GoodTimes Magazine - GoodLife Fitness

GoodTimes Magazine - GoodLife Fitness

GoodTimes Magazine - GoodLife Fitness

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A Messagefrom Patch“Be the change you want to seein the world”– GhandiCongratulations <strong>GoodLife</strong>Associates on 30 amazing years!Celebrating our 30th anniversary is atremendous accomplishment. There are very feworganizations world-wide that can boast 30 consecutiveyears of growth and progress.I want to take this opportunity to thank each one of you forthe integral role you have played in helping us reach thismilestone.Thank you! You are all 10s! Your dedication to ourmembers and commitment to living the good life has firmlyestablished our organization as a world-wide leader in therealm of fitness, health and well-being.Thirty years ago, with the support of my mother Dorothyand soon after Jane Riddell, I decided to start what wouldbecome <strong>GoodLife</strong> <strong>Fitness</strong>. <strong>GoodLife</strong> is so much more than thefitness equipment and bricks and mortar that make upour clubs.<strong>GoodLife</strong> is the vision and commitment to helping ourmembers reach their own potential and lead happy, fit andfull lives.Starting from one club in 1979 to becoming the largestfitness company in Canada with 170 clubs, we havetravelled many miles in the last 30 years. It is with greatpride and happiness that we celebrate our 30th Anniversary!30 years + 170 clubs = countlessnumbers of lives changed!Take time to reflect and celebrate this achievement! Partiestook place across the country on April 21st at every club!I know that you enjoyed the chance to celebrate 30 years ofchanging lives with fellow Associates and Members! - SayYES to changing lives and going above and beyond. I lookforward to 30 more years of success!With <strong>GoodLife</strong>, the possibilities are endless! Manyopportunities exist across Canada for you to grow in yourcareer. Now, reach out and grab hold of those opportunities;your success is in YOUR hands.Remember, you are the REAL Smart, Sexy and Strong – youare the ones that make the difference in our member’s livesevery day.Yours in health and fitness,PatchPage 1Spring/Summer 2009

Why Milton Main Street is successful with theMember Save ProgramTop saves in the companyMarch 2009At our club we have ALL reframed our thinking aboutcancellations; the first being that we don’t call them that, wecall them “Member Save”.The Customer ServiceRepresentatives havebeen empowered with thisinformation – “The reasonwe need to book yourappointment to cancel yourmembership is because it’simperative that we havecurrent information in yourfile before you leave us. Youalso want to know when thelast payment will come outof your account and sign off,approving cancellation.”This dialogue helps tobuild the Customer ServiceRepresentatives confidence asthe front line worker.Customer ServiceRepresentatives also knowwhen they come in for theirshift to pull these files, printoff the appropriate information on CARE and member saveform in the file as well. The fact that we are organized andready when they do come in shows respect.Myself and the General Manager Tamara complete 90% ofthe Member Saves.When I sit down with a member, I don’t even talk aboutthe fact that they want to cancel, I start building rapportimmediately and always use the 5 building blocks to success.I will look at their fitness planner and if it’s done correctly.By examining the fitness planner, I am able to understanda bit more about the member which gives me something tobuild on.I do not talk about their previous goals but eventually getaround to what they liked best when they did come into theclub. “Cardio, you say? Did you know that the reason weare the number one fitness club in Canada is because weare constantly doing market research to help our membersbe successful. This includes a new orientation to teachour members several different methods to use our cardiomachines!” And I always end with “isn’t that awesome?”I also tell them how we have improved our service toour current members by asking them to take more fit-fixorientations to check on their form and style. I then mentionthe stretching orientation as well.I ask them what they wouldsay their number one fitnessgoal is right now and alwaysgive them three choices e.g.increase energy, trim andtone, lose weight for spring.Of course I don’t forget theclasses. By this point I ambeyond excited about thenew classes and which onesI want to get her back into inorder to achieve those goals,especially at this time of year.I always talk about theimportance of women like usdoing weight training to helpprevent osteoporosis, strokeand diabetes.At that point I don’t givethem a choice, just whattime would be good to get them back in and re-oriented tothe club, write it out on an appointment slip so they have arecord and tell them that I will meet them here for their firstBodyPump classs.Of course the excitement and enthusiasm that we display isimperative and contagious!I always introduce the member to the Customer ServiceRepresentative to begin building an immediate relationship.This allows the Customer Service Representative to put a faceto a name in order to give a world class meet and greet!From there the member becomes a fragile egg all overagain, they are put into the service call box and receive the24 hour, 7 day, 21 day and 45 day service calls to ensurethat they are set up to win this time around!!!Lori ChapmanMember Care ManagerPage 2Spring/Summer 2009

