1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting ...

1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting ...

1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting ...

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<strong>MINUTES</strong><strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>Thursday, November 4, 2010 from 7 – 9 pm1. Welcome & Attendance (Quorum) & AcknowledgementsIn attendance were: Diane Abboud (VPl), Ann Arden, Cindy Ace, Shannon Bain, Angie Bickmore, ChrystalBrown, Marg Clunie, Jen Danby-McDonald, Wilfrid Grassau (teacher), Gisèle Gratton (teacher), Luisa Kuca,Julie McDonald, Susanna Penning, Laurel Perry-Hapli, Marnie Patterson (P), Rebecca Parke, Natasha Robb-Burrows, Tania Salvi, Leslie Segal, Caroline Stevenson, Mike Stevenson, Lauriel Wills, Heather WilsonRegrets: Lori Blinn, Tina Eggens, Crystal Kirkpatrick, Tracy Lager, Christine Mercier, Laurie Rail, KimSheldrick, Wendy Spenst, Leon Brown, Gail SouliereIn Heather‟s opening remarks she passed around a retirement card for Sandy; also, one of our bus drivers,Laura Goodwin, passed away this fall after a battle with cancer – a card was also circulated for Laura‟s family.CVES students from Katherine Ryan‟s class were featured in the Ottawa Citizen (Monday, November 1 on the“WORD” page - a monthly page for kids‟ creative reading and writing). A thank you note was received fromKatherine Ryan for her classroom honorarium.2. Digital Microscope Presentation – Wilfrid Grassau (teacher)Demonstration of digital microscope purchased with funds from CVESC – prepared slide with a beaker of pondwater from our pond (can see different microorganisms). The digital microscope is hooked up to a media cartand can project the view; can also capture still photos and video. This is used with science students in Grades7 & 8. Heather thanked Wilf for sharing with parents how CVESC funds support teachers and student learningin the classroom.3. Approval of Agenda & October MinutesLuisa makes a motion to approve the agenda. Laurel seconds. Motion carries.Tania makes a motion to approve the October minutes. Marg seconds. Motion carries.4. Appointment of New Member at Large (Chrystal Brown) – Heather5. Treasurer’s Report – SusannaClosing bank balance as of Oct 14 th $55,978.49 (last meeting)Expenses: Lunch Day $2,009.34, Milk invoices $2,979.10, Classroom Resource Fund $50, Entertainmentbooks $11,289.59, Bank charges $14.00 Revenues: Milk $39.60, Food Day $292.10, <strong>Council</strong> T-shirts $400, Entertainment books $17,099 Current book balance $57,586.21Projected Budget for 10-11 <strong>School</strong> YearINCOME NET 1Milk program $3500Food program $5600 (based on 20% profit margin 09-10)Meet the Teacher $1695Xmas shopping day $1000MacMillans $3500Entertainment Books $11640Mabel‟s Labels $ 2001 Does not include any grants nor donations to the school playground account ($1125).1

Fun Night 2 $3000Used Book Sale $2500<strong>School</strong> Supply Kits $ 360OCDSB SC grant $ 500Dance a Thon 3$6000 (net of prizes)Lions donation $ 500PRO Grant $1000Total Net $40,995EXPENSESReserve requirement $1000Administration 4 $2500Class Resource Fund $3600French Library Books $ 500Playground Painting $ 830Playground Consumables 5 $ 500PRO Grant $1000Total $9930Still unclear how much the magazine and toy sale will generateCASH FLOWOpening Balance $16,013 + Net Income $40,995 – expenses $9,930 = $47,078 available towards PlaygroundImprovement ProjectAdministrative Fund250 photocopy costs220 bus driver gifts200 staff recognition (custodian, office & admin staff, teacher rep, librarytechnician)250 staff appreciation lunch (dish rentals and flowers)400 student recognition (library helpers, green team, Kelso‟s Pals &Ambassadors)250 bank charges (monthly service charges, cheques)35 OCASC membership180 <strong>Council</strong> liability insurance600 Constant Contact (e-newsletter) & Dreamweaver (website)115 Miscellaneous$2500 Subtotal6. Environment Report – NatashaUpdate on Status of Playground Improvement Project (Primary Play Structure) including Funds Raised 6Natasha has met with 2 suppliers: Playground Planners and Henderson.2 Under consideration as to whether to ask Scotiabank again for their community event fundraising matching supportprogram.3 Under consideration as to whether to host again.4 Itemized on reverse.5 Chalk, crazy carpets, sand toys.6 $7,500 x 3 (2009/10 <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> earmarked funds, City of Ottawa & OCDSB matching grants) + $1700 (Meet theTeacher) + $500 (Lions) + $11,500 (Ent. Books) + (school account $950 Entrepreneurial Adventure donation + $125 + $50donations) = $37,3252

