YSI IQ SensorNet MIQ CHV Plus Module User Manual - YSI.com

YSI IQ SensorNet MIQ CHV Plus Module User Manual - YSI.com YSI IQ SensorNet MIQ CHV Plus Module User Manual - YSI.com

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSContentsM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS - Contents1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12.1 Authorized use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22.2 General safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13.1 Scope of delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13.2 Software requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13.3 Mounting for use in the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13.4 Connecting the valve control line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23.5 Connecting the <strong>com</strong>pressed air hoses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43.6 Function check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14.1 Entering / editing the name of an output . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24.2 Linking the output with a sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-34.3 Deleting a link with an output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-44.4 Setting the valve output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-54.4.1 Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-64.4.2 Sensor-controlled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-94.4.3 <strong>Manual</strong> control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-104.5 Checking the status of the outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-115 Maintenance and cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15.1 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15.2 Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16 What to do if ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-18 Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-18.1 Explanation of the messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-18.1.1 Error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-18.1.2 Informative messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-19 Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-19.1 Ordering & Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1ba76036e01 01/20120 - 1

ContentsM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS9.2 Service Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-110 Accessories and options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10 - 2 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSOverview1 OverviewGeneral characteristicsThe M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS valve module provides a switchable <strong>com</strong>pressedair valve for the operation of sensor cleaning heads.The M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS valve module registers on the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NETsystem as an output (V). It appears in the list of outputs and can belinked with a sensor. Thus, the valve is controlled directly by the<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET.Alternatively, you can also control the valve via an external switch. Theswitch can consist of one of the following:• any relay in the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET system• the relay of a measuring transmitter with the R option• any other switch (relay or sensor)The valve module is connected with the external switch via a controlline for this.WarningThe valve circuit must not supply any unauthorized voltages orcurrents. It has to be made sure that the circuit at any time meetsall requirements of a Limited circuit or Limited Power as well as ofSELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage). For more details, see chapter 7TECHNICAL DATA.ba76036e01 01/20121 - 1

OverviewM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSThe following application example shows a cleaning system consistingof the CH cleaning head and a M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS valve module:Application exampleM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSCompressed air tubingControl valveCompressedairSensorCHCHCleaning headFig. 1-1 Application example of the M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS valve module:Power supply and control line via the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NETPower supply<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET<strong>com</strong>patibilityWhen used in the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET, the valve module is supplied withvoltage by the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET.The M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS can be fully integrated in the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NETusing the M<strong>IQ</strong> standard module housing.The housing has the same characteristics as all M<strong>IQ</strong> modulesregarding stability, leakproofness and weather resistance. It alsoprovides the same wide variety of installation options (stackedmounting, canopy mounting, top hat rail mounting, etc.).1 - 2 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSOverviewTerminal stripThe M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS has the following electrical connections on theterminal strip inside the housing:• 1 x valve circuit connection• 2 x SENSORNET connectionNoteIf the valve is controlled via an external switch, only one SENSORNETconnection can be used due to the limited number of cable glands.SENSORNET connection 1 or 2 can be selected.ba76036e01 01/20121 - 3

OverviewM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS1 - 4 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSSafety instructions2 Safety instructionsThis operating manual contains special instructions that must befollowed during the installation of the M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS valve module.Thus, it is essential for the operator to read this <strong>com</strong>ponent operatingmanual before carrying out any work with the system. Always keep theoperating manual in the vicinity of the valve module.General safetyinstructionsSafety instructions in this operating manual are indicated by thewarning symbol (triangle) in the left column. The signal word (e.g."Caution") indicates the danger level:Warningindicates instructions that must be followed precisely in order toprevent serious dangers to personnel.Cautionindicates instructions that must be followed precisely in order toavoid slight injuries to personnel or damage to the instrument orthe environment.Other labelsNoteindicates notes that draw your attention to special features.Noteindicates cross-references to other documents, e.g. operatingmanuals.ba76036e01 01/20122 - 1