Ottawa Walkley Club – What’s so special?Some instructors share their envy of those thatwork there WHY?• An excited sincere “Hello” with huge smiles willgreet you at reception.• ‘High 5’s’, hugs, kisses and even spontaneously beingswooped up ‘caveman’ style are regular occurrences.• Personal Trainer’s encourage their clients to attend ouramazing Group EXercise classes.• TIPS to creating a close-knit family atmosphere at yourclub:- Schedule staff classes. Get to know all <strong>GoodLife</strong> staff.Talk to them all! Be BOLD!- All staff should make a goal to SMILE and say “HI” tomembers. Each day.- NOTE: A member approached yesterday and said,“This club is so nice, people actually talk to you, andmembers even talk to each other. “• Instructors engaged shy ‘fragile eggs’ in conversations andmake sweeping eye contact with all members as they enterthe class. Make them feel welcome, it’s important!• Acknowledge signs of success! “You look great!”• Make a goal to talk to a member you have nevertalked to. Simply say, “Hi I see you all the time myname’s _____________. I’m an instructor, Personal Trainer,Management Trainee, etc.• Learn your member’s name. Maybe 2 a class. Tricks:Silently add an adjective to their name, “Silly Sara”,“Lovely Liz”, “Vivacious Val” or use their name 3 times outloud while you chat.I know when I go to work at the Walkley Club I amwalking into a close-knit family atmosphere full of energyand excitement each day. With the stress and strains ofdaily living, the release of exercise induced endorphins is anatural way to feel elated and happy.We’d love you to come visit our WALKLEY CLUB!LiseOttawa Newbody Team LeaderDID YOU KNOW?As part of yourEmployee Benefits,<strong>GoodLife</strong> providesyou access toDiscounted GroupHome & AutoInsurance RatesFuel youRvehicleFoR FRee !Request a quote and youcould win $200 in gasMonthly draw,no purchase necessaryTake Advantage of your Employee BenefitsGet a quote today!800.265.5956 (Inside Ontario)877.787.7021 (outside Ontario)www.sthunt.com/goodlifePage 5Spring/Summer 2009

Windsor Clubs ROCKED the 30 Rocks Party!By Stephanie Dupuis and Abby Van Den BroekThe Associates did a great job of keeping the party fresh allday and night by having food arriving once an hour. Thismade any member that came in feel as though they’d arrivedjust in time!Let’s Not Forget the GREATSales Efforts!Every year, our Windsor clubs take great pride in creatingover-the-top Anniversary parties. The competition is fierceand some of the party planners are so determined to havethe best party that they even keep their plans a secret fromtheir DM! Our managers also know this is their biggestopportunity before the summer comes. It’s a great chance tobuild a huge base of leads, get sales and create momentumto last over the next few months. Each year, the parties getbetter and better. This year was the best yet!The Rock Theme: everywhere!From outside the clubs, you could hear rock music and seeposters, banners and decorations from outside. Once youstepped inside -- it was as if you were at a rock concert!There were rock stars and groupies everywhere! The staffwere dressed in red and had make-up, hair, wigs, rockin’clothes…they looked like they were backstage. There wasplenty of food, great decorations and the members mingledwith each other and with the staff for hours.The Windsor clubs did a great job preparing for the salesaspect of the party. They were so successful because theyreally sold the enthusiasm of this special night over thephone. We focused all of our attention on outgoing callsthe week before the party. Their calls were so invitingand energetic, people really did want to come in and seewhat was going on. They got an average of 100 -150appointments for the day at the coed clubs and 30 - 40 atthe women’s clubs. Wow!During the party, the sales focus was fun & light and keptwith the rock theme. People enjoyed signing up with<strong>GoodLife</strong>, and there were sheets full of referral names.Joining members had smiles on their faces, and felt like theywere joining a club full of energy, fun and enthusiasm. This isexactly what people need to join!SuccessThe night was incredibly successful. The clubs sold anaverage of 14 PAP memberships at women’s clubs and18-24 PAP at the coed clubs. We had over 3000 membersattend the parties – the clubs were packed! We also had180 guests at the four clubs.Activities to Get People ExcitedThere was plenty of peak attitude from start to finish, andeveryone got into the theme. They ran some exceptionalbooths throughout the day: Guitar Hero and Rock Bandcontests, tanning and a huge variety of Personal Trainingbooths.The most popular was at the Devonshire club – it was called“Eat This, Not That” and it was a hit. We also had a lotof popular external vendors, like Avon, teeth whitening,Photographers, Jewelers and Hairdressers, to name a few.Some clubs had DJ’s playing, while one had a local radiostation broadcast from the club. Talk about great exposure –and a really rockin’ atmosphere!At the end of the day, it felt great to have such a fantasticevent in Windsor. The economy is gloomy here right now,and for many of our members, it was a chance to get out,have fun, enjoy themselves and mingle with us. It definitelywas a special night in Windsor.Page 6Spring/Summer 2009

