Evolution Equations of Random Walk and Poisson Processes

Evolution Equations of Random Walk and Poisson Processes

Evolution Equations of Random Walk and Poisson Processes


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Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon<strong>Evolution</strong> <strong>Equations</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Poisson</strong><strong>Processes</strong>H. Vic Dannonvic0@comcast.netMarch, 2013Abstract A <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Differential Equation is the evolutionequation <strong>of</strong> a <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Process X(,)ζ t , driven by B(,) ζ t ,where B(,)ζ t is <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong>, or by P (,) ζ t , where P(,ζ t)is a<strong>Poisson</strong> Process.For instance, the Langevin equation for the linear oscillatoris a first order evolution equation for the linear oscillatorprocess, driven by B(,) ζ t . To date, due to the confusionsurrounding <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Differential <strong>Equations</strong>, only thatequation was integrated <strong>and</strong> given a <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Processsolution.Integrating the probability-wave equation associated withthe r<strong>and</strong>om processX(,)ζ tis equivalent to integrating the<strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Differential Equation for the time-evolution <strong>of</strong> the1

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonProcess X(,)ζ t .But the evolution equation solution is superior to the setup,<strong>and</strong> solution <strong>of</strong> the probability-wave equation:While the probability-wave equation setup is instructive,[Dan6], it involves Conditional Probabilities that for higherorder equations are beyond comprehension, reminding <strong>of</strong>the Monty Hall Problem [Rosenhouse].Consequently, it will be difficult to detect an error in thesetup <strong>of</strong> the probability-wave equation.Furthermore, the probability-wave equation is a partialdifferential equation, <strong>and</strong> its solution is more difficult thanthe solution <strong>of</strong> the evolution equation which is an ordinarydifferential equation.Only the Wiener integral is necessary to integrate theLangevin equation. But instead <strong>of</strong> applying it, textbookskeep busy with the ill-defined Ito Integral that attempted togeneralize the Wiener Integral.We solve the second order Langevin equation for theharmonic oscillator, driven by B(,) ζ t .To date, all r<strong>and</strong>om differential equations were assumed tobe driven by B(,) ζ t . There is no reason to believe that none2

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannonare driven by <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>Processes</strong>.Thus, we develop here the theory <strong>of</strong> <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> differentialequations driven by <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>Processes</strong>.Keywords: Ito Integral, Ito Process, Ito Formula, StochasticIntegration, Infinitesimal, Infinite-Hyper-real, Hyper-real,Calculus, Limit, Continuity, Derivative, Integral, DeltaFunction, <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Variable, <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Process, <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong>Signal, Stochastic Process, Stochastic Calculus, ProbabilityDistribution, Bernoulli <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Variables, BinomialDistribution, Gaussian, Normal, Expectation, Variance,<strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong>, <strong>Poisson</strong> Process, <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Differential<strong>Equations</strong>, Stochastic Differential <strong>Equations</strong>2000 Mathematics Subject Classification 26E35; 26E30;26E15; 26E20; 26A06; 26A12; 03E10; 03E55; 03E17; 03H15;46S20; 97I40; 97I30.3

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonContentsIntroduction1. Hyper-real Line2. Hyper-real Function3. Integral <strong>of</strong> a Hyper-real Function4. Delta Function5. <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong> B(,)ζ t6. Integration sums <strong>of</strong> f () t with respect to B(,)ζ t .7. <strong>Evolution</strong> <strong>of</strong> Linear Oscillator XB (,) ζ t Driven by B(,) ζ t8. Linear Oscillator Process XB (,) ζ t Driven by B(,) ζ t9. RC Linear Oscillator XB (,) ζ t Driven by Thermal NoiseVoltage B(,) ζ t10. RL Linear Oscillator XB (,) ζ t Driven by Thermal NoiseVoltage B(,) ζ t11. <strong>Evolution</strong> <strong>of</strong> Harmonic Oscillator XB (,) ζ t Driven byB(,) ζ t12. Harmonic Oscillator Process XB (,) ζ t Driven by B(,) ζ t13. RLC Harmonic Oscillator XB (,) ζ t Driven by ThermalNoise Voltage B(,) ζ t4

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon14. <strong>Poisson</strong> Process P(,)ζ t15. Integration sums <strong>of</strong> f () t with respect to P(,)ζ t .16. <strong>Evolution</strong> <strong>of</strong> Linear oscillator XP (,) ζ t due to Shot NoiseVoltage P(,) ζ t17. Linear Oscillator Process XP (,) ζ t due to Shot NoiseVoltage P(,) ζ t18. RC Linear Oscillator XP (,) ζ t driven by Shot NoiseVoltage P(,) ζ t19. RL Linear Oscillator XP (,) ζ t driven by Shot NoiseVoltage P(,) ζ t20. <strong>Evolution</strong> <strong>of</strong> Harmonic Oscillator XP (,) ζ t due to ShotNoise Voltage P(,) ζ t21. Harmonic Oscillator Process XP (,) ζ t due to Shot NoiseVoltage P(,) ζ t22. RLC Harmonic Oscillator XP (,) ζ t driven by Shot NoiseVoltage P(,) ζ tReferences5

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonIntroduction0.1 The <strong>Evolution</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Processes</strong>A <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Differential Equation is the evolution equation <strong>of</strong>a <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Process X(,)ζ t , driven by B (,) ζ t , where B (,) ζ t is<strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong>, or by P (,) ζ t , where P (,) ζ t is a <strong>Poisson</strong>Process.For instance, the Langevin equation for the linear oscillatoris a first order evolution equation for the linear oscillatorprocess, driven by B(,) ζ t . To date, due to the confusionsurrounding <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Differential <strong>Equations</strong>, only thatequation was integrated <strong>and</strong> given a <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Processsolution.We solve here the second order Langevin equation for theharmonic oscillator, driven by <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> walk. Our method <strong>of</strong>Variation <strong>of</strong> parameters may be applied to Langevinequation <strong>of</strong> any order.0.2 Probability-waves associated with X(,)ζ t , <strong>and</strong> thetime-evolution <strong>of</strong> X(,)ζ t6

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon<strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Processes</strong> were described by the probability-waveequations associated with them: The Diffusion Equation for<strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong>, <strong>and</strong> the differential-difference equation forthe <strong>Poisson</strong> Process. [Dan5].Integrating the probability-wave equation associated withthe r<strong>and</strong>om processX(,)ζ tis equivalent to integrating the<strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Differential Equation for the time-evolution <strong>of</strong> theProcess X(,)ζ t .But the evolution equation solution is superior to the setup,<strong>and</strong> solution <strong>of</strong> the probability-wave equation:While the probability-wave equation setup is instructive,[Dan6], it involves Conditional Probabilities that for higherorder equations are beyond comprehension, reminding <strong>of</strong>the Monty Hall Problem [Rosenhouse].Consequently, it will be difficult to detect an error in thesetup <strong>of</strong> the probability-wave equation.Furthermore, the probability-wave equation is a partialdifferential equation, <strong>and</strong> its solution is more difficult thanthe solution <strong>of</strong> the evolution equation which is an ordinarydifferential equation.7

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon0.3 The Wiener Integral, <strong>and</strong> the Ito IntegralTo integrate the equations <strong>of</strong> the time-evolution <strong>of</strong> r<strong>and</strong>omwalk, Wiener defined the integral <strong>of</strong> f () t with respect to ther<strong>and</strong>om walk B(,)ζ t .Wiener’s Integral enables the solution <strong>of</strong> the first orderLangevin equation for the linear oscillator, which isequivalent to the Focker-Planck equation for the probabilitywave.Only the Wiener integral is necessary to integrate theLangevin equation. But instead <strong>of</strong> applying it, authors keepbusy with the ill-defined Ito Integral that intendedunnecessarily to generalize the Wiener Integral.In [Dan5], we defined in Infinitesimal Calculus the Integralt=b∫ f () tdB(, ζ t), where f () t is integrable hyper-real function,t=a<strong>and</strong>B(,)ζ tis a <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong>.In [Dan7] we showed that f () t may not be replaced with aHyper-real <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Process f (,) ζ t , <strong>and</strong> that the Ito integralthat purports to do that is ill-defined, <strong>and</strong> does not exist.8

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon0.4 <strong>Evolution</strong> <strong>Equations</strong> Driven by <strong>Poisson</strong> ProcessTo date, all r<strong>and</strong>om differential equations are for <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong><strong>Processes</strong>XB (,) ζ t, driven by <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong> Process.But Shot Noise <strong>Processes</strong> are driven by <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>Processes</strong>.We develop here the theory <strong>of</strong> <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> differential equationsfor <strong>Processes</strong>XP (,) ζ tdriven by <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>Processes</strong>.9

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon1.Hyper-real LineThe minimal domain <strong>and</strong> range, needed for the definition<strong>and</strong> analysis <strong>of</strong> a hyper-real function, is the hyper-real line.Each real number α can be represented by a Cauchysequence <strong>of</strong> rational numbers, ( r , r , r ,...) so that r → α .1 2 3The constant sequence ( ααα , , ,...) is a constant hyper-real.In [Dan2] we established that,1. Any totally ordered set <strong>of</strong> positive, monotonicallyndecreasing to zero sequencesfamily <strong>of</strong> infinitesimal hyper-reals.( ι1, ι2, ι3,...)constitutes a2. The infinitesimals are smaller than any real number,yet strictly greater than zero.1 1 13. Their reciprocals ( , , ,...ι 1ι 2ι 3) are the infinite hyperreals.4. The infinite hyper-reals are greater than any realnumber, yet strictly smaller than infinity.10

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon5. The infinite hyper-reals with negative signs aresmaller than any real number, yet strictly greater than−∞.6. The sum <strong>of</strong> a real number with an infinitesimal is anon-constant hyper-real.7. The Hyper-reals are the totality <strong>of</strong> constant hyperreals,a family <strong>of</strong> infinitesimals, a family <strong>of</strong>infinitesimals with negative sign, a family <strong>of</strong> infinitehyper-reals, a family <strong>of</strong> infinite hyper-reals withnegative sign, <strong>and</strong> non-constant hyper-reals.8. The hyper-reals are totally ordered, <strong>and</strong> aligned alonga line: the Hyper-real Line.9. That line includes the real numbers separated by thenon-constant hyper-reals. Each real number is thecenter <strong>of</strong> an interval <strong>of</strong> hyper-reals, that includes noother real number.10. In particular, zero is separated from any positivereal by the infinitesimals, <strong>and</strong> from any negative realby the infinitesimals with negative signs, −dx .11. Zero is not an infinitesimal, because zero is notstrictly greater than zero.11

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon12. We do not add infinity to the hyper-real line.13. The infinitesimals, the infinitesimals withnegative signs, the infinite hyper-reals, <strong>and</strong> the infinitehyper-reals with negative signs are semi-groups withrespect to addition. Neither set includes zero. ∞14. The hyper-real line is embedded in , <strong>and</strong> isnot homeomorphic to the real line. There is no bicontinuousone-one mapping from the hyper-real ontothe real line.15. In particular, there are no points on the real linethat can be assigned uniquely to the infinitesimalhyper-reals, or to the infinite hyper-reals, or to the nonconstanthyper-reals.16. No neighbourhood <strong>of</strong> a hyper-real is nhomeomorphic to an ball. Therefore, the hyperrealline is not a manifold.17. The hyper-real line is totally ordered like a line,but it is not spanned by one element, <strong>and</strong> it is not onedimensional.12

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon2.Hyper-real Function2.1 Definition <strong>of</strong> a hyper-real functionf () x is a hyper-real function, iff it is from the hyper-realsinto the hyper-reals.This means that any number in the domain, or in the range<strong>of</strong> a hyper-real f () x is either one <strong>of</strong> the followingrealreal + infinitesimalreal – infinitesimalinfinitesimalinfinitesimal with negative signinfinite hyper-realinfinite hyper-real with negative signClearly,2.2 Every function from the reals into the reals is a hyperrealfunction.13

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon3.Integral <strong>of</strong> Hyper-real FunctionIn [Dan3], we defined the integral <strong>of</strong> a Hyper-real Function.Let f () x be a hyper-real function on the interval [ ab] , .The interval may not be bounded.f () x may take infinite hyper-real values, <strong>and</strong> need not bebounded.At eacha≤x≤b,there is a rectangle with basedx[ x − , x + 2], height f () x ,dx2<strong>and</strong> areaf ( xdx. )We form the Integration Sum <strong>of</strong> all the areas for the x ’sthat start at x = a, <strong>and</strong> end at x = b,∑ f ( xdx ) .x∈[ a, b]If for any infinitesimal dx , the Integration Sum has thesame hyper-real value, then f () x is integrable over theinterval [ ab] , .14

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonThen, we call the Integration Sum the integral <strong>of</strong> f () x fromx = a, to x = b, <strong>and</strong> denote it byx=b∫ f ( xdx ) .x=aIf the hyper-real is infinite, then it is the integral over [, ab] ,If the hyper-real is finite,x=b∫ fxdx ( ) = real part <strong>of</strong> the hyper-real . x=a3.1 The countability <strong>of</strong> the Integration SumIn [Dan1], we established the equality <strong>of</strong> all positiveinfinities:We proved that the number <strong>of</strong> the Natural Numbers,Card , equals the number <strong>of</strong> Real Numbers,2 Card Card = , <strong>and</strong> we have2 Card2Card Card = ( Card) = .... = 2 = 2 = ... ≡ ∞.In particular, we demonstrated that the real numbers maybe well-ordered.15

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonConsequently, there are countably many real numbers in theinterval[,] ab, <strong>and</strong> the Integration Sum has countably manyterms.While we do not sequence the real numbers in the interval,the summation takes place over countably many f ( xdx. )The Lower Integral is the Integration Sum where f ( x ) isreplacedby its lowest value on each interval3.2∑x∈[ a, b]⎛⎜⎝dx dx2 2[ x − , x + ]⎞inf f ( t)dx⎠⎟x− ≤t≤ x+dx dx2 2The Upper Integral is the Integration Sum where f ( x ) isreplaced by its largest value on each interval3.3∑x∈[ a, b]⎛⎜⎝⎞ sup f ( t)dx⎠⎟dx dx2 2x− ≤t≤ x+[ x − , x + ]dx dx2 2If the integral is a finite hyper-real, we have16

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon3.4 A hyper-real function has a finite integral if <strong>and</strong> only ifits upper integral <strong>and</strong> its lower integral are finite, <strong>and</strong> differby an infinitesimal.17

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon4.Delta FunctionIn [Dan4], we defined the Delta Function, <strong>and</strong> established itsproperties1. The Delta Function is a hyper-real function definedfrom the hyper-real line into the set <strong>of</strong> two hyper-reals⎧⎪ 1 ⎫⎨0, ⎪⎬. The hyper-real 0 is the sequence 0, 0, 0,... .⎪⎩dx⎭⎪ The infinite hyper-real 1dxdepends on our choice <strong>of</strong>dx .2. We will usually choose the family <strong>of</strong> infinitesimals thatis spanned by the sequences1n , 12n,1n3,… It is asemigroup with respect to vector addition, <strong>and</strong> includesall the scalar multiples <strong>of</strong> the generating sequencesthat are non-zero. That is, the family includesinfinitesimals with negative sign. Therefore,1dxwillmean the sequence n . Alternatively, we may choose18

