The ns Manual (formerly ns Notes and Documentation)1 - NM Lab at ...

The ns Manual (formerly ns Notes and Documentation)1 - NM Lab at ...

The ns Manual (formerly ns Notes and Documentation)1 - NM Lab at ...

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SEARCH/VIEW/DOWNLOAD NS SCRIPTS: You could search the d<strong>at</strong>abase using keywords by going to the “Searchd<strong>at</strong>abase” page. You could also browse through the entire d<strong>at</strong>abase by going to the “View d<strong>at</strong>abase” page. <strong>The</strong> searchfunction is very basic <strong>at</strong> the present <strong>and</strong> we hope to extend it as the d<strong>at</strong>abase begi<strong>ns</strong> to grow in size. Each script entryin the d<strong>at</strong>abase has the following inform<strong>at</strong>ion:Name of the scriptName of the author, author’s email-id <strong>and</strong> webpage(if provided)Description of wh<strong>at</strong> the simul<strong>at</strong>ion does.<strong>ns</strong>version required to run the scriptAny other comments about script <strong>and</strong><strong>The</strong> c<strong>at</strong>egory of the script Currently we have c<strong>at</strong>egories of Applic<strong>at</strong>ion, Tra<strong>ns</strong>port (TCP <strong>and</strong> others), Routing (unicast<strong>and</strong> multicast), Multicast protocols, Queue management, Wireless <strong>and</strong> Others (to include any other c<strong>at</strong>egory).Other rel<strong>at</strong>ed files At the right h<strong>and</strong> down corner of each entry there might be links to a NamTracefile, a scree<strong>ns</strong>hot<strong>and</strong> a webpage for the simul<strong>at</strong>ion script, if these files/inform<strong>at</strong>ion have been submitted by the author along withthe script.In order to download any script or any of the rel<strong>at</strong>ed files, simply left-click on the filename <strong>and</strong> a download dialog boxwill appear where you can provide the p<strong>at</strong>h to download the file to.SUBMIT NS SCRIPTS TO INVENTORY: Incase you have simul<strong>at</strong>ion scripts suitable for classroom demo<strong>ns</strong>tr<strong>at</strong>io<strong>ns</strong>, youcould submit them to the inventory. You have to ATLEAST submit the following in order to successfully upload yourscript:Name of authorAuthor’s E-mailidName of script (<strong>and</strong> p<strong>at</strong>h to the loc<strong>at</strong>ion of your script) to contributeBrief description of scriptVersion of NS script usesC<strong>at</strong>egory for the scriptYou may OPTIONALLY provide the following along with the above required fields:Author’s WebPageNamtrace file (namdump for your script simul<strong>at</strong>ion)Scree<strong>ns</strong>hot (an image of your nam screen)Webpage (pointer to webpage you may have for the script)Other comments, if anyImportant: We suggest th<strong>at</strong> you provide the namtracefile alongwith your script since many users might want to use thenamtrace only, for visualiz<strong>at</strong>ion, <strong>and</strong> download script only when they want to make any changes to the simul<strong>at</strong>ion.47.2 Using NAM for educ<strong>at</strong>ional purposesInorder to visualize an <strong>ns</strong> simul<strong>at</strong>ion, you need to have the NAM tool i<strong>ns</strong>talled. You could either simply download the nambinary for your pl<strong>at</strong>form or download the nam distribution <strong>and</strong> build in your machine. <strong>The</strong> link for getting nam binaries aswell as nam source is http://www.isi.edu/<strong>ns</strong>nam/nam which also happe<strong>ns</strong> to be the nam homepage.Steps to use nam in powerpoint: After opening powerpoint, go to “Slide Show” (visible on the top menu) <strong>and</strong> click on “actionbutto<strong>ns</strong>”. Select the type of button you prefer. This would cre<strong>at</strong>e a button for your slide. Clicking on your button will popup an “Action Setting" window. I<strong>ns</strong>ide the window, there is a place called “Run Program” where you can define your namprogram to run.415

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