THE FOCKE WULF Ta 152 H1 1/12 Scale Combat Plane -

THE FOCKE WULF Ta 152 H1 1/12 Scale Combat Plane - THE FOCKE WULF Ta 152 H1 1/12 Scale Combat Plane -

1/4 x 1/2 spruceleading edgebuilt-upbalsa tipfoam core wing5/16" x 1-1/4" aileron(1-1/2" stock cut down)

cut out channel in wing bottomand epoxy in5/16" x 16" hardwood dowelafter wings are joinedtorque rodassemblycut outafter assembly

WING ASSEMBLY DETAIL<strong>Scale</strong> 1/2"=1"Epoxy wing halves together, install spar,servo tray of your choice, and a 1" x 1" plywing bolt support, then wrap 1 layer of3" wide fibreglass around entire wing joint.1/16" ply servo trayto suit your servo1/16" ply wing boltreinforcement onwing bottom<strong>THE</strong> <strong>FOCKE</strong> <strong>WULF</strong> <strong>Ta</strong> <strong>152</strong> <strong>H1</strong>1/<strong>12</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Combat</strong> <strong>Plane</strong>SPECIFICATIONSWingspan: 49-7/8"Length: 35-7/8"Wing Area: 3-3.5lbsWing Loading: 24.7-28.9 oz/sq.ft.Drawn by:Dan "Buzz" Paluzziemail: dpaluzzi@rogers.<strong>com</strong>Jan 21, 2004scale0 1 2 3Sheet 1 of 2

Exit pushrod thruport side of fuselageSupercharger Intake(Carve from solid balsaor foam)1-1/2" dihedralunder each tip

hardwood wing bolthold downepoxied to Former #33/16" T-Nut3/16" Nylon bolt1.5 degrees1/16" balsa crutchall 1 piecePaint crutch black before gluing canopy oncut this section out afterassembly for fuel tankFORMER #3(below)CANOPY FORMER AND FORMER #2A(above)FORMER #2(below) FORMER #1 and #1cut outafter assembly

1/4" WING SUPPORTDOWEL2mm coroplastfuselage bottomFORMER #11 degree ofdownthruston firewallgraingrainA3/16"balsaVERTICAL STAB


CANOPAND FHouse of Balsa 1/<strong>12</strong> scaleFW190 canopy1/8" x 1/4" balsa strips glued onto balsa crutch and shaped toconform to canopy sides(see FORMER 3 SECTION VIEW)1/8" plastic tube glued in place beforecanopy is attached to feed outreceiver antennathrottle andelevator servosreceiverbattery pack4mm coroplastfuselage sidesfoam core fuselageFORMER #3

2mm coroplastfuselage topY FORMERORMER #2ASupercharger positionFORMER #1AOS .25FX withBisson Pitts stylemufflerGreat <strong>Plane</strong>s 6oz fuel tankFORMER #2DAVE BROWN202L Mount

Top Fuselage Foam TemplateSide Fuselage Foam Templates (2 req.)

2mm coroplastfuselage bottomflutesCowl Detail

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>FOCKE</strong> <strong>WULF</strong> <strong>Ta</strong> <strong>152</strong> <strong>H1</strong>1/<strong>12</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Combat</strong> <strong>Plane</strong>SPECIFICATIONSWingspan: 49-7/8"Length: 35-7/8"Wing Area: 3-3.5lbsWing Loading: 24.7-28.9 oz/sq.ft.Drawn by:Dan "Buzz" Paluzziemail: dpaluzzi@rogers.<strong>com</strong>Jan 21, 2004scale0 1 2 3Sheet 2 of 2

Wing Tip TemplateWing Root TemplateBottom Fuselage Foam Template

4mm coroplast fuselage sides(2 req.)flutes2mm coroplast fuselage topflutes

1/4" dia. wing dowel hole2mm coroplastServo Tray1/8" ply

grain3/16" balsa3/32" music wireelevator joinersgraingrain

house of balsa1/<strong>12</strong> scale FW 190canopy4mm coroplastervo trayFORMER 3SECTION VIEWFORMER 31/8" PLYFORMER 21/8" PLY1/4" dia. wing dowel hole

FRONTCANOPYFORMER1/8" balsaFORMER 2a1/8" balsa1 degree bevel onboth these edgesto allow for downthrustFORMER 1a1/4" PLY2mm coroplastFORMER 1a4mm coroplastFORMER 2aFORMER 11/4" PLY FIREWALLFORMER 1SECTION VIEW1/16" balsa crutchcut away herefor fuel tank clearanceFORMER 2SECTION VIEW

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