AwardsGala 2009TORONTO,Saturday August 22 nd 2009RSVP TODAY!We want to see you there!We’re hoping to see youat the Awards Gala this August at theFairmont Royal York hotel in Toronto!This is the biggest event hosted by <strong>GoodLife</strong>, with themost Associates brought together in one room to celebrate!There is no better place to meet other “<strong>GoodLife</strong>rs” from acrossCanada, and to represent your team in front of all the Divisionaland Regional Managers, Vice Presidents, Executives, and ofcourse – Jane and Patch! Submit your reservation on-linebelow! awardsgala.goodlifefitness.com/rsvp.aspxReservations are open to a total of 1,500 people,and once we reach the maximum booking capacity,reservations will close.The invitation to the Awards Gala is extended to <strong>GoodLife</strong>Associates only, and not friends and family, so that we are ableto invite as many Associates as possible to share inthe celebration.Contact recognition@goodlifefitness.comor (416) 921-9181 if you have any questions about theAwards Gala!Awards Gala on Facebook! Check out the Awards Gala onFacebook!*Note that all <strong>GoodLife</strong> Associates will all be automatically invited to the Awards Gala,however requesting to be added to the Facebook page means that you will have accessto view pictures and get the latest Awards Gala News from our administrators.Page 7Spring/Summer 2009

“Why Your Club Rocks Contest”We received quite a few entries from our clubs across Canada, each with a great reasonwhy members think their club rocks! The competition was tough, but one club came out ontop. The winner of the “Why Your Club Rocks Contest” was… Mississauga Millcreek!They had an energetic and funny poem from a member, who has been with them since2004. Keep up the great work! Here is the winning entry:CongratulationsMillcreek!Why Millcreek RocksI was once young, petite and slim,I thought I’d never need a “gym”.But as years passed, some things did change,Parts of my body began to rearrange.A long look in the mirror did open my eyes,There was a bigger ass and bigger thighs.Oh my goodness, what had I become,A younger version of my Mom.I then ventured to the bathroom scale,The number I saw, well, it turned me pale.It was now time to get in shape,The “gym” was an inevitability I could not escape.So to the gym I went with the greatest speed,The place I thought I’d never need.There were many others striving for the body they desired,With the help of the staff, we feel inspired.If I didn’t feel comfortable, I would have run,But at my gym, getting in shape is fun.They welcomed me, they learned my name,They’ve helped me return to my younger frame.Working out is now part of my daily routine,Every day the gym presents a different scene.But I’m always greeted with smiles around the clock,I now say that my gym, <strong>GoodLife</strong> Millcreek rocks!<strong>GoodLife</strong> Millcreek Club - Member Since 2004Page 8Spring/Summer 2009