Safety instructionsM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS2.1 Authorized useThe authorized use of the M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS consists of providing acontrol valve for <strong>com</strong>pressed air-operated sensor cleaning heads.Please observe the technical specifications according to chapter 7TECHNICAL DATA. Only operation according to the instructions in thisoperating manual is authorized.Any other use is considered to be unauthorized. Unauthorized useinvalidates any claims with regard to the guarantee.2.2 General safety instructionsThe M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS is constructed and inspected according to therelevant guidelines and norms for electronic instruments (see chapter7 TECHNICAL DATA).It left the factory in a safe and secure technical condition.Function andoperational safetyThe failure-free function and operational safety of the M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSis only guaranteed if the generally applicable safety measures and thespecial safety instructions in this operating manual are followed duringits use.The failure-free function and operational safety of the M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSis only guaranteed under the environmental conditions that arespecified in chapter 7 TECHNICAL DATA.Safe operationIf safe operation is no longer possible, the M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS must betaken out of operation and secured against inadvertent operation.Safe operation is no longer possible if the M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS:• has been damaged in transport• has been stored under adverse conditions for a lengthy period oftime• is visibly damaged• no longer operates as described in this manual.If you are in any doubt, contact the supplier of your M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS.2 - 2 ba76036e01 01/2012

InstallationM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS3.4 Connecting the valve control lineNoteThe valve control line must be connected if the valve is not controlledvia the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET system.WarningThe valve circuit must not supply any unauthorized voltages orcurrents. It has to be made sure that the circuit at any time meetsall requirements of a Limited circuit or Limited Power as well as ofSELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage). For more details, see chapter 7TECHNICAL DATA.General installationinstructionsMaterials requiredToolsObserve the following instructions when attaching connecting wires tothe terminal strip:• Shorten all the wires used to the length required for the installation.• Basically, fit all stranded wire ends with wire end sleeves beforeconnecting them to the terminal strip.• Any wires that are not used and project into the housing must be cutoff as closely as possible to the cable gland.• Wire end sleeves, suitable for the connecting wires, with suitablecrimping tool• 1 x cable gland with sealing ring (scope of delivery M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS)• Cable stripping knife• Wire stripper• Phillips screw driver• Small screw driverWarningDanger of injury from lines that are under pressure. The<strong>com</strong>pressed air glands in the housing may only be opened by aservice technician authorized by <strong>YSI</strong>.3 - 2 ba76036e01 01/2012

REDSHIELDGREENSN TERMINATORREDSHIELDGREENM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSInstallationConnecting the controlline to the terminal strip1 Open the module.213X8X7X6 X5 X4ONX3 X2 X1OFF4ValveValveSENSORNET 2SENSORNET 15Fig. 3-1Clamping termination for the valve control line2 Screw the cable gland (pos. 1 in Fig. 3-1) with the sealing ring(pos. 2) into the left connection opening.3 Loosen the coupling ring (pos. 3 in Fig. 3-1).4 Feed the valve control line through the left cable gland in themodule housing.5 Connect the wires of the valve control line (pos. 5 in Fig. 3-1)to the clamping termination for the valve control line. Whiledoing so, pay attention to the specifications on the labellocated under the terminal strip.6 Tighten the coupling ring (pos. 3 in Fig. 3-1).CautionNo free wires must be allowed to project into the enclosure.Always cut off any wires that are not in use as closely as possibleto the cable gland.ba76036e01 01/20123 - 3