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannonthe family spanned by the sequences12 n ,13 n ,14 n ,… Then, 1dxwill mean the sequence2 n . Once we determined the basic infinitesimal dx ,we will use it in the Infinite Riemann Sum that definesan Integral in Infinitesimal Calculus.3. The Delta Function is strictly smaller than ∞4. We define,1χ δ ( x) ≡ dx ( ),dx xdx⎡ ⎤ ,⎢−⎣ 2 2 ⎥⎦whereχ ⎡⎢−⎣dx,dx2 2⎧ dx dx1, x ∈ ⎡−, ⎤( x)= ⎪ ⎢ 2 2 ⎥⎨ ⎣ ⎦ .⎪⎪ 0, otherwise⎩⎤⎥⎦5. Hence, for x < 0 , δ ( x) = 0 at fordxx =− , δ( x)jumps from 0 to2dx dx⎢ ⎣,2 2 ⎥ ⎦ , 1( x)x ∈ ⎡−⎤δ = .dx1dx , at x = 0 ,δ (0) =1dx atdxx = , δ( x)drops from2 for x > 0 , δ ( x) = 0.1dxto 0.19

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon xδ ( x) = 06. If dx =1, ( x) = 1 1( x),2 1 1( x),3 1 1( x )...n[ − , ] [ − , ] [ − , ]δ χ χ χ2 2 4 4 6 67. If dx =2,n8. If dx =1,n1 2 3δ ( x) = , , ,...2 2 22 cosh x 2 cosh 2x 2 cosh 3x−x −2x −3x[0, ∞) [0, ∞) [0, ∞)δ( x) = e χ ,2 e χ , 3 e χ ,...x =∞∫9. δ( xdx ) = 1.x =−∞k =∞1 −ik( ξ−x)10. δξ ( − x)= e2π∫ dkk =−∞20

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon5.<strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong> B(,)ζ tThe <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong> <strong>of</strong> small particles in fluid is named afterBrown, who first observed it, Brownian Motion. It modelsother processes, such as the fluctuations <strong>of</strong> a stock price.In a volume <strong>of</strong> fluid, the path <strong>of</strong> a particle is in any directionin the volume, <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> variable size5.1 Bernoulli <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Variables <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Walk</strong>We restrict the <strong>Walk</strong> here to the line, in uniforminfinitesimal size steps dx :To the left, with probability1p = ,2or to the right, with probability21

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannonq= 1 − p = .12At time t , afterN infinitesimal time intervals dt ,N =tdt, is an infinite hyper-real,the particle is at the pointx .At the i th step we define the Bernoulli <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Variable,Bi (right step)Bi (left step)where i = 1,2,..., N .= dx , ζ1= right step .=−dx, ζ2= left step .Pr( B = dx)= ,i12Pr( B =− dx)= ,iEB [ ] = dx⋅ + ( −dx) ⋅ = 0,i121 12 22 2 1 2 1i2 22E[ B ] = ( dx) ⋅ + ( −dx) ⋅ = ( dx)Var[ Bi] = E[ Bi ] − ( E[ B ]) 0i= 2( dx)2 205.2 The <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong>B t B B B( ζ , ) =1+2+ ... +N22

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannonis a <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Process withEB [ ( ζ , t)] = 0,Var[ B( ζ , t)] = N( dx).2Pro<strong>of</strong>: Since theB iare independent,EB [ ( ζ , t)] = EB [ ] + ... + EB [ N] = 0 10 0Var[ B( ζ , t)] = Var[ B ] + ... + Var[ BN] = N( dx). 1( dx ) ( dx )2 225.3 B(, ζ t + dt) −B(,)ζ t is a Bernoulli <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> VariableB i25.4 ( dx) = (2 D)dt ⇒ <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong> is ContinuousPro<strong>of</strong>:E[{ B( ζ, t + dt) − B( ζ, t)} ] =2= Var[ B(, ζ t + dt) − B(,)] ζ t + ( E[ B(, ζ t + dt) −B(,)]) ζ t 2 ,BiBiwhereB iis a Bernoulli <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Variable,= Var[ B ] + ( [ ]) = (2 ) . iE BiD dt2( dx ) = (2 D)dt0223

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon5.5 If2( dx) = (2 D)dtThen The Derivative <strong>of</strong> <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong> is1B = Bdt i,where (1)Bi= B(, ζ t0+ dt) −B(, ζ t0), is a Bernoulli<strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Variable.(2) EB [ ] = 0,(3) Var[ B] = 2 Dδ( t ),0Pro<strong>of</strong>:(1) For each t = t 0, we need to find a <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> SignalB(, ζ t ), so that for any dt ,0⎡2 ⎤⎡B(, ζ t0 + dt) −B(, ζ t0)⎤E − B ( ζ, t0) = infinitesimal ,⎢⎢dt⎥⎣⎦ ⎥⎣⎦SinceB(, ζ t0+ dt) −B(, ζ t0), is a Bernoulli <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> VariableB i,⎡ 2 ⎤ ⎡2 ⎤XBt ( , dt) B( , t)BiE ⎧⎪ + − ζ⎫ ⎧ ⎫B(,) ζ t ⎨− ⎪⎬ = E ⎪ −B⎪⎨⎬⎢⎪⎩ dt⎪⎭ ⎥ ⎢⎪⎩dt⎣ ⎦ ⎪⎭⎥⎣ ⎦Therefore, at timet = t 0, the <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Variable1dtB i,24

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannonis the derivative <strong>of</strong> the <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong> B(, ζ t ).0(2)(3)1EB [ ] = EB [ ] 0dt i= .Var[ B] = E[ B ] −( E[ B])02 20===12( dt)2( dx) 1dtdt2D2iEB [ ] ,2( dx )(2 D) δ( t ).025

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon6.Integration Sums <strong>of</strong>respect to B(,)ζ t .ft ()withLet f () t be a hyper-real function on the bounded timeinterval [ ab ,].f () t need not be bounded.t=bIn [Dan5], we defined the Integral ∫ f () tdB(, ζ t):t=aAt each a ≤ t ≤b, there is a Bernoulli <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> VariabledB(,) ζ t = B(, ζ t + dt) − B(,) ζ t = B (,) ζ t = B (,) ζ t dt.We form the Integration SumFor any dt ,t= b t=b∑f () tdB(, ζ t) = ∑ f() tBi(, ζ t).t= a t=a(1) the First Moment <strong>of</strong> the Integration Sum is⎡t= b ⎤ t=bE f() t Bi(, ζ t) = f() t E[ B (, ζ t)] = 0⎢⎣t= a ⎥⎦t=a∑ ∑ .(2) the Second Moment <strong>of</strong> the Integration sum isii026

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon⎡2t= b ⎤ t= b τ=b⎛ ⎞ ⎡⎛ ⎞⎛⎞⎤E f() t Bi(, ζ t) E f() t Bi(, ζ t) f( τ) Bj(, ζ τ)=⎟∑ ∑ ∑⎜ ⎝t= a ⎠⎟⎢⎝⎜t= a ⎠⎝ ⎟⎜⎣τ=a⎢⎥⎟⎠⎥⎣⎦⎦t= b τ=b= ∑∑t= a τ=af ()( tfτ) EB [ (, ζ τ) B(, ζ t)]Since the Bernoulli <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Variables are independent,j2 2jζτiζ =iζ =EB [ ( , ) B( , t)] EB [ ( , t)] ( dx)ionly for t= τ . Then,⎡2t= b ⎤ t=b⎛⎞2 2E f() t Bi(, ζ t) = f ()( t dx)⎜t= a ⎟t=a⎢⎝⎠⎣⎥⎦(2 Ddt )∑ ∑ ,t=b= 2 D∫ f ( t) dt,t=a2assuming2( dx) = (2 D)dt , where D is the Drift coefficient <strong>of</strong>the <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong>, <strong>and</strong> assuming that the hyper-realf () t isintegrable.Thus, for any dt , the Integration Sum is a unique welldefinedhyper-real <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> VariableIBt=b() ζ = ∫ f() t dB(,)ζ t .t=a27

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon7.<strong>Evolution</strong> <strong>of</strong> Linear OscillatorDriven by B(,) ζ t7.1 The <strong>Evolution</strong> Equation <strong>of</strong> Linear OscillatorProcess driven by <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Force B(,) ζ tA particle <strong>of</strong> mass m , affected by a <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> ForceB(,) ζ t , isdrifting in a fluid with viscosity γ , with r<strong>and</strong>om velocityv(,)ζ t .The balance <strong>of</strong> forces on the particle isdv(,)ζ tm + γv(,) ζ t = B (,) ζ tdt1dv(,) ζ t = B(,) ζ tdt −γ v(,)ζ tdtm mα dB(,)ζ t βinfinitesimal diffusioninfinitesimal driftThus, the 1 st order <strong>Evolution</strong> Equation for the LinearOscillator isdv(,) ζ t = αdB(,) ζ t − βv(,)ζ t dt ,v(,) ζ t = αB(,) ζ t −βv(,)ζ t28

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon7.2 The Integrating Factor Solution X (,) ζ tτ=t−βt−β( t−τ)Bτ=0X (,) ζ t = e X (,0) ζ + α∫ e dB (, ζ τ )BBPro<strong>of</strong>:Multiplyingby its integrating factor e βt ,dX (,) ζ t = α dB (,) ζ t − β X (,) ζ t dtBβt βt βtBe dX (,) ζ t = α e dB (,) ζ t − β e X (,) ζ t dt ,βt βt βte dXB(,) ζ t + βe XB(,) ζ t dt = αe dB(,)ζ t ,βtd{ e XB(,) ζ t }Summing over time,βτβt{ B }βtd e X (,) ζ t = αe dB(,)ζ t .τ= tτ=t∑βτ{ }∑d e XB(, ζτ) = α e dB(, ζτ),τ = 0 τ=0τ=tβτ{ e XB(, ζτ)}τ=0βtτ=te X(,) ζ t − X(,0) ζ = α∑ e τ dB(, ζ τ).τ=0Since e is integrable, by section 6, e dB(, ζτ)sums upτ=tBβτβτ=t∑τ=0βτto the <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Variable IB() ζ = ∫ e dB(, ζ τ), <strong>and</strong>τ=0βτB29

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannonτ=te βtX B(,) t X B(,0) e βτζ − ζ = α∫dB (, ζ τ),τ=tτ=0τ=0X − t− ( t−)B(,) ζ t = e β X B(,0) ζ = α∫e β τ dB (, ζ τ).We obtain the same solution for the 1 storder LangevinEquation by the Variation <strong>of</strong> Parameters Method.7.3 The Variation <strong>of</strong> Parameters SolutionPro<strong>of</strong>:−βt−β( t−τ)XB(,) ζ t = XB(,0) ζ e + α e dB(, ζ τ) ∫X (,) ζ t τ=0homogeneousτ=tXparticular(,) ζ tdX (,) ζ t = α dB (,) ζ t − β X (,) ζ t dt ,BX (,) ζ t + β X (,) ζ t = α B (,) ζ t .BBTo find the general solution for the homogeneous equation,X (,) ζ t + β X (,) ζ t = 0 ,Bwe substitute in it the separation <strong>of</strong> variables solutionhom (,) ζBBX t = A e .mtmt() ζmtA() ζ me + βA() ζ e = 0,30

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon( m + β) A( ζ) emt = 0,m+ β = 0 ,mTo find a particular solution <strong>of</strong>=− β ,hom (,) () tX ζ t = A ζ e −β.X (,) ζ t + β X (,) ζ t = α B (,) ζ t ,Bwe substitute in it the Variation <strong>of</strong> Parameter SolutionB− tX (,) ζ t = A(,) ζ t e βBt t tAe −β −β −β− Aβe + βAe = αB(,) ζ t ,0tA = αe β B(,) ζ ttAdt = αe β B(,) ζ t dt τ=tA τ=0A(,) ζ t −A(,0)ζdA dB(,)ζ tτ=tβτ(, ζτ) = α∫e dB(, ζτ),τ=0Therefore,τ=tA(,) ζ t = A(,0) ζ + α∫ e dB(, ζ τ),τ=0βτ− tX (,) ζ t = A(,) ζ t e βB31

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannonτ=t−βt−βtβτ= A(,0) ζ e + αe ∫ e dB(, ζ τ)τ=0τ=t−βt−β( t−τ)∫= X(,0) ζ e + α e dB(, ζ τ).Xhomogeneous( ζ, t)τ=0X ( ζ, t)particular32

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon8.Linear Oscillator ProcessXB (,) ζ tDriven by8.1 The Normal <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> ProcessB(,) ζ tτ=tX t( t )B(,) t e −β X B(,0) e −β −τζ = ζ + α∫dB (, ζ τ)τ=0is Normally Distributed withMean−βtEX [ ( ζ, t )] = e EX [ ( ζ,0)],BB<strong>and</strong> Variance222Var[ X ttB( , t )] e − βVar X B( , 0) D α(1 e − βζ = ⎡ ζ ⎤⎣ ⎦+ − ).βPro<strong>of</strong>: SincedB(, ζτ)is Normally Distributed, so isτ=tτ=0−β( t−τ)IB() ζ = ∫ e dB(, ζ τ). Hence, XB (,) ζ t has Normaldistribution.⎡ τ= t ⎤ τ=tβτβτE[ IB()] ζ = E e dB(, ζ τ) ∑ = ∑ e E[ dB(, ζ τ )] = 0.⎢⎣τ= 0 ⎥⎦τ=0Bi033

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon−βtEX [B( ζ, t)] = Ee [ XB( ζ,0)] + E[ αe IB( ζ)] ,−βt−βt−βte E[ XB( ζ,0)] αe E[ IB( ζ)]−βtζ= e E[ X B( ,0)].2 2Var[ IB()] ζ = E ⎡IB () ζ ⎤ −( E ⎡IB())ζ ⎤⎣⎢ ⎦⎥ ⎣ ⎦,τ=t= ∑ eτ=02βτ2τ=tτ=0E[ B ]i20( dx) = (2 D)dτ= 2D∑ e d = 2 D ( e −1).2βτ1 2βtτ2β−βt−βtVar[ XB( ζ, t)] = Var ⎡e XB( ζ, 0) ⎤ + Var ⎡αe IB( ζ)⎤⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣⎥ ⎦−2βt2 2 te Var ⎡ βXB( ζ,0) ⎤ −α e Var ⎡IB( ζ)⎤⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦−2βt22 te Var XB( , 0) Dα − β= ⎡ ζ ⎤⎣ ⎦+ (1 −e).,β08.2 The Linear Oscillator Equilibrium StateAt Equilibrium, t = infinite hyper-real Θ,EX [B( ζ, Θ)]≈Var[ X DB( ζ, Θ)] ≈ D α = .β γ20m34

