Spring 2013 - D'Youville College

Spring 2013 - D'Youville College

Spring 2013 - D'Youville College


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STAYING INFORMED - our faculty and staffNURSING PROFESSORAT DYC NAMED TOBOARD OF HEALTHFOUNDATION OFWESTERN ANDCENTRAL NEW YORKDr. Denise Dunford, DNS, FNP, RN, associateprofessor and director of the family nursepractitioner program at D’Youville <strong>College</strong>,has been named to the board of trusteesof the Health Foundation of Western andCentral New York.Dr. Dunford is a member of the AmericanAcademy of Urgent Care Medicine, theAmerican <strong>College</strong> of Nurse Practitioners,the National Organization of NursePractitioner Faculties, the AmericanAssociation of University Professors andthe Emergency Nurses Association. Sheis also a member of the National BreastCancer Coalition, the Susan G. KomenFoundation Partnership and is a volunteernetwork speaker for the American HeartAssociation in Buffalo, N.Y.Dr. Dunford maintains an active clinicalpractice as a nurse practitioner in thedepartment of emergency medicine atBuffalo General Hospital.Dr. Dunford has received many professionaland academic awards and honors for herwork, including the National Competencein Aging Award from the EmergencyNurses Association in 2010; Women of Business Firstof Buffalo in 2007; Catherine McAuleyDistinguished Alumna Award from MountMercy Academy in 2003; OutstandingNursing Faculty Award from D’Youville<strong>College</strong> in 2002; and The Nurses’ HealthStudy 20-Year Anniversary Award, 1989-2009.She earned an associate degree innursing from Erie Community <strong>College</strong>, abachelor’s degree in social science fromthe University at Buffalo, a bachelor’s innursing degree from D’Youville <strong>College</strong>, amaster of science - family nurse practitionerdegree from the University at Buffalo anda doctor of nursing science degree from theUniversity at Buffalo.D’YOUVILLE BUSINESS PROFESSORKEY SPEAKER AT ‘FOR-PROFIT’HIGHER EDUCATION CONFERENCEDr. Bonnie Fox Garrity, associate professorof business at D’Youville <strong>College</strong>, was one ofthe key speakers at the Access, Competition,held at the Sanford School of Public Policyat Duke University recently.Dr. Fox Garrity spoke on the differences at these institutions.She was invited as a recognized leading publications in the Journal of CriticalEducation Policy Studies, co-authoredwith her D’Youville associates Dr. RogerFiedler and Dr. Mark Garrison.The national two-day conference wasattended by educational leaders in the area institutions. Approximately 100 leaders inD’Youville <strong>College</strong> is collaborating withUniversity Emergency Medical Services health workers on an innovative programfor emergency department (ED) patients.Under a $2.6 million federal grant, theBetter Health through Social and HealthCare Linkages Beyond the EmergencyDepartment (HealthiER) will assistMedicaid and Medicare patients in Buffaloafter they leave the ED. (The designation“Emergency Department” has replaced theappellation “Emergency Room.”) go to the home of the recently dischargedED patient to help with the ‘disconnectsituation’ once a patient leaves the ED,”says Lauraine A. Neal, RN, MS, assistantprofessor of nursing at D’Youville,program developer and the HealthiERproject coordinator for UEMS.“We will send the workers to high-risk,high-need patients that have been referredDr. Fox Garrity was invited to speak atthe Association for the Study of HigherEducation Conference in Las Vegas inNovember, and Dr. Dion Daly, chair of theD’Youville business department, presenteda joint paper co-written with Dr. FoxGarrity at the American Institute of HigherEducation Conference in Niagara Falls lastOctober.A graduate of the University at Fredonia,Dr. Fox Garrity earned her master of artsin speech communication degree at theUniversity of North Carolina and herMBA at Canisius <strong>College</strong>. Her doctorate ineducation is from D’Youville <strong>College</strong> Professional in Human Resources.She received the D’Youville Scholar of theYear Award in 2012 and was voted <strong>College</strong>Professor the Month by the D’Youvillestudent body in 2008.PROGRAM HELPS HOSPITAL EMERGENCYSERVICE PATIENTS AFTER DISCHARGEby the ED personnel and provide them withsuccessful linkage to primary care, socialor other health services in the community,”she said. Education, coaching on health,wellness, and disease self-managementwill also be available. Western New York and is voluntary. Itsgoal is to reduce emergency departmentvisits by 30 percent, and both hospitaladmissions and inpatient readmissions by25 percent.D’Youville will train the volunteer healthworkers in a three and a half week programand will utilize faculty and students fromthe college’s array of healthcare programscurrently on campus. They will providespecialized instruction on medicationmanagement, behavior change, physicaltherapy and nutrition.The University at Buffalo departmentof family medicine will provide care forpatients without primary care providers.16

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