Our current estimates use sand. If funds allow, we would like to NOT use sand but cedar weave instead forgreater accessibility, safety and to avoid cleaning issues sand poses in the school.Giselle will coordinate/send a thank you to the Metcalfe & District Lions club (from students) for their recentdonation of $500 for the primary play structure.Play Structure fundraising update:We now have about $38,000 of the $45,000 for the primary play structure.The OCDSB has committed $30,000 for replacement of the junior play structure (through insurance).Marnie noted that if we tender both structures at the same time, Purchasing at the OCDSB suggests it may bebeneficial (i.e., save money when doing 2 structures at once).Susanna indicated that we are in a very strong financial position this year and it is realistic to think we couldachieve the financial resources required to do both the primary and junior play structures.Heather asked whether <strong>Council</strong> should take on both the primary and the junior play structure projects this yeargiven the new information above, the support of very committed volunteers around the school <strong>Council</strong> tableand the momentum to date. Those in attendance expressed overwhelming support to expanding theplayground improvement project to include both primary and junior structures this year.7. Fundraising/Activities Reporta) MacMillan‟s – Susanna final date for sending in orders is Friday, November 5 (but orders accepted until Tuesday, November 9)b) QSP Magazine & Samko Miko Toy Sale – Marg, Laurel, Caroline reminder that magazine orders need to have the CVES number (paper and online) Toy sale starts on Friday; Group name is CVES; original receipt must be stamped and sent into school(no returns/refunds allowed anyway) Luisa will send a reminder email can be sent home about the Toy Sale Giselle will send a message to CVES teachers to make sure that receipts and magazine orders comeinto the officec) Update on Tupperware & Fundscript Gift Cards – Marg & Caroline we did not proceed with these fundraisers. We could not set-up Tupperware online like Mabel‟s Labelsand after further inquiry, Fundscript Gift Cards seemed to be a lot of set-up and ongoing paperwork forlittle return. It was decided to focus on the Magazines and Toy Sale for Christmas.d) Mabel‟s Labels has raised $404.84 since November 2009e) Christmas Shopping Day (December 13 & 14) / Craft Day (December 16) this year Grade 5 & 6 students will be included in Christmas Shopping Day the craft for Grade 7 & 8 students - make spiders for Megan Swift‟s fundraiser for breast cancer (soldat Farmer‟s Markets)g) Fundraising Plan Discussion (Vision, Mission, Scope for 2010/11) - MikeA preliminary fundraising vision statement for was shared with the group: Raise funds from Parents, our community, and local businesses to fund projects that enhance theeducation and lives of our studentsA preliminary statement of the fundraising mission was shared with the group: Engage people in activities and opportunities which make them feel involved and not coerced. Bemindful and respectful of our parents‟ time and finances by being selective in both the timing andnature of our fundraisers.3

Produce clear and concise communication identifying that participation and spending is voluntary andparticipation involves choice since we have a range of programs, and participation is meaningful toeach person. Fundraising involves not only contribution of money but also your time and expertisesharing. Ensuring that everyone involved has a clear understanding of how their time and money willbe used to enhance the education and lives of our students.Discussion of how we want to structure the fundraising team A distinction was made between CVESC sponsored events and fundraising. Events do not have toinvolve fundraising but are also “community building”. Several parents reiterated the <strong>Council</strong> position that we must fundraise towards specific goals – not justfor the sake of fundraising. We need to clearly communicate to the CVES community why we arefundraising. A suggestion was put forth that there be a fundraising committee with various people taking on specific“events” or “fundraisers”, the group having a leader and meeting/communicating via email to get a lotof the ground work done outside of <strong>Council</strong> meetings but reporting back to <strong>Council</strong> withrecommendations. Jen indicated she would like to coordinate the corporate matching campaign, Margand Laurel will continue to coordinate fundraisers like the Entertainment Book and QSP magazines,Caroline is coordinating the Toy Sale, Marg, Laurel and Caroline will work together to coordinateChristmas Shopping Day, etc. Shannon would like to look after communications for the fundraisingprojects. Heather would like a channel for parents to be able to contribute fundraising ideas - Perhaps a formcould be developed with requirements/parameters that could be sent into website and promotedthrough the newsletter.As a <strong>Council</strong> team – we need criteria to define what is a “good fundraiser” Money raised Student/parent engagement Number of volunteers needed Approximate time needed to coordinate and manage Develop post event form to address what went well, what didn‟t, did it meet or miss our financial goal,recommendations for next year Speak about how we go about thanking people to ensure donor response year over yearDetermine yearly plan Determine number of events for the year Determining which events and in which months Yearly $ plan Individual event $ goalsRight now we have two people in charge of fundraising (Marg & Laurel). Heather and Mike suggested that itmight be a good idea to have a fundraising sub-committee. Who is interested in joining this group? (severalpeople indicated interest – Caroline, Marg, Laurel, Tania, Cindy, Angie, Julie). Heather asked Mike to chair thisgroup and he accepted.h) Service Organizations, Area Businesses, CVES Parent Employers Campaign & Aviva Community Fund –Natasha, Jen, ShannonThere is a need for communications to service organizations, local businesses and parent employers about theplayground improvement project to raise awareness and generate donations. Heather suggested that Marnieneeds to see all communication from <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> out of mutual respectA coordinated, targeted and horizontal approach to messaging is recommended to raise approximately$100,000 ($90,000) in support of the playground project (see Appendix A – Communication Strategy –Shannon)Need to be careful with messaging of funds from Board insurance – need to emphasizeWe need a letter drafted about change in playground fundraising – now we are supporting BOTHstructures4

