Spring 2013 - D'Youville College

Spring 2013 - D'Youville College

Spring 2013 - D'Youville College


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ACADEMIC REVIEWPRESENTATIONS:G. John Abbarno, Ph.D. presented a paper atthe Eastern Division meeting of the AmericanPhilosophical Association (APA), December2012 in Atlanta. The title of his paper was“Ways of Philosophizing.” He attended theCentral APA in New Orleans, February <strong>2013</strong>to present a paper on “The Risks of PublicPhilosophy.”G. Jayarama Bhat, Srinivasan Marimuthu,Raghavender S. Chivukula, Majid M.Moridani, Fred K. Hagen and Lloyd F.Alfonso, Ph.D., presented: Aspirin acetylatesmultiple cellular proteins in HCT-116 coloncancer cells: Identification of novel targets.American Association of Cancer ResearchAnnual Meeting, March 31- April 4, 2012.Chicago, IL.Dattesh Verlekar, Madhav G. Pai andLloyd F. Alfonso, Ph.D., presented: A newvalidated HPTLC method for the quantitativeestimation of Amlodipine Besylate andAtenolol in tablets. American Association ofPharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting,October 23-27, 2011. Washington D.C.Denise Brylinski, Ph.D. presented researchon X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Imagingand Depth Profiling of PVC/PMMA PolymerBlends. <strong>Spring</strong> National Meeting of theAmerican Chemical Society, March 2012.Melissa Guarino, PharmD, BCPS, Posterpresentation - “Pharmacist participation oninterdisciplinary rounds to improve painscores and patient satisfaction.” Presentedat the Annual American <strong>College</strong> of ClinicalPharmacy Conference, Hollywood, Florida,October 21, 2012.Dr. Sukhwinder Lakhman was a guestspeaker at the Annual Conference of IndianAcademy of Neurosciences and InternationalSymposium on Translational Neuroscience:Unraveling Mysteries of Brain in Health andDisease - October 27th 2012 -Venue – GuruNanak Bhawan Auditorium, Guru Nanak DevUniversity, Amritsar, Pb, INDIA, where hegave a presentation on “Genomics: A need toKnow.”Laryssa S. Petryshyn gave a paperpresentation regarding documentation issuesfor foreign students. National Association ofForeign Student Advisors (NAFSA), BrownConvention Center, May 27-June 1, 2012.Houston, Texas.SEMINARS:G. John Abbarno, Ph.D. is organizingsessions at the 23rd World Congress ofPhilosophy that will convene in Athens,Greece summer of <strong>2013</strong>. The World Congressconvenes every five years and is dedicatedto general themes that embrace the diversityof philosophers from all over the world. ThisCongress has for its theme; “Philosophy asInquiry and Way of Life.” Dr. Abbarno ispresident of the Conference on PhilosophicalSocieties.Goodman, Margaret Anne, Ph.D.;Goodman, M.S.; Brennessel, W.W.; Binga,B.W.; Ryan, A.L. “Recent Progress onTris(pyrazolyl)methane and -ethane Ligands:Research at an Undergraduate <strong>College</strong>,”Symposium on Bioorganic Chemistry, June24-26, 2012, Oxford, England.Goodman, Margaret Anne, Ph.D.;Goodman, M.S.; Brennessel, W.W.; Binga,B.W.; “Tris(pyrazolyl)ethane ligandsmethylated at the 3-, 4-, and 5-positionsand their Fe(II) complexes”, 38th NortheastRegional Meeting of the American ChemicalSociety, Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 2012, Rochester,New York.In 2012, Joseph H. Jurkowski, Ph.D, MBA,CPA, CGMA, CRA spoke at the following:Taxation in China, KPMG; Affordable CareAct, Foundation of Accounting Education;Taxes, Taxes, and More Taxes, Lumsden,McCormick; Exempt OrganizationsConference, Lumsden, McCormick; LearningApplication to Accounting, Wiley FacultyNetwork; American Institute of HigherEducation - 8th International Conference -Niagara Falls, New York; Internal Control andFraud Detection, CPE Solutions, Inc.; BusinessResearch Council, Annual Conference,Oswego, N.Y.; Global Research Conference,Rio De Janeiro, Brazil; <strong>Spring</strong> Business TaxSeminar, Lumsden & McCormick; HIPAASeries: Confidentiality and Privacy underHIPAA for Health Care Organizations;Business Research Council, AnnualConference, Brockport, N.Y.Karen J. Panzarella, PT, Ph.D. presentedat Cultural Competence and Team Process,Kaiser Foundation Rehabilitation Center, 15thAnnual Symposium, High Performing ClinicalTeams: The Art and the Science, Oakland,California, November 5, 2012.PUBLICATIONS:Srinivasan Marimuthu, Raghavender S.Chivukula, Lloyd F. Alfonso, Ph.D., MajidM. Moridani, Fred K. Hagen and G. JayaramaBhat, Aspirin acetylates multiple cellularproteins in HCT-116 colon cancer cells:Identification of novel targets. InternationalJournal Oncology 2011; 39(5): 1273-83.David A. Gettman, Ph.D., Chapter 18 onBudgeting in Desselle, Shane; Zgarrick,David & Alston, Greg (Editors) “PharmacyManagement,” Third Edition, McGraw-HillMedical, 2012.Margaret Anne Goodman, Ph.D.;Nazarenko, A.Y.; Casavant, B.J.; Li, Z.;Brennessel, W.W.; DeMarco, M. J.; Long, G.;Goodman, M.S.; “Tris(5-methylpyrazolyl)methane: Synthesis and Properties of itsIron(II) Complex,” Inorganic Chemistry, 2012,51(2), 1084-1093.Rachel Gorodetsky, Hon SL, Geller RJ,Morgan BW. The Beneficial Auxiliary Role ofPoison Information Centers: Stewardly Use ofRabies Post-Exposure Prophylaxis in a Time ofShortage. APJMT 2012;1 34-37Barth, B., Cabot, M., Cheng, H., DiVittore,N., Fox, T., Fritz, J., Yasser Heakal, Ph.D.,MBA, RPH, Jiang, Y., Kaiser, J., Kester, M.,Shanmugavelandy, S., Staveley-O’Carroll,K., Tagaram, H., Tran, M. (October 1,2011). Combinational Therapies Improvethe Therapeutic Efficacy of NanoliposomalCeramide for Pancreatic Cancer. CancerBiology and Therapy, 12, 574-585. Retrievedfrom www.landesbioscience.com.Yasser Heakal, Ph.D., Kester, M., Savage, M.(October 25, 2011). Vemurafenib (PLX4032):An Orally Available Inhibitor of MutatedBRAF for the Treatment of MetastaticMelanoma. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy,45, 1399-1405. doi: 10.1345/aph.1Q363Stacie Lampkin Pharm.D., AE-C, TurnerAM, Lakshminrusimha S, et al. Associationbetween caffeine citrate exposure andnecrotizing enterocolitis. Am J Health-SystPharm. <strong>2013</strong>. Pending publication. AcceptedOctober 2012.Silberman, N., Karen J. Panzarella, PT,Ph.D. and Melzer, B. “Using High FidelityHuman Simulation to Prepare PhysicalTherapy Students for Acute Care ClinicalPractice,” Journal of Allied Health, Accepted<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2013</strong>.alumni.dyouville.edu 15

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