InstallationM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS7 Close the module.8 Screw a cable gland with sealing ring into the free opening andclose it with the enclosed blind plug (pos. 4 in Fig. 3-1) if it isnot used.9 Tighten the coupling ring (pos. 3 in Fig. 3-1).3.5 Connecting the <strong>com</strong>pressed air hosesGeneral instructionsOpen the <strong>com</strong>pressedair linePay attention to the following instructions when connecting the<strong>com</strong>pressed air hoses (they can be connected either way round):• Follow the specification of the <strong>com</strong>pressed air according to chapter7 TECHNICAL DATA.• Only use hoses that match the <strong>com</strong>pressed air connections.• Secure all hose connections with hose clips.Pay attention to the following instructions if you want to open the<strong>com</strong>pressed air line ( e.g. during a modification):WarningDanger of injury from lines that are under pressure. Beforeopening the <strong>com</strong>pressed air line, ensure that the section of lineconcerned is free of pressure. The <strong>com</strong>pressed air glands in thehousing may only be opened by a service technician authorizedby <strong>YSI</strong>.3 - 4 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSInstallation3.6 Function checkGeneral instructionsThis check is also suitable for the troubleshooting of malfunctions.If the valve is not controlled via the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET system, the valvecontrol line must be connected.To check that the valve triggers correctly, proceed as follows:WarningDanger of injury from lines that are under pressure. The<strong>com</strong>pressed air glands in the housing may only be opened by aservice technician authorized by <strong>YSI</strong>.1 M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS + <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET:Put the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET system into operation.M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS + measuring transmitter:Supply the power supply module with voltage and put themeasuring transmitter into operation.2 Adjust the cleaning intervals on the measuring system so thatthe valve opens.orOpen the valve in the Valve function menu with the <strong>Manual</strong>control function (see section 4.4.3).3 Check whether there is a <strong>com</strong>pressed air stream on the M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS.ba76036e01 01/20123 - 5

InstallationM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS3 - 6 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSSettings4 SettingsThe M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS module has a valve output.The M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS valve module registers on the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NETsystem as a valve output (V) and appears in the list of outputs.On the terminal or Universal Transmitter, you can• assign a name to the valve output (with the 2020 XT systems only,see section 4.1).• link the valve output to a sensor (see section 4.2)• erase the link of the valve output with a sensor (see section 4.3)• set the valve output (see section 4.4)• check the state of the valve output (see section 4.5)NoteThe general operating principles are given in the system operatingmanual or in the <strong>com</strong>ponent operating manual of the terminal<strong>com</strong>ponents.Functions for the valveoutput(see section 4.4)You can set the following functions for the valve output:• Cleaning(Setting of the cleaning procedure in the menu, Settings of outputsand links)• Sensor-controlled(Setting of the cleaning procedure in the menu, Settings of sensorsand diff. sensors of the relevant sensor)• <strong>Manual</strong> controlba76036e01 01/20124 - 1

SettingsM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS4.1 Entering / editing the name of an outputFor easier identification of the outputs, an individual name can be givento each output in the Edit list of outputs overview. This option isavailable with the 2020 XT system only.1 Open the Settings menu with s.2 Using d and g, select and confirm the menu item, Systemsettings -> Edit list of outputs.The Edit list of outputs display opens.3 Highlight a name in the Name column with d and confirm withg.Fig. 4-1130 - Edit list of outputs4 Select a letter, a numeral or a special character with d andconfirm with g.5 Complete the name of the output and confirm with g.4 - 2 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSSettings4.2 Linking the output with a sensorThe following steps describe operation with the 2020 XT system. Withthe System 182 (XT), the valve output of the M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS can befound directly under the Settings menu (see system operating manualof the D<strong>IQ</strong>/S 182).1 Open the Settings menu with s.2 Using d and g, select and confirm the menu item, Systemsettings -> Settings of outputs and links.The Settings of outputs and links display opens.3 Highlight the column with d and confirm with g.4 Highlight an output with d and confirm with g. The Linkwith... display opens.The display shows a list of the sensors to which a link ispossible.Fig. 4-2150 - Settings of outputs and links: Link with...5 Select a sensor with d and confirm with g.The output is linked with the selected sensor.NoteOutputs that are linked with sensors can be identified in the Ser. no.field of the Settings of outputs and links overview by the specification ofthe linked sensor.ba76036e01 01/20124 - 3

