Spring 2013 - D'Youville College

Spring 2013 - D'Youville College

Spring 2013 - D'Youville College


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usiness careers, Joe’s early recollectionsof teaching at D’Youville in 1968 includea sense of respect and deep appreciationfrom his students. He recalls a sense ofpurpose among the students as they foughtagainst societal norms that suggested thatthey should not be in college because theywere women.As a co-educational institution, D’Youvillecontinues to offer progressive, forwardthinkingbusiness programs. In 2012, wegraduated nearly 100 business majorswith undergraduate-level accounting,management, exercise and sports studies,and information technology degrees, andgraduate-level international businessand MBA degrees. Currently, the 333business department majors represent 11percent of the students at D’Youville. Newprograms are introduced continually andstudent enrollments continue to expand.The business department is excited bythe prospect of continuing the D’Youvilletradition of innovative educationalopportunities for the next 100 years.I would like to acknowledge AmyVilz (college archivist) and JosephFennell for their help in gatheringinformation for this article.– Bonnie K. Fox Garrity, EdDDEPARTMENTENROLLMENT TRENDS350300250200150100• The CPA-certified accountingprogram is introduced• The first graduate-level businessprogram is introduced in healthservices administration1980s501994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012• Exercise and sports studies degreeprogram is added• MBA program introduced2000sJoseph Fennell, MBA, joins faculty1960s1970s• Managementdegree added• Programsinclude business,economics andmanagement• D’Youvillebecomesco-educational1990s• International Businessprograms (5-yr BS/MSand MS) are introduced• The Advance managementdegree completion programis introduced2010• The existinginformationtechnologyprogram joinsthe businessdepartment 2012• Joseph Fennelcelebrates 45 yearsalumni.dyouville.edu 21

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