Spring 2013 - D'Youville College

Spring 2013 - D'Youville College

Spring 2013 - D'Youville College


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“Before the new CCSS, academicstandards varied significantly from state tostate. Now, students from Massachusettsto Mississippi to Montana will be heldto the same high standards, which isimportant both for educational equity andaddressing the reality of student mobilityin our society today,” wrote CherylScott Williams, executive director of theLearning First Alliance in Washington,D.C., in Educational Horizons magazine.“Exposing students to a diverse set ofcontent knowledge courses in the liberalarts, mathematics and the natural sciencesprepares them to effectively work with thecommon core when they become teachers,”Dr. Lochte said.D’Youville’s five-year program startedin the fall 2012 semester, and studentscompleting the program will graduate withboth bachelor’s and master’s degrees.Dr. Lochte believes this revised programwill help address the shortage of teachersthat is looming in New York state becauseof aging teachers. Forty-two percentof New York teachers are 57 and older,according to the New York State EducationDepartment.In addition, the U.S. Department ofEducation predicts a shortage of teachersin bilingual education, chemistry,earth science, physics, specialeducation and technical education.D’Youville offers masters’ degrees inspecial education and teaching English asa second language, which can add extracredentials to a student’s resume.Dr. Lochte points out that D’Youville’sfive-year programs feature undergraduatetuition for all five years and are designedto have the student in the workplace with amaster’s degree, faster. “You can completethe teacher education requirements in fiveyears instead of what used to take fiveyears or more.”Today, it is recommended that teachereducation programs should be fiveyears as the norm, according to a recentstudy conducted by the WoodrowWilson National Fellowship Foundation.D’Youville was one of the first institutionsnationwide to inaugurate five-yearprograms in a number of majors in additionto education.Wayne Reilly, past member of the board of trustees, and his wife, Helen, enjoying the TrusteeReunion. In the background, past trustee, Mary Kirwan in conversation with current trustee,Carl Montante.TRUSTEE REUNION BRINGS BACK 35 YEARS OFLEADERSHIP AND MEMORIESLast September, President Sister DeniseRoche entertained current and formermembers of the D’Youville <strong>College</strong> boardof trustees in the newest building oncampus – the D’Youville Academic Center.Those present were invited to tour the newbuilding, viewing its large lecture hallsfurnished with tiers of D’Youville redseating, and its labs complete with modernequipment to accommodate the growingbody of pharmacy students.Guests who visited the sixth floor took noteof the stunning view of the Niagara River,Lake Erie and the Canadian shoreline.And everyone seeing the building for thefirst time was impressed not only by itselegance but its practicality.The tours were enhanced by the studentambassadors who volunteered for theirduty as guides.Save the DateHomecoming’13OCTOBER 4, 5 & 6alumni.dyouville.edu 9

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