SettingsM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS4.3 Deleting a link with an outputIf a link of a valve output with a sensor is no longer required, the linkcan be deleted.The following steps describe operation with the 2020 XT system. Withthe System 182 (XT), the valve output of the M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS can befound directly under the Settings menu (see system operating manualof the D<strong>IQ</strong>/S 182).1 Open the Settings menu with s.2 Using d and g, select and confirm the menu item, Systemsettings -> Settings of outputs and links.The Settings of outputs and links display opens.3 Highlight the column with d and confirm with g.4 Highlight an output with d and confirm with g.Fig. 4-3150 - Settings of outputs and links: Erase link5 Select Erase link with d and confirm with g.A security prompt appears.6 Select Erase link with d and confirm with g.The link is deleted.4 - 4 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSSettings4.4 Setting the valve outputThe following steps describe operation with the 2020 XT systems. Withthe System 182 (XT), the valve output of the M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS can befound directly under the Settings menu (see system operating manualof the D<strong>IQ</strong>/S 182).1 Call up the measured value display with m.2 Open the Settings menu with s.3 Highlight the Settings of outputs and links menu item with dand confirm with g. The Settings of outputs and links displayappears.4 Highlight the Feature column with d and confirm with g.5 Highlight a line for the valve output (Cx) in the Feature columnwith d and confirm with g.The Settings of outputs and links display opens.6 Highlight the Valve function menu item with d and confirmwith g.Fig. 4-4150 - Settings of outputs and links7 Select one of the functions in the following list with d andconfirm with g.ba76036e01 01/20124 - 5

SettingsM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSFunctionNo functionDescriptionThe valve output is not used.Cleaning see section 4.4.1Sensor-controlled see section 4.4.2<strong>Manual</strong> control see section 4.4.38 Carry out the settings for the relay outputs with d and g.9 Highlight and confirm Save and quit with d and g.The new settings are stored.4.4.1 CleaningFunctionThe Cleaning function enables to start the sensor cleaning functionautomatically and time-controlled. The valve switches on or off the<strong>com</strong>pressed air for the CH sensor cleaning head.In order to set up the Cleaning function for a valve output, the valveoutput must be linked with a sensor (see section 4.2).The cleaning cycle consists of Cleaning duration and Adjustment time.During the cleaning cycle the Clean display for the sensor that is beingcleaned flashes. The outputs linked with this sensor are frozen. Themaintenance condition is active.After the Cleaning duration, the relay is opened. During the followingAdjustment time the outputs remain blocked.The outputs linked with this sensor are only released when the cleaningcycle is <strong>com</strong>pleted. The Clean display disappears. The maintenancecondition is finished.Testing theoperativenessYou can test the operativeness of the cleaning system as follows:manually open or close the valve with the <strong>Manual</strong> control function (seesection 4.4.3) and, while doing so, check the behavior of the cleaningsystem.Alternatively, you can test the operativeness of the cleaning system bychecking the performance of the function at the start time set up(reference time ± interval). To perform a test immediately, you can setthe reference time so that the next cleaning cycle will start in a fewminutes (settings: see following table).4 - 6 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSSettingsSettingsSetting Selection/Values ExplanationReference time (h) 0 ... 23 h Time at which aReference time(min)0 ... 60 mincleaning cycle isstarted. Furthercleaning cycles willbe performed at thetimes specified by thecleaning interval.Interval unitCleaning interval1 .. 7 d1 .. 24 h5 .. 60 min1/2/3/4/5/6/7 dor:1/2/3/4/6/8/12/24 hor:5/10/15/20/30/60 minSelection of rangeand unit for theCleaning interval.Repeat interval forthe cleaning function:Time between thestart time of acleaning cycle andthe start time of thenext cleaning cycle*.Cleaning duration 0 ... 300 s Duration of thecleaningAdjustment time 0 ... 900 s Time extension toallow the sensor toadjust to the testsample aftercleaning.* With short cleaning intervals, the adjustable values for the Cleaningduration and Adjustment time are limited. The following values apply:Cleaning interval Cleaning duration Adjustment time≤ 10 min max. 60 s max. 120 s≤ 20 min max. 180 s max. 300 sNoteWith this, the cleaning times are fixed. They only change when thereference time is changed.ba76036e01 01/20124 - 7