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Introducing <strong>GoodLife</strong>’s ‘People Department’The People Department is a large group of over50 Human Resource professionals, dedicated toserving <strong>GoodLife</strong>’s ‘people’ needs. These needssplit into three basic components:Get- Team of Recruitment Specialists focused on ensuring that<strong>GoodLife</strong> always has qualified Associates.- The team services clubs right across Canada and workclosely with General Managers, <strong>Fitness</strong> Managersand Divisional Managers to assist with screening,interviewing, and on-boarding new Associates.- The team also participates in talent calls, saleslaunches, exit Interviewing, lead generation, communityevents promoting working at <strong>GoodLife</strong>, and Associateretention.- The goal of the Recruiters is to promote careers at<strong>GoodLife</strong> while giving realistic job previews, and tohave a waiting list of people wanting to work for ourincredible company!Keep- This team consists of AssociateRelations Advisors, Retention andEngagement Specialists, workingto ensure that all Associates needsand concerns relating to theiremployment are looked after inthe most caring way possible.- They help with making surethe tools are in place to keepour Associates retained,engaged, and motivated.This is accomplished throughimplementing our EmployeeAssistance Program, the “SpeakOut” employee virtual suggestionbox, creating PerformanceEvaluations, keeping an updatedPolicies and Procedures manual,supporting General Managerswith progressive discipline advice,and providing recognition andreward opportunities like our Length of Service Rewards,<strong>GoodLife</strong> Awards Gala, Top 500, and Holiday Parties.Page 13Spring/Summer 2009- Most recently our Internal Communications Specialist hasset all 7,000+ Associates up with their own “<strong>GoodLife</strong>Makes It Easy” email accounts and introduced theentertaining and informative <strong>GoodTimes</strong> magazine!Grow- These are the passionate, energetic folks that train ourGeneral Managers at Boot Camp, our Associates atBase Camp, and conduct even more additional one-ononeor group training at our clubs!- The Regional Trainers and Management DevelopmentCoordinators have been top performers in the roles thatthey train and work to constantly sharpen their ownsaws so that the training they provide is nothing short ofcutting edge and world-class!- The “Grow” team has a Learning Designer who createsall of the self-directed learning opportunities, such asthe Black Belt program and the New Associate TrainingWorkbooks.- The goal of the Grow team is to provide learning andenrichment opportunities to Associates at <strong>GoodLife</strong> sothat they can reach their fullest potential!PEOPLE DEPARTMENT

Fun Facts about the People Department• The Recruiters service over 800 Personal Training and 300 Management Trainee positions across the company• Management Trainee turnover has dropped 39% since the People Department expanded to be able to focus onretaining and engaging our Associates in the fall of 2005• Speak Out has replied to a total of 410 submissions that were not anonymous in the last year• There are now 3 ways to get important company news: <strong>GoodTimes</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> (sent to all clubs 4 times a year),<strong>GoodTimes</strong> eNewsletter (sent twice a month to <strong>GoodLife</strong>MakesItEasy.com and <strong>GoodLife</strong><strong>Fitness</strong>.com email accounts),and <strong>GoodLife</strong> Connect (<strong>GoodLife</strong>’s new Intranet; one web site to store all documents and valuable information)• You speak and we listen! The People Department conducts focus groups and surveys to ensure Associates satisfaction.Since Rewards and Recognition was expressed by Associates as “needing improvement”, our new Rewardsand Recognition team is focusing on just that!• In the last year 93 General Managers have been trained at GM Boot Camp and 1,505 Associates have beentrained at Base CampAre you looking to advance in the company?Ever wonder, “how did that General Manager get started”?One of the things we promote at <strong>GoodLife</strong> is internal mobility throughout the company. No matter whatposition you are in currently, you could go anywhere!The 3 most common positions we are looking to fill ina leadership role areGeneral Manager, Assistant GeneralManager, Member Care ManagerWhat we are looking for is:• An Associate that displays the 7 core values 100% of the time• An Associate who demonstrates a drive for results - based onperformance• An Associate that has built great relationships with membersand co-Associates• An Associate with a strong sense of customer focus• An Associate with past leadership experience and/orstrong sense of leadership; who knows what it takesto be a great leader with <strong>GoodLife</strong>• An Associate who has attended <strong>GoodLife</strong> trainingand development programsPage 14Spring/Summer 2009

