthur AMLING of Chicago, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Howard BOIES of New Castleand Mrs. Claude PETERSON of Rifle.Funeral services were conducted Thursday morning at the <strong>Eagle</strong> Methodist Churchand burial was in Sunset View Cemetery.• HOUSTON, D. G. - SUDDEN DEATHNegro Porter Found Dead While En Route EastLast Thursday a "dead head" tourist sleeping car was being hauled east attached toa freight train. When the train arrived at Red Cliff Conductor MADDEN found theporter of the car D. G. HOUSTON, dead in the car. The car was set out at Red Cliffand the railroad officials were notified. The deceased left a not from which deathapparently resulted from natural causes. Yet the report became circulated that thedeath was caused by a contagious disease and there was considerable local agitationover the subject.Coroner GILPIN was of course called to take charge of the case. The railroadcompany had much difficulty in getting an undertaker to take charge of the case,and the remains laid in the car until Saturday before burial occurred. At this timeCoroner GILPIN became tired of the delay and personally attended to the burialwhich occurred that afternoon in the county plot of Greenwood cemetery.The deceased leaves a wife at Oakland, California.Later --- It appears that Mrs. HOUSTON was simply visiting at Oakland and thatthe home of the couple is at Denver. She was notified of the death and arrived hereafter the interment on Tuesday. She made arrangements for disinterring the bodyand the remains will be shipped to Denver today.(2 April 1908, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Blade,p.1)• HOWARD, J. L. - J. L. HOWARD of Avon died last Monday from a stroke ofparalysis. He was only ill a couple of days. Mr. HOWARD has been a resident of<strong>Eagle</strong> county for over twenty years and was one of the most popular men in thecounty. Funeral services were held at his home near Avon on Wednesday and anumber of his friends from <strong>Eagle</strong> were in attendance.[13 March 1914, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Enterprise, p1]• HOWES, Tom A. - T. A. HOWES Answers Last Call of Master at Home ofDaughter in California--Was Early Day Merchant of <strong>Eagle</strong>.

With great regret the news was received in <strong>Eagle</strong> this week of the death of T. A.HOWES. Mr. HOWES passed away in Pasadena, Calif., at the home of his daughterMrs. June PEDDYCORD last Friday November 1, after a month's painful illness.Reminiscences of the early days of <strong>Eagle</strong> can hardly be broached without mention ofTom HOWES. As a merchant and citizen of the town he was active in all its affairsfor nearly twenty years. Associated with Sam DOLL and Frank DALE, heorganized the HOWE Supply company in 1892, which bought the generalmercantile business then conducted by the late Nellie LEMON, wife of J. H.LEMON, in the frame building on the lots where now stands the <strong>Eagle</strong> garage, andwhich was torn down only a few years ago. He conducted this business for a numberof years, during which time he made a wide acquaintance and a great many closefriends, not only in <strong>Eagle</strong>, but throughout the valley. His store was the congregatingplace of all who came to <strong>Eagle</strong> in those days, and his hospitality and good-fellowshipwas known throughout the wide territory which made this its trading center in thosedays. After a number of years he retired from this business and for a short time wasin business in Glenwood Springs and later in Carbondale for a short while.But <strong>Eagle</strong> always had its attraction for him and it was not long until Mr. HOWESwas back here. He opened up a store in the building now occupied by the countyoffices, the largest general store in the county at that time.He was very successful in this venture until he decided to retire, when he disposed ofthe business to J. W. Hugus & Co., then in the height of their career on the WesternSlope of <strong>Colorado</strong>. Since retiring he has lived in California and Washington, makinghis headquarters with his daughters, and always returning to <strong>Eagle</strong> a few monthsout of each year for a visit with the old friends whom he loved so well. About fiveyears ago he was stricken by the loss of his eyesight, which was a terrible blow to aman vigorous and in the full possession of all of his other faculties. He later regainedpartial use of his eyes, but his disability took a great deal of the joy out of hisreturning visits to <strong>Eagle</strong>, for he was resentful of being dependent on others.The past year he had been living at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. Chas.KRETSCHNER, in Pueblo, Colo., and about a month ago was taken seriously ill,and was removed to his daughter, Mrs. PEDDYCORD'S home in California wherehe died.Hr. HOWES would have been 89 years old the 29th day of this month had he lived.His native state was Indiana and he served through the civil was on the Union side,in the 24th Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He was an acquaintance of Sam DOLL, nowliving in Gypsum, in the east and it was through the latter's influence that thedeceased came to <strong>Eagle</strong> county.No funeral services were held in Pasadena, but his daughter writes that the bodywill be cared for there until spring, and then returned to Logansport, Ind., where it