Need about 4 students spokespeople for campaign – different agesNeed media releasePick a date for launch of fundraising campaignNeed corporate letters to go outParent Employers campaign – send an email asking if parents have connections to businesses – Jen willcoordinate this aspect of the campaign. Mike agreed to draft a letter with input from Shannon, Jen, Marnie andHeather.New Fundraising Ideas Since October meeting:House Tour & Smoothie Sale & Sports Night (like volleyballathon but for younger students) – Angie BickmoreSports Swap – Claire GriffithsFundraising Ideas Submitted Prior to October <strong>Meeting</strong>Coffee – Nicole BrookingAcorn Custom Cards http://www.acorncustomcards.com/fundraising.php - Natasha Robb-BurrowsBoo Boo Kits– Eastwood familyToy Sale, Magazines (www.ccrp.ca), Oranges, Cinnabon, Christmas Fair – Caroline StevensonMagazines (www.qsp.ca) – Ann ArdenGames Night – Tammy St. JeanCookbook – Rhonda RobertsSilent Auction - Jen Danby McDonaldTalent Show - Jen Danby McDonald & Karen Warren & Lauriel have worked on a proposal for a talent show(possible date – April 2011) where the goal is NOT to be a big fundraiser (an EVENT rather than aFUNDRAISER). General support from <strong>Council</strong> for this event. Recognition that this type of event requires a lotof volunteer effort with practices and rehearsals happening outside of class time (see proposal Appendix B)Spaghetti Supper – Tina EggensAVIVA Community Fund (we have decided against this due to timelines)Corporate Donations (Telus),Art Auction - Shannon BainChocolate – Natasha Robb-Burrows<strong>School</strong> Dance – Tania SalviEpicure & Smencils (info sent to <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong>)8. Website Coordinator’s Report – Leslie SegalDemonstration of new website: cvescouncil.wordpress.comAnyone can update with a user id/password (not just one person)Central panel has news and information; Left side has <strong>Council</strong> information; Right side has fundraiserinformationLeslie will look into survey capability of wordpress; and “add a question” feature for website9. Volunteer Coordinator’s Report on the Parent Survey – Luisa & Tania204 responses to survey which represents 291 students (43%)Highest Volunteer Responses were for the following programs:o Xmas Shopping Day (93)o FUN Night (59)o Used Book Sale (43 plus 21 need info)Lowest responses were for all committees, with the exception of the Hospitality Committee5

the second floor Nov. 19 (at OCDSB offices), Dec. 17, Jan. 21, Feb. 18, Mar. 25, Apr. 15, May 20, June 109