If you are interested in any of these roles, youcan search the position posting in the followinglocations:1. Monster: www.monster.ca2. <strong>GoodLife</strong> website:www.goodlifefitness.com/careers3. <strong>GoodTimes</strong> eNewsletter – internalcommunications4. Recruiters – contact your People Department(416) 921-9181 ortraining@goodlifefitness.comIt is always great to have a good relationshipwith your Divisional Manager, GeneralManager and Recruiter as they can informyou of any positions upcoming and know ofyour interest to be able to present you as acandidate to the hiring manager.Recruiters responsible for filling the roles ofGeneral Manager, Assistant General Managerand Member Care Manager are: WayneWagg - GM recruiter. wwagg@goodlifefitness.comLeigh Anne Vidler- AGM/MCM/AMT recruiter.lvidler@goodlifefitness.comAccelerated ManagementTrainee PositionThis position is designed to provide <strong>GoodLife</strong>with Assistant General Manager’s andGeneral Manager’s at our finger tips readyto move into a Management position. Theposition encompasses 6 months: each monthfocusing on a different department within theclub. You will venture through the 6 monthprogram following a specific outline of in clubfocus, weekly calls with other AcceleratedManagement Trainee’s, and hands ontraining with the Management Developmentcoordinator. The goal after 6 months is to behired into an Assistant General Manager orGeneral Manager position.Who can apply for this position? Anyone!We are looking for candidates with strongleadership experience, a drive for results,and sales experience. We also look to theDivision Manager’s and General Manager’sfor possible candidates.You can contact Leigh Anne Vidler atlvidler@goodlifefitness.com for moreinformation.<strong>GoodLife</strong> AssociateHealth BenefitsKeeping you Healthier and Happier!<strong>GoodLife</strong>’s Health Benefits offer you piece ofmind in the following areas:• Life Insurance, Accidental Death & Dismemberment, Dependent Life,Reimbursement for Prescription drugs, Convenient Drug Card, Coveragefor Semi-Private Hospital Room, Coverage for Travel Insurance (Outof Province / Out of Country/Financial/Medical/Legal Emergencies),Vision Care, Chiropractor, Physiotherapy, Massage Therapy, Psychology,Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Podiatry, and Speech Therapy, Dental , LongTerm Disability.Associate Success Stories:“Thanks to the <strong>GoodLife</strong> travel insurance I wasn’t out of pocket when Ibroke my arm while vacationing in Mexico.” - Samantha -“I can conveniently and quickly fill my migraine prescription medicationand not pay anything using my drug card”- Julie -Details:For detailed information on eligibility and plan coverage please see theHealth Benefit Info sheets posted on Public Folders > People Dept >Benefits.Employee Assistance Program:All Associates regardless of weekly hours, how long they’ve been workingfor <strong>GoodLife</strong> orwhether they are fulltime, part time, or oncontract have accessto EAP. EAP is also100% paid for by<strong>GoodLife</strong> and there isno enrollment processor waiting period;simply go onlineor call.Anyone living inthe Associate’shousehold alsohas access to EAP(children, spouse,common law, same sex partners).Questions:If you have any questions about <strong>GoodLife</strong> Health Benefits please contactWendy at 519-649-2513/toll free 1-866-649-2513 MaryRDiSalvo@aol.com or Chenelle Thibodeau in the People Dept at cthibodeau@goodlifefitness.com or 289-314-5573.Page 15Spring/Summer 2009

Associate Email AccountsRemember to check your <strong>GoodLife</strong>MakesItEasy emailaccount! http://mail.goodlifemakesiteasy.comIn the face of her husband’s recent heart transplant, it isheart-warming to see the outpouring of affection and helpnow being offered back to Rhona.Rhona is an exceptional woman and we wish her all thebest!!The Woman of the Year Gala is a community event designedto celebrate exceptional women. It is planned and executedby volunteer members of Vernon Women in Business. Formore information, visit their website at www.vwib.com –events – woman of the year.Three reasons to check your email account regularly:• Payroll statements and various payroll information• <strong>GoodTimes</strong> eNewsletter – Associate News and Updates• Special communications (Awards Gala, Can-Fit-Pro, etc.)This is my story… From the heartand nothing left out.Also, remember to use your email account whencommunicating with fellow Associates and members.Please speak with your Manager if you need assistanceaccessing your email account.2009 Woman of the yearRhona Parsons - NomineeWe are thrilled to share with you that Rhona Parsons hasbeen nominated as the2009 Woman Of The Year!<strong>GoodLife</strong> employs over7,000 Associates andRhona Parsons is like thecream that has risen tothe top. Both on and offthe job, she exemplifiesour core values: caring,peak attitude, happiness,integrity, trust, personalfitness and passion.From the time Rhonawas hired, she hasfashioned one of the strongest teams in our company. Shehas managed her group of instructors with skill: tirelesslymentoring, training, encouraging and leading by example.By embracing all aspects of a balanced lifestyle herself,Rhona is able to share with others how to incorporate fitness,nutrition, and emotional well-being into their days.We are extremely proud to have an employee like Rhona.She has faced adversity but has never lost stride in helpingour members, fellow Associates and the Vernon community.I am a super lucky kid being brought up with all the love inthe world. Born in New Zealand and raised by my fantasticmother in the early 70’s.I was always a keen participant in sporting activities likevolleyball, softball, soccer and t-ball. Through my schoolingyears peer pressure crept up like smoking and later ondrinking; hey we’re all human and that never really got outof hand as far as weight issues went.My mother was a provider and worked hard to provide asubstantially adequate living environment for the both of us.She worked and focused on everything but herself.One day in 1985, I came home from school on my 10 speedroad bike to find my mom at home, tears in her eyes, “I havecervical cancer and I have 1 year to live.”She survived chemotherapy and laser treatment quite well;she was a heavy smoker and a large eater, but weight wasnever an issue. She would skip meals and survive on coffeeand cigarettes and then fill up on candies and chips later inthe evening. A natural size 4, it was never weight that wasthe issue but more so HEALTH.As she progressively got worse she came to the conclusionthat she would never be the same vibrant, successful RealPage 16Spring/Summer 2009