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon9.RC Linear Oscillator ProcessqB (,) ζ t Driven by B(,) ζ t9.1 The <strong>Evolution</strong> Equation <strong>of</strong> the RC LinearOscillator ProcessqB (,) ζ t Driven by B(,) ζ tThermal Noise in the Resistor R , generates <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> VoltageB (,) ζ t on the Resistor R , that drives a r<strong>and</strong>om currentB (,) dqB (,) ζ ti ζ t = through the Circuit.dtqB (,) ζ t is the r<strong>and</strong>om charge on the Capacitor CThe balance <strong>of</strong> voltages on the circuit components isdq B(,) ζ t q B(,)ζR + t = B (,) ζ t ,dt C35

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon1 1dqB(,) ζ t = B(,) ζ tdt−qB(,)ζ tdt.R RCαdB(,)ζ tβ9.2 The <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Charge Process q (,) ζ tτ=t−1t1 − 1 ( t−τ)RCRCBζBζRτ=0q (,) t = e q (,0) + ∫ e dB(, ζ τ )Pro<strong>of</strong>: By section 8,τ=t−βt−β( t−τ)Bτ=0q (,) ζ t = e q (,0) ζ + α∫ e dB (, ζ τ ),Bτ=t−1t1 − 1 ( t−τ)RCRCBζRτ=0= e q (,0) + ∫ e dB (, ζ τ ).B9.3 The Normal Distribution <strong>of</strong> the <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Chargeτ=t−1t1 − 1 ( t−τ)RCRCBζBζRτ=0q (,) t = e q (,0) + ∫ e dB(, ζ τ )is Normally Distributed withMean1t RCEq [ ( ζ, t )] = e Eq [ ( ζ,0)],B−B<strong>and</strong> Variance−2 t−2Bζ = ⎡Bζ ⎤⎣ ⎦+ −R1 1RCCRCVar[ q ( , t)] e Var q ( , 0) D (1 e )t36

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonPro<strong>of</strong>: By 8.1,1t RC−βt−B B BEq [ (,)] ζ t = e Eq [ (,0)] ζ = e Eq [ (,0)] ζ .222Var[ q ttB( , t )] e − βVar q B( , 0) D α(1 e − βζ = ⎡ ζ ⎤⎣ ⎦+ − )−2 t−2⎡Bζ ⎤⎣ ⎦ R1 1RCCRC= e Var q ( , 0) + D (1 − e ).βt9.4 The <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Charge Steady StateAt the Steady State, t = infinite hyper-real Θ,Eq [B( ζ, Θ)] ≈ 0.Var[ q ( ζ, Θ)] ≈ =DC.BD α β2R9.5 The Charge Noise Energy at the Steady StatePro<strong>of</strong>:1 12 2C2BkT = E[ q ( ζ, Θ)] =D,where k is Boltzmann Constant,<strong>and</strong> T is the absolute Temperature.2B2REq [ ( ζ, Θ )] = Θ + Θ =2C12{Var[ q ( , )] ( [ ( , )]) }D2 Bζ E qCBζ 2R0DCR.37

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon10.RL Linear Oscillator ProcessiB (,) ζ t Driven by B(,) ζ t10.1 The <strong>Evolution</strong> Equation <strong>of</strong> the RL LinearOscillator ProcessiB (,) ζ t Driven by B(,) ζ tThermal Noise in the Resistor R , generates <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> VoltageB (,) ζ t on the Resistor R , that drives a r<strong>and</strong>om currentiB (,) ζ tthrough the Circuit.diB (,) ζ tL is the <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Voltage on the Solenoid L .dtThe balance <strong>of</strong> voltages on the circuit components isdiB(,)ζ tL + iB(,) ζ t R = B (,) ζ t ,dt38

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon1RdiB(,) ζ t = B(,) ζ tdt−iB(,)ζ tdt.L LαdB(,)ζ tβ10.2 The <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Current Process i (,) ζ tPro<strong>of</strong>: By 7.2,τ=t−RtR1 − ( t−τ)LLBζBζLτ=0i (,) t = e i (,0) + ∫ e dB(, ζ τ )τ=t−βt−β( t−τ)Bτ=0i (,) ζ t = e i (,0) ζ + α∫ e dB (, ζ τ ),Bτ=t−RtR1 − ( t−τ)LLBζLτ=0= e i (,0) + ∫ e dB (, ζ τ ).B10.3 The Normal Distribution <strong>of</strong> i (,) ζ tτ=tRR− t1 − ( t−τ)LLBζBζLτ=0i (,) t = e i (,0) + ∫ e dB(, ζ τ )is Normally Distributed withBMeanRt LEi [ ( ζ, t )] = e Ei [ ( ζ,0)],B−B<strong>and</strong> Variance39

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonR−2 t1 −2LBζ = ⎡Bζ ⎤⎣ ⎦+ −RLVar[ i ( , t)] e Var i ( , 0) D (1 eL)Pro<strong>of</strong>: By 8.1,Ei [ (,)] ζ t = e Ei [ (,0)] ζ = e Ei [ (,0)].Rt L− β t−B B B ζ222Var[ i ttB( , t )] e − βVar i B( , 0) D α(1 e − βζ = ⎡ ζ ⎤⎣ ⎦+ − )R−2 t1 −2L ⎡Bζ ⎤⎣ ⎦ RL= e Var i ( , 0) + D (1 − e L).βRtRt10.4 The <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Current Steady StateAt the Steady State, t = infinite hyper-real Θ,Ei [B( ζ, Θ)] ≈ 0.Var[ i ( ζ, Θ)] ≈ =D.BD α β2RL10.5 The Current Noise Energy at the Steady StatePro<strong>of</strong>:1 12 22BkT = E[ i ( ζ, Θ)] L =D,where k is Boltzmann Constant,<strong>and</strong> T is the absolute Temperature.1 2 12Ei [ (, )] {Var[ (, )] ( [ (, )])}D2 Bζ Θ L= i2 Bζ Θ + EiB ζ Θ L= 2R0DRL2R.40

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon11.<strong>Evolution</strong> <strong>of</strong> HarmonicOscillator Driven by B(,) ζ t11.1 <strong>Evolution</strong> equation <strong>of</strong> Harmonic Oscillator drivenby <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Force B(,) ζ tA particle <strong>of</strong> mass m , affected by a <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> ForceB(,) ζ t , isdrifting in a fluid with viscosityγ , <strong>and</strong> Hooke’s LawConstant k , with r<strong>and</strong>om velocity x(,) ζ t .The balance <strong>of</strong> forces on the particle isdx(,) ζ tm + γx (,) ζ t + kx(,) ζ t = B(,) ζ t ,dt1dx(,) ζ t = B(,) ζ tdt − γ x(,) ζ tdt −k x(,)ζ tdtm m mα dB( ζ, t)β 2 ωinfinitesimal diffusioninfinitesimal driftinfinitesimal Hooke'sThus, the evolution Equation for the Harmonic Oscillatordriven by a <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong>B(,)ζ tisordx (,) ζ t = α dB (,) ζ t −β x (,) ζ t dt −ω x B(,)ζ t d t.Bx 2 (,) ζ t = α B (,) ζ t −β x (,) ζ t −ω x (,) ζ t .BBB2B41

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon11.2 Variation <strong>of</strong> Parameters Solutionfor the Harmonic Oscillator ProcessdX 2(,) ζ t = α dB (,) ζ t −β X (,) ζ t dt −ω X (,) ζ t d t,BBBis− β tκt1 21 12 2XB(,) ζ t = e { A(,0) ζ e + A (,0) ζ e }Xhomogeneous(,) ζ t−κ1t 2τ=tα m1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)+ { e −e } dB ζτκ∫( , ),τ=0X (,) ζ tparticularprovided2 2κ = β − 4ω> 0,m =− β + κ,1 11 2 2Pro<strong>of</strong>:m =− β − κ1 12 2 2dX 2(,) ζ t = α dB (,) ζ t −β X (,) ζ t dt −ω X (,) ζ t d t,BX (,) ζ t + βX (,) ζ t + ω X (,) ζ t = αB (,) ζ t .2B B BTo find the general solution for the homogeneous equation,2X (,) ζ t + βX (,) ζ t + ω X (,) ζ t = 0 ,B B Bwe substitute in it the separation <strong>of</strong> variables solutionhom (,) ζA() ζ m e + βA() ζ me + ω A() ζ e = 0,BX t = A e .mt() ζ2 mt mt 2 mtB42

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon2 2( m + βm + ω ) A( ζ) emt = 0,mm2 2βmω 0+ + = ,1 11 2 22 2=− β +β −4ω,1 12 2 2κ>02 2m =− β − β −4ωmthom 1 2X (,) ζ t A () ζ e A () ζ eTo find a particular solution <strong>of</strong>mt=1+2.X (,) ζ t + βX (,) ζ t + ω X (,) ζ t = αB (,) ζ t ,2B B Bwe substitute in it the Variation <strong>of</strong> Parameter Solutionso thatThenmt1 2X (,) ζ t A (,) ζ t e A (,) ζ t eBmt=1+2, mt mt.Ae1 21+ Ae2= 0mt1mt2mt1mtζ ⎡ 2 ⎤XB(,)t = Ame1 1+ Am2 2e + ⎢Ae 1+ Ae⎣2 ⎥⎦, (,) 2,mt mt 2 mt 2 mt1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2X ζ t = Am e1+ Am e2+ Am e1+ Am eB2αB = X + βX + ω X= + + +mt mt 2 mt 2 mt1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2Ame1Am e2m Ae1m Ae02+mt1mt21 1βAme2 2+ βAme++2 mt1 2 mtAe21ω Ae2+ ω +43

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon mt1mtζ ζ2+= A (,) t m e + A (,) t m e1 1 2 22 2 mt 2 2+ ( m1)21+ βm1 + ω ) Ae1+ ( m2 + βm2 + ω Ae2. 0 0This yields two equations for A 1, <strong>and</strong> A 2,In matrix form, mt mt,Ae1 21+ Ae2= 0 .mtmt1 1 2 2Ame1+ Am e2= αB⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤.⎣⎦⎣⎢ ⎦⎥ ⎣ ⎦mt1mt2e e A10 ⎥⎢ mt1mtme2 A1me⎥⎢ ⎥=2 2αB⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥mtAmt0 e2mtαB m2mt22e −αBe αB= = = eκ1 mt1mt2( m1+m2)te e ( m2 − m1)emt1mtme21me −κ2−mt1,mtAdt α −1= e 1 Bdt κdA1dB( ζ, t)τ=tτ= t α −mτA1 = τ=0κ∫τ=0A (,) ζ t −A(,0) ζ(, ζτ) e1dB (, ζτ)1 144

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannonτ=tα −mτA1 t A1e dBκ(,) ζ = (,0) ζ +1∫ (, ζ τ )τ=0Amte10me1αB mtαBe 1αB= = = − eκmt12 mt1mt2( m1+m2)te e ( m2 − m1)emt1mtme21me −κ2−mt2mtAdt α −2=− e 2 Bdt κdA2dB( ζ, t)τ=tτ= t α −mτA2 ζτ =− τ=0κ∫τ=0A (,) ζ t −A(,0) ζ(, ) e2dB (, )2 2ζτTherefore,τ=tα −m2τA2(,) ζ t = A2(,0) ζ − e dB(, )κ∫ ζ τ ,mt1 2X (,) ζ t = A (,) ζ t e + A (,) ζ t eBmt1 2τ=0τ=tmt α1m1 ( t−τ)= A1(,0) ζ e + e dB(, ζ )κ∫ τ +τ=0τ=tmt α2m2 ( t−τ)+ A2(,0) ζ e − e dB(, ζ )κ∫ ττ=045

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannonτ=tmt mt α m( t−τ) m ( t−τ)1ζ2ζκτ=0= A(,0) e1+ A (,0) e2+ { e1e2∫ − } dB(, ζ τ ),−tκt1ζ21β12 2= e { A( ,0) e + A ( ζ,0) e }τ=tτ=0−1κt2α m1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)+ { e −e } dB ζτκ∫( , ).11.3 The Time-Rate <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Process X(,) ζ t−1 t1X (,) t e β−1 ζ =2{ m A(,0) ζ e2+ m A (,0) ζ eκt2}Bτ=tκt1 1 2 2α+ −κm1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)∫ { me1me2} dB( ζτ , ),τ=0provided2 2κ = β − 4ω> 0,m =− β + κ,1 11 2 2m =− β − κ1 12 2 2Pro<strong>of</strong>: From the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 11.2,X(,) ζ t = A (,) ζ t m e + A (,) ζ t m eBmt1mt21 1 2 2− βtκt1 1ζ2 21 12 2= e { m A( ,0) e + m A ( ζ,0)eτ=tα+ −κ−κt12}m1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)∫ { me1me2} dB( ζτ , ).τ=046

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon12.Harmonic Oscillator ProcessDriven by B(,) ζ t12.1 The Normal Distribution <strong>of</strong> the HarmonicOscillator Processκt1 21 12 2X (,) ζ t = e { A(,0) ζ e + A (,0) ζ e }B− β tτ=tα+ −κ−1κt2m1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)∫ { e e } dB( ζτ , )τ=0is Normally Distributed withMeanmt1 2EX [ (,)] ζ t EA [ (,0)] ζ e EA [ (,0)] ζ eB=1+2,<strong>and</strong> Variance−( ) t( ) tVar[ XB( , t)] e β − κ −Var A1( , 0) e β +ζ = ⎡ ζ ⎤ + κ Var ⎡A2( ζ, 0) ⎤⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦+α ⎧⎪+ − + −κ⎪⎩β − κ β β + κ2 −( β−κ) t −βt − ( β+κ)t2 e e eD ⎪⎨2mt⎫⎪⎬+⎪⎭2 2 22D α β −+ωβω β − 4ω2 2 2,provided2 2κ = β − 4ω> 0,47

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannonm =− β + κ,1 11 2 2m =− β − κ.1 12 2 2Pro<strong>of</strong>: SincedB(, ζτ)is Normally Distributed, so isBτ=tm ( t−τ) m ( t−τ)∫ B(,)ζ tτ=0I e e dB() ζ = {1−2} (, ζ )Normal Distribution.⎡ τ=t⎤m1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)EI [B( ζ)] = E { e e } dB( ζ, τ)∑ −,⎢⎣τ= 0⎥⎦τ=t∑m ( t−τ) m ( t−τ)τ . Hence, X has= { e1−e 2} EdB [ ( ζτ , )] = 0.τ=0Bimt1 2EXBt EA e A e E I κ B[ (,)] [ (,0)1(,0)2 αζ = ζ + ζ ] + [ ()] ζmt 1 mt 2{ EA [1( ,0)] e + EA [2( ,0)] e }0mtζ ζ αEI [B( ζ)]κ mt1ζ2= EA [ ( ,0)] e + EA [ ( ζ,0)]emt1 2.02 2Var[ IB()] ζ = E ⎡IB () ζ ⎤ −( E ⎡IB())ζ ⎤⎣⎢ ⎦⎥ ⎣ ⎦,τ=tm1( t−τ) m2( t−τ) 2 2= ∑ { e −e } E[ Bi]τ=002( dx) = (2 D)dτ,48

