Spring 2013 - D'Youville College

Spring 2013 - D'Youville College

Spring 2013 - D'Youville College


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STAYING INFORMED - our faculty and staffCHIROPRACTIC DIRECTOR ELECTED TOACCREDITING AGENCY COUNCILKathleen L. Linaker, d.c., ph.d., executivedirector of chiropractic programs atD’Youville <strong>College</strong>, was elected to theCouncil on Chiropractic EducationInternational (CCEI).The Council on Chiropractic Education(CCE-USA), based in Scottsdale, Ariz.,nominated her to the CCEI. It is theaccrediting body that establishes andpromotes standards of chiropracticeducation stressing educational quality andpatient-centered healthcare in the UnitedStates. It evaluates achievement of acceptedstandards and encourages improvementand excellence in chiropractic education.The council is recognized by the U.S.Secretary of Education for accreditationof programs and institutions offeringthe doctor of chiropractic degree.Linaker has been a member of CCE sincelast year. “Dr. Linaker brings a broadbase of experience in higher educationgenerally and chiropractic in particular.We are very pleased with the level ofexpertise she brings to the council,” saysDr. Craig S. Little, D.C., council chair.She is a graduate of the University ofAlberta and received her doctor ofchiropractic degree from NorthwesternHealth Sciences University inBloomington, Minn. Linaker completedher residency in radiology at NationalUniversity of Health Science in Lombard,Ill. Her doctorate is from Loyola University.She joined D’Youville in 2009 andpreviously was director of radiology and anassociate professor at Canadian MemorialChiropractic <strong>College</strong> in Toronto.Dr. Gamble presents Malia Obama with hertrophy.D’YOUVILLE’SPROFESSORPRESENTS TROPHYTO PRESIDENT’ SDAUGHTERDr. Robert J. Gamble, professor ofeducation at D’Youville <strong>College</strong>, presenteda trophy to Malia Ann Obama, daughter ofPresident Barack Obama and First LadyMichelle Obama.Malia received the runner-up trophy inthe ‘15 and under division’ of the TennisTournament Invitational at Camp Robindel,a summer camp for girls, located on LakeWinnipesaukee in New Hampshire.“She came up to me after the briefceremony and said she enjoyed the day.She was very, very nice,” Gamble said.Gamble is long time director of the tennisprogram at Camp Robindel, The President’sdaughter, who attends a nearby camp, wasplaying in the tournament.EDUCATION FACULTY AT D’YOUVILLE PRESENTSPAPER IN PARIS, FRANCEDr. Gheorghita M. Faitar, assistantprofessor in the department of educationsince 2006, presented the results of herresearch initiative at the prestigiousFourth Paris International Conferenceon Education, Economy and Society,July 23-28, 2012 in Paris, France. Theconference brought together more than 400participants from 30 countries in an effortto delineate preeminent issues and solutionsof evaluation of education systems andeducation professionals. Keynote addresswas delivered by Règis Malet, professorof comparative education at the Universityof Lille, at the International Center forEducational Research (CIREL), and theeditor of international journal EducationComparee.Dr. Faitar’s presentation entitled “SomethingOld, Something New…in Pre-serviceTeacher Education,” discussed generalrecommendations and possible factors ofchange that might be amplified by the swiftdevelopments in national and internationalscientific career orientation policies.This study presented the latest developmentsin United States public education, andanalyzed the significant adjustmentsrequired under the implementation ofthe No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.Schools, districts and states had becomeresponsible for their students’ educationalaccomplishments and also held accountablefor their progress. As a result, a bettereducation needs to be offered not only tothe general student population, but also tothe teaching staff. The structural analysisformulated by Dr. Faitar emphasizedideas promoted by referenced longitudinalstudies specifying that the teacher traininghas to start earlier than before, and shouldbe done in accordance to the realities of amulticulturally diverse society. The resultsof the research leading to the generalconclusion of imperative change neededin training of new Science, TechnologyEngineering and Mathematics (STEM)professionals were based on the groundsof educational endeavors foreseen at thehigher institutions levels. The New Yorkstate higher education institutions offeringpre-service teachers training towardcertification consider critical characteristicsof an efficient teacher in today’s society.The pre-service teachers’ perceptionsregarding trends and needed initiative inconjunction with future national requestsfor STEM highly-qualified professionalsoffered valuable insights into much neededactions.10

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