Estate Agent that she was. ‘I have no hair, novoice, I am puffed up by the medication and I walkon a frame’, “and for Christ sake I’m only 39 yearsof age”, I can’t deal with this anymore, you needto understand!It was 2 weeks to the day, I took time off work andas my mom quickly spiraled downhill. I was leftto bath her, clean her front and back outputs, fixher meals and just hold her until the moment camewhen she took her last breath in my arms.I was a gym girl from an early age of 16 years butfrom the start of my mom’s illness in intensive care,my priorities changed. From then on I had totaldisregard for the gym and progressively put on aconsiderable amount of weight from the time mymom was sick and then thereafter. There was nocut off, my weight continued to increase as did theunhealthy relationships I was in, WHY because Ididn’t take care of ME.Guess what. <strong>GoodLife</strong>, (Les Mills International,New Zealand) programs attracted me when Icame to Huntsville looking for an out. I felt like Ihad found a little piece of my heritage which wassorely missed at that point in my life.Not only the fact that I had 4 fat rolls standing upon my, 5 ft 2” frame but I was not very attractive,was continuously breathless, had hemorrhoids,Irritable bowel syndrome, psoriasis’s and lupus.I tried the classes and felt like a failure, a fishout of water! It was the instructors that kept megoing, they were out of this world and so werethe members. Judy Smith encouraged me tobelieve in myself enough to be an RPM instructor;she has been a constant inspiration in my fitnessjourney. I have moved on to BodyPump andnow to BodyCombat. I teach because I want myparticipants to reach their goals and I strive to getthem there. They may not necessarily like me at thetime but I was over that a long time ago!I am 61 pounds less, but that is only a number, Ihave a great attitude and truly love my job andthe people that I’m surrounded by each and everyday. If I can take from my experience and helpothers then I’ve reached my ULTIMATE goal.If I can do it so can you and I will get youthere.AnitaPersonal Trainer for Life – I’m your girl!Huntsville Woman’sToronto Group EXercise<strong>Fitness</strong>-a-ThonWhat happens when you bring together 40 fitness enthusiasts,18 instructors, a live DJ froma popular radio station andendless energy for 3 hours in aToronto Group EXercise studio?You have a successful and memorable<strong>GoodLife</strong> Kids Foundationevent.On Saturday May 2nd, this livelygroup rocked the Mount Pleasantstudio with a non-stop medley ofall our world class LMI programs.T otally hot music and energy from DJ RonYoung from 103.5FMO ptimal benefit for the Foundation in just 3hours of fun.R eally fantastic door prizes from local businessgiven out every 20 minutesO pportunity to introduce guests to our amazing club and the <strong>GoodLife</strong> Kids mission.N ever ending spirit and support from the members.T op fundraiser Catherine Gillespie won a Blackberry Bold donated by RIM.O bviously awesome instruction from our volunteer Toronto Group EXercise teamAs fitness professionals, we knowwhat a positive impact fitness canhave on our own lives and onthose with whom we interact. It’srewarding to be able to bond togetheras a team to raise $3,100for a super cause in which we allbelieve. One member at a time,one club at a time we can spreadthe word of this wonderful charityand truly make fitness happen in children’s lives!Susie SabapathyToronto BodyStep Team Leader<strong>GoodLife</strong> Kids Foundation’s mission is to reach the hearts and minds ofkids – to inspire them to want to be fit and healthy. All programs initiatedor sponsored by the foundation, promote healthier, life-long fitnessand nutritional habits for all Canadian children. Our goal is to provideactionable programs and informationthat will help to reverse theincreasing pandemic of childhoodobesity and health related afflictions.Contact lburrows@goodlifekids.comor visit goodlifekids.com.Page 17Spring/Summer 2009