will be laid away in the G. A. R. cemetery with the rites of that order.[8 Nov. 1929,<strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HOYT, Ammi - Funeral services were held at 1 p.m. today for Ammi H. HOTY, 77,of Gypsum. Rev. David O. FERGUSON officiated at the funeral held in the FirstMethodist Church. Burial was in the Cedar Hill Cemetery.HOYT was born June 14, 1898, in Radium and died Feb 20, 1976, in GrandJunction.He spent his early years in the Radium-McCoy area. He moved to the <strong>Eagle</strong>-Gypsum area, where he was a rancher and worked for the <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> HighwayDepartment. He retired in 1973.He was married to Nannie CARR on Feb. 1, 1925.He was preceded in death by his parents, two sisters and four brothers. Survivorsinclude his widow; one son, Royce HOYT of Clifton; one daughter, MargieGARTES of Burns; one brother of Grand Junction; d10 grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren; one niece and two nephews.• HOYT, Everett - Everett HOYT, of one of the pioneer families of Grand and <strong>Eagle</strong>counties, passed away at a Denver hospital March 3, 1934. The deceased was bornnear Radium in Grand county December 13, 1893, nearly 41 years ago, and hadspent his entire life there, engaging in ranching and stock raising.September 14, 1915, he united in marriage with Miss Glaytha TUCKER ofKremmling, Colo. To this union was born one son, Robert, May 22, 1922.The body was returned to Kremmling for burial, funeral services held there onTuesday of last week being attended by a large concourse of people from Grand and<strong>Eagle</strong> counties.The deceased is survived by his widow and son of Radium; four brothers, James L.HOYT, Oak Creek; Ammi HOYT, Gypsum; Ralph HOYT, <strong>Eagle</strong>; Leander HOYT,Madelene, N. M.; two sisters, Mrs. Margaret BACON, Alameda, Calif.; Mrs. IdaMOORE, Boyds, Wash.[16 March 1934, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]HU• HUERTA, ,Henry - Cocaine kills Edwards man Domestic violence suspect dies onsceneRandy Wyrick

Vail Daily, 12 June 2001EDWARDS - Cocaine killed an Edwards man who had to be handcuffed by <strong>Eagle</strong><strong>County</strong> sheriff's deputies Friday in connection with a domestic violence incident,according to sheriff's reports.<strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> sheriff's deputies had been called to a trailer in the <strong>Eagle</strong> RiverMobile Home Park in Edwards just after midnight Friday. The trailer owner hadcalled 911 and reported that her live-in boyfriend, Henry Huerta, 51, had assaultedher and was out of control.When sheriff's deputies arrived on the scene, Huerta was being restrained by otherresidents of the mobile home park, according to the sheriff's report. Deputies thenhandcuffed Huerta.Deputies called for an ambulance to deal with minor injuries suffered by Huertaand the trailer occupants.As personnel from the <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Ambulance <strong>District</strong> arrived on the scene,Huerta began having trouble breathing and lost consciousness. Medical personnelwere unable to resuscitate Huerta. He died at the scene.<strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Sheriff A.J. Johnson requested that the <strong>Colorado</strong> Bureau ofInvestigation respond to the scene and investigate Huerta's death. Johnson saidthat's the protocol when a death occurs with officers on the scene.Any time there's an officer on the scene and someone passes away, we call in theCBI for an impartial investigation, said Johnson.Three CBI agents are conducting an investigation.An autopsy was performed on Huerta. The preliminary results revealed thatcocaine-induced delirium caused Huerta's death. Results of the CBI investigationwill be evaluated by Johnson and <strong>District</strong> Attorney Michael Goodbee.• HUNN, Joseph S. - Joseph S. HUNN died at his home in Glenwood SpringsThursday morning, November 12.Joe HUNN had been one of the leading business men of this section for the pastgeneration. Together with a few others of <strong>Eagle</strong> and Garfield counties he has beeninstrumental in shaping the history and growth of the western slope of <strong>Colorado</strong>.For the past four or five years, Mr. HUNN'S health has been such that he has keptup with his business interest with difficulty, but until the past few months, when hisillness kept him bedfast, he never gave up, but kept actively engaged in engineeringhis many business enterprises. Until ill health enforced curtailment of his activities