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannonτ=t∫2 m ( t−τ) −β( t−τ)2 m ( t−τ)= 2 D { e1− e + e2} dτ.τ=0⎧2mt1 −βt2mte 1 e 1 e2 ⎫2D⎪ − − −1= ⎨ + + ⎪⎬⎪ 2m1 β 2m⎩2 ⎪⎭⎡ mtmt ⎤ ⎡ ⎤1 2κ BVar[ (,)] Var{ (,0)1(,0)2αX ζ t A ζ e A ζ e } Var I () ζB= ⎢ + ⎥ + ⎢⎣ ⎥⎣⎦ ⎦2mt1 2mte Var ⎡A 21( ζ,0) ⎤ e Var ⎡A2( ζ,0)⎤ α⎣ ⎦+⎣ ⎦Var ⎡I( )2 Bζ ⎤⎣ ⎦κ⎡ ⎤ ⎡⎣ ⎦ ⎣2mt2mt1 2= e1Var A( ζ, 0) + e2Var A ( ζ, 0) +2 2mt1 βt2mtα ⎧−e 1 e 1 e2 ⎫2D⎪ − − −1+ ⎨ + + ⎪⎬2κ⎪ 2m1 β 2m⎩2 ⎪⎭−( β−κ) t− ( β+κ)t= e Var ⎡A ⎤1( ζ, 0) ⎤ e Var ⎡⎣ ⎦+⎣A2( ζ, 0)⎦+α ⎧⎪+ − + −κ⎪⎩β − κ β β + κ2 −( β−κ) t −βt− ( β+κ)t2 e e eD ⎪⎨22α ⎧1 1 1 ⎫+ 2D⎪⎨ − + ⎪⎬.2κ⎪⎩β − κ β β + κ ⎪⎭2β1 β 1− = −2 2 β 2β −κ 2ωβ2 2 2α β −2ωDβω β −4ω2 2 2⎤⎦⎫⎪⎬⎪⎭212.2 The Harmonic Process Equilibrium StateAt Equilibrium, t = infinite hyper-real Θ,49

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonEX [B( ζ, Θ)]≈ 0,2 2 22Var[ XB( , )] D α β −ζ Θ ≈ ω > 0 ,2 2 2βω β − 4ω2 2provided β − 4ω> 0.Pro<strong>of</strong>:m Θ1 2EX [ (, ζ Θ )] = EA [ (,0)] ζ e + EA [ (,0)] ζ eBm Θ1 21 2 2 1 2 2( β β 4 ω ) ( β β 4 ω2 2− − − Θ − + − ) Θ1ζ2ζ= EA [ ( , 0)] e + EA [ ( , 0)] e.Since we assume2β > 4ω2, then,2 2β − β − 4ω> 0, <strong>and</strong>2 2β + β − 4ω> 0, <strong>and</strong>ee12 2− ( β− β − 4 ω ) Θ2 ≈ 012 2− ( β+ β − 4 ω ) Θ2 ≈ 0Hence, EX [ ( , )] 0.B ζ Θ ≈ −( β−κ) Θ − ( β+ κ)ΘVar[ XB( ζ, Θ )] = e Var ⎡A1( ζ, 0) ⎤ + e Var ⎡A2( ζ, 0) ⎤⎣ ⎦ ⎣+ ⎦≈0, since β− κ> 0 ≈ 0, since β+ κ>02 ( β κ) β ( β κ)α ⎧− − Θ − Θ − + Θe e e ⎫+ 2D⎪⎨− + − ⎪⎬+2κ⎪⎩β − κ β β + κ ⎪⎭2 2 22D α β −+ωβω β − 4ω2 2 2≈0≈2 2 22D α β − ωβω β − 4ω2 2 22 2> 0 , since β > 0, <strong>and</strong> β − 4ω> 0.50

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon12.3 Normal Distribution <strong>of</strong> the Process X(,) ζ t mt1mtζ = ζ + ζ2+X (,) t A (,) t m e A (,) t m eB1 1 2 2τ=tα+ −κm1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)∫ { me1me2} dB( ζτ , )τ=0is Normally Distributed withMeanmt[ ( , )] [ ( , 0)]1mtEX ζ t = mEA ζ e + mEA [ ( ζ, 0)] e2,B1 1 2 2<strong>and</strong> VarianceVar[ 2 ( )X( , )] − β−κtBζ t = m1 e Var ⎡A1( ζ , 0) ⎤⎣ ⎦+2 ( β κ)t+ m2 e− + Var ⎡ ⎣A2( ζ, 0) ⎤ ⎦+β− κ −( β−κ) t βt β κ ( β κ)t{ 4ω − + − +}2 2+αD − e + e − e + Dκ22 β2B2α ,2βprovided2 2κ = β − 4ω> 0,m =− β + κ,1 11 2 2m =− β − κ.1 12 2 2Pro<strong>of</strong>: SincedB(, ζτ)is Normally Distributed, so isBτ=tm ( t−τ) m ( t−τ)∫ 1 2. Hence, XB(,)ζ tτ=0J m e m e dB() ζ = {1−2} (, ζ τ)has Normal Distribution.51

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon⎡ τ=t⎤m1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)EJ [B( ζ)] = E { me1me2} dB( ζ, )∑−τ,⎢⎣τ= 0⎥⎦τ=t∑m ( t−τ) m ( t−τ)= { me1 21−me 2} EdB [ ( ζτ , )] = 0.τ=0Bimt1mtEX [ ( , )] [2αBζ t = EmA1 1( ζ,0) e + mA2 2( ζ,0) e ] + E[2 JB( ζ)] κmt 1 mt 2{ mEA1[1( ,0)] e + mEA2[2( ,0)] e }ζ ζ α2 EJ [B( ζ)]κ mt1 1ζ2 2= mEA [ ( ,0)] e + mEA [ ( ζ,0)]e1 20mt.02 2Var[ JB( ζ)] = E ⎡JB ( ζ) ⎤ ( E ⎡JB( ζ) ⎤⎢ ⎥ −⎣ ⎦) ,⎣ ⎦ τ=tm1( t−τ) m2( t−τ) 2 2= ∑ { me1−me 2} EB [i]τ=0τ=t∫02( dx) = (2 D)dτ2 2 m ( t−τ) −β( t−τ) 2 2 m ( t−τ)1 1 2 2= 2 D { m e1− 2 m m e + m e2} dτ.τ=0⎧2mt1 −βt2mt⎫e 1 e 1 e22D⎪−−−1= ⎨m1 + 2m 1m 2+ m ⎪2 ⎬2 β22⎪⎩ω⎪⎭,⎡ mtmt ⎤ ⎡ ⎤1 1 2 2κ BVar[ X (,)] ζ t Var{ m A (,0) ζ e1m A (,0) ζ e2} VarαJ () ζB= ⎢ + ⎥ + ⎢⎣ ⎥⎣⎦ ⎦2 2mt1 2 2mtm 21e Var ⎡A1( ζ,0) ⎤ m2 e Var ⎡A2( ζ,0) ⎤ α⎣ ⎦+⎣ ⎦ Var ⎡J( )2 Bζ ⎤⎣ ⎦κ252

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon2 2mt1 2 2mt= m21e Var ⎡A1( ζ, 0) ⎤ m2 e Var ⎡⎣ ⎦+⎣A2( ζ, 0) ⎤⎦+22mt1 βt2mtα ⎧−e 122 e 1 e ⎫2D⎪−−−1+ ⎨m2 1+ 2ω+ m ⎪2 ⎬κ⎪ 2 β2⎩⎪⎭2 −( β−κ) t2 − ( β+κ)t= m ⎤1e Var ⎡A1( ζ, 0) ⎤ m2 e Var ⎡⎣ ⎦+⎣A2( ζ, 0)⎦+1 κtω 1−κ{ ( β κ) 4 ( β κ)}α2 −βtD e e 2t+ − − + − + e2κ2 β 21 1{ ( β κ) − 4 + ( β + κ)}2 2+ D α − ω .2κ 2 β 2D2 2β −4ωβ2αβ12.4 The Time-Rate Process Equilibrium StateAt Equilibrium, t = infinite hyper-real Θ,Pro<strong>of</strong>:EX [ ( ζ, Θ)]≈ 0,BVar[ X B( ζ, Θ)] ≈ D α > 0 ,β2 2provided β − 4ω> 0.EX [ (, ζ Θ )] = mEA [ (,0)] ζ e + mEA [ (,0)] ζ eBm Θ1 1 2 21 22m Θ1 2 2 1 2 2( β β 4 ω ) ( β β 4 ω2 2− − − Θ − + − ) Θ1[1( ζ,0)] 2[2( ζ,0)]= mEA e + mEA e.53

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonSince we assume2β > 4ω2 , then,2 2β − β − 4ω> 0, <strong>and</strong>2 2β + β − 4ω> 0, <strong>and</strong>ee12 2− ( β− β − 4 ω ) Θ2 ≈ 012 2− ( β+ β − 4 ω ) Θ2 ≈ 0Hence, EX [ ( ζ , Θ B)] ≈ 0.2 ( )Var[ X− β−κΘB( ζ, Θ )] = m1 e Var ⎡A1( ζ, 0) ⎤⎣ ⎦+≈ 0, since β+ κ>0≈0, since β− κ>02 − ( β+ κ)Θ+ m2 e Var ⎡A2( ζ, 0) ⎤⎣ ⎦+ 2 2α ⎧β − κ −( β−κ) Θ ω −βΘ β + κ ⎫− ( β+ κ)Θ+ 2D⎪⎨− e + 2 e − e ⎪⎬+2κ⎪⎩4 β 4 ⎪⎭2+ D α β≈02≈ D α > 0 ,βsince β > 0.54

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon13.RLC Harmonic OscillatorDriven by Thermal NoiseVoltage B(,) ζ t13.1 The <strong>Evolution</strong> Equation <strong>of</strong> RLC HarmonicProcess driven by Thermal Noise Voltage B(,) ζ tThermal Noise in the Resistor R , generates <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> VoltageB (,) ζ t on the Resistor R , that drives a <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> CurrentB (,) dqB (,) ζ ti ζ t = through the Circuit.dti (,) ζ t R = q (,) ζ t R is the <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Voltage on R .BBdiB(,)ζ tLdt= Lq (,) ζ t is the <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Voltage on L .B55

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonqB (,) ζ tCis the <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Voltage on C .The balance <strong>of</strong> voltages on the circuit components isLq t + q t R + q t = Bζ t ,1B(,) ζB(,) ζB(,) ζ (,)Cq 1 R(,) (,) (,)1Bζ t =B(,) B ζ t −L q ζ t −L q tLC B ζ .α β ω213.2 The Thermal Noise Charge q (,) ζ tBR R 2 C 2−4 LC R 2 C 2−4tt−LC2L 2LC 2LCq (,) ζ t = e { A(,0) ζ e + A (,0) ζ e } +B−1 2tτ= t ⎧ R RC 2 2−4LC ⎫ R RC 2 2 4LC( t τ) ⎧ −⎫−⎪ ⎨ − ⎪⎬ − − ⎪⎨ + ⎪⎬( t−τ)2L2LC2L2LC⎪⎩ ⎪⎭ ⎪⎩ ⎪⎭C+ { ee}2 2∫ −dB ( ζτ , )RC − 4LCτ=0Pro<strong>of</strong>: By 11.2, the Harmonic Oscillator evolution equationdq B(,) ζ t = α dB (,) ζ t −β q B(,) ζ t dt −ω q B(,)ζ t dt .is solved by the Processq (,) ζ t = e { A(,0) ζ e + A (,0) ζ e } +B− 1βt1κt−1κt2 2 21 2τ=tα+ −κm1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)∫ { e e } dB( ζτ , ),τ=02provided2 2κ = β − 4ω> 0,56

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonSubstitutingthen,1α = ,LRLm =− β + κ,1 11 2 2m =− β − κ.221 12 2 2R 2 1β = , ω = ,L LC1 1 2 24 RC 4LC LCκ = − = − LC,mm2 2−4R R C L1 2L2LC=− + C ,2 2−4R R C L1 2L2LC=− − C ,− ⎧⎪qB( ζ, t) = e ⎨A1( ζ,0) e + A2( ζ,0)e⎪⎩R R 2 C 2−4 LC R 2 C 2−4tLC2L ⎪t−2LC 2LCt⎫⎪⎬+⎪⎭τ= t ⎧ R RC 2 2−4LC ⎫ R RC 2 2 4LC( t τ) ⎧ −⎫−⎪ ⎨ − ⎪⎬ − − ⎪⎨ + ⎪⎬( t−τ)2L2LC2L2LC⎪⎩ ⎪⎭ ⎪⎩ ⎪⎭C+ { ee}2 2∫ −dB ( ζτ , ).RC − 4LCτ=013.3 Normal Distribution <strong>of</strong> the Thermal Noise Charge− ⎧⎪qB( ζ, t) = e ⎨A1( ζ,0) e + A2( ζ,0)e⎪⎩R R 2 C 2−4 LC R 2 C 2−4tLC2L ⎪t−2LC 2LCt⎫⎪⎬+⎪⎭τ= t ⎧ R RC 2 2−4LC ⎫ R RC 2 2 4LC( t τ) ⎧ −⎫−⎪ ⎨ − ⎪⎬ − − ⎪⎨ + ⎪⎬( t−τ)2L2LC2L2LC⎪⎩ ⎪⎭ ⎪⎩ ⎪⎭C+ { ee}2 2∫ −dB ( ζτ , )RC − 4LCτ=0is Normally Distributed with57

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonMeanR 2 2 4 2 2tR C − LCt−R C −4LC2L2LCEq [ ( ζ, t)] = e { EA [ ( ζ,0)] e + EA [ ( ζ,0)] e2LC},B−<strong>and</strong> Variance1 2tR 2 2 4 2 2tR C − LCt−R C −4LCLLCVar[ q ( ζ, t)] = e {Var[ A( ζ,0)] e + Var[ A ( ζ,0)] eLC}B−1 2t2 2 4 2 2 42 −Rt⎧R C − LCt−R C − LCt2DC LCeL eLC1 eLC+ ⎪⎨+ −2 2RC − 4LC 2 2 2 2RC R C 4LC RC⎪− + − RC + R C − 4LC⎩⎫⎪⎬⎪⎭+2CRCD R 2RC− 2L.− 4LPro<strong>of</strong>: By 12.1,−mt1 2Eq [ ( ζ, t)] = EA [ ( ζ,0)] e + EA [ ( ζ,0)]eBmt1 2R R2C2−4LC R2C2−4LC−2L2LC2LCt t t1ζ2ζ= e { E[ A(,0)] e + E[ A (,0)] e }.−( ) ( )Var[ ( , )] ttq t e β − κ −Var A1( , 0) e β +ζ = ⎡ ζ ⎤ + κ Var ⎡A2( ζ, 0) ⎤⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦+α ⎧e e e+ 2D⎪⎨− + −2κ⎪⎩β − κ β β + κ2 −( β−κ) t −βt − ( β+κ)t⎫⎪⎬+⎪⎭2 2 22D α β −+ωβω β − 4ω2 2 2,−R R 2 C 2−4 LC R 2 C 2−4tt−LCL LC L= e {Var[ A( ζ, 0)] e + Var[ A ( ζ, 0)] eC} +1 2t58

