Spring 2013 - D'Youville College

Spring 2013 - D'Youville College

Spring 2013 - D'Youville College


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SPANNING A DECADEBUSINESSA CORNERSTONE OFD’YOUVILLE’S HISTORYD’Youville <strong>College</strong> has a long, progressivehistory of providing business education.d’Youville, for whom the college is named,became the director of a Montreal hospitalwhen it was falling into ruin and heavilyin debt. She and her fellow nuns rebuiltthe hospital and cared for those in need Dr. Bonnie K. Fox Garrityimpossible task for any business leadertoday, but this was a much more impressiveaccomplishment when you consider thatshe was a woman leading a hospital in 1747.In this spirit, D’Youville <strong>College</strong>, an allwomen’scollege until 1970, began trainingwomen for careers as leaders in businessvery early in its history. In 1910, there was anelective course encompassing commerciallaw, business organization, patents andcopyrights. By 1913, a minor in economicswas added and, in 1917, a bachelor’s degreegraduated from this program in 1922. Theclass of 2012 marked the 90th graduatingclass of business majors.Throughout nearly half of the businessdepartment’s 100-year history, one facultymember has provided the students andfaculty with steadfast leadership, friendshipand guidance. Alumni who graduated inthe last 44 years may remember Mr. JosephFennell. Joe joined the business departmentfaculty in 1968 as a recent graduate of theMBA program at Columbia University.This academic year will mark Joe’s 45thyear at D’Youville <strong>College</strong>.Perhaps because D’Youville was on thecutting edge of educating women for• The first twostudents inthe secretarialstudies programgraduate1920s1910s• Elective course covering commerciallaw, business organization, patentsand copyrights offered• Minor in economics offered• Bachelor of science degree insecretarial studies introduced in 1917• Departmentname changesto businessadministration• The Gregg-OrianBusiness Clubstarted1930s• Bachelor of science incommerce offered• Division of businesseducation established1940s1950s• Degrees offeredinclude:bachelor of science inbusiness education,medical secretarialscience, commerce,accounting, business20

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