he was one of the most extensive flock masters in Western <strong>Colorado</strong>, and for thepast ten years has been the active head of the <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Telephone company. JoeHUNN'S passing will be regretted by scores of business and personal associates, andhis guiding hand will be missed in many business enterprises.The Enterprise joins the many friends of the deceased in this vicinity in extendingdeepest sympathy to the sorrowing family in this time of bereavement.[13,November 1931, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HUNTINGTON, W.W. - PIONEER MINING MAN PASSES AWAY ATALHAMBRA, CALIFORNIAWe received word from an old friend of Mr. HUNTINGTON, stating that his deathoccurred on January 16, 1924, at Alhambra, Calif., at the age of 70 years.Mr. Huntington came to Leadville in 1878, and to Gilman in 1883. For many yearshe represented the Cheesman & Chlyton Interests on Battle Mountain whichinclude the Silver Wave, and <strong>Eagle</strong> Bird group of mines in their palmist days. Hisplace of residence was in the large house in <strong>Eagle</strong> Bird gulch. At one time a snowslide of some size hit the corner of his house.It was under his regime that the assay office was built out on a pinnacle or a shaft oflime to miss a possible encounter with the habitual slide. It is a very attractive pieceof scenic decoration.Mr. HUNTINGTON was a Civil Engineer, first in railroad construction. He wasassistant engineer on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad. He was on theoriginal survey of The D.& R. G., into Leadville. Mr. Huntington was a graduate ofRensslear Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, Class of 1876 and 1880.His children, a daughter and son were born and raised on Battle Mountain. Hemade many warm friends, among his associates, these are either scattered or passedon, Peter THOBORG, Frank GRITMAKER, Gus OLMSTEAD, Dick MORGAN,Ben CRESES, Billy BUELL and others.Mr. HUNTINGTON retired from active business ten years ago.(do not know thename of the paper this article came from)HUNTINGTON, W. W. - Peter THOBORG received intelligence by mail last Fridayof the death at his home in Alhambra, Calif., of W. W. HUNTINGTON on January16, 1924.Mr. HUNTINGTON was one of the pioneer mining men on Battle Mountain, goingto that camp when it was new in the early eighties, having been located at Leadvilleprior to that time. He was well known in mining circles all over <strong>Colorado</strong> in theeighties and nineties.

He was the managing director of the <strong>Eagle</strong> Bird Mining Co., an d as such carried onextensive mining operations in the Battle Mountain district for years.On leaving <strong>Eagle</strong> county, Mr. HUNTINGTON retired to California, where hepassed his declining years. He had many friends in the county at the time of hisliving here, the majority of whom have passed on, the few of the old residents whoremember him still remain and will learn with regret of his death.[25 Jan 1924,<strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HURD, Ernest V. - Ernest V. HURD died at Riverside hospital, New York city, onlast Friday, May 31. The Blade last week announced that the death of Mr. HURDhad been reported but it was ascertained that the report was erroneous at that time.Mr. HURD was on the return trip from a visit to his mother in Maine, and in routestopped off at New York to visit a brother and sister residing there. While visiting inNew York he was stricken with smallpox and was removed to the hospital where hedied. Mrs. HURD has not learned much of the particulars because Mr. HURD'srelatives in New York were exposed to the disease and are under quarantineregulations pending the result of their exposure and are hence not allowed to write.Ernest HURD was about 42 years of age and was well know throughout the county,having been a member of a firm composed of William H. NOTTINGHAM, PeterPUDER and himself, all of whom are now deceased. For the past two or three yearsMr. HURD had been the manager of the estate of the firm, in which capacity he metwith signal success, and it is reported that at the time of his death his financialaffairs were in excellent condition.The report current last week that his mother had died since he departed fromMaine is untrue.(6 Jun 1901, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Blade, p. 3)• HURD, Nancy A. - Mrs. E. V. HURD, one of the last of the old time '79'ers of thiscounty, passed away at the home of her sons Harry and W.E. Nottingham at AvonThursday morning, March 1, at the age of 79 years. The place of her nativity isNoble county, Ohio. Married to William Nottingham in Guthrie Center, Iowa, in1875, here was born to this couple four sons, of whom three, Clyde, Harry andEmmett, are living and two daughters, Lulu and Grace, the former living inPortland, Ore., and unable to attend the funeral services; and the latter havingpreceded her mother in death.Mr. and Mrs. NOTTINGHAM moved to <strong>Colorado</strong>, first to Morrison and later toRed Cliff, in 1879, residing here until his death in 1896. Mrs. NOTTINGHAM wasunited in marriage to E.V. HURD in 1899, soon moving to Avon. Ernest HURD diedin New York City in 1901, while there on a visit. Mrs. HURD was first stricken withparalysis in 1926, a second stroke on February 25, proving fatal.