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonR R2C2−4LC R2C2−4LC2 − t ⎧t− t2DC LCeL eLC1 eLC+ ⎨⎪+ −2 2RC − 4LC 2 2 2 2− RC + R C − 4LC RC RC + R C − 4LC⎪⎩⎫⎬⎪⎪⎭+2CRCD R 2RC− 2L.− 4L13.4 The Thermal Noise Charge Steady StateAt the Steady State, t = infinite hyper-real Θ,Eq [B( ζ, Θ)] ≈ 0.2CRC−2LqBζ Θ ≈ D R 2RC−LVar[ ( , )]4.13.5 The Noise Energy <strong>of</strong> qB (,) ζ t at the Steady State21 1 2kT = E[ q ( , )]2 2CBζ Θ =2D R C − 2L,2R RC−4Lwhere k is Boltzmann Constant,<strong>and</strong> T is the absolute Temperature.Pro<strong>of</strong>:1 2 12Eq2 Bζ Θ = qC2CBζ Θ + EqBζ Θ 2CRC−2L0[ (, )] {Var[ (, )] ( [ (, )])}22R 2RC−4D R 2RCD RC−2L= .L−4L59

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon13.6 The Thermal Noise Current i (,) ζ tBR2 22 2R C − 4 LCt2LR R C −4LCtζ2LC +−Bζ = − +2L 2LCq(,) t e ( ) A (,0) e1−R2 22 242 ( 4) ( ,0)R C − LCttL R R C − LC−ζ2LC +− e + A e2 22L2LC2 2R R C −4LC2L2LC2τ=tτ=0R R2C2−4 LC2L2LC−[ − ]( t−τ)−C( − ) ∫ edB(ζτ , )+RC −4LC2 22 2R R C −4LC2L2LCτ=tτ=0R R2C2− 4 LC2L2LC− [ + ]( t−τ)C+ ( + ) ∫ edB ( ζτ , ).RC −4LCPro<strong>of</strong>: By 11.3,κt1 1 2 21 β12 2q(,) ζ t = e { m A(,0) ζ e + m A (,0) ζ e }B−tτ=tα+ −κ−1κt2m1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)∫ { me1me2} dB( ζτ , ),τ=0−R2 22 242 ( 4) ( ,0)R C − LCttL R R C − LCζ2LC += e − + A e2L2LC1−R2 22 242 ( 4) ( ,0)R C − LCttL R R C − LC−ζ2LC +− e + A e2 22L2LC2 22R R C −4LC2L2LCτ=tτ=0R R2C2− 4 LC2L2LC−[ − ]( t−τ)C− ( − ) ∫ edB(ζτ , )+RC −4LC2 22 2R R C −4LC2L2LCτ=tτ=0R R2C2− 4 LC2L2LC− [ + ]( t−τ)C+ ( + ) edB ( ζτ , ).RC −4LC∫60

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon13.7 Normal Distribution <strong>of</strong> Thermal Noise Currenti (,) ζ t = q (,) ζ tBBis Normally Distributed withMeanR2 22 2R C − 4 LCt2LR R C −4LCtζ2LC +−Bζ = − +2L 2LCEi [ ( , t )] e ( ) EA [ ( ,0)] e1−<strong>and</strong> VarianceR2 22 242 ( 4) [ ( ,0)]R C − LCttL R R C − LC−ζ2LC ,− e + E A e2L2LC2R 2 22 2 44 2R C −tLCL R R C LCLC− − tBζ = − +⎡2L 2LC⎣Var[ i ( , t )] e ( ) e Var A1( ζ , 0) ⎤⎦+−R 2 22 2 44 2R C −tLCL R R C LC −LC+ e ( + − ) e Var ⎡A2( ζ,0)⎤⎣ ⎦+2L2LCtR− t22 2L C − −2 2RC −4LCRC R C 4LC2LCR2C2− 4 LCLC− e D e +−Rt L+ e D+2C2 2RC −4LC4RCtPro<strong>of</strong>: By 12.3,−RLt2C2 2RC −4LCR2C2− 4 LCLCRC +2 2R C −4LC− t D2LC2RL− e D e +mtmt1 1 2 2i (,) ζ t A (,) ζ t m e A (,) ζ t m eB=1+2+τ=tα+ −κm1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)∫ { me1me2} dB( ζτ , )τ=0is Normally Distributed withMean61

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannonmt1 1 2 2Ei [ ( ζ, t)] mEA [ ( ζ,0)] e mEA [ ( ζ,0)]eBmt=1+2,−R2 22 242 ( 4) [ ( ,0)]R C − LCttL R R C − LC2LC += e − + E A ζ e−2L2LCR2 22 2R C − 4 LCt2LR R C −4LC−2L− e ( + ) E[ A ( ζ ,0)] e2L2LC<strong>and</strong> VarianceVar[ ( , )] 2 −( β−κ)i tBζ t = m1 e Var ⎡A1( ζ , 0) ⎤⎣ ⎦+2 − ( β+ κ)t+ m2 e Var ⎡A2( ζ, 0) ⎤⎣ ⎦+β− κ −( β−κ) t ω −βt β+κ − ( β+κ)t{ }2 224 β421tC.+α2D − e + 2 e − e + Dκ2α ,2βR 2 22 2 44 2R C −tLCL R R C LCLC= e − ( − + − ) e Var⎡A1( ζ,0)⎤⎣ ⎦+2L2LCt−R 2 22 2 44 2R C −tLCL R R C LC −LC+ e ( + − ) e Var ⎡A2( ζ,0)⎤⎣ ⎦+2L2LCtR− t22 2L C − −2 2RC −4LCRC R C 4LC2LCR2C2− 4 LCLC− e D e +−Rt L+ e D+2C2 2RC −4LC4RCt−R2 222 2R C − 4 LCtL C RC + R C −4LC−LC2 2RC −4LCt D2LC2RL− e D e + .13.8 The Thermal Noise Current Steady StateAt the Steady State, t = infinite hyper-real Θ,Ei [B( ζ, Θ)] ≈ 0.62

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonDVar[ iB( ζ, Θ)]≈ .2RL13.9 Thermal Noise Energy <strong>of</strong> iB (,) ζ t at Steady State2 DkT = E[ iB( ζ, Θ )] L = ,4R1 12 2where k is Boltzmann Constant,<strong>and</strong> T is the absolute Temperature.Pro<strong>of</strong>:1 2 122 Bζ Θ =2 Bζ Θ +Bζ Θ D02RLEi [ (, )] L {Var[ i (, )] ( Ei [ (, )])} LD= .4R13.10 RLC Harmonic Oscillator Thermal Noise Energy2D ⎧R C 2L1⎫⎪ −⎨ + ⎪⎬.R ⎪⎩RC−4L⎪⎭2 2 263

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon14.<strong>Poisson</strong> Process P(,)ζ tThe arrival at rate λ , <strong>of</strong> radioactive particles at a counter ismodeled by the <strong>Poisson</strong> Process. It models other processes,such as the arrival <strong>of</strong> phone calls at rate λ , to an operator.14.1 The Bernoulli <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Variables <strong>of</strong> the ProcessWe assume thatan arrival probability in time dt isp= λdt<strong>and</strong> no arrival probability in time dt is,q= 1 − λdt.At fixed time t , afterN infinitesimal time intervals dt ,N =tdt, is an infinite hyper-real,there are<strong>and</strong>k arrivals,k is a finite hyper-realN− k no arrivals,64

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonN− k is an infinite Hyper-realAt the i th step we define the Bernoulli <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Variable,where i = 1,2,..., N .Pi(arrival) = 1, ζ1= arrivalPi (no-arrival) = 0 , ζ2= no-arrivalPr( P = 1) = p = λdt,iPr( P = 0) = q = 1 − λdt,iE[ P ] = 1⋅ λdt + 0 ⋅(1 − λdt)= λdt,i2 2 2iE[ P ] = 1 ⋅ λdt + 0 ⋅(1 − λdt)= λdt,2 2iiλdtλdtVar[ P] = E[ P ] − ( E[ P]),i= λdt (1 −λdt)≈ λdt.≈114.2 The Binomial Distribution <strong>of</strong> the ProcessP( ζ , t) = P + P + ... + PN1 2is a <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Process withEP [ ( ζ, t)]= λt,Var[ P( ζ, t)]= λt,Pro<strong>of</strong>: Since theP iare independent,65

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonEP [ ( ζ, t)] = EP [ 1 ] + ... + EP [ ]N= λNdtλdtλdtVar[ P( ζ, t)] = Var[ P1] + ... + Var[ PN] ≈ λNdt ≈λdt≈λdttt14.3 P(, ζ t + dt) −P(,)ζ t is a Bernoulli <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Variable14.4 <strong>Poisson</strong> Process is ContinuousPro<strong>of</strong>:E[{ P( ζ, t + dt) − P( ζ, t)} ] =2= Var[ P( ζ, t + dt) − P( ζ, t)] + ( E[ P( ζ, t + dt) −P( ζ, t)]) 2 ,PiPiwhereX iis a Bernoulli <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Variable,= Var[ Pi] + ( E [ Pi]) = infinitesimal .≈λdt 2λdt14.5 The Derivative <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Poisson</strong> process1P = Pdt i,where (1)Pi= P(, ζ t0+ dt) −P(, ζ t0), is a Bernoulli<strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Variable.66

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon(2) EP [ ] = λ ,(3) Var[ P] = λδ( t0)Pro<strong>of</strong>:(1) For each t = t 0, we need to find a <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> SignalP(, ζ t ), so that for any dt ,0⎡2 ⎤⎡P(, ζ t0 + dt) −P(, ζ t0)⎤E − P ( ζ, t0) = infinitesimal,⎢⎢dt⎥⎣⎦ ⎥⎣⎦SinceP(, ζ t0+ dt) −P(, ζ t0), is a Bernoulli <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> VariableP i,⎡ 2 ⎤ ⎡2 ⎤P(, t dt) P(,)tPiE ⎪⎧ ζ + − ζ⎫ ⎧ ⎫P(,) ζ t ⎨− ⎪⎬ = E ⎪ −P⎪⎨⎬⎢⎪⎩ dt⎪⎭ ⎥ ⎢⎪⎩dt ⎪⎭⎣ ⎦⎥⎣ ⎦Therefore, at timet = t 0, the <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Variable1dtis the derivative <strong>of</strong> the <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> <strong>Walk</strong> P(, ζ t ).P i,0(2)(3)1EP [ ] = EP [ ]dt i= λ .λdtVar[ P] = E[ P ] −( E[ P])2 2λ67

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon1= EP [ ]2( ) i− λdt1= λdt= λδ( t ),02 22 2λdt+λ ( dt)By [Dan4].68

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon15.Integration sums <strong>of</strong>ft ()withrespect toP(,)ζ tLet f () t be a hyper-real function on the bounded timeinterval [ ab ,].f () t need not be bounded.At each a ≤ t ≤b, there is a Bernoulli <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> VariabledP(,) ζ t = P(, ζ t + dt) − P(,) ζ t = P(,) ζ t = P (,) ζ t dt.We form the Integration SumFor any dt ,t= b t= b t=b∑ ∑ ∑ ζf () tdP(, ζ t) = ftP () (, ζ t) = ftP () (, tdt )it= a t= a t=a(1) the First Moment <strong>of</strong> the Integration Sum is⎡t= b ⎤ t=bt=bE f () t P(,) ζ t dt = f () t E[ P∑ ∑ (,)] ζ t dt = λ ∫ f () t dt ,⎢⎣t= a ⎥⎦t= a t=aλiassuming f () t integrable.(2) the Second Moment <strong>of</strong> the Integration sum is69

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon⎡2t= b ⎤ t= b τ=b⎛ ⎞ ⎡⎛ ⎞⎛⎞⎤E f() t Pi(, ζ t) E f() t Pi(, ζ t) f( τ) Pj(, ζ τ)∑ =∑ ∑⎟⎜ ⎝t= a ⎠⎟⎢⎝⎜t= a ⎠⎝ ⎟⎜⎣τ=a⎢⎥⎟⎠⎥⎣⎦⎦t= b τ=b= ∑∑t= a τ=af ()( tfτ) EP [ (, ζ τ) P(, ζ t)]Since the Bernoulli <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Variables are independent,only for t2j i iEP [ ( ζτ , ) P( ζ, t)] = EP [ ( ζ, t)] = λdt(1 + λdt)= τ . Then,⎡⎤⎛E f t B t = f t⎜⎢⎝⎠⎣⎥⎦ji≈12t= b ⎞ t=b2∑ ()i(, ζ ) λ ()∑ dt ,⎥t= a ⎟ t=at=b= λ ∫ f2 () tdt,t=aassuming f () t integrable.Thus, assuming f () t integrable, for any dt , the IntegrationSum is a unique well-defined hyper-real <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> VariableI (). ζ We call I () ζ the integral <strong>of</strong> f () t , with respect toPPP(,)ζ t from x = a, to x = b, <strong>and</strong> denote it byt=b∫ f () tdP(, ζ t).t=a70

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon16.<strong>Evolution</strong> <strong>of</strong> Linear Oscillatordue to Shot Noise Voltage P(,) ζ t16.1 Shot Noise VoltageSince the electron charge is−191.6 × 10 Coulomb , a current <strong>of</strong>310 − 6.24 × 1015Ampere has aboutelectrons.the number <strong>of</strong> electrons will fluctuate by millions <strong>of</strong>electrons per second, <strong>and</strong> the fluctuations modeled by a<strong>Poisson</strong> ProcessP(,) ζ t .P(,)ζ t , will generate a Shot Noise VoltageThis noise which is independent <strong>of</strong> the temperature, <strong>and</strong> thefrequency, will be added to the Thermal Noise that isproportional to the temperature, <strong>and</strong> to the Flicker Noisewhich spectral density is inversely proportional to thefrequency.At higher temperatures, shot noise is negligible compared tothe Thermal Noise, <strong>and</strong> at lower frequencies, it is negligiblecompared to the Flicker noise.71