Team comes together to raise awareness,donate blood... and to remember a friend!I first met Danny through our local gym, Body Plus over 10years ago; from the minute we met, our common interest wasthe gym, and the friendships we made there. Cycling wasjust becoming popular, and we were the ones there at 6:00a.m. with about 10others having the timeof our lives. Now, fastforward 10 years....The gym is now<strong>GoodLife</strong> <strong>Fitness</strong> andour cycling programhas grown to 20classes a week witha 50 bike capacity.We are now bothinstructors and hispassion for whathe did never wentunnoticed.It was a Saturdayin June 2007 whenI got a phone callfrom Danny, sayinghe was in thehospital for tests, andthey thought he hadleukemia... however,he remained positive, and Iremember thinking, there is noway... denial! Well, it turned outthat he was diagnosed with a rareand serious blood disease calledAplastic Anemia. For a year, mostpeople did not even know he waseven sick.... he received regularblood and Platelet Donations,which basically refueled his bodyand allowed him to function, andyes, continue to teach RPM, andteach it with the same passion!In June of 2008 he underwenta Bone Marrow transplant withthe donation from his amazingsister Rhonda. This surgery wasrequired to allow any hope fora longer life. Through this battle,he fought hard with his familyand his beautiful wife Lise anddaughter, Danielle by his side.Unfortunately he lost his fight to the disease a few weekslater.We are still in shock and think of Dan every day. Whenhe was alive, we talked in detail about blooddonations, as I am a regular donor, and heappreciated the donors more than ever, once hewas faced with the need for it. He said he wantedto have a clinic for awareness once he was better.Unfortunately this never came to be, but alongwith his sister, we organized a clinic at the gymon April 3rd and the response was overwhelming.The clinic will be an annual event, and with thedonations received that afternoon, there were 200lives affected! This is huge... a group of people cametogether with a common goal and through Dan’slife, we know we helped to save so many in a fewshort hours. Some statistics show that less than 5 % ofeligible people donate blood. You are all encouragedto donate – you can make a blood donation every56 days... please consider going into a BloodServices Clinic in your area and make a donation inDan Robertson’s Memory.Brad StanleyRPM / BodyCombat instructor Quispamsis COEDPage 18Spring/Summer 2009

AssociateSponsorship ProgramAre you looking to have<strong>GoodLife</strong> sponsor you in anupcoming athletic event?Here’s how the <strong>GoodLife</strong>Sponsorship Program works:1. Fill out the ‘Associate Sponsorship Request Form’found in the Policy and Procedure Handbook onPublic Folders and SharePoint 8 weeks prior tothe event date2. Email the completed form to policies@goodlifefitness.com. The People Department willreview your sponsorship request and will informyou of the final decision within 4 weeks. Due tothe volume or requests, <strong>GoodLife</strong> can’t guaranteethat all Associates will receive sponsorship.What you need to be eligiblefor sponsorship:• Be an Associate of <strong>GoodLife</strong>• Be participating in a sporting or athletic event• Be prepared to explain how <strong>GoodLife</strong> will berecognized for its support• Be willing to take pictures during the event andsend them to policies@goodlifefitness.comTara BatesEarth Run 2009Sponsorship Amount:Associates are eligible to receive between $200and $300 dollars toward their athletic event.Associate SponsorshipRequest Policy:The Associate Sponsorship Request Policy can befound in the Policy and Procedure Handbook onPublic Folders and SharePoint.Questions:If you have any questions regarding the AssociateSponsorship Program please emailpolicies@goodlifefitness.comMarie-Eve ChaineyA Day in the Life of a Renal Patient, September 2008Page 20Spring/Summer 2009

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Get Published in theFall 2009 <strong>GoodTimes</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>!Great Story, Recipe, Associate Success Story, <strong>Fitness</strong> Tip, Member Success Story, Suggestion for<strong>GoodLife</strong>, Event, Idea, Club Spotlight, Pictures, Sport Success Story, Associate Announcement,Department Spotlight… or anything else to share with your fellow <strong>GoodLife</strong> Associates?Send your ideas and/or feedback to Shawn Gibsonat (519) 661-0190 ext. 299 or sgibson@goodlifefitness.comThis is Your magazine, get involved!FSC logo to bedropped in bythe printer<strong>GoodLife</strong> cares about the environment – this magazine is FSC Certified.

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