Mrs. HURD has seen all the ups and downs of pioneering in a mining camp and afarming community. She was a kind neighbor, and indulgent mother, and has manyfriends who mourn her departure and joined in a last tribute to her memory. Sopasseth the old timers. - Holy Cross Trail.The remains were prepared for burial by Mortician O.W. MEYER of Red Cliff andfuneral services held at the Nottingham home in Avon Saturday. Rev. A. R.DENNIS of <strong>Eagle</strong> preaching the funeral sermon. The remains were then taken toRed Cliff and laid beside the bodies of her beloved departed ones who had precededher in death, in Evergreen cemetery, Rev. SCHULZE of Minturn conducting a shortservice at the grave.• HURT, Walter Harold - Walter Harold HURT was born June 28, 1942 in <strong>Eagle</strong>,<strong>Colorado</strong> to Myrtle (PANTING) and Ormand HURT of Burns, <strong>Colorado</strong>. He diedSeptember 3, 1997 at the age of 55 at his home in Silt.Attending elementary school in Catamount and Burns, he later attended <strong>Eagle</strong><strong>County</strong> High School in Gypsum. He was very active in 4-H with mostly beef andleather craft during these years.After graduating high school Walt joined the Marine Corp. Upon being injured inHawaii he received a military disability and honorable discharge. After returningfrom the marines he ranched in McCoy running cattle on King Mountain andSunnyside. He was then an oil field pusher for a time. Walt was a State BrandInspector in Rio Blanco <strong>County</strong> including the Rifle Sale Yard.Walt married Susan STARBUCK and two children were born to this union. Theywere divorced and he later married Lea NEU in 1986 of which they divorced.Walt had a number of outdoor hobbies, favorite ones being camping, fishing, andhunting with his son Ty. He became ill in 1989 with leukemia, receiving a bonemarrow transplant from his sister, Nettie. This prolonged his life and he retired inSilt, CO.He was preceded in death by his parents, O.L. HURT of Silt and Myrtle HURT ofGypsum. He is survived by a daughter, Jana HORVATH of Alamagordo, NM,, ason, Ty HURT of Rifle, CO, a sister, Nettie REYNOLDS of Gypsum, CO, twobrothers, Orville HURT of Merced, CA, and George DECKER of Grand Junction,CO, and a step-mother, Lois HURT of Ft. Lupton, CO, as well as many nieces andnephews.A memorial service was held Sept. 10 in Rifle. In lieu of flowers, memorial donationsmay be sent in care of the Sowder Funeral Home, 425 W. 3rd St., Rifle, CO81650.[18 September 1997, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise]