SettingsM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSNoteThe reference time and all further cleaning times relate to the date andtime of the system clock. How to set the system clock is described inthe system operating manual.ExampleSettingResultReference time (h):Reference time (min):Interval unit:Cleaning interval:120Hours (h)8 hReference time: 12:00 hoursThis specifies the followingstart times:04:00, 12:00 and 20:00 hours12t1at1brelayconditionclosed441t1 t1 t1opent2t2 t2 t2Fig. 4-500:00 04:00 12:00 20:00 24:00 TimeCleaning cycle1 Reference timeStart of a cleaning cycle (t1)Start of the specified Cleaning duration (t1a)2 End of the specified Cleaning duration (t1a)Start of the specified Adjustment time (t1b)3 End of the specified Adjustment time (t1b)End of the cleaning cycle (t1)4 Reference time ± Cleaning interval (t2)Start of a cleaning cyclet1 Cleaning cycle =Cleaning duration (t1a) Adjustment time (t1b)Linked outputs are frozen.t2 Cleaning interval4 - 8 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSSettingsCanceling the cleaningA running cleaning cycle is canceled:• Automatically– If the sensor switches to the inactive condition during the cleaningcycle• <strong>Manual</strong>ly– By pressing c– By switching on the maintenance conditionEach time the cleaning cycle is canceled, the valve closes immediately.If the cleaning cycle is canceled automatically, the outputs linked to thesensor are released immediately.If the cleaning cycle is canceled manually, the sensor is in themaintenance condition. The linked outputs are only released after themaintenance condition was terminated manually.The next cleaning cycle will be performed at the time set up.NoteThe valve closes in the case of power failure. The cleaning cycle iscanceled. As soon as power is available again the next cleaning cycletakes place at the specified time.4.4.2 Sensor-controlledWith the Sensor-controlled function, the valve is controlled by a linkedsensor. A sensor (or connection module) is required that sends signalsto prompt a cleaning cycle, e.g. the M<strong>IQ</strong>/VIS connection module for UV/VIS sensors.NoteSet the cleaning process in the setting table of the respective sensor.ba76036e01 01/20124 - 9

SettingsM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS4.4.3 <strong>Manual</strong> controlFunctionWith the <strong>Manual</strong> control function you can check the operability of thevalve. To do so, close or open the valve manually and, while doing so,check the behavior of the connected cleaning head.Setting Selection/Values ExplanationValve function <strong>Manual</strong> control The selected valveActionOpenCloseaction is carried out withSave and quit.NoteThe settings for other functions in the Valve function menu are retainedwhile the <strong>Manual</strong> control function is carried out.4 - 10 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSSettings4.5 Checking the status of the outputsThis function offers a simple overview of the states of all outputs.The open or closed state is displayed for each valve.With the System 182 XT, you can recall the states of the outputs via themeasured value and status display (see system operating manual ofthe D<strong>IQ</strong>/S 182 XT).With the 2020 XT system, the function, Status of output channels, inthe menu, Settings/Service/List of all <strong>com</strong>ponents can be accessed asfollows:1 Call up the measured value display with m.2 Open the Settings menu with s.3 Highlight the Service menu item with d and confirm with g.The Service dialog box opens.4 Highlight the List of all <strong>com</strong>ponents menu item with d andconfirm with g.The List of all <strong>com</strong>ponents dialog box opens.5 Select the required <strong>com</strong>ponent (column Model, entry M<strong>IQ</strong><strong>CHV</strong>PL) with d and confirm with g.The Status of output channels window opens.Fig. 4-6394 - Status of output channels6 Using m or e, exit the Status of output channels window.ba76036e01 01/20124 - 11

SettingsM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS4 - 12 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSMaintenance and cleaning5 Maintenance and cleaning5.1 MaintenanceThe M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS requires no special maintenance.5.2 CleaningM<strong>IQ</strong> modulesClean modules mounted in the open of gross contamination asnecessary. We re<strong>com</strong>mend to clean the worst of the dirt on the moduleand the area around it each time before opening in order to preventgross contamination from entering the open enclosure.To clean the module, wipe the enclosure surfaces with a damp, lint-freecloth. If <strong>com</strong>pressed air is available on site, blow off the worst of the dirtbeforehand. Keep the enclosure closed while doing so.ba76036e01 01/20125 - 1

