Spring 2013 - D'Youville College

Spring 2013 - D'Youville College

Spring 2013 - D'Youville College


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STAYING INFORMED - students, past and presentTHE SPIRIT OF ST. MARGUERITE CHRISTENEDSister Denise dedicates the new boat on avery rainy day at the West Side Rowing Club.October 27, 2012 was a cold and drearymorning not quite fit for outdoor activity,but that did not dampen the excitementsurrounding the DYC Crew’s muchanticipatedinaugural boat dedication. As theLady Spartan rowers celebrate their tenthanniversary this year, the team welcomedsupporters down to the West Side RowingClub to share in their historic day.The sleek Hudson Hammerhead 4+glistened black in the teeming rain as itsat atop its stretchers on the front lawnof the rowing club, two crossed rosesadorned the bow in school colors. CoachJohn Dorn addressed the dedicated grouphuddled under the protection of the porchand thanked everyone for being part of theDYC rowing community. <strong>College</strong> presidentSister Denise Roche was then invited tocome up and say a few words about thenew boat’s namesake, St. Marguerited’Youville. After educating the crowdon St. Marguerite’s connection to DYC,Sister Denise dedicated the boat Spirit ofSt. Marguerite d’Youville by pouring waterfrom the Black Rock Canal over the bow.As the applause subsided, DYC CampusMinister Father Patrick O’Keefe blessedthe boat to complete the ceremony.The Spirit of St. Marguerite d’Youvillewent on to win its first race later thatmorning against longtime rival Cazenovia<strong>College</strong>. The Varsity 4+ lineup of cox:Meg Logan, Stroke: Lauren Ciurzynski, 3:Andrea Milleville, 2: Kaylee Martin, andBow: Lindsey Hurley completed the 2000meter course in a time of 7:31 finishing 1:37ahead of the Cazenovia crew.Without the generosity of those whocontributed during the fundraisingcampaign, as well as the support of theD’Youville administration and athleticdepartment, the boat purchase would nothave been possible.FORMER DYC SIFETEAM PRESIDENTAPPOINTEDAS MANAGERDenise Cotto ’03, was appointedprogram manager for the Niagara FallsEntrepreneurial Training Program lastSeptember.A past president of the D’Youville Studentsin Free Enterprise (SIFE) Team and amanagement and accounting major, shebrought her college and professionalexperience to the program.“I am very excited about the opportunityto be a part of this great program.… I am implementing many changes andpositive improvements to the program,”Denise told the Niagara Gazette.She plans to have participants build a virtualbusiness based on classroom knowledge.“It will better prepare the participants forthe mini business plan competition to takeplace at the culmination of the program.”Her program offers two separate businesseducation cohorts, one for those with limitedor no business knowledge and the second formore advanced students who will learn webdevelopment, bookkeeping, accountingmethods and business plan writing.The advanced session is presented byD’Youville’s SIFE team in collaborationwith the Niagara Falls Department ofEconomic Development. It is free to cityresidents.Peter Eimer, CEO at Brothers of Mercy,assistant professor of business, atD’Youville and faculty advisor for the SIFEProgram said, “Denise is an extremelyknowledgeable young lady. She is full ofenergy and has a passion for contributingto the betterment of her community.”Cotto, 32, worked with the InternalRevenue Service and is a CPA candidate.She has been involved in communityoutreach projects since high school andwas president of the Lafayette High SchoolZ Club and a member of the National HonorSociety. She started a financial literacyProgram for Cuban refugees that wastaught in their native Spanish language.Denise also managed a volunteer incometax assistance site for members of the WestSide community in Buffalo.18

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