HY• HYDE, little baby - On January 11, 1930, a little baby girl came into the home ofMr. and Mrs. Bert HYDE; but alas, only to bless and be with them such a shorttime. On January 26, the angels came and took her spirit away to be with God whogave it, and left her little form there to return to dust from whence it came. Just abud on earth to bloom in heaven. While her stay here on this earth was constantsuffering, yet all was done for her relief that was possible for human hands to do.But God saw fit to remove her from this sin-cursed world. Oh, how hard to see hersuffer, but sweet to know she fell in the arms of a loving Savior where there is nopain or sorrow. May the dear parents find consolation in the words of Jesus whenHe said "Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such isthe Kingdom of Heaven." She leaves father, mother and one sister and went to joinone sister and two brothers in the glory world. Funeral services were conducted atthe home of Lake creek by Brother STOCKINGER using the Twenty-third Psalm,after which the remains were laid to rest in the Edwards cemetery. Manyexpressions of sympathy were shown by floral offerings.--By a Friend.[7 Feb. 1930,<strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HYDE, Andrew Jackson - Andrew Jackson HYDE was born in Dawson county,Georgia, March 14, 1839. He lived on a farm until 1863 when he joined the army,serving until the close of the struggle in 1865. He served as a corporal to Co. A, 1Regiment Georgia Volunteer Infantry. At the time of his death he was a member ofthe G. A. R. Phil Sheridan Post No. 18, Grand Junction, Colo.He came to <strong>Colorado</strong> in June 1870, and to <strong>Eagle</strong> county July 10, 1880, later toGrand Junction in 1909 residing there until March last, returning again to <strong>Eagle</strong>,where he remained until the time of his death, October 18, 1920. As one of<strong>Colorado</strong>'s most enterprising and industrious citizens he was engaged in the cattlebusiness for some time in Park county, and to him belongs the distinction ofbuilding the first floor mill on the Western Slope at Glenwood Springs. The latterpart of his life was spent principally in farming and fruit growing.He was united in marriage to Louisa Emeline ANDERSON, at Dawson, Georgia,November 6, 1865. To then were born seven children, five daughters and two sons,four of these surviving, Bert of Edwards, Mrs. VAN HORN of McCoy, Walter ofGrand Junction, and Laura LIVINGSTONE of <strong>Eagle</strong>. Besides these are seven grandchildren and two great grand children.He was brought up in the Baptist church, having united with that church at hisearlier home in Georgia. His life was noted for industry, strictly temperate habits oflife. The surviving members of the family cherish memories of a loving, faithfulfather; and no one in need found in him any trait of selfishness. He was particularlytenderhearted and generous in his thoughts for needy children.

Funeral services at residence of Bert HYDE, at Edwards, Wednesday at 2 p.m., byRev. L. G. HONNOLD. Burial in Edwards cemetery.[29 Oct. 1920, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Enterprise, p5]• HYDE, Bert - A Citizen of the Edwards community for more than fifty years, BertH. HYDE passed away last Monday evening. The deceased had been in poor healthfor some two years past, but had recently been doing his usual work around theranch home. Monday evening he was preparing to do the evening chores. Shortlybefore five o'clock he came into the house after his milk pails, and sat down to take afew minutes to read a letter. He had no more than seated himself when he toppled tothe floor. His wife who was present in the room, rushed to his side, but with only amoan or two, his life was gone. Bert H. HYDE was the son of Andrew H. andEmmaline HYDE, and was born May 2, 1875. His parents came to Lake creek,<strong>Eagle</strong> county, in 1887, and settled on the ranch where Bert died. He never left thehome place, succeeding to its ownership on the death of his parents, and asHydeburst ranch it is a land mark in the history of the community. Bert HYDE wasa citizen of which any community could well be proud. A good neighbor, a devotedhusband and father, a patriotic citizen, fanatically loyal to his country, he was wellbeloved by hundreds of people, who will sorely miss him in the days to come.Funeral services were held from the Edwards hall Wednesday afternoon, thebuilding being crowded with neighbors and friends who came sorrowfully to paytheir last respects to man they respected. Services were conducted by Rev. MiltonBrown, pastor of the <strong>Eagle</strong> Foursquare church, who read a short but impressiveservice. A quartet, composed of H.K. BROOKS, Melvin EATON, E.E. LEA, andGeorge ANDRE sang two songs during the short service. The funeral bier wasbanked high with beautiful flowers, testimonials of respect from admiring friends.Following the services at the church, the body was taken to the Edwards cemetery,where his parents and children, who passed on before are buried, and laid to rest,the ceremony being in charge of the Andre Mortuary of <strong>Eagle</strong>. February 5, 1913,Mr. HYDE was married to Gildie POWERS, and to this union five children wereborn - two sons and three daughters. Of these, four preceded their father in death.He is survived by the widow and a daughter, Ardyth Hyde CALHOUN, of thehome; two sisters, Mrs. Laura LININGSTON of <strong>Eagle</strong> , Mrs. Mattie VAN HORN ofMcCoy; one brother , Walter HYDE of Red Cliff, himself to ill to be able to attendthe funeral.• HYDE, Olive - Olive, twelve year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert HYDE, livingon Lake creek, died Tuesday evening, May 7, after only a few hours illness withpneumonia.The child attended school, Monday in apparent good health, but came home in theevening sick. Pneumonia developed rapidly and death came within less than 24hours. Physicians were summoned, but the dread disease worked so rapidly thatnothing could be done to save her life.Mr. and Mrs. HYDE have the deepest sympathy of their friends in this stroke ofmisfortune which swept upon them so unexpectedly. Funeral services were held