Maintenance and cleaningM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS5 - 2 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS What to do if ...6 What to do if ...No <strong>com</strong>pressed air atthe outputCause– Compressed air supplyinterrupted or too weak– Supply voltage not present ortoo lowRemedy– Check the <strong>com</strong>pressed airsupply<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET:– See the chapter, WHAT TO DOIF... in the system manual– Error in triggering – Perform the function checkaccording to section 3.6.– If the valve does not switch,check the control– loose clamping connection– broken control line– defective relay output– valve output was not linkedwith a sensor (seesection 4.2)– incorrect setting of the linkedvalve output (see chapter 4)ba76036e01 01/20126 - 1

What to do if ...M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS6 - 2 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSTechnical data7 Technical dataDimensions144.052.2Front view:Lateralview:144.0Rear view: mounting:100 148Fig. 7-1Dimension drawing of the M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS (dimensions in mm)ba76036e01 01/20127 - 1

Technical dataM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSMechanicalconstructionMaximum number ofmodules in a modulestack3(plus a terminal <strong>com</strong>ponent in the<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET)Materials – Housing: Polycarbonate with 20 % glassfiber– Pressure hose sleeves: POMWeightApprox. 0.5 kgType of protection – IP 66– In accordance with NEMA 4XM<strong>IQ</strong> modules are not suitable for conduitconnection– NEMA 3sAmbient conditionsTemperatureOperationStorage- 20 °C ... + 55 °C (- -4 ... 131 °F)- 25 °C ... + 65 °C (- -13 ... 149 °F)Relative humidityYearly average ≤ 90 %Dew formationPossibleElectrical dataNominal voltagePower consumptionProtective classMax. 24 VDC via a separate power supplymodule.<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET:For details, see chapter TECHNICAL DATA ofthe <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET system operatingmanualSuitable power supply modules:– M<strong>IQ</strong>/PS– M<strong>IQ</strong>/24VApprox. 1 WIII7 - 2 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSTechnical dataInstrument safetyApplicable norms – EN 61010-1EMC product andsystem characteristicsEN 61326System lightningprotectionFCC, class AEMC requirements for electrical resourcesfor control technology and laboratory use– Interference immunity according toEN 61326/A1 table A.1– Resources for industrial areas, intendedfor indispensable operation– Interference emission limits forresources of class BNoticeably extended qualitative andquantitative protective characteristics asopposed to EN 61326/A1 table A.1Terminal connections<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NETconnections2Additional connectable SENSORNETterminator (terminating resistor)Note:If the valve is controlled via an externalswitch, only one SENSORNET connectioncan be used due to the limited number ofcable glands. SENSORNET connection 1or 2 can be selected.Valve switching contact 1Terminal typeTerminal rangesCable feedsScrew-type terminal strip, accessible byopening the lidSolid wires:Flexible wires:0.2 ... 4.0 mm 2AWG 24 ... 120.2 ... 2.5 mm 2Cable glands M16 x 1.5 on the underside ofthe moduleba76036e01 01/20127 - 3