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonBut at low temperatures, <strong>and</strong> high frequencies, Shot Noisemay be the main noise.16.2 <strong>Evolution</strong> Equation <strong>of</strong> Linear Oscillator ProcessXP (,) ζ tdriven by Shot Noise VoltageThe balance <strong>of</strong> voltages in a linear oscillator circuit due tothe Shot Noise Voltage Component isdX (,) ζ t = α dP (,) ζ t − β X (,) ζ t dt .PP16.3 Integrating Factor Solutionτ=t−βt−β( t−τ)Pτ=0X P(,) ζ t = e X (,0) ζ + α∫e dP (, ζ τ )Pro<strong>of</strong>: following the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 7.2.We obtain the same solution for the linear oscillatorevolution equation by the Variation <strong>of</strong> Parameters Method.72

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon17.Linear Oscillator ProcessXP (,) ζ tVoltagedue to Shot NoiseP(,) ζ t17.1 The <strong>Poisson</strong> Distribution <strong>of</strong> X (,) ζ tτ=t−βt−β( t−τ)Pτ=0X P(,) ζ t = e X (,0) ζ + α∫e dP (, ζ τ)is <strong>Poisson</strong> Distributed withMeanEX [ ( , t )] ( EX t[ ( ,0)] 1) e −ζ = λ + ζ − β ,P<strong>and</strong> Varianceα β222 1Var[ X ( , t )] e − tVar X αt( , 0) (1 e −ζ = ⎡ ζ ⎤ + λ − )( − ).PPβ β λ⎣ P ⎦ β2 βPro<strong>of</strong>: Since dP(, ζτ)is <strong>Poisson</strong> Distributed, so isτ=tI () ζ = ∫ e dP(, ζ τ ). Hence, X (,) ζ t is <strong>Poisson</strong>Pτ=0distributed.−β( t−τ)PP73

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon⎡ τ=t ⎤βτEI [P( ζ)] = E e dP( ζ, )∑ τ,⎢⎣τ= 0 ⎥⎦τ=tβτ= ∑ e E[ dP( ζτ , )]τ=0Piτ=tτ=0λdτβτ λ βt= λ∫ e dτ= ( e − 1).β−βtEX [P( ζ, t)] = Ee [ XP( ζ,0)] + E[ αe IP( ζ)] ,−βt−βt−βte E[ XP( ζ,0)] αe E[ IP( ζ)]−βtλ( eβt−1)β−βtα= e E[ X ( ζ,0)] + λ (1−e )P− t= λ + ( EX [ ( ζ,0)] − 1) e β .α βPβ22Var[ IP( ζ)] = E ⎡ IP ( ζ) ⎤ −E ⎡ IP( ζ)⎣⎢ ⎦⎥ ⎣ ⎤ ⎦,τ=t∑2βτ2λ βt( e −1)βλ= e E[ P ] ( 1)2i− e − ,βτ=0τ=tλdt2βtβτ2λ βt∑ e dτ( e − 1)2= λ −τ=02 2β274

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon2ββt2e −β21( t1) λe(2 2= λ − − 1)ββtλ βte + 1 λ βt= ( e −1) ⎡( e 1)⎤β ⎢ − −⎣ 2 β ⎥⎦βtβt= λ( e − λ1)( e + 1)( − )β2 1e βt2= λ ( − 1)( − λ).β−βt−βtVar[ XP( ζ, t)] = Var ⎡e XP( ζ, 0) ⎤ Var ⎡⎢ ⎥ + ⎢αe IP( ζ)⎤⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎥⎦−2βt2 2 te Var ⎡ βXP( ζ,0) ⎤ −α e Var ⎡IP( ζ)⎤⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦β−2 t2α −2 t 1= e Var ⎡X ( , 0) ⎤ + (1 −e)( − ).12β β λ⎣ Pζ⎦λβ2 ββ17.2 The Linear Oscillator Process Steady StateAt Steady State, t = infinite hyper-real Θ,EX [ P( ζ, Θ)]≈αλ β212α λVar[ XP( ζ, Θ)] ≈ λ ( − ).ββ75

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon18.RC Oscillator Process drivenby Shot Noise Voltage P(,) ζ t18.1 <strong>Evolution</strong> Equation <strong>of</strong> qP (,) ζ t in RCLinear Oscillator due to Shot Noise Voltage P(,) ζ tCurrent fluctuations in the circuit, generate Shot NoiseVoltage P(,) ζ t that drives a r<strong>and</strong>om currentP (,) dqP (,) ζ ti ζ t = through the Circuit.dtqP (,) ζ t is the r<strong>and</strong>om charge on the Capacitor CThe balance <strong>of</strong> voltages due to the shot noise isdq P(,) ζ t q P(,)ζR + t = P (,) ζ t ,dt C76

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon1 1dqP(,) ζ t = P(,) ζ t dt − qP(,)ζ t dt .R RCαdP(,)ζ tβ18.2 The <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Charge Process q (,) ζ tPro<strong>of</strong>: By 16.3,τ=t−1t1 − 1 ( t−τ)RCRCPζPζRτ=0q (,) t = e q (,0) + ∫ e dP(, ζ τ )τ=t−βt−β( t−τ)Pτ=0q (,) ζ t = e q (,0) ζ + α∫ e dP (, ζ τ ),PBy 18.1,1α = ,1β = ,R RCτ=t−1t1 − 1 ( t−τ)RCRCPζRτ=0= e q (,0) + ∫ e dP (, ζ τ ).P18.3 The <strong>Poisson</strong> Distribution <strong>of</strong> the <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Chargeτ=t−1t1 − 1 ( t−τ)RCRCPζPζRτ=0q (,) t = e q (,0) + ∫ e dP(, ζ τ )is <strong>Poisson</strong> Distributed withMeanEq [( ,)] [ (,0)] 1 t RCPζ t λ C Eq Pζ e−= + ⎡ − ⎤⎣⎦,<strong>and</strong> Variance177

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon1t−1RCCRC−2 2Pζ⎡qP ζ ⎤⎣ ⎦+ D −eRVar[ q ( , t)]= e Var ( , 0) (1 )Pro<strong>of</strong>: By 17.1,−Eq [ ( ζ, t)] = λ + ( Eq [ ( ζ,0)] − 1) e βPα βP− t= λC + ( E[ q ( ζ,0)] − 1) e β .−2βt2α −2βt1 λVar[ qP( ζ, t)] = e Var ⎡qP( ζ, 0) ⎤⎣ ⎦+ λ (1 −e )( − )1t1RCC −RC−2 2 t⎡ ⎤1P ⎣ ⎦ R2P= e Var q ( ζ, 0) + λ (1 − e )( −λR C).βt2βt18.4 The <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Charge q (,) ζ t Steady StatePAt the Steady State,t = infinite hyper-real Θ,Eq [P( ζ , Θ)]≈ λC .Var[ q ( ζ , Θ )] ≈ λC( − λRC) .PR1218.5 The Charge Noise Energy at the Steady Statewherek2λ24REq [ ( ζ, Θ)]= ,Cis Boltzmann Constant,Pro<strong>of</strong>:<strong>and</strong> T is the absolute Temperature.Eq2ζ[ ( , Θ )] = 1 {Var[(, q ζ Θ )] + ( E[(,q ζ Θ )])}22C2C λC 1R 2( −λRC)λCλ= .4R78

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon19.RL Oscillator Process drivenby Shot Noise VoltageP(,) ζ t19.1 <strong>Evolution</strong> Equation <strong>of</strong> Current iP (,) ζ t in RLOscillator due to Shot Noise Voltage P(,) ζ tCurrent fluctuations in the circuit, generate Shot NoiseVoltage P (,) ζ t that drives a r<strong>and</strong>om current i (,) ζ t throughdiP the Circuit.(,) ζ tL is the <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Voltage on L .dtThe balance <strong>of</strong> voltages due to the shot noise isdiP(,)ζ tL + iP(,) ζ t R = P (,) ζ t ,dt1RdiP(,) ζ t = P(,) ζ tdt−iP(,)ζ tdt.L LαdP(,)ζ tβP79

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon19.2 The Current Process iP (,) ζ t due to Shot NoisePro<strong>of</strong>: By 16.3,τ=tRR− t1 − ( t−τ)LLP=P+L ∫τ=0i (,) ζ t e i (,0) ζ e dP(, ζ τ)τ=t−βt−β( t−τ)Pτ=0i (,) ζ t = e i (,0) ζ + α∫ e dP (, ζ τ),PBy 19.1,1 Rα = , β = ,LLτ=t−RtR1 − ( t−τ)LLPζLτ=0= e i (,0) + ∫ e dP (, ζ τ). 19.3 <strong>Poisson</strong> Distribution <strong>of</strong> the Shot Noise Currentτ=tRR− t1 − ( t−τ)LLP L ∫τ=0i (,) ζ t = e i (,0) ζ + e dP(, ζ τ)Pis <strong>Poisson</strong> Distributed withMeanRt LEi [ ( , t λζ )] = + ( Ei [ ( ζ,0)] − 1) e ,P<strong>and</strong> VarianceRR−2 t1 −2LPζ = ⎡Pζ ⎤⎣ ⎦+ −RLVar[ i ( , t)] e Var i ( , 0) D (1 eL)Pro<strong>of</strong>: By 17.1,P−Rt80

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonEi [ ( , t )] α ,0)] 1) e −ζ = λ + ( Ei [ ( ζ −βPβPRt Lλ= + ( Ei [ ( ζ,0)] − 1) e .R222Var[ i ( , t )] e − tVar i t( , 0)α(1 e −ζ = ⎡ ζ ⎤ + λ − )(1− )PPβ β λ⎣ P ⎦ β2 βR−2 t 2Lλ − t⎡ ⎤L 1 λL⎣ P ⎦ RL 2 R= e Var i ( i, 0) + (1 −e)( − ).R−t19.4 Shot Noise Current Steady StateAt the Steady State, t = infinite hyper-real Θ,λEi [ ( ζ, Θ)]≈ .PVar[ ( ζ , Θ )] ≈ ( − ) .Rλ 1 λLiP RL 2 R19.5 Shot Noise Current Energy at the Steady State1Ei 2[ ( , )]2 PL λ4Rζ Θ = ,wherekis Boltzmann Constant,<strong>and</strong> Tis the absolute Temperature.Pro<strong>of</strong>:1 2 12 λEi [ (, )] {Var[ (, )] ( [ (, )])}2 Pζ Θ L= i2 Pζ Θ + EiP ζ Θ L=4R λ(1−λL)λRL 2 R R. 81

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon20.<strong>Evolution</strong> <strong>of</strong> HarmonicOscillator driven by Shot NoiseVoltageP(,) ζ t20.1 <strong>Evolution</strong> Equation <strong>of</strong> Harmonic Oscillatordriven by Shot NoiseP(,) ζ tThe <strong>Evolution</strong> Equation for the Harmonic Oscillator drivenby a <strong>Poisson</strong> Process P(,) ζ t isdx(,) ζ t = αdP(,) ζ t −βx(,) ζ t dt −ω x(,)ζ t dt,2x(,) ζ t = αP(,) ζ t −βx(,) ζ t −ω x(,)ζ t .220.2 Variation <strong>of</strong> Parameters Solutionfor the Harmonic Oscillator ProcessdX 2P(,) ζ t = α dP (,) ζ t −β X P(,) ζ t dt −ω X P(,)ζ t d t,is−1 β t1 κ t−1κ t2 2 21 2XP(,) ζ t = e { A(,0) ζ e + A (,0) ζ e } +Xhomogeneuos(,) ζ t82

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannonτ=tα+ −κτ=0m1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)∫ { e e } dP( ζτ , ),Xζparticular (,) tprovided2 2κ = β − 4ω> 0,m =− β + κ,1 11 2 2m =− β − κ1 12 2 2Pro<strong>of</strong>: Following the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> The Time-Rate <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Process X(,) ζ t1 βt1t1tX−(,) t e2{ m A(,0) e κ− κζ = ζ2+ m A (,0) ζ e2}Pτ=t1 1 2 2α+ m 1∫ ( t −τ) m2( t−τ){ me1− me2} dP( ζτ , ),κτ=0Pprovided2 2κ = β − 4ω> 0,m =− β + κ,1 11 2 2m =− β − κ1 12 2 2Pro<strong>of</strong>: Following the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 11.3.83

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon21.Harmonic Oscillator Processdue to ShotNoise VoltageP(,) ζ t21.1 The <strong>Poisson</strong> Distribution o f the HarmonicOscillator Process XP (,) ζ t driven by Shot Noiseκt1 21 1 12 2 2X (,) ζ t = e { A(,0) ζ e + A (,0) ζ e }P− βtτ=tα+ −κm1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)∫ { e e } dP( ζτ , )τ=0is <strong>Poisson</strong> Distributed withMeanmt1 2EX [ ( ζ, t)] = EA [ ( ζ,0)] e + EA [ ( ζ,0)]eP−κtmt1 2<strong>and</strong> Variancemt1mtα⎧e e2+ λ ⎪⎨ − +κ⎪⎩m1 m2κω2⎫⎪⎬⎪⎭−( β−κ) t− ( β+κ)tVar[ XP( ζ, t)] = e Var ⎡A1( ζ, 0) ⎤ + e Var ⎡A2( ζ, 0) ⎤⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦+2 ( β κ) t βt ( β κ) t2 2α ⎧− − − − +e e e ⎫2α 2λ⎪⎪ β − ω+ ⎨− + − ⎬+λ2 ( β κ) β β κ2κ− + 2 2⎪⎩⎪⎭2βω β − 4ω +84

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon2−λακ2⎡e⎢⎣mmtmte− +m1 2κ2 21 2 ω⎤⎥⎦2,provided2 2κ = β − 4ω> 0,m =− β + κ,1 11 2 2m =− β − κ.1 12 2 2Pro<strong>of</strong>: Since dP(, ζτ ) is <strong>Poisson</strong> Distributed, so isτ=tm ( t−τ) m ( t−τ)J () ζ { e e } (, )P∫=1−2dP ζ τ . Hence, (,) isτ= 0<strong>Poisson</strong> distributed.⎡ τ=t⎤m1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)EJ [P( ζ)] = E { e e } dP( ζ, τ )∑ −,⎢⎣τ= 0⎥⎦τ=t∑m ( t−τ) m ( t−τ)=1 2τ=0{ e −e } E[dP( ζτ , )]Piλdττ=tτ=tmt −m τ mt −mτ∫ ∫ .= λe 1e1dτ −λe 2e2dττ=0 τ=0XPζtλ mt λ= ( e −1) − ( emm1 21 2mt−1)85