Thursday afternoon and the body of the beloved little girl was laid to rest in theEdwards cemetery, the services being attended by a large concourse of friends of thefamily, all feeling deeply the sorrow of the stricken parents and sister.[11 May 1928,<strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Enterprise, p1]• HYDE, Walter - Another pioneer of the county passed on when Walter HYDE diedin the <strong>Colorado</strong> General hospital in Denver last Friday, March 6, 1942.Hr. HYDE's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac HYDE, came to <strong>Colorado</strong> from Missouriin the early 70's, and on September 4, 1872, Walter was born at Fairplay, Colo. Inthe early 80's the HYDE family settled on the ranch near the mouth of Lake creek,and on which a brother of the deceased, Bert HYDE, lived until his death less thantwo years ago.Walter grew to manhood in the county, and spent most of his life here. He was anardent prospector and followed mining a major portion of his years. For a numberof years he lived in Utah, where he was engaged in mining.For the past ten or twelve years he had lived in Gold Park, mining in that region.For three years past he had been in very poor health , spending most of that time inRed Cliff.Several months ago he entered the <strong>Colorado</strong> General hospital in Denver fortreatment. He was out of the hospital for a time, but in February he had to return,and last Friday the end came.At his request, his body was laid to rest in a Denver cemetery,Two sisters, Mrs. Laura LIVINGSTON of <strong>Eagle</strong>, and Mrs. Howard VAN H0RN ofMcCoy, are only close relatives surviving.Walt HYDE had many friends among people in <strong>Eagle</strong> county, who regret hispassing.• HYNES, Lawrence - Death of Lawrence HYNES Thursday, Sept 15 1910. LawrenceHYNES, pioneer, veteran newspaper man, fruit grower and esteemed citizen, passedaway this forenoon at the age of 62 years, as the result of a fall sustained lateyesterday afternoon from the top of the Wellington water wheel."Larry" HYNES possessed all the vigor, health and clearness of mind usual to aman of 40 years, and his sudden and untimely taking off will be the cause ofuniversal sorrow throughout the western slope, where he was known to nearlyeveryone. His honesty of character and optimistic disposition were recognized by allwith whom he had dealings.