Technical dataM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSValve circuitsSwitching voltageMax. switching currentApprox. 12 VApprox. 70 mAWarningThe valve circuit must not supply any unauthorized voltages orcurrents. It has to be made sure that the circuit at any time meetsall requirements of a Limited circuit or Limited Power as well as ofSELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage). These include the followinglimiting value specifications:• AC voltage: max. 30 V effective / 42.4 V peak• DC voltage: max. 60 V• Current limit: max. 8 A• Power output limitation: max. 150 VACompressed airRequired air qualityOperating pressureConnectionsDry, dust-free and oil-freeMax. 7x10 5 Pa (7 bar) absolute6 mm hose nozzles7 - 4 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSIndexes8 Indexes8.1 Explanation of the messagesIn this chapter you will find a list with all the message codes andcorresponding message texts that may occur in the log book of the<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET system for the M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS output module.NoteInformation about• Contents and structure of the log book and• Structure of the message codecan be found in the LOG BOOK chapter of the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET systemoperating manual.NoteAll message codes of the M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSoutput module end with thenumber, "432".8.1.1 Error messagesMessage codeEI2432Message textOperational voltage too low, no operation possible* Check installation and cable lengths, Follow installation instructions* Power unit(s) overloaded, add power unit(s)* Defective <strong>com</strong>ponents,replace <strong>com</strong>ponents* Defective <strong>com</strong>ponents,replace <strong>com</strong>ponents8.1.2 Informative messagesThe M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS output module does not send any informativemessages.ba76036e01 01/20128 - 1

IndexesM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS8 - 2 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSContact Information9 Contact Information9.1 Ordering & Technical SupportTelephone: (800) 897-4151(937) 767-7241Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM ETFax: (937) 767-1058Email:Mail:Internet:environmental@ysi.<strong>com</strong><strong>YSI</strong> Incorporated1725 Brannum LaneYellow Springs, OH 45387USAwww.ysi.<strong>com</strong>When placing an order please have the following information available:<strong>YSI</strong> account number (if available)Model number or brief descriptionQuantityName and Phone NumberBilling and shipping addressPurchase Order or Credit Card9.2 Service Information<strong>YSI</strong> has authorized service centers throughout the United States andInternationally. For the nearest service center information, please visitwww.ysi.<strong>com</strong> and click ‘Support’ or contact <strong>YSI</strong> Technical Supportdirectly at 800-897-4151.When returning a product for service, include the Product Return formwith cleaning certification. The form must be <strong>com</strong>pletely filled out for an<strong>YSI</strong> Service Center to accept the instrument for service. The ProductReturn form may be downloaded at www.ysi.<strong>com</strong> and clicking on the‘Support‘ tab.ba76036e01 01/20129 - 1

Contact InformationM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS9 - 2 ba76036e01 01/2012

M<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUSAccessories and options10 Accessories and optionsDescription Model Orderno.Cleaning head for online sensors with40 mm diameterTubing set, <strong>com</strong>prising:– 15 m <strong>com</strong>pressed-air hose– 1 quick disconnect coupler,<strong>com</strong>plete– 2 hose clips– Teflon tapeLong-range power supply for 100-240 VAC nominal input voltagePower supply for 24 V AC/DC nominalinput voltage<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET cable - please specifyrequired length in m when orderingSun shield for a unit of up to threestacked M<strong>IQ</strong> modulesSun shield for a unit of up to two stackedM<strong>IQ</strong> modulesMounting kit for fixing the SD/K 170 sunshield on horizontal or vertical pipesCHCH/EpackM<strong>IQ</strong>/PSM<strong>IQ</strong>/24VSNC<strong>IQ</strong>SNC<strong>IQ</strong>/UGSSH/<strong>IQ</strong>SD/K 170MR/SD 170900 107Y900 111Y480 004Y480 006Y480 046Y480 047Y109 295Y109 284Y109 286YKit for wall mounting of a M<strong>IQ</strong> module WMS/<strong>IQ</strong> 480 052YSet for panel mounting of M<strong>IQ</strong> modules;Panel aperture 138 x 138 mm accordingto DIN 43700 or IEC 473Set for mounting of M<strong>IQ</strong> modules on a35 mm top hat rail according toEN 50022PMS/<strong>IQ</strong>THS/<strong>IQ</strong>480 048Y480 050Yba76036e01 01/201210 - 1

Accessories and optionsM<strong>IQ</strong>/<strong>CHV</strong> PLUS10 - 2 ba76036e01 01/2012

1725 Brannum LaneYellow Springs, Ohio 45387 USA+1 937-767-7241800-765-4974 (US)FAX (937) 767-1058Email: environmental@ysi.<strong>com</strong>Internet: www.ysi.<strong>com</strong>

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