Appendix ACOMMUNICATIONS STRATEGYShannon BainPlayground Project 2010Issue:To raise funds for the revitalization of the <strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>School</strong> Playground – and the construction of two play/fitnessstructures.A coordinated, targeted and horizontal approach to messaging is recommended to:Raise $100,000 in support of the playground project;Engage the community in the fundraising campaign;Highlight the importance of physical exercise for children with compelling stories from students;Demonstrate the impact the donations will have for children and families in our community;Ensure that the school and board are seen in a positive light through the fundraising process;Appeal to local politicians, business leaders and celebrities to get involved; andBackground:***NOTE: add information about primary play structure and junior play structure (fire details).***NOTE: add information about the impacts of fitness and kidsPublic Environment Analysis:Media coverage should include:Television coverage by the A Channel, CTV, CBCNewspaper coverage from community newspapers, Ottawa Citizen, Capital Parent, Ottawa SunStrategic Considerations:The play structure fire received little if no media attention – so we can use that story to help launch thecampaign;We already have funds raised that could be used to help launch and sustain the campaign and showmomentum;The positive impacts of fitness on a child’s overall development;Many companies now changing their focus to include ‘kid-friendly’ projects – for sponsorship;Partner with community newspapers to feature campaign highlights on a regular basis;Create donor ‘wall of fame’ ... to highlight fundraising partners – in-kind, sponsorship or donations;Have positive impact statement to address negative comments about school boards involvement in thecampaign;Create compelling stories from children about the loss of the play structure.To rally the community to get involved in the campaign – and take ownership of the project – taking somepressure off parents.Communications Objectives:As part of the playground fundraising action plan, the school council communications team will undertake tocoordinate media outreach and marketing initiatives in order to:Organize and execute a successful media launch for the campaign;Create strategic partnerships with media outlets to showcase the project;Create a sponsorship package with benefits to engage local businesses;Secure the attendance of more local politicians, media personalities and recognizable ‘celebrities’ at thelaunch;Find story angles and market these stories to local journalists resulting in features, interviews and articles insupport of the playground project;10

Overall, simply increase awareness in the community about the project and the school council.Communications ApproachIn our approach, we will:Develop and distribute extensive media kits that result in increased media attention and coverage for theduration of the project;Secure high profile members of the community to act as ambassadors for the project.In support of this strategy, we recommend:Impact stories to develop and promote to local media.Creation of a comprehensive a media list as possible to use as a foundation for all media outreach efforts.Confirm media partners: TV, Radio & PrintCreate a space inside the school that showcases the project .. and can engage children to get involved – andshow fundraising targets.Post information about event on all social media sites and event listings.Enlist help of big name personalities to serve as patrons for the event.Key messages:***NOTE: add information below# of students at the schoolPhysical fitness informationFire information and details about age of primary structureKey information about play structuresTarget Audiences:Targets will include:• Current student body and their families• Any businesses who the school is currently a customer• Media personalities and local celebrities and politicians• Local businesses• Big name companies with ‘kids’ as a focusCommunications Products and Activities• Creation of campaign theme• Create in school campaign ‘headquarters’• Create online campaign ‘headquarters’Action Plan and Timeline:Phase 1 – Week of November 22, 2010Secure media partners for the campaign.Engage local media representatives to provide emcee’s for the event.Do up corporate sponsorship package showcasing impact of play structure.Elect a ‘kid’ spokesperson.Select patron(s) for the event (Police Chief, media personality, politician)Confirm theme11

Phase 2 – Week of November 29, 2010Develop collateral materials for media launch – website, etc.Plan campaign media launchInvite key people to the launch: board officials, high profile VIP’s (politicians), etc.Plan out first ‘donation’ announcement to launch campaignCreate media release for launchPhase 3 – Week of December 13, 2010Host playground fundraising launch.Add photos, etc from launch to website***NOTE: add timeline for fundraising cheque announcementsPhase 4 – Week of June 20, 2011Groundbreaking on new playground – include all students, media, VIP’sNOTE: construction takes place throughout the summerPhase 5 – Week of September 5, 2011Official opening of new playgroundDonor plaque unveiled inside the school12

Appendix B“<strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Has Talent”Karen WarrenEvent: A school talent show featuring <strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> students as the performers and organizers (withguidance from parents/teachers)When: possibly April 2011 (TBD)Show time: Afternoon and/or evening performance (TBD)Timeline:- Announcement – beginning of December- Sign-up – beginning of January- Auditions – mid-January – mid-February- Practice/Rehearsals – mid-February – AprilRoles for Student Organizers:- Design poster to recruit talent- Design poster to advertise show (class contest?)- Determining logistics (admission fee,- Advertising- Photography- Design program- Master of Ceremonies- Lighting, stage hands- SoundBudget:- Photocopying expenses- Sound system (depending on what is available at school)Next Steps:1. Approval from Principal2. Determine date and time3. Reserve school gymnasium4. Notice to parent community to recruit volunteers5. Notice to student community to recruit organizersBenefits1. Opportunity for <strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> students to showcase their talent2. Opportunity for students to improve their skills3. <strong>School</strong> spirit4. Building self confidence5. Promoting the school community6. Promoting arts within the schoolWe are not expecting this event to be a major fundraiser. Students will be able to determine admission feesand may potentially raise funds.13

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