Lawrence HYNES was born in Ireland in 1848, where he lived until 1878 when hecame to America settling in Denver. Three children, all daughters, were born to himin the old country who later came to America, two of whom live in <strong>Colorado</strong> and theother in Lewiston, Idaho. Two of his children, the <strong>Colorado</strong> residents, are expectedto arrive on No. 15 this afternoon to attend the funeral.Mr. HYNES lived in Denver a couple of years and moved from there to Old Mexicowhere he lived shortly over three years. In 1883 he went to work for the Fort Worth& Gulch R. R. Co. making his home in Trinidad, <strong>Colorado</strong>, for many years. In 1893he came to the Grand <strong>Valley</strong> and engaged in the newspaper business as editor of theStar Times, a daily publication which later merged into the Sun which in turn waspurchased by the Weekly News, now the Daily News. As a newspaper writer he wasknown from one end of the state to the other and he was an active leader in politicsuntil he retired from the newspaper field, to devote his time to fruit growing. Hiswritings which were very talented had the sharp Irish wit [prenliar] to hiscountrymen. Being fearless honest and convincing,. He was a man who held his ownviews and expressed them in no uncertain terms, was willing to defend his stand onany question and immovable and absolutely firm when he felt that he was in theright or had reached a conscientious decision on any question.After retiring from the position of editor of the Star-Times he purchased a fruitfarm two and one half miles north east of Grand Junction and since that time he hasbeen successful as a farmer.The news of his death has been received with general sorrow throughout the valleyfor there are few men better known on the western slope than the veteranrailroader, newspaper man, fruit grower and citizen of the valley, LawrenceHYNES.In his active journalistic and political career he came in contact with many men andmade warm friends beyond number. And in each case he was known by them as atrue, upright, honest and fair man whose word was accepted broadcast as bindingand absolute. In his death the valley looses one of its eminent and most respectedcitizens. To his intimate acquaintances and friends he was known as "Larry"HYNES.--Grand Junction Sentinel.jMr. HYNES was well and favorably known in Red Cliff being one of our old timershere, in the newspaper business for some time. He is the father of Mrs. WilliamMcCABE.[22 Sept 1910, <strong>Eagle</strong> <strong>County</strong> Blade, p1]• HYRUP, J. P. - A TERRIBLE ACCIDENTOn the Coal Branch ---J. P. HYRUP and Walter PERRINE Lose Their LivesProbably at no time in the history of Basalt, has a mantle of doom overspread thetown so suddenly, and completely, as that of yesterday morning about 8 o'clock,

when a message was received from Cardiff containing the sad and startlingintelligence, that Engineer HYRUP and Fireman PERRINE had been killed by arunaway train on the coal branch.The facts as near as can be learned are as follows:A slight wreck on the coal branch Thursday detained the regular crew about fifteenhours, and an extra relief crew was ordered from Basalt, composed of Engineer J. P.HYRUB, Fireman PERRINE, Conductor JOHNSON and Brackeman TIDINGSand DAVIS. The crew left here at 10:10 p.m. Thursday and reached Spring Gulchwithout accident.It was about 4:45 when they had made up the train ready for the return trip, and itwas not until soon after passing Sunshine switch, that Conductor JOHNSONrealized they were going too fast, and at almost the same instant Engineer HYRUPwhistled for brakes. The request was promptly obeyed conductor and brakemendoing heroic work at the brakes, vainly trying to check the train, which by this timewas rushing down the hill at a terrific rate of speed. The awful moments ofexpectancy beggar description. To jump from the flying train into the jagged rocksmeant certain death, and to stay with the train seemed clinging to only a possiblechance for life. But the suspense was soon over, at 5:45 a.m., the crash came andEngine 32 and 17 cars were a mass of kindling wood.Engineer HYRUPS lifeless form was picked up about 50 feet from his engine, andthat of Fireman PERRINE close beside the engine. Brakeman TIDINGS was thrownface down upon the track between the engine and the cars and DAVIS was pinionedamong the debris with a badly broken leg.Conductor JOHNSON is utterly unable to account for the awful accident. Everyhand brake was set, the engine was in back motion and the only reason he canpossibly give, is , that the track was extremely frosty, the engineer being compelledto use all the sand he had on the up trip.The bodies of Engineer HYRUP and Fireman PERRIEN were taken to theundertaking rooms of L. SCHWARTZ at Glenwood Springs.The remains of J. P. HYRUP was brought up on No. 8 yesterday, that of FiremanPERRINE shipped to his old home at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.J. P. HYRUP was born February 2, 1857 in Germany.In 1881 he arrived in Montana and lived there until his arrival in Basalt in 1891,about 10 years ago. In his death Basalt loses one of her foremost citizens.Always public spirited, energetic, kind, courteous and obliging, the very soul ofhonor, his acquaintances were his friends.

In his death his estimable wife loses a true and loving husband and the children thefondest and best of fathers.Funeral services will be held from the family residence at 2 p.m. Monday Nov.27.(25 Nov 1899, The Basalt Journal, p.1)

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