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon⎧ mt1mt2 ⎫ ⎧ ⎫e e1 1= λ⎪ ⎨ − ⎪⎬+ λ⎪⎨− + ⎪⎬⎪ m1 m 2 ⎪ m1m⎩ ⎭ ⎪⎩2⎪⎭mte1eλ ⎧mt= ⎪ −⎫ 2⎨⎪⎬ + 2λm m β− κ β+κ⎪⎩ 1 2 ⎪⎭ 1mt2κλ ⎧mt⎪ee ⎫= ⎨ − + ⎬⎪m 2⎪ 1m2ω⎩⎪⎭mt1 21{ −1}κ2 2ωκλω2mtEXPt EA e A e[ (,)] ζ = [ (,0) ζ1+ (,0) ζ2] + E[ α J () ζ ]{ [ 1 21( , mtmtEA ζ 0)] e + EA [2( ζ,0)]e }mt1ζ2= EA [ ( ,0)] e + EA [ ( ζ,0)]emt1 2P καEJ [P( ζ)]κmt1mtα⎧e e2+ λ ⎪⎨ − +κ⎪⎩m1 m2κω2⎫⎪⎬.⎪⎭From the Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 12.1,τ=t∑m t m t 2 2{ e1( −τ) e2( −τ)E ⎡JP2 () ζ ⎤⎢ = − } E[ Pi]⎣ ⎥⎦τ=0λdττ=t2 m t−τ−β( t−τ)m ( t−τ)∫ { e 1 ( )2e e 2 } dτ.τ=0= λ− +86

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon=⎧2mt1 −βt2mte 1 e 1 e2 ⎫λ ⎪ − − −1⎨ + + ⎪⎬⎪ 2m1 β 2m⎩2 ⎪⎭⎧ 2mt1 −βt2mt2 ⎫ ⎧ ⎫e e e1 1 1= ⎪⎨ + + ⎪⎬+ ⎪⎨ − + ⎪⎬⎪ 2m1 β 2m⎩2 ⎪⎭⎪⎩β − κ β β + κ⎪⎭Var[ J ( )] E ⎡J ( ) ⎤ ( E ⎡J( ζ) ⎤⎢ ⎥ ⎣ ⎦)⎣ ⎦2 2Pζ =Pζ −P2 2β −2ω2βω⎧⎪2m1t −βte2−1 2⎪2 mt 2 2mt mte e ⎫⎪ β 2ω ⎧ 2 e e κ ⎫= λ⎨ + + ⎬+ λ −λ⎨⎪ − + ⎬⎪2m 2 2⎪ 1β 2m 2 ⎪ 2βω ⎪ m1 m2ω⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎪⎭22⎧ 2mt 12mt 2 2 2 mt1mt−βte e e β − 2ω ⎡e e2κ ⎤= λ⎪⎨ + + + −λ− +2m 2 21β 2m2 2βω m1 m2ω⎢⎣⎥⎪⎩⎦2⎫⎪⎬⎪⎭⎡ mtmt ⎤ ⎡ ⎤1 2κ P= ⎢ + ⎥ + ⎢⎣ ⎥⎣ ⎦ ⎦Var[ ( , )] Var { ( , 0)1( , 0)2αX ζ t A ζ e A ζ e } Var J ( ζ)2mt1 2mte Var ⎡A 21( ζ,0) ⎤ e Var ⎡A2( ζ,0)⎤ α⎣ ⎦+⎣ ⎦Var ⎡J( )2 Pζ ⎤⎣ ⎦κ2= e ⎡ ⎤⎣ ⎦+2mt12mtVar A e21( ζ, 0)Var ⎡A2( ζ, 0) ⎤⎣ ⎦+2⎧ 2mt 1 βt2mt 2 2 2 mt1mtα −e e e β − 2ω⎡e e2+ λ⎪⎨ + + + −λ− +2 2m 2κ1β 2m2 2βω⎢⎣m1 m2⎪⎩κω2⎤⎥⎦2⎫⎪⎬⎪⎭−( β−κ) t− ( β+κ)t= e Var ⎡A ⎤1( ζ, 0) ⎤ e Var ⎡⎣ ⎦+⎣A2( ζ, 0)⎦+2 ( β κ) t βt ( β κ) t2 2α ⎧− − − − +e e e ⎫2α 2λ⎪⎪ β − ω+ ⎨− + − ⎬+λ2 ( β κ) β β κ2κ− + 2 2⎪⎩⎪⎭2βω β − 4ω +87

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon−λ2mtmt1 22 α e e κκ⎡⎢⎣m− +m2 21 2 ω⎤⎥⎦2.21.2 The Harmonic Process Equilibrium StateAt Equilibrium, t = infinite hyper-real Θ,αEX [ P( ζ, Θ)]≈ λ ,ω2Pro<strong>of</strong>:2 2 2α ⎧1 β − 2ω1Var[ X P( ζ, Θ)]≈ λ ⎪⎨−λ2 2β2 2ω ⎪⎩β − 4ω ω2 2provided β − 4ω> 0.m Θ1 2EX [ (, ζ Θ )] = EA [ (,0)] ζ e + EA [ (,0)] ζ ePm Θ1 24⎫⎪⎬,⎪⎭m1 mα⎧Θe e2Θ+ λ ⎨⎪ − +κ⎪⎩m1 m2κω2⎫⎪⎬⎪⎭{ EA [ ( ζ,0)]λα}= +1κe2 2−1( β− β − 4 ω ) Θ2+α{ EA [ ( ,0)] }2122 2− ( β+ β −4 ω ) Θα+ ζ − λ e+ λ .κω2Since we assumeβ2 2> 4ω, then,2 2β − β − 4ω> 0, <strong>and</strong>e1 2 2− β− β − ω Θ≈2 ( 4 ) 02 2β + β − 4ω> 0, <strong>and</strong>e1 2 2− β+ β − ω Θ≈2 ( 4 ) 088

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonHence,EX [ ( ζ, Θ)]≈ λα.Pω2−( β−κ) Θ − ( β+ κ)ΘVar[ XP(, ζ Θ )] = e Var ⎡A1(,0) ζ ⎤ + e Var ⎡A2(,0)ζ ⎤⎣ ⎦ ⎣+ ⎦≈0, since β− κ> 0 ≈ 0, since β+ κ>02 ( β κ) β ( β κ)α ⎧− − Θ − Θ − + Θe e e ⎫+ λ ⎪⎨ + + ⎪⎬+2κ⎪⎩−( β −κ) β − ( β + κ)⎪⎭2 2 22D α β −+ωβω β − 4ω2 2 22 2 1ω4≈02 mt1mt22 α ⎡ee κ ⎤−λ κ2 − +m21m2ω⎢⎣⎥⎦≈λα2≈2 2 2α ⎧1 β 2ω1λ ⎪ −⎨−λω ⎪⎩2 β β − 4ω ω2 2 2 4⎫⎪⎬.⎪⎭21.3 The <strong>Poisson</strong> Distribution <strong>of</strong> the Time-Rate<strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Process mt1 mt2XP (, ζ t) = A1(,) ζ t m1e + A2(,)ζ t m2e+τ=tα m ( t−τ)m ( t−τ)∫ 1 2κτ=0+ −is <strong>Poisson</strong> Distributed withζτ{ me1me 2} dP( , )89

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonMean⎧mtEX [ ( , t)] mEA1[1( ,0)] α ⎫ ⎧αζ = ⎪⎨ ζ + λ⎪ ⎬e + ⎪⎨mEA 2[2( ζ,0)]− λ ⎫ ⎪ ⎬⎪⎭ e⎪⎩ κ⎪⎭ ⎪⎩κ<strong>and</strong> Variance2 ( ) tVar[ X− β−κ( ζ, t)] = m1 e Var ⎡A1( ζ, 0) ⎤⎣ ⎦+2 ( β κ)t+ m2 e− + Var ⎡ ⎣A2( ζ, 0) ⎤ ⎦+mt1 21 κt1t{ ( ) e 2ωκ( ) e−}2 2 2+ −α λ e −βtκ2− ⎡ − +⎣β − κ + − β + κ + λα4 β 4 2β2 ( β κ) β ( β κ)t2αλ e − − t t2 e − e − +2κ ⎢⎤⎥,⎦,provided2 2κ = β − 4ω> 0,m =− β + κ,1 11 2 2m =− β − κ.1 12 2 2Pro<strong>of</strong>: SincedP(, ζτ)is <strong>Poisson</strong> Distributed, so isτ= t∫m1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)JP() ζ = { m1e −m2e } dP(, ζ τ). Hence, X P (,) ζ t isτ=0<strong>Poisson</strong> Distributed.⎡ τ=t⎤m1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)EJ [P( ζ)] = E { me1me2} dP( ζ, τ )∑−,⎢⎣τ= 0⎥⎦90

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannonτ=t∑m ( t−τ) m ( t−τ)= { me1 21−me 2} EdP [ ( ζτ , )].τ=0Piλdtτ= tτ=tmt −m τ mt −mτ∫ 1 ∫ 2τ= 0 τ=0= λ−e1m e1dt λe 2m emt= λ e − e(1 2)−mt1 −mt21−e1−emtEX [ 0{ mEA 1 21 [ 1( mtmt,0)] e + mEA }2 [ 2 ( ,0)] e2 dt,mtmt1 1 2 2P κζ ζ αEJ [P( ζ)]κ (,)] ζ t = EmA [ (,0) ζ e1+ mA(, ζ ) e2] + E[ αJ ()] ζmt( 1 mtλ e −e2 )⎧ = ⎪ α ⎫ ⎧mtα ⎫⎨mEA1[1( ζ,0)]+ λ⎬ ⎪e + ⎪⎨m2E[ A2( ζ,0)]− λ⎪⎬e⎪⎩κ⎪⎭ ⎪⎩ κ⎪⎭mt1 2.τ=tE ⎡ 2 ττJ ζ ⎤ m −−= me1( t ) m⎢ ⎥−m e2( t ) 2() E P⎣ ⎦ ∑ {2P1 2} [i]τ=t= λ∫τ=0τ=0λdτ2 2 m1(t−τ) −β( t−τ) 2 2 m ( t−τ)11 2 2{ m e− 2 m m e + m e2} dτ.⎧2mt1 −βt2mt⎫e 1 e 1 e2λ ⎪ − − −1= ⎨m1 + 2m 1m2 + m ⎪2 ⎬2 β22⎪⎩ω⎪⎭91

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon−βt 2 21 κt ω 1 −κt1 1e m2 1e 2 m2 2e { m2 1m2 2ω= λ ⎡⎤⎢ + + + λ − − −2 }⎣ β⎥⎦ β−βt 2 2{ 1 t121 te ⎡ κmeω−κm2e⎤ κ}= λ ⎢ + + +⎣2 β 2 ⎥⎦Var[ JP( ζ)] = E ⎡JP ( ζ) ⎤ ( E ⎡JP( ζ) ⎤⎢ ⎥ −⎣ ⎦)⎣ ⎦2 212β−β { t 1 t 2 121 2 21 2 t2( mt mte ⎡ κ ω−κκme m e ⎤ λ e e ) }= λ ⎢ + + + − −⎣2 β 2 ⎥⎦2β2β2κ2β⎡ mtmt ⎤ ⎡ ⎤1 1 2 2κ P= ⎢ + ⎥ + ⎢⎣ ⎥⎣⎦ ⎦Var[ X(,)] ζ t Var{ m A (,0) ζ e1m A (,0) ζ e2} VarαJ () ζ2 2mt1 2 2mtm 21e Var ⎡A1( ζ,0) ⎤ m2 e Var ⎡A2( ζ,0) ⎤ α⎣ ⎦+⎣ ⎦ Var ⎡J( )2 Pζ ⎤⎣ ⎦κ2 2mt1 2 2mt= m2⎤1e Var ⎡A1( ζ, 0) ⎤ m2 e Var ⎡⎣ ⎦+⎣A2( ζ, 0)⎦+2α+ λ2κ−βt 2 21 t 1 t1 2 2{ e ⎡ κ ω−κme12 m2e ⎤ κ λ ( e mt em t+ + + − − ) }⎢⎣2 β 2 2β2 −( β−κ) t2 − ( β+κ)t= m ⎤1e Var ⎡A1( ζ, 0) ⎤ m2 e Var ⎡⎣ ⎦+⎣A2( ζ, 0)⎦+1 ω 1−{ ( ) 2 ( ) }−βt κt κtα2 λ β κ 2β κ2κ 4 β 4+ e − − e + − + e +− ⎡ − +⎣2 ( β κ) t βt ( β κ)t2αλ − − − − +e 2e e2κ ⎢⎥⎦⎤⎥.⎦22λ α2β21.4 The Time-Rate Process Equilibrium StateAt Equilibrium, t = infinite hyper-real Θ,92

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonPro<strong>of</strong>:EXζ [ ( , Θ)] ≈ 0,provided β − 4ω> 0.Var[ X α( ζ, Θ)] ≈ λ > 0 ,2 β2 2α m{ } Θ{ −α}EX [ (, ζ Θ )] = mEA [ (,0)] ζ + λ e + mEA [ (,0)] ζ λ e1 1 κ2 22m Θ1 2κ{ mEA [ ( ,0)]α}1 12 21( β β 4 ω )2= ζ + λ e− − − Θκ+{ mEA [ ( ,0)]α}2 12 2+ ζ − λ e− + − Θ.κ1( β β 4 ω )2Since we assumeβ2 2> 4ω, then,2 2β − β − 4ω> 0, <strong>and</strong>2 2β + β − 4ω> 0, <strong>and</strong>ee2 2−1( β− β − 4 ω ) Θ2 ≈ 02 2−1( β+ β − 4 ω ) Θ2 ≈ 0Hence,EXζ [ ( , Θ)] ≈ 0.Var[ X( ζ, Θ )] =⎡ ⎤ +2 −( β−κ)Θm1e Var A1( ζ, 0) ⎣ ⎦≈0, since β− κ>02 − ( β+ κ)Θ+ m2 e Var ⎡A2( ζ, 0) ⎤⎣ ⎦+ ≈ 0, since β+ κ>01 −( β−κ) Θ ω −βΘ 1− ( β+ κ)Θ{ ( ) e 2 e ( ) e }2 2α+ λ − β − κ + − β + κ +2κ 4β4≈093

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon+ λ2α2βα 22κ λ2 ⎡ −e ( β − κ) Θ −2e β Θ −e( β + κ)Θ− − + ⎤⎢⎣⎥⎦α 2≈ λ ,2βsince β > 0.94

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon22.RLC Harmonic Oscillator dueto Shot Noise Voltage P(,) ζ t22.1 The <strong>Evolution</strong> Equation <strong>of</strong> RLC HarmonicProcess driven by Shot Noise Voltage P(,) ζ tCurrent fluctuations in the circuit, generate Shot NoiseVoltage P(,) ζ t that drives a r<strong>and</strong>om currentP (,) dqP (,) ζ ti ζ t = through the Circuit.dti (,) ζ t R = q (,) ζ t R is the <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Voltage on R .PPdiP (,) ζ tLdtis the <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Voltage on L .qP (,) ζ tCis the <strong>R<strong>and</strong>om</strong> Voltage on C .95

