CMI RII User Manual

CMI RII User Manual

CMI RII User Manual

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Handling of Design TablesCATIA V5 Design Tables can be stored in Teamcenter. Both CSV and Excel files aresupported. The Design Table dataset is linked to the Item Revision and to the CATPart.Design tables referenced by CATParts and CATProducts are supported.Design tables are not stored by default because of performance considerations; also, youneed a sound methodology if you allow the use of design tables in your methodology,since design tables have the power to change your product structures.The Teamcenter administrator needs to set <strong>CMI</strong>WorkWithDesignTables to 1 inthe Teamcenter preferences in order to enable the Design Table support.The CATIA administrator needs to set <strong>CMI</strong>_USE_DTFORPRODUCT=ON in the CATIAenvironment in order to enable the support of Design Tables and CATProducts.Display Design TableTo display the Design Tables in the CATIA structure the relation setting shown inFigure 75 must be set.Figure 75: CATIA setting for displaying relations in the structure treeCreate Design TableFor this use case an Item was loaded from Teamcenter to CATIA. Then a DesignTable was added to the CATPart with the CATIA Design Table command .Figure 76 shows the CATPart with the Design Table.54 <strong>CMI</strong> <strong>RII</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>

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