Tramore Local Area Plan - Waterford County Council

Tramore Local Area Plan - Waterford County Council Tramore Local Area Plan - Waterford County Council
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Chapter 7: Transportation and Traffic Management7.1 IntroductionTraffic growth on our roads has escalated to unprecedented levels in recentyears. This is mainly due to a prosperous economy with many families havingmultiple cars. The increasing population of Tramore has introducedsignificant amounts of additional traffic onto the roads which in turn led togreater demands on traffic management and car parking.The Plan must achieve a proper balance between providing good access,managing traffic and maintaining environmental quality. It is a policy of theCouncil to ensure the provision, improvement and maintenance of anadequate roads infrastructure to achieve the strategic objectives of the Plan inaccordance with the principles of sustainable planning and development.In order to ensure that developments are sustainable, land use andtransportation planning has to be co-ordinated and integrated. Developmentsshould be designed to reduce the trip generation by cars and a modal shift intransportation from cars to more sustainable forms of integrated publictransport will be encouraged.7.2 Tramore Traffic Management PlanThe Tramore Traffic Management Plan was prepared in 2001 and its principalaim was to develop a 10 year Traffic Management Plan for Tramore whichwould relieve existing and future traffic congestion in the town takingaccount the predicted increase in traffic demand.Due to the increase in car usage and trip generation it is recommended thatthe Traffic Management Plan prepared for Tramore in 2001 be reviewed andupdated to address the current situation. Until such time as the TrafficManagement Plan is reviewed the policies contained within the current Planare relevant and applicable.7.3 Commuter TrafficFigures taken from the 2002 census illustrate that the dominant mode oftransport in Tramore is the car. In achieving a sustainable communityalternative modes of transport shall have to be encouraged and promoted. Tothis end Waterford County Council is committed to ensuring high qualitypedestrian and cycle routes in all new applications.52

Chapter 7: Transportation and Traffic ManagementTable 6:Journey towork-Mode ofTransportJorney to work - Mode of transport7%19%20%1%8%0%1%44%footbicyclebustrainmotorcyclecar drivercar passengerother n/sAll major applications where there will be over 50 employees will be requiredto present to the Council for approval a detailed mobility plan for theproposed business. The mobility plan should address all modes of transportincluding pedestrian and cycle routes.7.4 New and Improved RoadsThe Tramore Ring Road was opened in January 2005 and this has alleviatedsubstantial volumes of traffic from the more congested town centre areas.It is an objective of this Plan to place a road reservation along the local roadserving the Monang/Knockenduff area to facilitate future development (SeeMap 3 Objectives map). One off dwelling houses shall be precluded in thisarea as it may hamper future road widening and realignment. This roadreservation shall in turn service a substantial land bank that has been zonedfor residential development.Riverstown Relief Road has been included in County Council proposals forSpecific Improvement funding for 2006/2007 and construction on same willcommence in 2007. A road reservation policy shall be included for this areato ensure that it is kept free from any development that may hinder theproposals for the relief road.Short, medium and long term road objectives are set out in Appendix E ofthis Plan. The route S2, as indicated on the Strategic Objectives Map (fig.5) isan indicative route only and may be subject to change.POLICYMobility Plan..PolicyTR1: All major applications where there will be over 50 employees will berequired to present to the Council for approval a detailed mobility planfor the propose business.53

Chapter 7: Transportation and Traffic Management7.1 IntroductionTraffic growth on our roads has escalated to unprecedented levels in recentyears. This is mainly due to a prosperous economy with many families havingmultiple cars. The increasing population of <strong>Tramore</strong> has introducedsignificant amounts of additional traffic onto the roads which in turn led togreater demands on traffic management and car parking.The <strong>Plan</strong> must achieve a proper balance between providing good access,managing traffic and maintaining environmental quality. It is a policy of the<strong>Council</strong> to ensure the provision, improvement and maintenance of anadequate roads infrastructure to achieve the strategic objectives of the <strong>Plan</strong> inaccordance with the principles of sustainable planning and development.In order to ensure that developments are sustainable, land use andtransportation planning has to be co-ordinated and integrated. Developmentsshould be designed to reduce the trip generation by cars and a modal shift intransportation from cars to more sustainable forms of integrated publictransport will be encouraged.7.2 <strong>Tramore</strong> Traffic Management <strong>Plan</strong>The <strong>Tramore</strong> Traffic Management <strong>Plan</strong> was prepared in 2001 and its principalaim was to develop a 10 year Traffic Management <strong>Plan</strong> for <strong>Tramore</strong> whichwould relieve existing and future traffic congestion in the town takingaccount the predicted increase in traffic demand.Due to the increase in car usage and trip generation it is recommended thatthe Traffic Management <strong>Plan</strong> prepared for <strong>Tramore</strong> in 2001 be reviewed andupdated to address the current situation. Until such time as the TrafficManagement <strong>Plan</strong> is reviewed the policies contained within the current <strong>Plan</strong>are relevant and applicable.7.3 Commuter TrafficFigures taken from the 2002 census illustrate that the dominant mode oftransport in <strong>Tramore</strong> is the car. In achieving a sustainable communityalternative modes of transport shall have to be encouraged and promoted. Tothis end <strong>Waterford</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is committed to ensuring high qualitypedestrian and cycle routes in all new applications.52

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