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonThe balance <strong>of</strong> voltages due to the shot noise isLq t + Rq t + q T = Pζ t ,1P(,) ζP(,) ζP(, ζ ) (,)Cq 1 R(,) (,) (,)1Pζ t =P(,) P ζ t −L q ζ t −L q tLC P ζ .α β ω222.2 The Shot Noise Charge q (,) ζ tR R 2 C 2−4 LC R 2 C 2−4tt−LC2L 2LC 2LCq (,) ζ t = e { A(,0) ζ e + A (,0) ζ e } +P−P1 2tτ= t ⎧ R RC 2 2−4LC ⎫ R 2 2( t τ) ⎧ RC −4LC⎫−⎪ ⎨ − ⎪⎬ − − ⎪⎨ + ⎪⎬( t−τ)2L2LC2L2LC⎪⎩ ⎪⎭ ⎪⎩ ⎪⎭C+ { ee}2 2∫ −dP ( ζτ , )RC − 4LCτ=0Pro<strong>of</strong>: By 20.2, the Harmonic Oscillator evolution equationdX 2(,) ζ t = α dP (,) ζ t −β X (,) ζ t dt −ω X (,) ζ t d t,Pis solved by the ProcessX (,) ζ t = e { A(,0) ζ e + A (,0) ζ e } +P− 1βt1κt−1κt2 2 21 2τ=tPα+ −κm1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)∫ { e e } dP( ζτ , ),τ=0Pprovided2 2κ = β − 4ω> 0,m =− β + κ,1 11 2 2m =− β − κ.1 12 2 296

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic DannonSubstitutingthen,1α = ,LRL22Rβ = ,L2 1ω = ,LC1 1 2 24 RC 4LC LCκ = − = − LC,mm2 2−4R R C L1 2L2LC=− + C ,2 2−4R R C L1 2L2LC=− − C ,− ⎧⎪qP( ζ, t) = e ⎨A1( ζ,0) e + A2( ζ,0)e⎪⎩R R 2 C 2−4 LC R 2 C 2−4tLC2L ⎪t−2LC 2LCt⎫⎪⎬+⎪⎭τ= t ⎧ R RC 2 2−4LC ⎫ R 2 2( t τ) ⎧ RC −4LC⎫−⎪ ⎨ − ⎪⎬ − − ⎪⎨ + ⎪⎬( t−τ)2L2LC2L2LC⎪⎩ ⎪⎭ ⎪⎩ ⎪⎭C+ { e e } P( , )2 2∫−d ζτ.RC − 4LCτ=022.3 The <strong>Poisson</strong> Distribution <strong>of</strong> q (,) ζ t− ⎧⎪qP( ζ, t) = e ⎨A1( ζ,0) e + A2( ζ,0)e⎪⎩R R 2 C 2−4 LC R 2 C 2−4tLC2L ⎪t−2LC 2LCPt⎫⎪⎬+⎪⎭τ= t ⎧ R RC 2 2−4LC ⎫ R 2 2( t τ) ⎧ RC −4LC⎫−⎪ ⎨ − ⎪⎬ − − ⎪⎨ + ⎪⎬( t−τ)2L2LC2L2LC⎪⎩ ⎪⎭ ⎪⎩ ⎪⎭C+ { ee}2 2∫ −dP ( ζτ , )RC − 4LCτ=0is <strong>Poisson</strong> Distributed withMeanR 2 2 4 2 2tR C −t−R C −42L 2LC 2LEq [ ( ζ, t)] = e { EA [ ( ζ,0)] e + EA [ ( ζ, 0)] eC} +P−1 2t97

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon⎛ RC 2 2 4LC RC 2 2 4LC2 R4t−t−−t ⎞LC −2LC2LC2L e e+ λ e2 2 + λC2 2 2 2R C −4LC ⎜ − RC + R C − 4LC RC + R C −4LC+⎜⎝⎠⎟<strong>and</strong> VarianceR 2 2 4 2 2tR C − LCt−R C −4LCLLCVar[ q ( ζ, t)] = e {Var[ A ( ζ, 0)] e + Var[ A ( ζ, 0)] eLC}P−1 2tR R2C2−4LC R2C2−4LC2 − t ⎧t− t2DC LCeL eLC1 eLC+ ⎪⎨+ −2 2RC − 4LC 2 2 2 2RC R C 4LC RC⎪− + − RC + R C − 4LC⎩⎫⎪⎬⎪⎭+2CRCD R 2RC− 2L.− 4LPro<strong>of</strong>: By 21.1,mt1 2Eq [ (,)] ζ t = EA [ (,0)] ζ e + EA [ (,0)] ζ ePmt1 2mt1mtα⎛ee2 ⎞ α+ λλκ ⎜− +⎜⎝ m m ⎠⎟ω1 22−R R2C2−4LC R2C2−4LCtt−2L2LC= e { E[ A(,0)] ζ e + E[ A (,0)] ζ e2LC}1 2t⎛ R2C 2 4LC R2C 2 4LC2 R4t−t−−t ⎞LC −2LC2LC2L e e+ λ e2 2 + λC2 2 2 2RC −4LC ⎜ − RC+ RC − 4LC RC+ RC −4LC+⎜⎝⎠⎟.−( ) t( ) tVar[ qP( , t)] e β − κ −Var A1( , 0) e β +ζ = ⎡ ζ ⎤ + κ Var ⎡A2( ζ, 0) ⎤⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦+2κtκtα βt e 1 eλ e⎧ −− ⎫+ ⎪⎨− + − ⎪⎬+2κ⎪⎩β − κ β β + κ⎪⎭98

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon2 2α β − 2ω+ λ2 βω β − 4 ω22 2 22 mt1mt22 α ⎡ee−λ κ− +⎢⎣m mκ2 21 2 ω⎤⎥⎦2−R R 2 C 2−4 LC R 2 C 2−4tt−LCL LC L= e {Var[ A( ζ, 0)] e + Var[ A ( ζ, 0)] eC} +1 2t2 2 4 2 2 42 −Rt⎧R C − LCt−R C − LCt4λCLCe L eLC1 eLC+ ⎪⎨+ −2 2RC − 4LC 2 2 2 2RC R C 4LC RC⎪− + − RC + R C − 4LC⎩⎫⎪⎬⎪⎭C R C − 2L+ λ2R 2RC−4L2⎡R R2C2−4LC R R2C2−4LC2 4 2 − t t − t − t⎤2 2λ 4C L 2e LeLC2e LeLCR C − 4LC− − +2 2RC − 4LC 2 2 2 2− RC + R C − 4LC RC + R C − 4LC2LC⎢⎣⎥⎦2.22.4 The Shot Noise Charge Steady StateAt the Steady State, t = infinite hyper-real Θ,Eq [ ( ζ, Θ)]≈ λC.P2C R C 2L3Var[ qP( ζ , )] λ ⎧L2R 2RC 4Lλ⎫⎪ −Θ ≈ ⎨− C ⎪⎬.⎪⎩−⎪⎭α LPro<strong>of</strong>: By 21.2, Eq [ ( ζ, Θ)] ≈ λ = λ = λC.2Pω11LC99

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon2 2 2α ⎧1 β − 2ω1 ⎫Var[ q P( ζ, Θ)]≈ λ ⎨⎪−λ⎬⎪2 2β2 2ω 4⎪⎩β − 4ω ω⎪⎭21 ⎧ R21 ⎫2 2L1 − 1L LC= λ ⎪⎨−λ⎪1 R 2⎬1 12 R4LC −L 22 2⎪⎩L LC LC⎪⎭2λCRC−2L= −λLC2R 2RC−4L2 3. 22.5 Shot Noise Energy <strong>of</strong> qP (,) ζ t at the Steady State21 2 λ RC−2L1 2[ ( , )]2CPζλ222 2Eq Θ ≈ − LC +1C4R 2RC−4Lλ ,where k is Boltzmann Constant,<strong>and</strong> T is the absolute Temperature.Pro<strong>of</strong>:1 2 12Eq2 Pζ Θ = qC2CPζ Θ + Eq Θ P ζ2λCRC−2LλC−2 3λ LCR RC L[ (, )] {Var[ (, )] ( [ (, )])}2 2−42λ RC−2L= − +4R 2RC−4L1 2 2 1 2λ LC λ2 2C .22.6 The Shot Noise Current i (,) ζ tPR2 22 2R C − 4 LCt2LR R C −4LCtζ2LC +−Pζ = − +2L 2LCq(,) t e ( ) A (,0) e1100

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon−R2 22 242 ( 4) ( ,0)R C − LCttL R R C − LC−ζ2LC +− e + A e2L2LC2τ=t2 22 2R R C −[ 4 LC2CR R C −4LC− − ]( t−τ)− ( − ) e2L2LCdP(ζτ2 2RC −4LC2L2LC∫ , )+τ=0τ=t2 22 2[R R C − 4 LC2CR R C −4LC− + ]( t−τ)− ( + ) e2L2LCd ζτ2 2RC −4LC2L2LC∫ ( , )τ=0P .Pro<strong>of</strong>: By 20.3,κt1 1 2 21 12 2q(,) ζ t = e { m A(,0) ζ e + m A (,0) ζ e }P− β tτ=tα+ −κ−κ1t 2m1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)∫ { me1me2} dP( ζτ , ),τ=0−R2 22 242 ( 4) ( ,0)R C − LCttL R R C − LCζ2LC += e − + A e2L2LC1−R2 22 242 ( 4) ( ,0)R C − LCttL R R C − LC−ζ2LC +− e + A e2L2LC2τ=t2 22 2R R C −[ 4 LC2CR R C −4LC− − ]( t−τ)− ( − ) e2L2LCdP(ζτ2 2RC −4LC2L2LC∫ , )+τ=0τ=t2 22 2[R R C − 4 LC2CR R C −4LC− + ]( t−τ)+ ( + ) e2L2LCd ζτ2 2RC −4LC2L2LC∫ P ( , )τ=022.7 The <strong>Poisson</strong> Distribution <strong>of</strong> i (,) ζ tP101

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannoni (,) ζ t = q (,) ζ tPPis <strong>Poisson</strong> Distributed withMeanR2 22 2R C − 4 LCt2LR R C −4LCtζ2LC +−Pζ = − +2L 2LCEi [ ( , t )] e ( ) EA [ ( ,0)] e1−<strong>and</strong> VarianceR2 22 242 ( 4) [ ( ,0)]R C − LCttL R R C − LC−ζ2LC ,− e + E A e2L2LCR R C −4LCPζ = − +2L 2LC2R R{ 2 C 2 − 4 LC−L LC }Var[ 2 22i ( , t )] ( ) e Var ⎡⎣A1( ζ , 0) ⎤⎦++ 2−1 14 2RC−4LR R C 4LC2L2LC−R R{ 2 C 2 − 4 LCL LC }− +2 2− 2+ ( + ) eVar⎡A2( ζ,0)⎤⎣ ⎦λ1 λ − t L 14 Re2RC−L1 14 2RC−4L+ λ12LR2C2 2RC −4LCλ2 2− RC + R C −4LCLR2 2RC + R C −4LCL2ee−R R{ 2 C 2 − 4 LC−L LC }R R{ 2 C 2 − 4 LCL LC }− +R R 2 C 2−4 LC R R R 2 C 2−4t tLCL LC L L LC−{ − } − − { +− λ ( e − 2e + etttt} t)Pro<strong>of</strong>: By 21.3,mtmt1 1 2 2 (,) ζ = (,) ζ1+ (,) ζ2+q t A t m e A t m eP102

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannonτ=tα+ −κm1( t−τ) m2( t−τ)∫ { me1me2} dP( ζτ , )τ=0is <strong>Poisson</strong> Distributed withMean⎧mtEX [ ( , t)] mEA1[1( ,0)] α ⎫ ⎧αζ = ⎪⎨ ζ + λ⎪ ⎬e + ⎪⎨mEA 2[2( ζ,0)]− λ ⎫ ⎪ ⎬⎪⎭ e⎪⎩ κ⎪⎭ ⎪⎩κ−mt1 2{ ( 2 2R R C −4LC ) [ 21( ,0)] C2 2 }R RC 2 2−t4 LC2L2LC= e − + E A ζ + λ e−2L 2LC RC −4LC{ ( 2 2R R C −4LC ) [ 22( ,0)] C2 2 }R 2 2t−RC − 4 LC2L2LC− e + E A ζ + λ e2L 2LC RC −4LC<strong>and</strong> VarianceVar[ ( , )] 2 −( β−κ)qtPζ t = m1 e Var ⎡A1( ζ , 0) ⎤⎣ ⎦+2 ( β κ)t+ m2 e− + Var ⎡ ⎣A2( ζ, 0) ⎤ ⎦+1 ω 1−{ ( ) 2 ( ) }−βt κt κt4 β 4α2 e e 2α+ − − + − + e + λ22κ λ β κ β κ− ⎡ − +⎣2 ( β κ) β ( β κ)t2αλ e − − t t2 e − e − +2κ ⎢R R C 4LC2L2LC−R R{ 2 C 2 − 4 LC−L LC }2 2− 2= ( − + ) eVar⎡A1( ζ,0)⎤⎣ ⎦+R R C 4LC2L2LCR R{ 2 C 2 − 4 LCL LC }− +( 2 2− ) 2+ + eVar ⎡A2( ζ,0)⎤⎣ ⎦++1 14 2RC−4Lλ2 2− RC + R C −4LCLe−tt⎤⎥,⎦R R{ 2 C 2 − 4 LC−L LC }tt2βt103

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannon+ 2−1 λ − t L 14 Re2RC−L1 14 2RC−4L+ λ12LR2C2 2RC −4LCλR2 2RC + R C −4LCL2eR R{ 2 C 2 − 4 LCL LC }− +R R 2 C 2−4 LC R R R 2 C 2−4t tLCL LC L L LC−{ − } − − { +− λ ( e − 2e + et} t)22.8 The Shot Noise Current Steady StateAt Equilibrium, t = infinite hyper-real Θ,Ei [P( ζ, Θ)] ≈ 0,Pro<strong>of</strong>: By 21.4,Var[ ( ζ, Θ)]≈i P1λ2RLAt Equilibrium, t = infinite hyper-real Θ,Eq [ ( ζ, Θ)] ≈ 0,P21αVar[ q P( ζ, Θ)]≈ λ = λ .2β2RL22.9 Shot Noise Energy <strong>of</strong> iP (,) ζ t at the Steady State122λEi [P( ζ, Θ)]L≈ ,4R104

Gauge Institute Journal,H. Vic Dannonwhere k is Boltzmann Constant,<strong>and</strong> T is the absolute Temperature.Pro<strong>of</strong>:1 2 122 Pζ2 PζPζ λ≈0≈2RLEi [ (, Θ )] L= {Var[ i (, Θ )] + ( Ei [ (, Θ)])}L≈λ.4R22.10 RLC Harmonic Oscillator Shot Noise Energy2λ RC−3LR RC−L2 241 2 2 1 2λ LC λ2 2− +CPro<strong>of</strong> :2λλ RC−2L1 2 2 1 2+ − λ LC + λ C22 24R 4R RC−4Lcurrent Shot Noise Energy2Charge Shot Noise Energyλ RC−3L= − +2R 2RC−4L1 2 2 1 2λ LC λ2 2C=.105

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